The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

An excellent point. Very sneaky of them! Like subliminal advertising.

They were intentionally using the word secret to make something sound underhanded that wasn’t. It’s quite manipulative.
It is 100% manipulative IMO. In whatever form it was submitted it will have been scoured over by many many highly paid lawyers and a lot of thought gone into exactly how to word it. "Secret" can suggest something sly, something to be embarrassed about "a very large sum" is a very emotional way of putting it - "significant" would have done. TBH for the purposes of this noting that William have "settled a claim against NGN" would have done.

There is no doubt IMO there is other intentions with the words.

A very fair and balanced article from the Guardian about the actual legal merits of the case.

The legal argument boils down to this: when did Prince Harry fully understand that he was potentially a victim of phone hacking? And then did he start his legal claim in time?


Claimants have six years to bring a case in the civil courts, starting from the claimed wrongdoing or the moment they were aware of the alleged illegal behaviour. As Harry’s barrister David Sherborne argued, it is easy to know exactly when you were run over by a car if you want to start a legal case against the driver. It’s harder to know when you became a victim of phone hacking.

Harry alleges he only became aware of the full scale of phone hacking at the Sun and News of the World in 2019, shortly before he filed his claim.

The court heard that Harry had been relatively ignorant because did not have access to the newspapers that were reporting on phone hacking allegations in the late 2000s. The prince’s barrister said: “He was on active service in Afghanistan and they didn’t have the Guardian.”

An interesting point raised - I know for a fact that in military messes newspapers were provided for personnel to read (don't know for sure if they still are). He was in Afghanistan but that was for 10 weeks Dec 07/Feb 08 and 20 weeks 2012/13.
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The Leveson inquiry into phone hacking began in 2011. It was all over the news at the time. So what Harry has to say doesn't make an awful lot of sense.

Harry alleges he only became aware of the full scale of phone hacking at the Sun and News of the World in 2019, shortly before he filed his claim.

The court heard that Harry had been relatively ignorant because did not have access to the newspapers that were reporting on phone hacking allegations in the late 2000s. The prince’s barrister said: “He was on active service in Afghanistan and they didn’t have the Guardian.”

An interesting point raised - I know for a fact that in military messes newspapers were provided for personnel to read (don't know for sure if they still are). He was in Afghanistan but that was for 10 weeks Dec 07/Feb 08 and 20 weeks 2012/13.

So when he asked the late Queen's permission to fill lawsuit in 2017, he's not fully aware what he's going to sue for?

And what about this:
It was Sir Christopher who urged the Duke at the end of 2016 to ask NGN how it would deal with the Royal family’s hacking claims as he suspected other litigation would soon come to an end.

Sir Christopher or someone else from the Royal household had a conversation with Rebekah Brooks and the Duke and William were told that the “wheels were in motion.”

However, Sir Christopher then left his post and nothing was ever resolved.


So what's that about? Did he mistakenly mistype number "6" and "9" in his witness statement? Another time paradox? Or he's simply not aware of what he's talking about?

Dude, I wasn't living in the UK or even Europe in the 2010s and even our local media reported that phone hacking scandal, including the fact that your brother's girlfriend, your brother, your girlfriend, and your phone were hacked. You didn't have the Guardian? What about BBC? Or you only pay attention to the Daily Mail?
It is 100% manipulative IMO. In whatever form it was submitted it will have been scoured over by many many highly paid lawyers and a lot of thought gone into exactly how to word it. "Secret" can suggest something sly, something to be embarrassed about "a very large sum" is a very emotional way of putting it - "significant" would have done. TBH for the purposes of this noting that William have "settled a claim against NGN" would have done.

There is no doubt IMO there is other intentions with the words.

A very fair and balanced article from the Guardian about the actual legal merits of the case.

The legal argument boils down to this: when did Prince Harry fully understand that he was potentially a victim of phone hacking? And then did he start his legal claim in time?


Claimants have six years to bring a case in the civil courts, starting from the claimed wrongdoing or the moment they were aware of the alleged illegal behaviour. As Harry’s barrister David Sherborne argued, it is easy to know exactly when you were run over by a car if you want to start a legal case against the driver. It’s harder to know when you became a victim of phone hacking.

Harry alleges he only became aware of the full scale of phone hacking at the Sun and News of the World in 2019, shortly before he filed his claim.

The court heard that Harry had been relatively ignorant because did not have access to the newspapers that were reporting on phone hacking allegations in the late 2000s. The prince’s barrister said: “He was on active service in Afghanistan and they didn’t have the Guardian.”

An interesting point raised - I know for a fact that in military messes newspapers were provided for personnel to read (don't know for sure if they still are). He was in Afghanistan but that was for 10 weeks Dec 07/Feb 08 and 20 weeks 2012/13.

Harry claims thar he didn't read tabloids in the late 2000s...But now he will sue for any negative articles on him. Since Meghan stepped in his life he became obsessed with the press while he wasn't paying that much attention before.
Harry claims thar he didn't read tabloids in the late 2000s...But now he will sue for any negative articles on him. Since Meghan stepped in his life he became obsessed with the press while he wasn't paying that much attention before.

It’s also at odds with his statements in “Spare” that long before he met Meghan, his family and his therapist were worried about his fixation on the tabloids and all of them tried to get him to stop reading the press.
So when he asked the late Queen's permission to fill lawsuit in 2017, he's not fully aware what he's going to sue for?

And what about this:


So what's that about? Did he mistakenly mistype number "6" and "9" in his witness statement? Another time paradox? Or he's simply not aware of what he's talking about?

Dude, I wasn't living in the UK or even Europe in the 2010s and even our local media reported that phone hacking scandal, including the fact that your brother's girlfriend, your brother, your girlfriend, and your phone were hacked. You didn't have the Guardian? What about BBC? Or you only pay attention to the Daily Mail?
I just think he’s always been oblivious to a lot of things happening to others and thinks he’s special
Just a quickie to say that secret agreement has overtones of something underhand, whereas private agreement doesn't. The choice of words used is interesting.
They were intentionally using the word secret to make something sound underhanded that wasn’t. It’s quite manipulative.
I think the difference between "Secret" and "Private" in this case is more about while private settlements are very, very common, the term "Secret" lends more toward Harry believing that the Settlement was deliberately kept secret from him by both Charles and William. Ergo, its existence was secret not it's content.

The Judge saying there are “troubling factual inconsistencies” sounds like a polite way of saying you’re lying imo.
I think that is a particularly long bow to draw as the judges in the UK are known for their forthright statements and even lecture Counsel when they find inaccuracies, or shoddy workmanship. If there was lying the Judge would have addressed that in open court by giving instruction from the Bench for Counsel and their client to clean up their act.
Harry claims thar he didn't read tabloids in the late 2000s...But now he will sue for any negative articles on him. Since Meghan stepped in his life he became obsessed with the press while he wasn't paying that much attention before.
Harry was obsessed with the media long before Meghan.
I think the difference between "Secret" and "Private" in this case is more about while private settlements are very, very common, the term "Secret" lends more toward Harry believing that the Settlement was deliberately kept secret from him by both Charles and William. Ergo, its existence was secret not it's content.

I think that is a particularly long bow to draw as the judges in the UK are known for their forthright statements and even lecture Counsel when they find inaccuracies, or shoddy workmanship. If there was lying the Judge would have addressed that in open court by giving instruction from the Bench for Counsel and their client to clean up their act.
But the settlement is really just William’s business not Harry’s anyways. Also Harry didn’t need to be privy to that because it wasn’t about him. Harry wasn’t necessarily stoped from getting a settlement, rather from his legal situation turning into a member of the family going into the witness box or speaking openly in court because does everyone need hear every detail? No. Harry was offered a settlement less than William’s because he was hacked only 9 times as opposed to William and Kate who were hacked far more times than he was. Plus manipulating the idea that because he wasn’t privy to William’s settlement that it was some sort of secret deal which it isn’t, William simply chose to settle and took the compensation that’s it.
According to 'Variety' magazine, the Duchess of Sussex has signed for representation with WME.

Article Here

WME will also represent Archewell. The deal will cover film and television production, brand partnership and overall business-building, but not acting.
According to 'Variety' magazine, the Duchess of Sussex has signed for representation with WME.

Article Here

WME will also represent Archewell. The deal will cover film and television production, brand partnership and overall business-building, but not acting.

So basically, their contract with Neflix expired and it wasn't renewed since they are signing off with other companies...
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

So basically, their contract with Neflix expired and it wasn't renewed since they are signing off with other companies...

Not necessarily. This is a contract with an agency who represents them in that kind of contract, not a deal with a content provider. They may just want someone to renegotiate some of their contracts.

That being said, if they were happy with how they were being managed and what deals were coming in, a change probably wouldn’t be happening. It’s interesting that it primarily seems to represent Meghan rather than Harry as well.
Not necessarily. This is a contract with an agency who represents them in that kind of contract, not a deal with a content provider. They may just want someone to renegotiate some of their contracts.

That being said, if they were happy with how they were being managed and what deals were coming in, a change probably wouldn’t be happening. It’s interesting that it primarily seems to represent Meghan rather than Harry as well.

Harry has to release his documentary on Invictus maybe they are done with Meghan. Their contract with Netflix should end this year.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

Harry has to release his documentary on Invictus maybe they are done with Meghan. Their contract with Netflix should end this year.

I honestly don’t believe that documentary is ever going to be released, but I’d be happy to be proven wrong.

Edit: I stand corrected as I see it’s anticipated for summer of this year. Feels like we’ve been hearing about it for a long time but I forgot about pandemic delays
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Not necessarily. Meghan just got signed by William Morris Endeavor (WME), one of the most powerful media agencies in the world. She will be represented by Ari Emmanuel, one of WME's principals, brother of Rahm Emmanuel, the former Mayor of Chicago and White House Chief of Staff under former President Barack Obama. This deal is major. The Sussexes will be just fine.

So basically, their contract with Neflix expired and it wasn't renewed since they are signing off with other companies...
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According to 'Variety' magazine, the Duchess of Sussex has signed for representation with WME.

Article Here

WME will also represent Archewell. The deal will cover film and television production, brand partnership and overall business-building, but not acting.

I hope the deal with WME will allow them to move on from complaining about their hard done for royal lives (hers lasted all of 18 months), and to something more positive, forward looking.

Let this be the start of the rest of their lives, where they can develop positive ideas, commercial or otherwise, and, to quote Meghan, actually thrive rather than survive, as they seem to have the last 3 years.
I don't know if its ok to post this, if not, please delete Moderators.

The satirical and hysterical British TV Channel 4 show lampooning The Royal Family called "The Windsors" is having a "Coronation Special" air this Sat night in the UK. There have been Trailer clips released and they are just terrific ! All you have to do is a search, enter what I posted above.

One of the clips is depicting Harry and Meghan. It shows them in their backyard gathering eggs saying how much they "love their life, its the simplicity and everything is back to basics". Then it show THREE servants carrying trays of food and Harry points and says, "over there, by the statue of Oprah guys".
Then Harry actually says, " and the amazing thing is we paid for it all ourselves, without trading on our Royal Connections ".

YouTube has lots of clips from the Series that started in I believe 2016. The characters are hysterical. Especially The Princess Anne, Fergie, Pippa and Camilla ones. In early series, Pippa was always trying to get with Harry and was insanely jealous when Meghan arrived. So cute and funny !
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Australia Channel 7; Sunday 30 April; to air a documentary about Meghan Markle. Her father is also featured; after his stroke.

Sunday, 30th April, 2023 broadcast.
Not necessarily. Meghan just got signed by William Morris Endeavor (WME), one of the most powerful media agencies in the world. She will be represented by Ari Emmanuel, one of WME's principals, brother of Rahm Emmanuel, the former Mayor of Chicago and White House Chief of Staff under former President Barack Obama. This deal is major. The Sussexes will be just fine.

WME also bought the Miss Universe franchise a while back and even they couldn't rescue that trainwreck.

I think people here want the Sussexes to be "just fine" and that means succeeding on their own, without exploiting their titles, and without bashing the RF. A long time ago, people here were optimistic that they can build a brand without ever mentioning the RF and I voiced concerns that they have nothing to sell that would be interesting to the general public other than their connection to the RF. I still wait to be proven wrong. Maybe WME can help them rebrand.
Re the so-called documentary on this Sunday on Channel 7.

Also appearing on this Samantha Markle, who has attacked her half sister on line, since 2016, and is still suing her, and Meghan’s half-brother, who’s done his share of attacking Meghan as well, and appeared on a reality TV show on 7 doing so about a year ago.

I won’t be watching this tripe.
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It is days like this when you have to verbally thank the world for your in laws.

However I got a weird thing about Prince Andrew at the end of my trailer - did anyone else get that? If that part of the Markle interview?
Re the so-called documentary on this Sunday on Channel 7.

Also appearing on this Samantha Markle, who has attacked her half sister on line, since 2016, and is still suing her, and Meghan’s half-brother, who’s done his share of attacking Meghan as well, and appeared on a reality TV show on 7 doing so about a year ago.

I won’t be watching this tripe.

Mirroring the Oprah interview?
Meghan didn’t consistently attack her half sister on her Twitter Page and other sites since 2016.

The Oprah interview got very high ratings on Australian TV actually. Channel 10 were extremely delighted.

This segment is to be followed by a piece on Andrew apparently, on the same programme.
WME also bought the Miss Universe franchise a while back and even they couldn't rescue that trainwreck.

I think people here want the Sussexes to be "just fine" and that means succeeding on their own, without exploiting their titles, and without bashing the RF. A long time ago, people here were optimistic that they can build a brand without ever mentioning the RF and I voiced concerns that they have nothing to sell that would be interesting to the general public other than their connection to the RF. I still wait to be proven wrong. Maybe WME can help them rebrand.

Add me to the list of those who would be pleased if the Sussexes can build that brand that is not based upon association with the BRF and finally ends the need to bash them to earn a living.
Meghan didn’t consistently attack her half sister on her Twitter Page and other sites since 2016.

The Oprah interview got very high ratings on Australian TV actually. Channel 10 were extremely delighted.

This segment is to be followed by a piece on Andrew apparently, on the same programme.

Meghan did insinuate that the BRF were racist on that interview, causing social media to attack pretty much every member of the BRF for two years straight before Harry said that they actually aren't.

But by then, the damage has been done and many of their defenders still thinks that the BRF are racist.

So Meghan isn't exactly innocent in this situation.
I'm going to go on record here, that I truly and sadly believe that the Business Model that The Sussex's have utilized since 2020 of trashing many of the Royal Family members And The Institution itself will continue.

That's what "sells" for them. They know it. Their "Backers" know it too, whether it be Netflix, Spotify, or Penguin Random House Books.

No matter what uplifting and empowering Stories, Shows or Books they propose, The Sussex's will "circle back" to criticizing The Royal Family. All while trading off of the glamour and grandeur of their Ducal Titles. In America no less.

I'd love to be wrong, but the hypocrisy of self described feminist Meghan who fled from Royal life and duties (in LESS than 18 months !) utilizing a "Duchess Title" in both her personal and professional life is just breathtaking to me.

Now these two are going to sadly saddle their innocent kids with Titles. Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, is the wish that their Parents want them to be recognized as.

From a Country and Family, it appears they are going to have be extremely limited contact and connection with.
Meghan did insinuate that the BRF were racist on that interview, causing social media to attack pretty much every member of the BRF for two years straight before Harry said that they actually aren't.

But by then, the damage has been done and many of their defenders still thinks that the BRF are racist.

So Meghan isn't exactly innocent in this situation.
Sadly both of Prince Harry's paternal grandparents passed away before he chose to publicly clarify their the statements made during the Oprah interview.
According to 'Variety' magazine, the Duchess of Sussex has signed for representation with WME.

Article Here

WME will also represent Archewell. The deal will cover film and television production, brand partnership and overall business-building, but not acting.

"Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex" just sounds so stupid. If they're making some sort of formal announcement why don't they say Meghan Markle or the Duchess of Sussex.

If she & others insist on using this title in the US she could at least tell people how it should be used. It's not rocket science.
"Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex" just sounds so stupid. If they're making some sort of formal announcement why don't they say Meghan Markle or the Duchess of Sussex.

If she & others insist on using this title in the US she could at least tell people how it should be used. It's not rocket science.

i think that *is* how she wants it to be used, it's like that on her 'The Bench' book
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