The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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He is just such an angry, broken and traumatised human.

Other people's decisions are private. That the institution didn't want their members giving evidence in court is a given. Of course they didn't.

All I hope is that Harry sorts himself out. I feel sorry for Megjan. Go away and live your life.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the NBA basketball playoffs round one game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Memphis Grizzlies in Los Angeles on April 24:

** Pic ** gettyimages gallery ** dm article **

The couple look very happy on their date night, and jokingly played up to the crowd urging them to kiss! It’s lovely to see them together and enjoying themselves.

Indeed it's goodto see them out and about again, but i just realised hope poignant it is that precisely the daily mail article has the nice smiley pictures, in the other links Harry seems a bit moody or grumpy (ofcourse photos only catch a split second, so i think these are just not his best photos of this outing)
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Indeed it's goodto see them out and about again, but i just realised hope poignant it is that precisely the daily mail article has the nice smiley pictures, in the other links Harry seems a bit moody or grumpy (ofcourse photos only catcb a split second, so i think these are just not his best photos of this outing)

He always looks like that.
Harry's bitterness and jealousy against his self described "arch nemesis" brother William just keeps escalating. Is there no low Harry won't stoop to in his quest to hurt and diminish William, personally and professionally ?
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He doesn't seem to be a party to the agreement, so I don't think there would be any way for him to be bound by it.

Other than once again he is divulging private family business. William is not the only person to settle out of court. He hasn't done anything illegal.
Fig Tree, why do you "feel bad for Meghan" ? She is just as culpable as Harry is, in my honest opinion. They both feed off of hitting out at Family members over perceived slights. Releasing private conversations ......throwing out accusations...... and embellishing interactions to further whatever narrative they are pushing. Usually victimhood of how hard done by the two of them are by their Families OR THE Institution.

I do have to laugh at the motto on The Archewell Website it says.... "Shared Purpose-Global Action. Leading The Way With Compassion.'

Zero Compassion though for nearly ALL Of their adult relatives. None, save Doria.

I honestly can't think of any bigger hypocrites than these two.

Why Charles doesn't see that there is JUST no way of ever appeasing The Sussex's is beyond me. Every Olive Branch is thrown back at The Family like a spear.

Personally, I believe after The Coronation, more grenades will be thrown from Montecito. Poor William's reputation and The Sussex's quest to demean and diminish The Monarchy will continue unabated.
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Fig Tree, why do you "feel bad for Meghan" ? She is just as culpable as Harry is, in my honest opinion. They both feed off of hitting out at Family members over perceived slights. Releasing private conversations ......throwing out accusations...... and embellishing interactions to further whatever narrative they are pushing. Usually victimhood of hard done by the two of them are by their Families OR THE Institution.

I do have to laugh at the motto on The Archewell Website it says.... "Shared Purpose -Global Action. Leading The Way With Compassion.'

Zero Compassion though for nearly ALL Of their adult relatives. None, save Doria.

I honestly can't think of any bigger hypocrites than these two.

Why Charles doesn't see that there is JUST no way of ever appeasing The Sussex's is beyond me. Every Olive Branch is thrown back at The Family like a spear.

Personally, I believe after The Coronation, more grenades will be thrown from Montecito. Poor William's reputation and The Sussex's quest to demean and diminish The Monarchy will continue unabated.

I guess I would hate a partner like that. There is nothing about him that is remorely appealing to me.
The Evening Standard has more info on Harry’s lawsuit against News Group Network. Harry blames the media for his bad behavior. He says the tabloids cast each member of the Royal family in specific roles and then “edge” them towards playing that role.

“You’re then either the ‘playboy prince’, the ‘failure’, the ‘drop out’ or, in my case, the ‘thicko’, the ‘cheat’, the ‘underage drinker’, the ‘irresponsible drug taker’, the list goes on.

“As a teenager and in my early twenties, I ended up feeling as though I was playing up to a lot of the headlines and stereotypes that they wanted to place upon me. It was a downward spiral, whereby the tabloids would constantly try and coax me, a ‘damaged’ young man, into doing something stupid that would make a good story and sell lots of newspapers.

He also wanted to ban reporters from his wedding to Meghan and claims the Palace stopped him from filing a claim against NGN.

Harry said in his statement he was keen to “force an apology from Murdoch”, using access to the wedding as leverage, and said his brother was “very understanding and supportive”, suggesting he seek permission from the late Queen to file his own phone hacking legal claim against NGN in 2017.

He said his grandmother “gave the green light”, but then his efforts to bring forward a claim were thwarted by a lack of support from officials within the Royal household.

In February 2018, three months before his wedding, Harry asked an official for the “latest on the phone hacking”, adding: “They are running out of time.”

In a second message, he wrote: “The institution is supposed to be leading on this and is being made to look ineffective and weak. I can’t begin to tell you what it will say about the institution if this isn’t resolved before the baby arrival and wedding.

“If it isn’t resolved, should the Queen be allowing them to Windsor on May 19th?

“They have NO excuse for not getting this sorted. We all want to draw a line under this but judging by their behaviour thus far, they will pay whatever they can to keep this out of court when it comes to other victims. There needs to be an ultimatum otherwise this institution and everything it stands for becomes a laughing stock.”

After being told in March 2018 of “continued silence” from NGN bosses in New York, Harry wrote: “With HM fully supporting this I don’t think I need to remind anyone how important it is to resolve this before end of April.
“Putting her in the position of having to invite these people into Windsor Castle without resolution is not an option.”


The Duke said when he finally did file legal claims against NGN and the Mirror Group Newspapers in 2019, I was “summoned to Buckingham Palace and specifically told to drop the legal actions because they have an ‘effect on all the family’”, adding that the demand came from his father’s Private Secretary.

Here’s the link to the article:
The Evening Standard has more info on Harry’s lawsuit against News Group Network. Harry blames the media for his bad behavior. He says the tabloids cast each member of the Royal family in specific roles and then “edge” them towards playing that role.

An adult man who can't own up to his own mistakes is really pathetic.

Just a while ago, Harry was giving interviews about how wonderful his experiences with mind-altering drugs were to him and now he is saying that he was somehow forced into a life of drugs and booze because of stereotypes that the media pinned on him? Maybe I am misunderstanding this quote.
I got the impression that Harry bringing up William’s claim is to do with timing. Harry was being told he had passed the time limit so he is saying well William only settled in 2020.
I just wish he'd decide whether it's the media's fault or William and Catherine's that he wore the Nazi outfit.
I got the impression that Harry bringing up William’s claim is to do with timing. Harry was being told he had passed the time limit so he is saying well William only settled in 2020.

I was trying to understand what the relevance of bringing up William was; if his brother was able to settle, there is little reason to think that Harry couldn't go that same route. I'm still not completely clear on the timeline. Can anyone help reconstruct that?
I was trying to understand what the relevance of bringing up William was; if his brother was able to settle, there is little reason to think that Harry couldn't go that same route. I'm still not completely clear on the timeline. Can anyone help reconstruct that?

Some observers (found on instagram but don’t remember who) say that it is a proof of admission of fault by the NGN.
So all Harry's bad behaviour is because of the press? Right.....okay....

I don't understand the point in bringing William's claim/settlement up. I hope it has a legal purpose and isn't just Harry trying to cause more problems.

I'm not sure all this "my father stopped me pursuing my claim" talk is any good, surely a court doesn't care why you didn't sue just whether you did or not?

I remember back in 2006ish there was all that drama over a royal reporter who had hacked phones - it was how we got to know that William was friendly with Tom Bradbury as a voicemail he left on Bradbury's phone asking to borrow some camera equipment was one of those hacked. It was huge news at the time...Harry must have known he was likely to have been a target too.

I also don't understand how he claims Charles and Camilla wanted the case dropped to ensure good media...but then William was allowed to pursue a case that resulted in a "huge secret settlement"

Side note - I saw claims the box at the basketball game was paid for by the Archwell charity. Is that allowed?
The reason Harry brought up William’s case is because he’s trying to accuse some members of the royal family of working with the media. Harry wanted NGN to publicly apologize for the phone hacking. They didn’t. Instead they settled privately with William.

However, there was no apology, which Harry ascribes to a secret deal between the royal family and senior Murdoch executives to keep proceedings out of court. As part of the legal proceedings he alleged that his brother, Prince William, had secretly been paid a “huge sum of money” by Murdoch’s company in 2020 to settle a previously undisclosed phone-hacking claim.

Harry outright accuses his father of working with the Sun. He says Queen Elizabeth II gave her consent to pursue further legal action, but Charles blocked it.

The prince said his father, the king, had personally demanded he stop his legal cases against British newspaper outlets when they were filed in late 2019.
The court filings state: “I was summoned to Buckingham Palace and specifically told to drop the legal actions because they have an ‘effect on all the family’.” He added this was “a direct request (or rather demand) from my father” and senior royal aides.


Harry now believes his father and royal courtiers were prioritising positive coverage of his father and Camilla in the Sun, rather than seeking to back his legal claims.

He said: “[T]hey had a specific long-term strategy to keep the media (including [Sun publisher] NGN) onside in order to smooth the way for my stepmother (and father) to be accepted by the British public as queen consort (and king respectively) when the time came … anything that might upset the applecart in this regard (including the suggestion of resolution of our phone-hacking claims) was to be avoided at all costs.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

An adult man who can't own up to his own mistakes is really pathetic.

Just a while ago, Harry was giving interviews about how wonderful his experiences with mind-altering drugs were to him and now he is saying that he was somehow forced into a life of drugs and booze because of stereotypes that the media pinned on him? Maybe I am misunderstanding this quote.

He is indeed pathetic.

Now it’s fault of the press that he engaged in reckless behavior, didn’t do well in school, etc.

There’s no end to this nonsense. Grow up already…..

Oh- and I see he brought William into this again- saying William supported him.
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WOW Soapstar, thanks. Will this direct attack against Charles "integrity" finally be the straw that breaks the camels back ?

Harry seems intent, hell bent, on inflicting maximum damage on his Father and Brother.

If I was The King, I would tell the "Darling Boy" under the circumstances, to stay home with Meghan and skip coming to The Coronation.

His presence will just be there to gather more grievances and fuel more character assassinations of Family-Firm Members in The Spare Sequel.

No wonder The Sussex's staged their event yesterday at The Game. Laughing, mugging for the camera.They are just loving this. Attacking The Family and The Crown. Their favorite games......
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

The reason Harry brought up William’s case is because he’s trying to accuse some members of the royal family of working with the media. Harry wanted NGN to publicly apologize for the phone hacking. They didn’t. Instead they settled privately with William.

Harry outright accuses his father of working with the Sun. He says Queen Elizabeth II gave her consent to pursue further legal action, but Charles blocked it.


Thank you.

Other than trying to make Charles (and William to a lesser extent) look bad- does it really matter? The court won’t care about what his dad wanted him to do or why. He’s an adult.

So- he’s saying his dad wanted this kept quiet (ie settled without a trial) in return for nice coverage. William settled; thus resolving this quietly. So- his real issue is that he wanted a public apology, which he couldn’t get with a private settlement?

I think the RF would have wanted this settled quietly. That’s their way. I definitely don’t think TQ wanted loads of headlines, the family on the witness stand etc. Most cases are settled anyway.
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I guess I would hate a partner like that. There is nothing about him that is remorely appealing to me.

I agree with you there. I just don’t feel sorry for Meghan. She’s no better than him. I think they egg each other on.
It feels like there is a lot of bluff and bluster going on from Harry and his team.
Yes awful things happened but it sounds like Harry's biggest issue is that much of it seemed to be dealt with by the RF quietly rather than in a blaze of headlines and fuss Harry wanted.
Personally I find it hard to reconcile that someone who breached his own family's privacy in so many ways over the past few years is trying to sue a newspaper for...breaching his own privacy.
WOW Soapstar, thanks. Will this direct attack against Charles "integrity" finally be the straw that breaks the camels back ?

Harry seems intent, hell bent, on inflicting maximum damage on his Father and Brother.

I don't deny that some damage has been inflicted already on the Royal Family's standing although the damage to Harry and Meghan personally has been greater relatively speaking judging by the polls. In any case, Harry needs to realize at some point that this is an asymmetric fight which he cannot possibly win.

Charles seems to believe that he can bring Harry back into the fold, which is why he keeps extending olive branches to the Montecito ducal court rather than engaging in confrontation. That, however, only encourages Harry to keep pressing on with his attacks. And, obviously, his advisers, both in the UK and the US, stimulate the confrontation too as they are profiting (financially that is) from it.

It feels like there is a lot of bluff and bluster going on from Harry and his team.
Yes awful things happened but it sounds like Harry's biggest issue is that much of it seemed to be dealt with by the RF quietly rather than in a blaze of headlines and fuss Harry wanted.
Personally I find it hard to reconcile that someone who breached his own family's privacy in so many ways over the past few years is trying to sue a newspaper for...breaching his own privacy.

It was entirely reasonable for William to settle out of court and it has nothing to do in my opinion with Charles wanting the Sun to support "Queen Camilla". Does the RF really want to put a future King of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms on the stand to be cross-examined by some sleazy newspaper lawyer? That would be beyond the dignity of the institution of which William is the heir.

Besides, William won compensation for whatever damages were inflicted on him and, according to the reports, it was a considerable sum. So one cannot argue that justice has not been served.
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I am sorry but thry wouldn’t have wanted Harry on the stand or any of them giving evidence. Of course they wouldn’t. He is now paranoid about everything being to make C and C look good. When will it end.
I don't deny that some damage has been inflicted already on the Royal Family's standing although the damage to Harry and Meghan personally has been greater relatively speaking judging by the polls. In any case, Harry needs to realize at some point that this is an asymmetric fight which he cannot possibly win.

Charles seems to believe that he can bring Harry back into the fold, which is why he keeps extending olive branches to the Montecito ducal court rather than engaging in confrontation. That, however, only encourages Harry to keep pressing on with his attacks. And, obviously, his advisers, both in the UK and the US, stimulate the confrontation too as they are profiting (financially that is) from it.

It was entirely reasonable for William to settle out of court and it has nothing to do in my opinion with Charles wanting the Sun to support "Queen Camilla". Does the RF really want to put a future King of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms on the stand to be cross-examined by some sleazy newspaper lawyer? That would be beyond the dignity of the institution of which William is the heir.

Besides, William won compensation for whatever damages were inflicted on him and, according to the reports, it was a considerable sum. So one cannot argue that justice has not been served.

Most people in these circumstances settle. The media and challenging it’s disgusting behaviour is the job of massive enquires like Leaveson. Not one not very bright, quite unstable man who can’t see his family didn’t want him going court to help him most of all.
The Evening Standard has more info on Harry’s lawsuit against News Group Network. Harry blames the media for his bad behavior. He says the tabloids cast each member of the Royal family in specific roles and then “edge” them towards playing that role.

He also wanted to ban reporters from his wedding to Meghan and claims the Palace stopped him from filing a claim against NGN.

Here’s the link to the article:

In February 2018, three months before his wedding, Harry asked an official for the “latest on the phone hacking”, adding: “They are running out of time.”

In a second message, he wrote: “The institution is supposed to be leading on this and is being made to look ineffective and weak. I can’t begin to tell you what it will say about the institution if this isn’t resolved before the baby arrival and wedding.

Baby arrival???? I am reading this properly? that says three months before their wedding? :ohmy:

In February 2018, three months before his wedding, Harry asked an official for the “latest on the phone hacking”, adding: “They are running out of time.”

In a second message, he wrote: “The institution is supposed to be leading on this and is being made to look ineffective and weak. I can’t begin to tell you what it will say about the institution if this isn’t resolved before the baby arrival and wedding.

Baby arrival???? I am reading this properly? that says three months before their wedding? :ohmy:

She wasn’t pregnant when they married unless she is an elephant. They were obviously planning like honeymoon conception. Or even already trying.
She wasn’t pregnant when they married unless she is an elephant. They were obviously planning like honeymoon conception. Or even already trying.

Or they meant the arrival of Prince Louis, as that was the other event KP was prepping for media access for at the time of the wedding.
I'm not sure all this "my father stopped me pursuing my claim" talk is any good, surely a court doesn't care why you didn't sue just whether you did or not?
There are certain circumstances that can be used to "toll" a statute of limitations, i.e. extend the time you have to sue. For instance, if the defendant makes misrepresentations that prevent you from learning you have grounds to sue, or if the defendant leaves the jurisdiction in which the suit is required to take place and can't be served with process.

However, "The Palace/my father told me not to file suit" is most definitely not one of those circumstances. It boggles my mind that Harry's legal team would try to use that as an excuse.

Also, didn't Penguin/Random House say the purpose of Harry's book was to share his "hard-won wisdom," or some other such nonsense? Yet, he's now avoiding responsibility for his own actions by saying the media forced him to play up to the role they created for him. Way to be accountable, Harry!

I can't believe I ever considered him one of my favorite royals.
What I find interesting is that Harry was presenting his position as speaking on behalf of HLM when suggesting that the press be banned from Windsor Castle on the occasion of his wedding. He is characterizing a private conversation with QEII as her being supportive of him and, based on what he shared in Spare, I really have to wonder if this was another instance of Harry hearing what Harry wanted to hear and, when told 'no' by others, deciding the only possible reason for this is not that wiser, cooler, more deliberative heads prevailed but instead that no one was really interested in protecting his grandmother (and by extension, the monarchy). Harry's got a real savior complex going on, as far as I can see.
I got the impression that Harry bringing up William’s claim is to do with timing. Harry was being told he had passed the time limit so he is saying well William only settled in 2020.

Well, he claims that the 2020 "secret settlement" included a deal that would have prevented future litigation from other royals.


Although, I can't help but wonder if those "deal" does exist, apparently it (legally) means nothing because we've seen that Harry able to fill a litigation now instead of the Sun/NotW(?)/Murdoch using it to shut down this lawsuit.

Camilla Tominey suggests in this article that actually Harry did fill a lawsuit years ago together with William (it explains his statement about feeling frustrated of the slow progress in 2018), but chose to part way and go with his own lawyer in 2019.

And now I get the impression that he brings this 2020 settlement either because he resents his brother for the fact that William settled this "court-battle" he left (instead of dragging it into media circus) or he's upset that William got "large sum of money" while he gets nothing? Because if "the deal" did exist, it won't excuse why he didn't push the lawsuit BEFORE 2020.
Well, he claims that the 2020 "secret settlement" included a deal that would have prevented future litigation from other royals.


Although, I can't help but wonder if those "deal" does exist, apparently it (legally) means nothing because we've seen that Harry able to fill a litigation now instead of the Sun/NotW(?)/Murdoch using it to shut down this lawsuit.

Camilla Tominey suggests in this article that actually Harry did fill a lawsuit years ago together with William (it explains his statement about feeling frustrated of the slow progress in 2018), but chose to part way and go with his own lawyer in 2019.

And now I get the impression that he brings this 2020 settlement either because he resents his brother for the fact that William settled this "court-battle" he left (instead of dragging it into media circus) or he's upset that William got "large sum of money" while he gets nothing? Because if "the deal" did exist, it won't excuse why he didn't push the lawsuit BEFORE 2020.

Sounds as if he has remorse and is now jealous that William did get a settlement (i.e. money) and that he didn't.
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