The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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"Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex" just sounds so stupid. If they're making some sort of formal announcement why don't they say Meghan Markle or the Duchess of Sussex.

If she & others insist on using this title in the US she could at least tell people how it should be used. It's not rocket science.

She might not know how her title should be used. Or care, for that matter. Just as long as she sees it in some format.

It’s real hard for me to get past her still using her title. Yes- she’s entitled to, but she literally has nothing to do with the UK. Meghan isn’t even going to the Coronation. And, while I tend to think that’s for the best, it drives home the absurdity of still using DofS.
Its interesting as now we have heard so much from Harry and Meghan about his family I certainly don't think they have any right to complain about what her family say about her / him. If Harry and Meghan can use a tv show to talk about the RF why can't her family use one to talk about her? A big change from when Thomas Markle first started speaking about Meghan when we heard nothing from Harry and Meghan and it all felt one sided.

I'm not a fan of the Markles so couldn't care less what they say as they are very unreliable and untrustworthy so its all for drama but still I don't think there are any grounds for saying they can't / shouldn't speak out anymore. And Harry and Meghan only have themselves to blame for that.
Re the so-called documentary on this Sunday on Channel 7.

Also appearing on this Samantha Markle, who has attacked her half sister on line, since 2016, and is still suing her, and Meghan’s half-brother, who’s done his share of attacking Meghan as well, and appeared on a reality TV show on 7 doing so about a year ago.

I won’t be watching this tripe.

Wonder if it will air in Europe, bet it wil be insightful and fun to watch ...
I doubt it. Families spiting at each other>
Its interesting as now we have heard so much from Harry and Meghan about his family I certainly don't think they have any right to complain about what her family say about her / him. If Harry and Meghan can use a tv show to talk about the RF why can't her family use one to talk about her?
Exactly. I think the Markles are an opportunistic pack of vultures, but neither the Sussexes nor their fans have any room for complaint when it comes to the Markles airing family secrets and grievances.
Exactly. I think the Markles are an opportunistic pack of vultures, but neither the Sussexes nor their fans have any room for complaint when it comes to the Markles airing family secrets and grievances.

Agree, the Sussexes don't have any moral high ground when it comes to public complaints about family.
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I'm going to go on record here, that I truly and sadly believe that the Business Model that The Sussex's have utilized since 2020 of trashing many of the Royal Family members And The Institution itself will continue.

That's what "sells" for them. They know it. Their "Backers" know it too, whether it be Netflix, Spotify, or Penguin Random House Books.

No matter what uplifting and empowering Stories, Shows or Books they propose, The Sussex's will "circle back" to criticizing The Royal Family. All while trading off of the glamour and grandeur of their Ducal Titles. In America no less.

I'm convinced you're right.
The public simply isn't interested in anything else they create!
Without the royal connection, most people would be indifferent.
That's my biggest take-away from Harry's interviews and book over the last few years: that he confirmed pretty much everything that i always thought were just media-exaggerations

And now he apparently alludes that because the media make him look a certain way, people will threaten him
""Any one of the thousands of people that I met or was introduced to on any given day could easily have said: 'You know what, you're an idiot. I've read all the stories about you and now I hate you and am going to stab you'," said Prince Harry, in a witness statement for a court case that once again threatens to rewrite what we know about the Royal Family."

in other words, he links media and terrorism.

If that is his truth he will never find peace.
And now he apparently alludes that because the media make him look a certain way, people will threaten him
""Any one of the thousands of people that I met or was introduced to on any given day could easily have said: 'You know what, you're an idiot. I've read all the stories about you and now I hate you and am going to stab you'," said Prince Harry, in a witness statement for a court case that once again threatens to rewrite what we know about the Royal Family."
Such hypocrisy! He made himself a target when he said on film several years ago, (something like) blowing up targets was akin to a video game. He recently doubled down on that mistake by what he wrote himself, in his own book about how many Taliban he'd killed.
He's complaining that the tabloids depicted him as an "underage drinker" and "irresponsible drug taker"? Is he going to argue that this was inaccurate?

Harry is the one who has confirmed the drug taking continued, those early stories when he was young were viewed as a typical teenage boy.

The public view was a lost boy who didn't have his mum around and his father was elsewhere, he had all the sympathy. The British public loved him, especially for his faults, he was normal, what family has not had a teenage boy trying out a beer before he should have.

Yes anything could have happened to him out among the crowds but not because he was an under age drinker or had dabbled in drugs.
so why doesn't he lead a private life, keep at a distance from the public and keep his bodyguards close.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

WME also bought the Miss Universe franchise a while back and even they couldn't rescue that trainwreck.

I think people here want the Sussexes to be "just fine" and that means succeeding on their own, without exploiting their titles, and without bashing the RF. A long time ago, people here were optimistic that they can build a brand without ever mentioning the RF and I voiced concerns that they have nothing to sell that would be interesting to the general public other than their connection to the RF. I still wait to be proven wrong. Maybe WME can help them rebrand.

I think one of the Sussexes biggest hurdles is I see no evidence that they have A list talent to back up their A list fame. They’re famous for their family- and it shows imo.

Meghan wasn’t Princess Grace pre marriage. She wasn’t a star or great talent. She didn’t stay in the BRF long enough to attach herself to major causes- unlike Diana. (She also lacks her extraordinary charisma and ability to connect with people.) Since leaving-she (and Harry) are best known for 3 years worth of complaints rather than the minor (and forgettable imo) projects they’ve engaged in.

Maybe they can get rebranded. WME certainly has their work cut out for them.

The Sussexes should be fine no matter what. They have plenty of money. They are supposedly a happy family. Whether or not this works out as they hope- they should be fine.
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Harry is the one who has confirmed the drug taking continued, those early stories when he was young were viewed as a typical teenage boy.

The public view was a lost boy who didn't have his mum around and his father was elsewhere, he had all the sympathy. The British public loved him, especially for his faults, he was normal, what family has not had a teenage boy trying out a beer before he should have.

Yes anything could have happened to him out among the crowds but not because he was an under age drinker or had dabbled in drugs.
I completely agree, Hallo girl
People loved him for his faults, because he had difficulties but it seemed he raised above them and became a good man
Now he is not only confirming all the worst stories of the media (stories that maybe the public wouldn't really believe but now he is confirming the all) but it's seems like all his maturing never really happened, he seems childish, spiteful, vindictive and incapable of admitting fault
It's really a sad situation, for him, his wife, his children and all the people that despite everything still love him
That's my biggest take-away from Harry's interviews and book over the last few years: that he confirmed pretty much everything that i always thought were just media-exaggerations

And now he apparently alludes that because the media make him look a certain way, people will threaten him
""Any one of the thousands of people that I met or was introduced to on any given day could easily have said: 'You know what, you're an idiot. I've read all the stories about you and now I hate you and am going to stab you'," said Prince Harry, in a witness statement for a court case that once again threatens to rewrite what we know about the Royal Family."

in other words, he links media and terrorism.

If that is his truth he will never find peace.

Exactly. I don't think he will ever find peace either.

Has it occurred to him that many of the things he revealed in his book, or his interviews, is just as capable of provoking such a response, however unlikely such a response would be? Is he that paranoid, does he not understand that people have more important things in life to deal with than what they think of him? Like paying the bills, living with strikes and such? That's the real world, and the most likely response is that he's just a spoiled, petulant and rather unpleasant person who should just give us all a break and shut up. Most people would just be grateful if he kept a low profile and quietly went away to get on with his life; they don't want to hear about his perceived woes when they're trying to work out how to pay the electricity bill or find the money for the mortgage, and possibly dealing with much worse issues such as homelessness, poverty, abuse, addiction. People who are real victims. The rest of the RF more than understand all of this in these difficult times.

Moreover, the courts are going to want to deal with fact rather than all this overblown emotion; I wonder if Harry is so determined to be heard that he hasn't really thought about (or cares) about whether it all stacks up correctly and the possible consequences especially if it doesn't go his way in Court. One can speculate on the possible reasons for this lack of foresight, the contradictions, the inconsistencies.

I think he's tying himself up in knots to be honest, and factual inconsistencies have already been brought up by one judge. The RF must be utterly mortified by what he is trying to do to them but mostly by what he is doing to himself. I utterly admire them for the way they are going about business as usual and keeping smiling, especially William and Kate.

Harry has zero chance of ever finding peace unless he gives up his crusade against the press and the RF and quietly goes off and lives his life in California. If he'd done the latter in the first place many more people would have accepted it and wished him well, but all he's done is drag up the past over and over again; that's where he's living, in the past, whatever his wife says about moving on, although perhaps tellingly her recent statement about this only mentions her.

It's obvious to anyone that his obsession with the past is a constant presence in his life, despite the California sunshine, the luxurious mansion, the wife and children. The fortune he must have spent on legal fees and will continue to spend, could have gone a long way to funding the new and expensive lifestyle. Keeping a low profile, out of the courts, out of the media, would have been the sensible way forward, and finding a way to earn money in a positive and constructive way.

And therein lies the problem; because he believes he has to continue to trade on his royal connections to make money, to fight his crusade and fund his lifestyle, in ways such as trashing his family and selling secrets to the highest bidder in books and interviews, unfortunately this isn't going to stop. He'll keep talking and talking, long after everyone has had enough and stopped listening to him. As he gets older he'll just be seen as a whining bore and a joke, a person who sees himself as a perpetual victim and can't see the wood for the trees - that in real terms he's one of the more fortunate people on the planet.

To sum it all up, he's dug an enormous hole from which it will now be very difficult to extricate himself.

All MOO - mods feel free to amend as you see fit.
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What an interesting perspective that the media stories could have made a member of the public lash out and stab Harry at any moment because they fueled hatred for him.

Those stories (which he has recently confirmed were greatly toned down, incidentally) created the persona that made Harry wildly beloved by the public from his teenage years through his early marriage. Cheeky Harry, imperfect, a victim of circumstance who was just one of the lads- he was adored on a scale his father and brother could only have dreamed of *because* of the way he was portrayed.
An extensive series of posts have been removed since they were speculative, rehashed events, and added nothing to the thread.

The moderating team have allowed a lot of flexibility in what can be discussed on this thread, but it is up to members to be aware of the rules that apply to posts on the Sussex thread, and to resist the temptation to score points or drag up old debates. As always, those posts will be deleted without notice.

If you want the thread to stay open, please follow the rules.
What an interesting perspective that the media stories could have made a member of the public lash out and stab Harry at any moment because they fueled hatred for him.

Those stories (which he has recently confirmed were greatly toned down, incidentally) created the persona that made Harry wildly beloved by the public from his teenage years through his early marriage. Cheeky Harry, imperfect, a victim of circumstance who was just one of the lads- he was adored on a scale his father and brother could only have dreamed of *because* of the way he was portrayed.

But is it true though? Maybe for Charles, but certainly not William.
Here's YouGov's Royal Family Favourability Tracker from 2011 to 2023.

So let's compare (net positive in brackets):
------------- 2011 ---- 2012 ---- 2013 ---- 2017 ---- 2019
QEII ---- 86(76) -- 84(73) -- 82(70) -- 80(67) -- 82(71)
William 87(78) -- 85(76) -- 82(71) -- 81(69) -- 81(69)
Harry -- 80(65) -- 75(55) -- 80(66) -- 81(70) -- 71(49)
Kate ---- 82(72) -- 82(72) -- 79(67) -- 77(64) -- 76(63)

Here's Yougov put it in line graphs (net positive only) from 2012 to 2020 and it shows that William's line hovering around 70s while Harry's around mid 60s (pre-Megxit). So is it really true that Harry was always the most popular royal more than William?

I remember seeing Yougov comparing William's and Harry's in one graph (I'll put it here if I can find it again), it shows that Harry topped William's popularity around his deployment to Afghanistan (the hero-Harry era), not before and not after (in around H's wedding), and even at his peak Harry never surpassed W's peak number (Harry 81 vs William 87).
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I'm just going to say that I found it VERY interesting and downright curious regarding Meghan's actions last week at the Basketball Game when the "Kiss Cam" purposely zoomed in on them.

For those that don't know, this is the description of a "Kiss Cam". Noun, North American English.

"A live video feed in a Sports arena showing Images of selected couples in the audience WITH THE EXPECTATION THAT THEY WILL KISS."

I actually *kinda* ( a little) felt bad for Harry went he went in to kiss Meghan, and she wouldn't indulge him. Meghan is the most touchy-feely Celebrity of my lifetime. Some non fan Pundits even call her constant grabbing of Harry's hand in derogatory terms .....The Claw.

So it is interesting, why Harry got dissed. On a Kiss-Cam no less. Not even a peck. She blocked him.

Hopefully, it really was nothing, BUT Meghan as a American, and Celebrity knows exactly what the Kiss Cam is all about.

It made me think back to the botched kiss of Diana and Charles, at a Polo Match at 1992. Diana purposefully turned her head as Charles moved in to kiss her. The photo made headlines for Royal Watchers. Diana like Meghan was a master of messaging. Absolutely brilliant.
erm, Diana's avoidance of Charles' kiss was not brilliant. It was unkind and done deliberately to make him look foolish, and it was one of the man things that brought their marriage to a very public end...I Hope Meghan is not trying anything similar.
Yes Denville. What Diana did "was unkind and done deliberately". It was a "message", as they separated that same year.
Yes I know that. It may have looked clever in a way but it was one of hte things she did to make him look foolish and to push thier marriage to an end. But it did not end well for either of them. Diana left the RF, and Charles has suffered to an extent from people disliking him for leaving Diana.. and having a very bitter divorce. SO I truly hope that Meghan is not avoiding kissing Harry to sned some kind of signal that their marriage is at an end.
I actually *kinda* ( a little) felt bad for Harry went he went in to kiss Meghan, and she wouldn't indulge him. Meghan is the most touchy-feely Celebrity of my lifetime.

I thought it was extraordinary that she wouldn't kiss him back, especially as she's already kissed him in public before. It looked a bit humiliating to me.
There is definitely some deliberate effort to separate their professional lives recently, with even Archewell being included with Meghan but no mention of Harry's involvement in that part of her new representation. That is a fact.

I mean they have always done their own things as well as their joint projects (which are mostly trashing his family as are some of their solo projects) but it does feel designed to at least stir up some gossip about the why and wherefores when it was announced so close to the Coronation.

I have no idea the status of their relationship of course and I actually hope they're happy because otherwise all this drama for nothing, but there is some PR game at work here as we've seen before. Who knows to what end, perhaps even just to generate attention, which again, we've all seen before with Sussexes vs Royal Events.

Nearly half the King's realms now 'republican': Shock poll shows six out of 14 nations, including Canada and Australia, would vote to remove Charles as their head of state
Research conducted by former Conservative deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft
It reveals the true scale of the challenges King Charles III faces abroad.

Reasons for ditching the monarchy are varied, with Caribbean countries citing colonialism while others see the monarchy as distant and no longer relevant;
Most of those who want a republic believe this would 'bring real, practical benefits' to them.
The Sussexes are believed over the rest of the Royal Family by ten out of the 14 countries, with most feeling that Meghan's treatment exposed 'racist views'.
Canada is among four countries arguing the monarchy is a 'racist and colonialist institution and we should have nothing to do with it';
In nearly every country, the majority of people said 'in an ideal world we wouldn't have the monarchy, but there are more important things for us to deal with'.

This is funny to me, I thought Daily Mail wasn’t reliable but it seems the fail is reliable on this (in bold).
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The Fail isn’t reliable. It is regarded as ‘a semi reliable source’ on this forum.

However, this report wasn’t from DM so-called journalists but a report commissioned by a conservative commentator, Lord Ashcroft, on how people in Britain and throughout the Commonwealth (and I am both British born and a Commonwealth citizen) regard the monarchy and the RF, so I was interested. I live in one of the Realms.

I did not put that one sentence you have picked out from the link in bold, unlike yourself, but in fact copied as representative a slice of the article, encompassing many points as I could, in my original post as is allowed on this Forum. The sentence you put in bold was from the original report by Lord Ashcroft.

I make no apologies for supporting the Sussexes. Why should I? I’ve supported Harry since his teenage years. I am entitled to support whichever royal I choose, and will continue to do so. So long as members follow the rules of the forum (and I’ve been a member here since 2014) when posting, that is acceptable I think.
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Well I also live in one of the realms and I can tell you categorically that Canada is not wishing to ditch the monarchy any time soon. There are always rumblings but it will never happen. So, this so called conservative commentator really doesn't know what he is talking about. And, no one in my circle (which is not the majority of the country by any stretch of the imagination) believe anything the Sussexes say.
The Fail isn’t reliable. It is regarded as ‘a semi reliable source’ on this forum.

However, this report wasn’t from DM so-called journalists but a report commissioned by a conservative commentator, Lord Ashcroft, on how people in Britain and throughout the Commonwealth (and I am both British born and a Commonwealth citizen) regard the monarchy and the RF, so I was interested. I live in one of the Realms.

I did not put that one sentence you have picked out from the link in bold, unlike yourself, but in fact copied as representative a slice of the article, encompassing many points as I could, in my original post as is allowed on this Forum. The sentence you put in bold was from the original report by Lord Ashcroft.

I make no apologies for supporting the Sussexes. Why should I? I’ve supported Harry since his teenage years. I am entitled to support whichever royal I choose, and will continue to do so. So long as members follow the rules of the forum (and I’ve been a member here since 2014) when posting, that is acceptable I think.
When said that I thought the “Daily Mail was unreliable”, it’s because you sometimes call it the “fail” especially when it talks about the Sussexes. I know the report isn’t from the Daily Mail, but the link you posted that talks about the report in the Daily Mail. I didn’t say or think that the above highlighted quote were your opinions. I simply found it striking. I cannot comment on your citizenship or ties to the Commonwealth because I never commented on that.

I never said you weren’t entitled to support “whichever royal I choose”. I am aware that you are a Sussex fan in spite of all that has happened in three years. I just find the idea that some countries in the Commonwealth (some realms)want to ditch the monarchy because of the Sussexes as quite laughable, because for a long time there have been debates on membership and on the realms long before Meghan and Harry. The sentiments would probably felt still if Harry wasn’t married to Meghan.
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