The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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Going through H&M's visit to Nigeria I'm left with the, to be honest quite unpleasant, feeling of having watched a freak show.
I don't know for sure who in Nigeria organized this, but I have the distinct feeling that it was a case of: "look who I got to entertain us", rather than: "We are fortunate and honored to have H&M to visit us."
It's akin to a duo of has-been entertainers performing on stage oblivious to the audience giggling at them.

Harry is right, their window is closing and soon. Within the next couple of years W&K will take over in earnest and they will be the undisputed superstars of the BRF road show. H&M will be left in the dust. It will be even worse in ten years when George and in particular Charlotte is on the stage as well. H&M can't compete with children or young teens and they can't criticize them either, that would be shooting themselves in both feet at the same time.

So basically H&M need, repeat need, to rethink their future and soon.
Their feud with the BRF is already beyond boring not to mention counter productive and these quasi-royal appearances are so yesteryear that it is now a parody on themselves.
The press love them because a good drama needs villains. H&M come in handy, actually presenting themselves on a platter in that respect. But... while it is no doubt a lot of fun to play the villain on stage, being typecast as perpetual villains isn't!
So if I were H&M I would sit down and think: How can we rebrand ourselves in a way so we stay relevant, can make a difference to someone/something and be believed to trying to make a difference?
Because their competition with the BRF is over. They lost. They are left standing on the quay and the ship has sailed.
And with that ship sails every hope they may harbor of rejoining the BRF or somehow get an unofficial semi-royal role.

If they continue down that path they will inevitably be reduced to entertainers who at first performs at major venues, but soon and that's where they are going now, perform at small town theaters and eventually at country fairs, wearing increasingly garish make-up while they dream of a comeback that will never materialize. And losing their attractiveness much sooner than they dream of even in their worst nightmares.
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It seems like the Nigerian trip has been a roaring success for TRH The Sussexes. Hopefully they’ll be able to plan similar trips to other countries in the future!
Agreed. I thought there were a couple of clumsy moments but overall it seems to have gone really well for promoting Invictus and strengthening relationships between IG and potential future hosts/other participants. I think Harry and Meghan handled themselves well and I did not get any sense of them overstepping their bounds or claiming to represent anyone other than themselves and IG. They were invited and received well by their hosts who were very gracious and welcoming. Hopefully, we will continue to see Team Nigeria grow.

I would guess they will travel internationally more frequently on a smaller scale and bigger visits like these would be less frequent and perhaps limited to countries/cities that are either hosting Invictus and want to put on a show or want to put their hat in the ring for future bids. South Korea is said to be strongly interested in hosting in 2029 so I could see Harry and other member of the IG making a trip out there at some point.

I saw that Nigeria is planning to build a Nigerian "Invictus Centre" which will provide a space for "physical and mental rehabilitation" for Nigerian servicemembers. I haven't found a lot of information on this yet but it sounds like a great initiative. Hopefully done with support from the IG. This is the kind of additional tangible work that I think can make IG more valuable.
I have spent a lot of time in Nigeria and agree with Rael's assessment (post #2385). I don't think this trip will make much impact on Harry and Meghan's standing in Nigeria. However, it seems to have increased interest in helping injured service members, which is great. I am not really worried about the money spent on this visit because it wouldn't have gone to poverty-stricken individuals, regardless. My only criticism is that I think that many of Meghan's clothing choices have been inappropriate, even disrespectful, for a conservative country.

I'm sure Harry and Meghan are welcoming the increased interest in helping disabled military but they have also received a lot of positive publicity in the UK and US (I'm not sure about other Western countries). Unfortunately for them, I think it will have little long-term impact and there is a law of diminishing returns. They need something akin to Diana's landmine campaign to raise their international profile permanently.
I would guess they will travel internationally more frequently on a smaller scale and bigger visits like these would be less frequent and perhaps limited to countries/cities that are either hosting Invictus and want to put on a show or want to put their hat in the ring for future bids. South Korea is said to be strongly interested in hosting in 2029 so I could see Harry and other member of the IG making a trip out there at some point.

It would be a sorry state of affairs if countries who would like to host the Invictus Games from now on would need to create some kind of royal-like tour for Harry & Meghan to be considered.
It would be a sorry state of affairs if countries who would like to host the Invictus Games from now on would need to create some kind of royal-like tour for Harry & Meghan to be considered.
I did not suggest that this would be a pre-requisite for hosting the Games. But I do think it would be smart for the Foundation to have more events and possibly visits designed around promoting the Invictus Games to new countries, developing relationships with new participants, and fundraising as well given how costly the Games can be to put on. I don't see why Harry and Meghan couldn't be involved in this area - Harry more so, given that it is his project, but Meghan has always been well-received at Invictus as well. Future events like this may be more scaled down than what we saw in Nigeria - or not, depending on what the host country wants. I was not in any way suggesting that countries be forced to partake, however.

I disagree with the characterization of this tour as royal-like but I realize my view is in the minority here.
Couldn't agree more. I'm of Nigerian origin (Ibo). I left the country twenty years ago but still in touch with family and friends there. Nigeria is a country of 200m people with over 250 tribes with distinct cultures and languages. It is also a modern creation of Lord Lugard who drew a line on the map to carve out the country 'Nigeria'. Nobody can be 43% Nigerian. It doesn't exist. You have to be part of one of the 250 tribes and some of those tribes exist in Ghana or Cameroon. Nigerians know this but they don't feel strongly enough to react. It's just entertaining and they are always up for entertainment.

The truth is that on Nigerian terms, this visit is not significant and cannot be compared to a real royal tour. The Sussexes are not being treated as royals though it suits the media to pretend they are, knowing the British and American audience don't know the difference and don't know much about Nigerians or their culture.

While Nigeria is still a developing country and has its issues, I think it is slightly insulting to look at this mess and take that as representative of the Nigerian government hosting an international event or hosting royals. This visit and all the activities have been hosted and organised by the Nigerian army and military wives and it shows. The Nigerian government is not involved , that is why you see no Ministers or Federal Govt officials at any event. This is not on their radar as an official event. State Governors are autonomous so Kaduna and Lagos State governors can receive them without crossing diplomatic lines and governors receive celebrities all the time.

In my view and that of many Nigerians, the army didn't really go out of their way to put forward their best foot. The attempt feels very 'low effort' and cheap. The state of the locations and banners, the attempt at an inspection of the guards at the Defence HQ security post with mismatched soldiers. They could easily have pulled together a couple of platoons (of soldiers) and staged a proper inspection if that's what they were seeking to do but the Defence Chief is being very careful not to cross diplomatic lines while indulging his visitors with minimal effort and, in my opinion, he hasn't. He is entitled to host visitors without involvement of the Nigerian government. He obviously has his agenda for indulging in it but I promise you he doesn't give a hoot for Harry's feud with his family. He will do the same for any minor royal or celebrity as long as he gets something from it and is staying within his lane.

The whole itinerary for the Sussexes could be replicated, and probably better organised for other international visitors e.g. Kanye , Jay Z, Beyonce, Bill Gates etc. depending on who is hosting them. The difference is in the coverage outside of Nigeria. These celebrities I mentioned don't take their photographers and media to record every reception or visit and send out copy. This is the crux of the matter. The Sussexes and their media enablers are manipulatingthe fact western audiences don't know much about the country to present this visit as more than it is. From Nigeria's perspective, this is a nothingburger; the government is not involved, no recognised traditional ruler is involved, a gathering of c30 Nigerians around some visitors does not represent a country with a population of 200m. Nigeria has had previous royal visits and the difference is clear. There are longstanding issues but they can and have done way better than this.

This OTT coverage provides content for the media and opportunity to poke the BRF. It will blow over in less than a week and everyone will move on to the next thing. We've seen this movie before with the OTT coverage of the 'revenge' tour, the New York adventures etc. rinse and repeat. Nothing to get outraged about, none of these shenanigans affect the BRF or their diplomatic standing. It's just manipulative noise. The media wants to push an agenda and provoke reaction. The best antidote is the BRF's approach of just getting about their affairs which will stand the test of time.

I, for one, am grateful that they are no longer part of the BRF. Going by their activities since they left, they would have been a huge liability and the BRF dodged a bullet there in my opinion. Royal service is not about flash and noise but steady dignity, quiet prestige and disciplined resilience.

For the Sussexes sake, I hope they are able to find a purposeful niche and peace in their post-royal lives. This flailing around and seeming inability to move on from the BRF or seeking adjacency to royalty is not sustainable nor is it conducive to their long-term wellbeing.
Thank you very much for this most informative post - since you are of Nigerian origin, you have a unique and knowledgeable perspective!
Agreed. I thought there were a couple of clumsy moments but overall it seems to have gone really well for promoting Invictus and strengthening relationships between IG and potential future hosts/other participants. I think Harry and Meghan handled themselves well and I did not get any sense of them overstepping their bounds or claiming to represent anyone other than themselves and IG. They were invited and received well by their hosts who were very gracious and welcoming. Hopefully, we will continue to see Team Nigeria grow.

I would guess they will travel internationally more frequently on a smaller scale and bigger visits like these would be less frequent and perhaps limited to countries/cities that are either hosting Invictus and want to put on a show or want to put their hat in the ring for future bids. South Korea is said to be strongly interested in hosting in 2029 so I could see Harry and other member of the IG making a trip out there at some point.

I saw that Nigeria is planning to build a Nigerian "Invictus Centre" which will provide a space for "physical and mental rehabilitation" for Nigerian servicemembers. I haven't found a lot of information on this yet but it sounds like a great initiative. Hopefully done with support from the IG. This is the kind of additional tangible work that I think can make IG more valuable.
It should be noted that as of today IG have posted nothing on any of their social media accounts - and have reponded to no media requests about the trp to Nigeria. None - nothing radio silence. If this trip as for them - would that be their media response.
There is a lot about this trip that has charity workers scratching their heads. I struggle to see how Nigeria can host IG - the country does not have a good human rights record - homosexuality is illegal, stoning of women and Christians. Then google where these veterans fought their conflict - most was the civil war (possibly genocide) and the military coup.
I think this was more about Meghan and Harry's ego then about IG. Most of these events were planned in less than a month - which is unheard of from a security point of view. A lot was thrown out - and Archewell events were placed in to batter it up and provide photo opportunities. The events that were thrown out were to be indoors with no press. IG was used here - nothing more.
it is very difficult for a number of reasons. Does anyone know the charity - Livestrong. Good charity - bad founder. Charities do not have longevity if they are too closely attached to their founder. Does anyone know who founded the Red Cross, RSPCA or Save the Children? Charity work must never be used for personal PR. Which is why so many celebrities organized charities only live for 10 years. They exploded in the press and then die out as people realize that they were an extension of their PR company.
Harry and IG is a big problem - they are too closely related. IG bats above it weight currently. It is not the biggest Veteran organization in the UK - but if you look at the amount of coverage and free publicity it gets you can be forgiven for thinking it is. Sports participation is not really a requirement needed by the Veterans of the world - housing, living wage, employment opportunities and medical access are. So why is IG in the news all the time - Harry and his constant soap opera. It has brought in cash, but it is also now losing them donations as people are starting to wonder if it is nothing but the Sussex's personal piggy bank.
But the question is will IG still get any donations and PR without Harry? Are they better off without him. Personally, I feel it is too late - the taint is too deep.
Question - why did IG and Harry push for a high-profile ceremony of their 10th Birthday? This is not a religious organization, and a Church of England ceremony was not needed. If should be noted that no organization, - the Princes Trust, the DOE Awards, even organization like Red Cross and Save the Children have done this. If I am wrong, please correct me - I even looked at the Women's Institute and the Guides/ Scout movement. However, these organization do have Garden Parties and other get togethers at the palace. This charity seems to be only concerned with visibility and that is centered about Harry.
it is very difficult for a number of reasons. Does anyone know the charity - Livestrong. Good charity - bad founder. Charities do not have longevity if they are too closely attached to their founder. Does anyone know who founded the Red Cross, RSPCA or Save the Children? Charity work must never be used for personal PR. Which is why so many celebrities organized charities only live for 10 years. They exploded in the press and then die out as people realize that they were an extension of their PR company.
Harry and IG is a big problem - they are too closely related. IG bats above it weight currently. It is not the biggest Veteran organization in the UK - but if you look at the amount of coverage and free publicity it gets you can be forgiven for thinking it is. Sports participation is not really a requirement needed by the Veterans of the world - housing, living wage, employment opportunities and medical access are. So why is IG in the news all the time - Harry and his constant soap opera. It has brought in cash, but it is also now losing them donations as people are starting to wonder if it is nothing but the Sussex's personal piggy bank.
But the question is will IG still get any donations and PR without Harry? Are they better off without him. Personally, I feel it is too late - the taint is too deep.
Question - why did IG and Harry push for a high-profile ceremony of their 10th Birthday? This is not a religious organization, and a Church of England ceremony was not needed. If should be noted that no organization, - the Princes Trust, the DOE Awards, even organization like Red Cross and Save the Children have done this. If I am wrong, please correct me - I even looked at the Women's Institute and the Guides/ Scout movement. However, these organization do have Garden Parties and other get togethers at the palace. This charity seems to be only concerned with visibility and that is centered about Harry.
A really interesting post, I did wonder about the c of e service, Invictus is all inclusive , with I would expect multi religions and none.
There is a lot about this trip that has charity workers scratching their heads. I struggle to see how Nigeria can host IG - the country does not have a good human rights record - homosexuality is illegal, stoning of women and Christians. Then google where these veterans fought their conflict - most was the civil war (possibly genocide) and the military coup.
I think this was more about Meghan and Harry's ego then about IG. Most of these events were planned in less than a month - which is unheard of from a security point of view. A lot was thrown out - and Archewell events were placed in to batter it up and provide photo opportunities. The events that were thrown out were to be indoors with no press. IG was used here - nothing more.

it is very difficult for a number of reasons. Does anyone know the charity - Livestrong. Good charity - bad founder. Charities do not have longevity if they are too closely attached to their founder. Does anyone know who founded the Red Cross, RSPCA or Save the Children? Charity work must never be used for personal PR. Which is why so many celebrities organized charities only live for 10 years. They exploded in the press and then die out as people realize that they were an extension of their PR company.
Harry and IG is a big problem - they are too closely related. IG bats above it weight currently. It is not the biggest Veteran organization in the UK - but if you look at the amount of coverage and free publicity it gets you can be forgiven for thinking it is. Sports participation is not really a requirement needed by the Veterans of the world - housing, living wage, employment opportunities and medical access are. So why is IG in the news all the time - Harry and his constant soap opera. It has brought in cash, but it is also now losing them donations as people are starting to wonder if it is nothing but the Sussex's personal piggy bank.
But the question is will IG still get any donations and PR without Harry? Are they better off without him. Personally, I feel it is too late - the taint is too deep.
Question - why did IG and Harry push for a high-profile ceremony of their 10th Birthday? This is not a religious organization, and a Church of England ceremony was not needed. If should be noted that no organization, - the Princes Trust, the DOE Awards, even organization like Red Cross and Save the Children have done this. If I am wrong, please correct me - I even looked at the Women's Institute and the Guides/ Scout movement. However, these organization do have Garden Parties and other get togethers at the palace. This charity seems to be only concerned with visibility and that is centered about Harry.
Thank you for both of your posts. I concur entirely with your points.

I would say that it's not even centred around just PH any more. MM has hijacked it for herself. Together they are harming Invictus and its future, and like yourself, I believe the damage may have already gone too far.

Nigeria won’t ever hold the event. I wonder how long before Harry is encouraged to leave the IG.

I believe to have any chance of surviving, it is essential that Invictus parts ways with PH (and MM) as soon as possible. If it's not already too late, and they can demonstrate that it is no longer being used for H&M's benefit, and focus on the veterans 100%, they could find an appropriate high-profile patron known for their integrity, hard work and lack of self-promotion - or better still, a group of people who are not necessarily high-profile but will run the games in the veterans' best interests, like the Warrior games which was formed and is run by members of the US Military.
[...] The palace set this up for him to give him purpose and something to do after he quit the army because he couldn’t go up to the next level. […]

I’ve never seen someone throw family and everything away for money he was never in need of and fame he was born with. Grotesque really.
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[...], IG or anything else. The palace set this up for him to give him purpose and something to do after he quit the army because he couldn’t go up to the next level. […] I’ve never seen someone throw family and everything away for money he was never in need of and fame he was born with. Grotesque really.
That's a great observation and I entirely agree!
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Thank you for both of your posts. I concur entirely with your points.

I would say that it's not even centred around just PH any more. MM has hijacked it for herself. Together they are harming Invictus and its future, and like yourself, I believe the damage may have already gone too far.

I believe to have any chance of surviving, it is essential that Invictus parts ways with PH (and MM) as soon as possible. If it's not already too late, and they can demonstrate that it is no longer being used for H&M's benefit, and focus on the veterans 100%, they could find an appropriate high-profile patron known for their integrity, hard work and lack of self-promotion - or better still, a group of people who are not necessarily high-profile but will run the games in the veterans' best interests, like the Warrior games which was formed and is run by members of the US Military.
Agree 100% - Invictus is used by shameless self promoters, desperately hanging on to their lost royal roles and purpose. The way they conduct themselves, playing the prince and princess of nigeria, all this babbling about heritage ... sorry, this is about making money and trying to stay relevant, plain and simple.
So why is IG in the news all the time - Harry and his constant soap opera. It has brought in cash, but it is also now losing them donations as people are starting to wonder if it is nothing but the Sussex's personal piggy bank.
I agree with this,
IG probably has a brief shelf life remaining.

As for the success of the Nigerian trip, well, how many celebrities actually visit Nigeria? I suspect not many, since it is considered unsafe at present. So, naturally there will be a good public reception for any that show up.
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Agree 100% - Invictus is used by shameless self promoters, desperately hanging on to their lost royal roles and purpose. The way they conduct themselves, playing the prince and princess of nigeria, all this babbling about heritage ... sorry, this is about making money and trying to stay relevant, plain and simple.
I wonder what Netflix’s angle will be for the Invictus “documentary”? I can’t remember - have Netflix cameras shown up for other IG events?

I agree that the C of E anniversary service was bizarre. My family had a private Eucharist in my grandparents’ Episcopal church to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary before holding a party in the parish hall for their friends. I’m sure lots of people do this sort of thing. This type of church service is a thanksgiving type service for personal things like that or something like HLM’s jubilee. For the 10th anniversary of a sporting event???
The US government has travel advisories for citizens that we’re supposed to look at before traveling out of the country. Currently, Nigeria is at “Level 3 - Reconsider Travel”. This is due to “Reconsider travel to Nigeria due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed gangs. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.”

For someone as security conscious as Harry, I can’t believe he would put himself and Meghan in such a risky country. Who is this military guy hosting them? It’s not the official Nigerian government. Does this guy have control over terrorists and gangs who kidnap wealthy foreigners? I doubt it.
I know he promotes Invictus but he does not run it, or actually do anything other than photo opportunities. Possibly that encourages donations, I am not sure.
I wonder what Netflix’s angle will be for the Invictus “documentary”? I can’t remember - have Netflix cameras shown up for other IG events?

I agree that the C of E anniversary service was bizarre. My family had a private Eucharist in my grandparents’ Episcopal church to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary before holding a party in the parish hall for their friends. I’m sure lots of people do this sort of thing. This type of church service is a thanksgiving type service for personal things like that or something like HLM’s jubilee. For the 10th anniversary of a sporting event???
IG will be part of the "documentary" but MM being welcomed "home" will be a big part too. I have read_that she went to Malta several years ago due to a test she took showing she was 40% Maltese. Wouldn't those results also show that she was 43% Nigerian? Why didn't she embrace that then?
IG will be part of the "documentary" but MM being welcomed "home" will be a big part too. I have read_that she went to Malta several years ago due to a test she took showing she was 40% Maltese. Wouldn't those results also show that she was 43% Nigerian? Why didn't she embrace that then?
No, she hadn't take a DNA test before. Her great-grandmother was an Irish cook that lived for few years in Malta. Meghan was trying to pass herself as Maltese to get a free trip paid by Maltese government to "rediscover" her origins.
Her african origins were not glamorous enough for her at time. Now that she has a fan base of black women rotting for her, she is putting more emphasis on her black side.
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No, she hadn't take a DNA test before. Her great-grandmother was an Irish cook that lived for few years in Malta. Meghan was trying to pass herself as Maltese to get a free trip paid by Maltese government to "rediscover" her origins.
Her african origins were not glamorous enough for her at time. Now that she has a fan base of black women rotting for her, she is putting more emphasis on her black side.
Thank you for the correction on her taking a test previously.
It is not allowed to attack other posters for their opinions. Posts of that kind have been removed, as have been responses to these posts.
And if this CEO is wanted on charges in the US then having him in the reception party greeting Harry and Meghan is on the hosts who invited the Sussexes to Nigeria, not on their guests. The original, earlier DM article in which this info appeared even stated that arrangements had been made for another airline to fly the couple but that was changed (and not by them.)

It also stated in the same article that it was ‘not being suggested that the Sussexes knew anything at all’ about this individual. They almost certainly believed that this man had been vetted by the hosts who invited them.

From that article.

‘There is no suggestion that either Harry or Meghan were aware of Onyema's history before they met him. also understands that the couple had planned to use a different airline but plans were changed at the last minute.’
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You are correct Curryong there is no suggestion that the couple were aware of the background, possibly a learning point for them to be on top of all these things and do their own vetting.
As we know from all these situations with various royals/ politicians etc that the optics are everything.
And if this CEO is wanted on charges in the US then having him in the reception party greeting Harry and Meghan is on the hosts who invited the Sussexes to Nigeria, not on their guests. The original, earlier DM article in which this info appeared even stated that arrangements had been made for another airline to fly the couple but that was changed (and not by them.)

It also stated in the same article that it was ‘not being suggested that the Sussexes knew anything at all’ about this individual. They almost certainly believed that this man had been vetted by the hosts who invited them.

From that article.

‘There is no suggestion that either Harry or Meghan were aware of Onyema's history before they met him. also understands that the couple had planned to use a different airline but plans were changed at the last minute.’

The sorrow is that, in the RF setting, there are people charged with preventing such mishaps. Remember how a team goes at the destination and checks the whole itinerary a few months/weeks before the tour? The Sussexes must be aware of this step of the planning of a tour but I suppose they don’t have the resources to replicate the well oiled machine that is the palace and the FO.

I put it on the hosts - the defence headquarters from Nigeria. I cannot believe the hosts have left something so crucial, transportation (and safety and security during transportation) to hazard.
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The sorrow is that, in the RF setting, there are people charged with preventing such mishaps. Remember how a team goes at the destination and checks the whole itinerary a few months/weeks before the tour? The Sussexes must be aware of this step of the planning of a tour but I suppose they don’t have the resources to replicate the well oiled machine that is the palace and the FO.

I put it on the hosts - the defence headquarters from Nigeria. I cannot believe the hosts have left something so crucial, transportation (and safety and security during transportation) to hazard.
Especially the security angle if that’s correct that the flight arrangements were changed late on. That’s a red flag for security. I am not saying they were in danger on this occasion but last minute change to transport would surely be a security issue.

The sorrow is that, in the RF setting, there are people charged with preventing such mishaps. Remember how a team goes at the destination and checks the whole itinerary a few months/weeks before the tour? The Sussexes must be aware of this step of the planning of a tour but I suppose they don’t have the resources to replicate the well oiled machine that is the palace and the FO.

I put it on the hosts - the defence headquarters from Nigeria. I cannot believe the hosts have left something so crucial, transportation (and safety and security during transportation) to hazard.
Yes, the hosts certainly should have known better- changing flight arrangements at the 11th hour? Very sketchy! I’m sure the Sussex team has neither the resources nor expertise to fully vett something like this. I think this whole “tour” was bizarre and that even though I’m sure they didn’t know about the CEO, it’s not a good look for them at all. Honestly, I was nervous the entire time that something untoward could happen to them, and I’m relieved that they got out of Nigeria safely to return home.
It shows why they shouldn't do "tours" like this where they have to reply on others organising the logistics of it. Such tours are easier for RFs to pull off because they are able to rely on their Foreign Office / Foreign Ministry and Embassies in country.
They aren't set up for it so shouldn't do it as it leaves them open to criticism - however fair or unfair that is (never mind the actual potential issues of allowing unscrupulous people to be part of the logistics)
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