The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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Here's a very informative CNN article detailing the timeline of the hacking scandal and listing the amount (and undisclosed amount) of settlements/compensations of several victims.

UK Phone Hacking Scandal Fast Facts

Even Fergie settled down with tabloids but Harry is mad at William.
Pretty much all celebrities involved settled down, I don't understand what Harry is trying to prove here? If anything he didn't hire a good lawyer.
Even Fergie settled down with tabloids but Harry is mad at William.
Pretty much all celebrities involved settled down, I don't understand what Harry is trying to prove here? If anything he didn't hire a good lawyer.
Or his lawyer gave him possible options like settling, but he chose not to. At the end of the day, the lawyer can’t force the client to do want they want or what might be the sensible option and regardless of the outcome, they still get their hefty fees so
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Sounds a bit like Harry would like an old fashioned 'pillory' to publicly shame his opponents (who ever they may be)
I dont understand how one deal with Wiliam will include a deal preventing other royals from sueing.
IS it just me or is the legal system now becaming just another platform for Harry to make a spectacle of himself? I dont know if he wants the details of the deal known or if he wants a deal with himself to have the money?
What newspapers was William's deal - NOTW? DId it include the rest of the group - did they admit to wrongdoing in that regard? However if they admit i one case doesnt mean it refers to all examples?
Camilla Tominey suggests in this article that actually Harry did fill a lawsuit years ago together with William (it explains his statement about feeling frustrated of the slow progress in 2018), but chose to part way and go with his own lawyer in 2019.

That article is the best factual explanation I've read of this issue and I've read all of the UK press reports on it. It's also good that she's reminding people of the times that William has taken action against the press, which undermines the implication in Harry's statements that William caved in for a big cash payout.
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Disclosure - I assumed the fact that William agreed to an out of court settlement ; allegedly 1 million pounds, was not for public disclosure. Here he is again (Harry), disclosing private family discussions in order to win his court case. I think in the reign of King William, there will be no contact at all between the two brothers. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor more or less kept quite at least, publicly, after they left the UK.
What IS the endgame with this Media Lawsuit ? Is it to compel William to testify as a witness in Court ?

Didn't Harry basically accuse "some" members The Royal Family of colluding with The Press for favorable coverage ?

Harry doesn't seem at all interested in a settlement. He wants his day in Court. Get back at The Press and force William in, I guess, as a literal "hostile witness".
It now makes sense Harry showed up last month when the Court proceedings opened, even though he wasn't required to. He means business.
AND is serious about pushing this to the limit. Damn the consequences of who (William and The Institution) are collateral damage in some fashion.

Hence the carefully scripted VERY public photo op at the Basketball Ball game the other night. The Sussex's are loving this. Drama, publicity, attacking the "enemy" press and dragging William and The Royal Family in too !

So much for The Sussex's "going about living life in the present", and bemoaning "exhausting Circuses".

Again I will say that whatever Therapy Harry had failed. He anger and obsessions-fixations with Press grievances from YEARS past continues unabated.

Same as attacking his Family. I saw he had another go at Camilla in this latest round. To attack her, and as he sees it, her undeniable push "to become Queen" at all costs. At Harry's own expense, he claims. And Charles was behind that too, according to Harry to " increase" his popularity too.

He seems unhinged when it comes to Camilla. Never passes up an opportunity to demean her. The 'Villain' he calls her. Can't let go of it.

After this latest news WHY is he even bothering to go to The Coronation anyway ?
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Here is yet another reminder that rehashing old events is against this thread's rules. Several posts along those lines have been removed.
After this latest news WHY is he even bothering to go to The Coronation anyway ?

Harry has never taken the time to figure out who he is separate from his family and their baggage. What he cares about, what he likes, what brings him joy. (It seemed like he came close in Africa over a decade ago, but that fell by the wayside.) Even if he blames his family for all of the mess in his life, he still only defines himself in terms of how he relates to his family. To not go to the coronation would mean he'd have to face the world as "Just Harry."
Even though his behavior is disappointing and at times infuriating, I hope he can figure it out one day.
Harry has never taken the time to figure out who he is separate from his family and their baggage. What he cares about, what he likes, what brings him joy. (It seemed like he came close in Africa over a decade ago, but that fell by the wayside.) Even if he blames his family for all of the mess in his life, he still only defines himself in terms of how he relates to his family. To not go to the coronation would mean he'd have to face the world as "Just Harry."
Even though his behavior is disappointing and at times infuriating, I hope he can figure it out one day.

Why attend? He needs more material for his next book or whatever comes next for him. JMHO
If I was whoever is lucky enough to be seated next to him, I wouldn't acknowledge him, let alone speak to him. Harry isn't nice, forgiving or "compassionate" to his UK relatives. Is he ?

I hope The Family doesn't sit him near The York girls either. Why give him that comfort ? Sit him next to the lovely Lady Sarah Chatto or David Linley. That would be interesting, after he purposely (and bizarrely, I mean why ? ) insulted their long dead Mother Princess Margaret in his Book.
I dont understand how one deal with Wiliam will include a deal preventing other royals from sueing.

IS it just me or is the legal system now becaming just another platform for Harry to make a spectacle of himself? I dont know if he wants the details of the deal known or if he wants a deal with himself to have the money?

What newspapers was William's deal - NOTW? DId it include the rest of the group - did they admit to wrongdoing in that regard? However if they admit i one case doesnt mean it refers to all examples?

This absolutely seems like another way for Harry to make a spectacle of himself.

It seems like another opportunity for Harry to lash out at Charles, Camilla, and William (to a lesser extent, but it’s still there imo). He’s also repeatedly violating William’s privacy.

Does Harry not understand that most people settle cases? It’s not uncommon. It certainly isn’t unreasonable for the RF to want to avoid seeing their family on the witness stand. Of course, they would. (And not so Charles could get good press.) It’s really in Harry’s best interest too. Again- a reason why people settle. ( Note the settlement between Fox News and Dominion is an excellent current example. And that settlement is huge.)

I don’t think Harry pursuing this case in this manner does him any favors. But maybe he doesn’t care.
It feels he either in need of money or needs some kind of response from his family and he is hoping maybe pushing this as much as he can will get it.

But it’s possible he is just paranoid and really feels there is a huge conspiracy between his family and the press. Which would explain his actions and why it seems reconciliation is impossible because his family can’t apologize for something they didn’t really do. However it would be pretty alarming for him to be so detached from reality not to see that something like settling in court is quite normal.

Many seemed to have think it’s good that Meghan and this children won’t come to the coronation. But now it feels it won’t be any kind of family event for him to be present. And he will just is going to be there to argue with his family members and get more material for a new book perhaps.
I, for one support, Prince Harry and Meghan. They have been unfairly treated by his family and the British media. Let them have their day in court, and let the truth be exposed. Let the chips fall where they may.
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I agree about repercussions and letting the chips fall where they may, especially If William is forced to testify.
"IF" Harry's case goes to Trial, then this Royal Circus of The Sussex's needs to end of them trading on their Titles.
It is beyond ridiculous that Harry will not stop targeting his Family. While monetizing the relationship at the same time.

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I, for one support, Prince Harry and Meghan. They have been unfairly treated by his family and the British media. Let them have their day in court, and let the truth be exposed. Let the chips fall where they may.

Well, if that’s the case they’re not so different that the family they hate are they? I can’t deal with the hypocrisy. Harry claims his privacy is very important to him ( We all can see it with Netflix show, his book and countless interviews obviously:ROFLMAO:? ) But he doesn’t have any problem with invading his brother’s privacy.

If the court case does goes to trial it won't start until January, 2024.
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I’ll never understand in what way they were treated unfairly. All I’ve seen were exceptions that were favourable to them. And I don’t understand how such a trial would solve the supposed unfairness.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

I’ll never understand in what way they were treated unfairly. All I’ve seen were exceptions that were favourable to them. And I don’t understand how such a trial eould solve the suposed unfairness.

I don’t either.

And I seriously doubt the court cares whether Harry’s daddy wanted him to settle or not. Much less why. Harry was and is an adult.

Though I think the reason is Charles wanted to avoid seeing members of the BRF on the stand. Not surprising.

I think Harry thinks he’s (and Meghan) been wronged repeatedly, and he wants everyone to explicitly say so publicly and agree with him. That’s what he’s said he wants. He’d probably like them to list it out in detail. That’s the press. That’s his family. And whoever else. I don’t think he’s going to get that. He wants to be told publicly he’s right, they’re wrong. On every last thing.
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I’ll never understand in what way they were treated unfairly. All I’ve seen were exceptions that were favourable to them. And I don’t understand how such a trial would solve the supposed unfairness.

Exactly. None of the items about this trial make any sense at all. And I agree that they were treated exceptionally well and the RF bent over backwards to accommodate them - at times.
I, for one support, Prince Harry and Meghan. They have been unfairly treated by his family and the British media. Let them have their day in court, and let the truth be exposed. Let the chips fall where they may.

They claim that they have been treated unfairly by his family. How much credibility they both now have after the last three years is open to question.

It is Harry who has broken confidences with his book.
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I, for one support, Prince Harry and Meghan. They have been unfairly treated by his family and the British media. Let them have their day in court, and let the truth be exposed. Let the chips fall where they may.

Could you provide examples of unfair treatment by the family.
A judge in Harry’s case has called out inconsistencies in his legal claim.

The Duke of Sussex appears to have “factual inconsistencies” in his legal claim about being a victim of hacking, a senior judge said.

Mr Justice Fancourt said he has concerns about Harry’s account of an alleged secret deal by the royal family, which he says prevented him bringing legal action earlier.

Harry, 38, has accused the late Queen of being involved in an agreement with the publisher of The Sun and the News of the World. He says his brother secretly accepted a “very large sum” in compensation from the publisher in 2020.

The judge questioned why details of Harry’s legal claim filed in 2020 failed to include the alleged secret deal which the duke now says means the publisher accepted it would not try to block his compensation claim because it was too old.

The judge added: “Another thing that is troubling is what appears to be a factual inconsistency in the current pleaded cases that the Duke of Sussex did not have the knowledge [of the alleged wrongdoing] before 2019 and your proposed amendment seems to say he would have brought the claim in 2012 but for the secret agreement.”

I, for one support, Prince Harry and Meghan. They have been unfairly treated by his family and the British media. Let them have their day in court, and let the truth be exposed. Let the chips fall where they may.

Well the "truth" might be not the one you're waiting for lol
A judge in Harry’s case has called out inconsistencies in his legal claim.


The judge added: “Another thing that is troubling is what appears to be a factual inconsistency in the current pleaded cases that the Duke of Sussex did not have the knowledge [of the alleged wrongdoing] before 2019 and your proposed amendment seems to say he would have brought the claim in 2012 but for the secret agreement.”



Even the judge is confused with Harry's timeline ...

So this so-called "secret agreement" was in 2020, but it's applicable since 2012? And if Harry wasn't aware of the agreement until 2012, why not fill lawsuit before 2012? I mean, he didn't know that there's something to prevent him from suing, no? This BBC article was from 2014, reporting about William's lawsuit against NotW, or the "agreement" didn't apply to William back then, not until 2020?

Or is Harry simply in some sort of time paradox? Selective memory?
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

Even the judge is confused with Harry's timeline ...

So this so-called "secret agreement" was in 2020, but it's applicable since 2012? And if Harry wasn't aware of the agreement until 2012, why not fill lawsuit before 2012? I mean, he didn't know that there's something to prevent him from suing, no? This BBC article was from 2014, reporting about William's lawsuit against NotW, or the "agreement" didn't apply to William back then, not until 2020?

Or is Harry simply in some sort of time paradox? Selective memory?

I was staying away from commenting on the timeline because I was getting a headache. Turns out- even the judge doesn’t get it.

You’d have thought Harry’s lawyers would have had their ducks in a row regarding this. Unless they just did what he wanted regardless. He could be that kind of client.

ETA- a lot of this just convoluted imo. Which the judge is pointing out.
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I'm attempting to locate the source now in print but I'm seeing a young journalist on IG that covers royal news is reporting that she has been told Harry received an offer of a 200,000 pound settlement on nine separate occasions but refused because he wanted a settlement equal to William's. However, the settlements were offered proportionally. Because Harry was only hacked nine times to William's 35 his settlement offer was lower. Had Catherine been involved in the suit her settlement would have been quite a bit larger than William's because she was hacked 155 times. Again, still attempting to locate a printed article but this is the latest information in regard to the settlement question.
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