The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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Because they won't. Not now, it doesn't sell like H&M do.

Please have a look Simon Weston's life story. He's an inspiration & would be a fantastic public face for Invictus.

Thank you Durham for sharing about Simon Weston. His story is compelling and his work on behalf of the injured veterans is inspiring.
Weston may well be inspirational. However, would he be able to bring any significant media spotlight or coverage to the IG, or be able encourage the leaders of cities, provinces, countries etc to take part on the world stage in coming years? We have after all seen what has happened to the Commonwealth Games, with its immediate future in doubt.

And Harry began the Invictus Games. His heart and his soul have always been 100% with these Games and their competitors. Why should he be forced to give it up or take a lesser role just because the British media enjoy seeing and dissecting every detail of he and Meghan together or what his wife does when she is by his side?

Harry and Meghan have in fact been brilliant at these Games. They’ve brought publicity, interacted beautifully with competitors and spectators alike and have been enthusiastic spectators themselves at various competitions. These Games need a figurehead, a spokesman or woman who is known and recognisable to the general public. That does not mean that others aren’t worthy people, just not for that particular role.

To be fair, I think it’s very relevant that Harry began his role as a patron of this organization at a time when his job was to officially represent the Queen as the head of the armed forces and while he held honorary military roles in keeping with that constitutional position.

I don’t think he should abandon the Invictus Games, but I do think that his role has changed, due to choices he has made with his family, and that it changes how he should interact with these games. I don’t believe a “patron” role is appropriate any longer and I’d like to see the Sussexes transition to something like managing the corporate relationships and being present but not centered. I think that would be more appropriate given how much has shifted. Right now it feels “quasi-royal” but in a way that makes it diplomatically awkward for other representatives to attend.

In the private sector, when someone leaves employment with a company, they no longer are allowed to represent that company.
I always thought that the Invictus Games were somehow separate from Harry’s role as a working royal and the same thing with Sentebale.
I always thought that the Invictus Games were somehow separate from Harry’s role as a working royal and the same thing with Sentebale.

Yes, they were. Neither were officially Royal patronages, but Harry’s own charitable endeavours, begun by himself. He chose to continue with them after 2019 and after he had been stripped of his honorary military roles, though he remains a military veteran himself.
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To be fair, I think it’s very relevant that Harry began his role as a patron of this organization at a time when his job was to officially represent the Queen as the head of the armed forces and while he held honorary military roles in keeping with that constitutional position.

I don’t think he should abandon the Invictus Games, but I do think that his role has changed, due to choices he has made with his family, and that it changes how he should interact with these games. I don’t believe a “patron” role is appropriate any longerd I’d like to see the Sussexes transition to something like managing the corporate relationships and being present but not centered. I think that would be more appropriate given how much has shifted. Right now it feels “quasi-royal” but in a way that makes it diplomatically awkward for other representatives to attend.

In the private sector, when someone leaves employment with a company, they no longer are allowed to represent that company.
These are excellent points HRHHermione especially when you consider that Prince Harry was then in a role as an official representative of the monarchy when he launched the Invictus Games. He had the support and assistance of the monarch and many others associated with the institution to ensure that it had a successful start.
However, the Invictus Games was Never an official royal patronage. Neither was Sentebale. If they had been then Harry would have been relieved of those Patronages when he ceased being a working royal.
To be fair, I think it’s very relevant that Harry began his role as a patron of this organization at a time when his job was to officially represent the Queen as the head of the armed forces and while he held honorary military roles in keeping with that constitutional position.

I don’t think he should abandon the Invictus Games, but I do think that his role has changed, due to choices he has made with his family, and that it changes how he should interact with these games. I don’t believe a “patron” role is appropriate any longer and I’d like to see the Sussexes transition to something like managing the corporate relationships and being present but not centered. I think that would be more appropriate given how much has shifted. Right now it feels “quasi-royal” but in a way that makes it diplomatically awkward for other representatives to attend.

In the private sector, when someone leaves employment with a company, they no longer are allowed to represent that company.

Indeed, it also changes the dynamics when a person is using an (extremely worthwhile) organisation to produce commercial content for their own pocket book. It becomes part of their commercial brand rather than something Harry does for free simply because it's close to his heart. Even though it is clear that it is and those that participate are better off for it. He's still potentially making money off his appearances vs when he was a working royal doing BBC documentaries for free to promote the causes, despite it being a "private patronage". There'd also be hell to pay if Bea made a for profit documentary/book about Helen Arkell House for example.

Harry being royal can't really be separated from IG because he wouldn't have been in a position for Edward Lane Fox to suggest that setting up an international version of Warrior Games was something that interested him post 2012 if he wasn't who he was. But that's the case with all celebrities really, so it worth noting but neutral. The main issue I see with them being front and centre is that they are making money and creating content for Netflix via this charity as well as supporting the cause and that is more difficult to untangle ethically, in fact it becomes quite murky which is why they were denied HIHO in the first place. It also doesn't help that they have the same name for their money making company and Foundation, which seems almost designed to cause confusion.
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If neither the veterans nor their families nor the organizers had a problem with TRH The Sussexes' roles at the Invictus Games, why would they change it? As of matter fact, given the strength and support that the competitors and their loved ones felt with them being there, wouldn't a lack of their presence be more demoralizing?

What benefit would TRH The Sussexes decreasing their presence have on The Invictus Games? More focus on the veterans? It's the media who chooses not to focus on the veterans, and even if TRH The Sussexes appeared less, the media would then criticize their lack of presence, once again focusing on TRH The Sussexes. More time to network with sponsors? HRH The Duke of Sussex does that already. Encouragement for genuine political organizations to participate? Didn't TRH The Sussexes have a dinner with NATO representatives? It seems like TRH The Sussexes still have at least some political pull. Because it too much like their work as royals? Although he started it as royal, The Invictus Games has always been a more of a personal project for HRH The Duke of Sussex rather than strictly a representative of the BRF's patronages (which is why he got to keep it).

The only people who would benefit are people who don't want to see TRH The Sussexes at all, but those people are not extending energy looking for media related to them anyway, so TRH The Sussexes' presence or lack there of wouldn't affect them in any way.
If neither the veterans nor their families nor the organizers had a problem with TRH The Sussexes' roles at the Invictus Games, why would they change it? As of matter fact, given the strength and support that the competitors and their loved ones felt with them being there, wouldn't a lack of their presence be more demoralizing?

What benefit would TRH The Sussexes decreasing their presence have on The Invictus Games? More focus on the veterans? It's the media who chooses not to focus on the veterans, and even if TRH The Sussexes appeared less, the media would then criticize their lack of presence, once again focusing on TRH The Sussexes. More time to network with sponsors? HRH The Duke of Sussex does that already. Encouragement for genuine political organizations to participate? Didn't TRH The Sussexes have a dinner with NATO representatives? It seems like TRH The Sussexes still have at least some political pull. Because it too much like their work as royals? Although he started it as royal, The Invictus Games has always been a more of a personal project for HRH The Duke of Sussex rather than strictly a representative of the BRF's patronages (which is why he got to keep it).

The only people who would benefit are people who don't want to see TRH The Sussexes at all, but those people are not extending energy looking for media related to them anyway, so TRH The Sussexes' presence or lack there of wouldn't affect them in any way.

I agree.

Yes, Prince Harry started Invictus when he was a member of the Royal Family but in the in end, that doesn't matter. He's out of the Royal Family, Invictus, The Endeavor Fund (now apart of the Invictus Foundation) left with him. Whenever he set up these projects, they were connected to him. And even after he's left the fold, they continue to grow and that's because not only the hard work of those behind Invictus but Harry himself. The competitors, the foundation members have said so themselves.

In the end, Harry and by extension Meghan being the face of Invictus should be settled by the people involved as they know the true measure of what it means for Harry to the be the face. They are able to truly measure if anything has been gleaned from him being patron. As of right now, they seem happy with him so that's what matters. Him stepping back from a public role doesn't seem to be what they want. Him only attending the opening and closing ceremony doesn't seem what they want either. They enjoyed having both him and Meghan at the games.

At the very least, Invictus community, people want to see them, they want them around and those the people who should be taken into account when thinking anything about Invictus.

And I'll agree that at this point, if people can only see H&M, that's because that's what they want to see and 'care' or 'attention' for veterans shouldn't be excuse to get them to step back. There have been neuromas articles and tv coverage of the games and competitors. It's out there to be consumed, focusing on Harry and Meghan is a personal choice.

If the vets want Harry and Meghan to be the faces, to show up the games and then that's what they should do.
Well said, to both HRH Hermione and Heavs.

It IS a very fine line The Sussex's are threading, regarding *possible* commercialization of Invictus and Netflix's-Sussex's involvement and promotion.

I honestly don't know how things will shake out in other endeavors either for Harry and Meghan. Netflix is a big part of their future, so far.

I think how this year turned out, after ALL the "hullabaloo" surrounding The Docu-Series, Spare, Interviews and Award Galas surprised them. As it did many of us, Supporters and Opposers alike.

Hopefully 2024 will be a quieter, much less drama year for The Sussex's. Play to their individual strengths, Meghan Hollywood *whatever* ....Production or restart The Tig. Harry could focus on Charity Work for proven causes he is good with. Military, Kids, Africa, ect.....

Just please stay away from comments and jibes about The Family-Firm. Its over, four years later no less. Move on, because if they continue down that path AGAIN, then I will regard them as just totally hopeless. Irredeemable.
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Indeed, it also changes the dynamics when a person is using an (extremely worthwhile) organisation to produce commercial content for their own pocket book. It becomes part of their commercial brand rather than something Harry does simply because it's close to his heart. Even though it is clear that it is and those that participate are better off for it. He's still potentially making money off his appearances vs when he was a working royal doing BBC documentaries for free to promote the causes, despite it being a "private patronage". There'd also be hell to pay if Bea made a for profit documentary/book about Helen Arkell House for example.

Harry being royal can't really be separated from IG because he wouldn't have been in a position for Edward lane Fox to suggest that setting up an international version of Warrior Games was something that interested him if he wasn't who he was. But that's the case with all celebrities really, so it worth noting but neutral. The main issue I see with them being front and centre is that they are making money and creating content for Netflix via this charity as well as supporting the cause and that is more difficult to untangle ethically.

I would think that any financial benefits from the Netflix series, interviews etc would go to Archewell and from there be divided among salaries, funding their charities such as WCK etc not so much as it would go directly into their pockets.
I agree that his high profile definitely helped get IG off to a great start but that can only take things so far. Without time, effort, heart and soul the Games would not be as successful as they are.
These are excellent points HRHHermione especially when you consider that Prince Harry was then in a role as an official representative of the monarchy when he launched the Invictus Games. He had the support and assistance of the monarch and many others associated with the institution to ensure that it had a successful start.

Yes, Invictus was originally funded by the Royal Foundation representing William, Catherine and Harry. It was very much Harry’s project and I think it’s absolutely right that he gets credit for that and that it has split from royal funding, but as long as it exists as the main vehicle for Prince Harry to maintain a connection with a life he has chosen to leave behind, it will remain diplomatically difficult for other countries to navigate and it is less likely other VIPs will be associated with the organization.

Keeping Harry as patron may be worth it to them, and they may be willing to accept the trade offs, but I think acknowledging that it’s quite difficult as a situation is acknowledging reality.
I'm rooting for both of them to ride the wave of success and goodwill that the most recent Invictus Games has generated and to stay that course. Should they choose to do so, I believe that they can resurrect their reputations and even gain back some of their former admirers like myself. [emoji2]

Invictus has been going for years though. It’s always a “good” event for them more or less because it IS a good cause. Though Harry had considerable royal resources to help make it happen at all. My opinion of them is no different. This isn’t new. This doesn’t help them in my eyes.

They’d have to actually demonstrate that they know they made a long list of poor (and often hurtful) public decisions for literally years for my opinion to really shift. They spent years showing me who they really are. Trying to fix that will be ….challenging. Learning to shut up about family matters and not whining in general won’t cut it in terms of opinion shift for me.

And then they’d need to be genuinely successful at something that doesn’t involve the RF at all.

But, we’ll see.

I am glad Invictus went well though.
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Harry and Meghan have been gone 4 years in January. In that time: worldwide pandemic, lost both grandparents, new King, several new royal babies, Bea got married, Kate and William moved, Kids started new school etc. Life has changed for the royals hugely. Harry literally knows very little about them anymore and their lives. Mainly because he doesn’t speak to them. On the other hand they haven’t done very much…except sell things on talking about the family. Time to move on.

The Commonwealth Games and Invictus are not the same. It is hugely expensive to run the Commonwealth Games. Invictus not so much.
Harry’s father, stepmother, brother and sister in law know nothing about Harry and his family’s life either. They know nothing about Archie’s preschool activities, Lili growing into toddlerhood. Do they make efforts to keep in touch? It works both ways.

And actually Eugenie and Jack visited the Sussexes in California. Plus there was a report that Beatrice and Eugenie accompanied Harry when he visited the Chapel at St George’s on his last visit, and laid flowers on the Queen’s tomb. So he is in touch with the two cousins.
Harry’s father, stepmother, brother and sister in law know nothing about Harry and his family’s life either. They know nothing about Archie’s preschool activities, Lili growing into toddlerhood. Do they make efforts to keep in touch? It works both ways.

And actually Eugenie and Jack visited the Sussexes in California. Plus there was a report that Beatrice and Eugenie accompanied Harry when he visited the Chapel at St George’s on his last visit, and laid flowers on the Queen’s tomb. So he is in touch with the two cousins.

They don't but they don't write books about him and keep talking about him.

Eugenie was on holidays at that time. Bea may have gone. But she wasn't pictured so I think not. In any case why not go with their father and uncle.
I think the first anniversary of the Queen's death was more of a personal grieving/reflection day for the BRF. The only public events held were taken up by William and Kate. I get the impression that they wanted to spend the day privately and any photos were taken by the public whether they were entering or leaving church.
I’m sure Harry also his reservation about speaking of what’s going on his personal life to some of his family in the UK. And I agree with him on that point.

Really, I think both groups are fine as one can be not speaking to each other. Both have friends and family they can lean on that don’t include each other. So now, they can focus on what they respectively want to further in life. All I really want at this point is Archewell social media. I would’ve liked to see some of the behind the scenes of Invictus as the competitors and people working the event said that Harry and then Meghan were both on the go during the event, attending things behind the scenes and etc. it would’ve been nice to see some of that, as a fan. I get the choice not too but I would’ve liked it.
If the vets want Harry and Meghan to be the faces, to show up the games and then that's what they should do.

"If" being the operative word.

It's important not to automatically assume all of them want that.

Of course many of them will say they do - and mean it, particularly in PH’s case; for some however, especially in MM's case, it may be no more than a polite gesture, and a number of them may have chosen to stay silent. Those who say nothing often speak loudest!

It's not dissimilar to the old story about being invited to the boss's dinner party. You go, you make all the appropriate noises, say all the right things - even if you may not like them very much. Same with meeting the boss's partner. You may like them - or think they're awful and a complete waste of space but of course you don't say that to them, do you? You say nice things, because that's what is done.

Also, I would genuinely like to know how Meghan was over-involved in these games? She made a two minute of the cuff speech at a private event for family and friends. Other than that, she was simply by her husbands side.No speeches, no major roles.

With the greatest of respect changemysoul, I must disagree.

What was she doing then, leading groups of servicemen and competitors? At least PH served in the forces; he has earned the right to do that. MM - no right whatsoever. She has never served (and in her husband’s country where she was supposed to serve us, her contribution was negligible). She was also completely inappropriately dressed for the occasion - and very sloppily too; shirt buttons undone, collar untidy, wearing those ridiculous shorts - and a pair of what suspiciously looked like sliders. Incredibly disrespectful IMO. A Butlins Redcoat would have made a better job of their appearance.

Why not dress respectfully? Or in Invictus branded clothing? Why flash her legs - not an agreeable sight - at all and sundry? I reiterate: attention.

I felt awful for those brave and noble people who between them have given so much in service of their countries and made so many sacrifices, forced to walk behind someone who frankly, IMO, has given very little indeed and sacrificed nothing.

It was embarrassing to see.

And seeing more the games, I don't understand how any of the games were missed unless someone just didn't care to see?

The problem from my perspective isn’t being unable to watch the games per se - I did watch some, and now it's over and everyone has gone home, I will likely watch more. The issue is that as soon as MM appeared and began to take over as per, such as in the way described above, it put me right off.

When I followed the link you very kindly supplied and watched PH’s speech, for five minutes I saw the old Prince Harry again, the lad I felt sorry for and had liked and admired, a valued and important part of our BRF and our country. How things have changed since then.

Really, I think both groups are fine as one can be not speaking to each other.

In terms of going forward, I agree; it’s for the best, indeed a wise course of action - but it’s not quite as simple as that.

The BRF have had to deal with the damage done by H&M - Megxit, Oprah et al, while coping with both imminent and actual sad bereavements that have resulted in seismic changes. Actions have consequences, and already having such difficult challenges to face, the last thing the BRF have needed. That’s not fine at all.

It is more than a little poetic justice that H&M have now received a hefty dose of their own medicine, as their popularity has plunged in the U.S. - again by their own actions. It is well deserved.
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Knocked it out of the Park for me shady lady. On every point.

After this years setbacks and blowbacks for The Sussex's, build on the much needed goodwill generated here. For Harry, again as I have said previously, I found Meghan a distraction.

Harry certainly had a resounding success with Invictus. Hopefully he can look to this as a template for future projects.

I understand The Sussex's have *allegedly*, a 4 Books deal with Penguin. So I'm wondering if something isn't in the pipeline for 2024 ?

It would be smart and nice to have a Book on Invcitus. So VERY much there to write about and publicize.

I guess we will see.......
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"If" being the operative word.

It's important not to automatically assume all of them want that.

Of course many of them will say they do - and mean it, particularly in PH’s case; for some however, especially in MM's case, it may be no more than a polite gesture, and a number of them may have chosen to stay silent. Those who say nothing often speak loudest!

It's not dissimilar to the old story about being invited to the boss's dinner party. You go, you make all the appropriate noises, say all the right things - even if you may not like them very much. Same with meeting the boss's partner. You may like them - or think they're awful and a complete waste of space but of course you don't say that to them, do you? You say nice things, because that's what is done.

You're right. That's why I said if. As of right now, it seems as if they want the both of them. If information comes out that changes that, then it changes it but as now, they had no issues and were excited to see Meghan.

So with the evidence we have, it stands to reason that it's learning more towards that I said. Things can change but that seems to be the reality right now.

With the greatest of respect changemysoul, I must disagree.

What was she doing then, leading marches of servicemen and competitors? At least PH served in the forces; he has earned the right to do that. MM - no right whatsoever. She has never served (and in her husband’s country where she was supposed to serve us, her contribution was negligible). She was also completely inappropriately dressed for the occasion - and very sloppily too; shirt buttons undone, collar untidy, wearing those ridiculous shorts - and a pair of what suspiciously looked like sliders. Incredibly disrespectful IMO. A Butlins Redcoat would have made a better job of their appearance.

Why not dress respectfully? Or in Invictus branded clothing? Why flash her legs - not an agreeable sight - at all and sundry? I reiterate: attention.

I felt awful for those brave and noble people who between them have given so much in service of their countries and made so many sacrifices, forced to walk behind someone who frankly, IMO, has given very little indeed and sacrificed nothing.

It was embarrassing to see.

Embarrassing for you and to you. That is the key point. You don't speak for everyone. Meghan was walking as apart of the medal ceremony. Like others. As his wife, she has every right. Just like she has the right of every other person who did the same thing she did.

Just as you said IMO. To me, I don't have an issue with a woman showing her legs, it's not scandalous and once again, it's a sporting event. They weren't in a church or at a graveyard. Invictus branding or not, she was dressed fine, just not to your taste. Those are two different things.

She walked with those receiving medals because that what the people giving out medals do. She was dressed in the correct event clothing for a sports event that was mostly in the sun. When she had other engagements, she changed her outfits as needed.

As for bringing another point/dig in, you don't have any say if her work while being in the family is negligible or not. I doubt the people who benefitted from her work feel that way.

And if your thoughts, she was attention seeking. I don't think she was and I would say that ends that.

The problem from my perspective isn’t being unable to watch the games per se - I did watch some, and now it's over and everyone has gone home, I will likely watch more. The issue is that as soon as MM appeared and began to take over as per, such as in the way described above, it put me right off.

When I followed the link you very kindly supplied and watched PH’s speech, for five minutes I saw the old Prince Harry again, the lad I felt sorry for and had liked and admired, a valued and important part of our BRF and our country. How things have changed since then.

Not much I can say to as it's personal feelings again.

I can say she didn't take over. She has natural charisma that makes people want to be around her or the camera follow her IMO but she didn't run onto any courts and starts playing the games.

She didn't rip the microphone out of anyone hands.

She didn't do anything but exist and be by her husbands side. There isn't much she can do to change that for you but disappear and seeing as she doesn't need to do that. It'll always be a personal battle.

If you could describe what she actually did to take over aside from doing what others did and just be there. I'd gladly listen to you. If you can point out an instance in which she actually tried to make it the Meghan show and just the clothing she wore because showing legs and etc was happening with everyone who attended in some fashion. I'll listen.

I'm glad you were able to glimpse of what you feel was the old Harry. What I saw was a man who was always good at his opening and closing speeches, giving another one of those speeches.

In terms of going forward, I agree; it’s for the best, indeed a wise course of action - but it’s not quite as simple as that.

The BRF have had to deal with the damage done by H&M - Megxit, Oprah et al, while coping with imminent and actual sad bereavements that have resulted in seismic changes. Actions have consequences, and already having such difficult challenges to face, the last thing the BRF have needed. That’s not fine at all.

It is more than a little poetic justice that H&M have now received a hefty dose of their own medicine, as their popularity has plunged in the U.S. - again by their own actions. It is well deserved.

I don't see the popular plunge you're talking about but sure. That doesn't really matter to me. It's more as if the US as whole doesn't care and the same loud voices are yelling but the result isn't some huge drop in popularity or support. It might be well deserved to you but I overall don't agree with your assessment so there isn't much to be done there.

I do choose the use the term Sussexit because Megxit was created by right leaning trolls and then made bigger by the British Media. It also takes away Harry's agency as a grown man and puts it on his wife in attempt to coddle him.

And as for the BRF, I shrug my shoulders again because my view on them, how it's been with them and their lack of action and the times they do take action is very soured. On this point, we won't agree at all. I don't feel sorry and I don't think they're some innocent, wide eyed people who did nothing wrong or didn't play a part.

Might not fully agree on this last part. You say it can't be as a simple as that. I think it very well can be as simple as that. But we do agree that them not speaking, not talking to each other and moving on with their lives is the best way forward.

And I think we could end it or else it'd be rehashing and going back and forth which is against the rules.

You don't care for them and don't believe in them.

I do care for them and I do believe in them.

I doubt either of us will change anytime soon on that matter.
TRH The Sussexes haven't created a project specifically about their time in the BRF since January. Heck, the Oprah interview is over two years old now. The few projects they have done this year are almost or completely divorced from the BRF. How, in this very moment or at least in the last three months, has attacking the BRF been their brand?

And if the answer is that it doesn't matter how long it's been, that the interview-series-book exist and that will always be held against them, then why bother doing anything different? It could be 5, 10, 15 years of not saying anything about the BRF, and unless they've groveled at the feet of the BRF within that time, people are always going to hold them telling their story against them.

ETA: Thank you again changemysoul for another amazing post!
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Knocked it out of the Park for me shady lady. On every point.

After this years setbacks and blowbacks for The Sussex's, build on the much needed goodwill generated here. For Harry, again as I have said previously, I found Meghan a distraction.

Harry certainly had a resounding success with Invictus. Hopefully he can look to this as a template for future projects.

I understand The Sussex's have *allegedly*, a 4 Books deal with Penguin. So I'm wondering if something isn't in the pipeline for 2024 ?

It would be smart and nice to have a Book on Invcitus. So VERY much there to write a out and publicize.

I guess we will see.......


Yes, let's hope PH makes the most of the good things that have been seen and achieved as Invictus and he does indeed use it as a template to build in the future.

The book idea is great! In fact I think it could easily go to two perhaps a coffee table type production with photographs of the servicemen and women who took part in action, and also a more detailed volume giving the backgrounds and stories of those involved - with their agreement of course. I have a book on my shelf called Symbol of Courage that tells the stories of every person to be given a Victoria Cross (it's a few years old so may be out of date now). I will definitely read it again. Something along those lines would be ideal for Invictus.
Knocked it out of the Park for me shady lady. On every point.

After this years setbacks and blowbacks for The Sussex's, build on the much needed goodwill generated here. For Harry, again as I have said previously, I found Meghan a distraction.

Harry certainly had a resounding success with Invictus. Hopefully he can look to this as a template for future projects.

I understand The Sussex's have *allegedly*, a 4 Books deal with Penguin. So I'm wondering if something isn't in the pipeline for 2024 ?

It would be smart and nice to have a Book on Invcitus. So VERY much there to write a out and publicize.

I guess we will see.......

Yes I agree that a book about the Invictus Games would be a brilliant idea. I hope that someone at Archewell sees this and suggests it to the couple.
Hen Rach Dominion, always appreciate your posts but I do disagree on one point, for me anyway. "If," as you say, The Sussex's are not attacking The Royal Family "in the past three months" is something to be celebrated or represents a change in their behavior......well for me, I will just wait AND see.

I also certainly don't expect them to "grovel at the feet of The British Royal Family". Harry's blood Family, I might add.

ALL of 2023 so far has been about the "fallout" of the Sussex's leaving, and their allegations and grievances. Yes, some like the Netflix Series was released December of 2022, but 'fallout' went on for months in 2023.

With the much talked about Docu-series, then Spare, the ridiculous " Ripple of Hope Award" for standing up against The Royal Family's alleged Racism. That Harry THEN preposterously walked back.

Then Interviews with Anderson Cooper, Tom Bradby and Michael Strahan were just MORE grievances in Jan of 2023. Saying or demanding a "sit down" meeting and apology, which was supposedly a pre condition for attending Charles Coronation four months ago. That obviously didn't happen... Harry attended in a 'drive-by' appearance.

As I have said. I just hope Harry entirely pivots away from rehashing his complaints and resentments against his Family. In Public, Print, and Douc-series no less.

Literally a 'new chapter' and new business model for 2024.
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With all of the Sussex news being related to the Invictus Games, we haven't heard much about their other charities. Here's recent news from African Parks. Prince Harry is the President of the organization.

Johannesburg, South Africa, 04 September 2023 African Parks, a conservation NGO that manages 22 protected areas in partnership with 12 governments across Africa, announced that it will rewild over 2,000 southern white rhino over the next 10 years. African Parks has stepped in as the new owner of the world’s largest private captive rhino breeding operation, “Platinum Rhino”, a 7,800-hectare property in the North West province of South Africa, which currently holds 2,000 southern white rhino, representing up to 15% of the world’s remaining wild population.
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She didn't do anything but exist and be by her husbands side.

In a previous post I stated:

MM could have turned up in a more low key manner; casually dressed, quietly slipping into her seat beside PH, and just watched the games.

So...I never had an issue with MM attending. Nor do I have a problem with her existing. You continue:

There isn't much she can do to change that for you but disappear and seeing as she doesn't need to do that. It'll always be a personal battle.

Again, with respect you are mistaken.

Just for the record: I don't want anyone to "disappear" any more than I expect anyone to "grovel" as someone suggested in another post. As for your remark about "personal battles" well, I've had a few of those in my time, but that's my business and relate to important life-changing events that make what we discuss here pretty insignificant. I will say no more.

And I think we could end it or else it'd be rehashing and going back and forth which is against the rules.

I think that is a very good idea. On this point we are in complete agreement!

With all of the Sussex news being related to the Invictus Games, we haven't heard much about their other charities. Here's recent news from African Parks. Prince Harry is the President of the organization.

Thank you for posting this TLLK. It is important not to forget other worthwhile things, and anything that helps or protects animals like this is wonderful indeed. I applaud them.

PH's love of Africa is another very positive thing he can build on and develop. As I think I once said in a post many moons ago, it's a happy place for him. I wouldn't rule out him living there one day.
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In a previous post I stated:

MM could have turned up in a more low key manner; casually dressed, quietly slipping into her seat beside PH, and just watched the games.

So...I never had an issue with MM attending. Nor do I have a problem with her existing.

This comment I find so strange. [...] So, why can't Megan be allowed to do the same. Because we don't like her and don't want to see her face? Well that is our problem, not hers. No matter how little I think of her, it is her right to walk beside her husband.
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This comment I find so strange.[.....] So, why can't Megan be allowed to do the same. Because we don't like her and don't want to see her face? Well that is our problem, not hers. No matter how little I think of her, it is her right to walk beside her husband.

I think the days of partners showing up, in a job sense, is actually pretty gone.[...]

[.....]People aren’t, especially women, just a professional appendage to their partners. Some couples now in the public eye, but who don’t want their relationship in the public eye literally do not support their partners in public at all. It’s becoming more the accepted thing.
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I think the difference with the IG as someone posted previously is that it is also about the family and friends of the vets and Meghan not being there for any part of the games would stand out. As for spouses not accompanying their partners to charities or patronages all I can say is if my spouse was the patron of the All England Club at Wimbledon I would always be there.
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