The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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Hypocrisy with regard to private planes, helicopters instead of trains etc etc isn’t restricted to Harry. Celebrities and other members of the RF are also fond of lecturing others about the environment but also leave their carbon footprint and therefore are just as hypocritical. Or more so. And many of those live closer to London than the West Coast of the US.

The press now reports that the Duke arrived with a regular American Airlines flight and ‘stunned passengers’ to boot. All a storm in a tea cup, it seems.
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He is lucky he is not locked out and banging on the door like Queen Caroline.

As for the working royals being boring, we might like boring if it means they are loyal to the crown and serve their country with dignity. The British know who the working royals are, I can appreciate that they might not be so well known abroad.

Indeed. He is lucky to not be banging on the door after his prolonged, seemingly never ending, poor behavior. Inviting him was the right thing to do imo- but he’s still lucky.

I’ll take supposedly boring over the Sussexes drama any day.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

When do we think we will see Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet make their first ever public appearance at a royal event

I’m inclined to say never. Unless something changes between the Sussexes and the family.

That the Sussexes wanted to use the titles for their American children is not surprising, but still baffling to me. Meghan isn’t even attending the coronation. Lili has been to the UK once. They don’t come visit family. They’re not even coming over as a family for the coronation. (They did for the jubilee.) I think it’s reasonable to question whether these kids will ever visit the UK at all. For anything.
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So it’s not Harry the hypocrite? He flew on a commercial aircraft on American Airlines. But of course the Express referred to him ‘sneaking’ into the country. If he had used a private jet then had a retinue of vehicles following him into London then the tabloids could really have gone to town. What a disappointment for them!
I’m inclined to say never. Unless something changes between the Sussexes and the family.

That the Sussexes wanted to use the titles for their American children is not surprising, but still baffling to me. Meghan isn’t even attending the coronation. Lili has been to the UK once. They don’t come visit family. They’re not even coming over as a family for the coronation. (They did for the jubilee.) I think it’s reasonable to question whether these kids will ever visit the UK at all. For anything.

They may come from their own interest in time. This will be the last great occasion for many years…if Charles stays as healthy as he seems. They don’t get on with the family and it seems Harry lost his friends so it’s just life.
He's THE SON of the King. One of only two of his children.

And if he had retired to California to live his best life with no public trashing of his family, he may well be sitting next to his brother. Since the last round of trashing was mere weeks ago he's lucky they were still invited to anything. Besides, he hates the "Truman show zoo" of his family and the camera, right? In his own words. Perhaps seating him further back is in reaction to his stated hatred of royal events, so he can watch the ceremony more incognito "just as a son". ;)
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

They may come from their own interest in time. This will be the last great occasion for many years…if Charles stays as healthy as he seems. They don’t get on with the family and it seems Harry lost his friends so it’s just life.

True. They may, but given how young they are, that won’t be anytime soon.
True. They may, but given how young they are, that won’t be anytime soon.

Also true. And in truth we could be looking at the next reign then. If the family relationships don’t mend there will be no reason to ever see them. If cousins get married then why would they be there? They don’t know them.

We think of bonds of family as unbreakable but they tend to be such because of shared experience. I can’t let go of you because you were there, we shared our formative years. The Wales are close to Anne’s grandchildren and I would not be surprised that they consider them pretty much their first cousins.
Its such a shame that the Sussex children won't have closer familial relationships. I grew up physically apart from my cousin's because of location (different regions) but we saw each other at times when the families came together and our parents encouraged us to write to each other regularly. Even when parental tiff's occurred, as happens in families, we cousins maintained our relationships. I can only hope that the Wales and Sussex parents find a way to allow their children, at least, to develop a relationship. Unfortunately pride, anger and bitterness will be a wall that is perhaps too insurmountable.
Nice then that Harry viewed the "optics" and took a commercial jet in for The Coronation. If true.

Lets see how he gets home to California for Prince Archie's Birthday celebration.......
Nice then that Harry viewed the "optics" and took a commercial jet in for The Coronation. If true.

Lets see how he gets home to California for Prince Archie's Birthday celebration.......

In fairness to him, he tends to fly commercial when alone. Well persuming he can’t get out the Abby until one, the earliest he can get on a plan is about 4pm. Somewhere in London, at one of the airports there is bond to be a plane around then.
I have only ever heard of it being referred to the Fail on here, and only when discussing Meghan and Harry. And with all due respect I live here all the time. Just because a few people around a certain area at one time referred it as that does not make it widely known.

Lets move on and not divert the thread yet again.

Exactly. Let's not get it shut down again.
All reports seem to be speculation or "sources". Hard to be sure of how he travelled. Wouldn't surprise me either way but I would imagine he's more likely to actually travel commercial alone for such a public event.

In general they are massive hypocrites with private jets though and Travalyst has yet to prove itself to be anything more than a website full of word salad that doesn't tell you what they actually do.

I do hope for everyone's sake that he and his family can get through the next 24 hours without petty press releases or major bombshells and he can see his father crowned and get back to his wife and children emotionally stable without any need to complain and in time to wish his son Happy Birthday on the day since that is his stated wish.
All reports seem to be speculation or "sources". Hard to be sure of how he travelled. Wouldn't surprise me either way but I would imagine he's more likely to actually travel commercial alone for such a public event.

In general they are massive hypocrites with private jets though and Travalyst has yet to prove itself to be anything more than a website full of word salad that doesn't tell you what they actually do.

I do hope for everyone's sake that he and his family can get through the next 24 hours without petty press releases or major bombshells and he can see his father crowned and get back to his wife and children emotionally stable without any need to complain and in time to wish his son Happy Birthday on the day since that is his stated wish.

Yes, totally agree!
HRH The Duke of Sussex is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Even if there is solid evidence that he didn't fly a private jet, people will still criticize him as though he did.

It's a bit of a relief that this is probably the last big event for the BRF for a while, so there won't be the constant will they/won't they come with regards to TRH The Sussexes. Maybe at HM The King's Tin Jubilee, but by that time TRH The Wales's children will be teenagers/young adult and definitely the ones in the spotlight by that time.

Finally, I wonder if Twitter will get "Happy Birthday Prince Archie" trending tomorrow.
For his Coronation attendance, will Prince Harry be referred to as Prince Henry?
For his Coronation attendance, will Prince Harry be referred to as Prince Henry?

He is not mentioned in the Order of Service. Only those that are in the procession are and he is part of the group 'members of the royal family' who arrive at the Great West Door and will be conducted to their seats.

Only the prince and princess of Wales and their two younger children will arrive separately just before the procession of the king and queen start.
There was a big Royal party at private club Oswald's this past evening. BRF, plus Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, maybe other Royal guests. Was Prince Harry there? I did not see his picture among all of the other arrival snaps in the papers.
Harry might already be staying there and so wouldn’t have arrived with the others. It’s a private members club but apparently does have guest rooms.
Isn't Harry staying with cousin Eugenie?

On a different note, the DM at least comes good with large and clear photographs! Its nice to see all the royal family members attending the reception.
As i understand it Harry indeed flew to London, so i expect he'll definitely be at the coronation itself, which makes me happy for K.Charles because i'm sure he really wanted him to be there.

And on another note, Harry flying on a commercial flight with other passangers on it, makes me hope that he's getting over his paranoia of seeing terrorism and possible attacks on him everywhere, because that seems a difficult way to live to me :fkowers:

Best that we don't know where he's staying so fans don't bother him in London wanting to have a photo with him or something, that too would only raise his paranoia imo
When do we think we will see Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet make their first ever public appearance at a royal event

What for? They are little children who are living in teh US
Harry might already be staying there and so wouldn’t have arrived with the others. It’s a private members club but apparently does have guest rooms.

I doubt it. He goes to nothing where the family enmass are. Church services seem to be it.
Harry might already be staying there and so wouldn’t have arrived with the others. It’s a private members club but apparently does have guest rooms.

Harry might already be staying there and so wouldn’t have arrived with the others. It’s a private members club but apparently does have guest rooms.

Oh yeah?

It would have been a very quiet party then, as anything anyone said might end up in a book! Luckily for everyone else Oswald's is strictly no photography as per this article about last night in the Tatler:

So nothing for Netflix there.

And considering everything he has done, can anyone believe he would be welcome?
It's a bit of a relief that this is probably the last big event for the BRF for a while, so there won't be the constant will they/won't they come with regards to TRH The Sussexes. Maybe at HM The King's Tin Jubilee, but by that time TRH The Wales's children will be teenagers/young adult and definitely the ones in the spotlight by that time.

Doing some quick fact checking, Jubilee celebrations tend to kick in at the 25 year mark. I don't think 10 year Jubilees are celebrated; I did look for evidence but my searches just produced pictures of commemorative biscuit tins :lol:

However, bearing in mind the new King ascended the throne aged 73, something will likely be done to mark 10 years on the throne. Looking at the previous new monarchs of a similar age, Edward VII reigned for nine years and William IV for just under seven. His predecessor and brother George IV did reach the 10 year mark but was deeply unpopular and by that time in very poor health; he died not long after. So there is no precedent as such.

Hopefully by then the Sussexes will have long faded into the background as non-working Royals.
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Oh yeah?

It would have been a very quiet party then, as anything anyone said might end up in a book! Luckily for everyone else Oswald's is strictly no photography as per this article about last night in the Tatler:

So nothing for Netflix there.

And considering everything he has done, can anyone believe he would be welcome?

Eugenie and Jack were there and would welcome him.
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