"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Am I to understand that Harry and Meghan have a doormat with their monogram?
I haven't seen any pictures of this, but if that's true then I totally agree with you, it's the height of elegance and sophistication.
A poster summed up that the ceremony was unofficial with two dogs as witnesses so yes he is silly enough to consider them witnesses. I mean this is coming from a guy who thinks that seals were singing to his then pregnant wife. ???:lol::lol:
I get what you’re saying but “making it sound cute” won’t help because it sounds childish.

of course it is childish. Someone trying to deny the obvious looks very foolish and childish.. like a kid with jam on his face trying to deny that he was stealing the jam.
THey got flak over the wedding, with people pointing out that the wedding could not be legal because there were no witnesses and it did not take place in a licensed place.... so he's trying to smooth over that by saying we didnt have any witnesses of course, except our darling doggies.
I dont know how though he will smooth over the laughing at Pat, that's him saying it and there really is no excuse.
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of course it is childish. Someone trying to deny the obvious looks very foolish and childish.. like a kid with jam on his face trying to deny that he was stealing the jam.
THey got flak over the wedding, with people pointing out that the wedding could not be legal because there were no witnesses and it did not take place in a licensed place.... so he's trying to smooth over that by saying we didnt have any witnesses of course, except our darling doggies.
I dont know how though he will smooth over the laughing at Pat, that's him saying it and there really is no excuse.
Looks we are in for more denials, laughter and jokes
Am I to understand that Harry and Meghan have a doormat with their monogram?
I haven't seen any pictures of this, but if that's true then I totally agree with you, it's the height of elegance and sophistication.

The mat was in the background of a picture with I think Bryony Gordon.
I dont know how though he will smooth over the laughing at Pat, that's him saying it and there really is no excuse.

That's easy, he's already done it. Pat was Severus Snape in a dress and the kids just retaliated for her bullying.

Makes me wonder why he'd want to make her laugh and not be so miserable but that's our boy, as endearing as his saintly mother.

Because of course the adults would love to bully the son of the future King who was entrusted to their care.
So, according to Harry, neither he nor Meghan accused the BRF of racism, rather it was the tabloids who called their claims racist.

So why did Harry wait nearly 2 years to contradict the tabloids' supposed interpretation?

Why since March 2021 has Harry not publicly stated that the tabloids have misrepresented their words, especially since 2 days after Ophra's interview aired, the Queen released a statement in which she said:
"The reported issues, particularly racism, are concerning"

Since March 2021, the Queen has had to endure this allegation of racism within the royal family. Today the Queen died, and Harry dares to say, during the TV interview with Cooper, which aired last week
"silence is betrayal"

We all understood what Meghan meant, the whole world understood it and that's what she wanted.
The tabloids did not distort anything, they followed the general thought
I don't care what the "context" was for Harry, his fool hardy - callous comments about Taliban "kills" .......that he didn't see them as People, but chess pieces to be taken off the board. So grossly irresponsible.

In these times of heightened terror and security concerns, I still cannot believe that made it into the Book. Simply unbelievable. The Taliban regained power in Afghanistan just last year and unfortunately has willing supporters all over The World.

The murderous backward Taliban don't do "context" Harry, but they love revenge and retribution. They like big splashy "events" too.
You put a target on your back and your families back too. As well as The Invictus Games.

For me, besides the unbelievable pain and hurt he is causing Charles, William and Kate I find this most alarming.
This time of year, many wealthy ladies take a Time Out for ... cosmetic enhancements. She could be off on some self-improvement sojourn.

I think I posted upthread that Montecito is in a part of California that has been suffering from horrendous floods, mudslides, trees uprooted, etc. At the time that Spare came out there had been reports that evacuation orders were issued for Montecito itself, so, rather than cosmetic enhancements Meghan has probably been busy evacuating herself, children, dogs etc somewhere safer or is inspecting any damage around her home and neighbourhood.
It was bound to happen; the USA is now officially tired of these two.

Source: International News, January 10, 2023

US media says Prince Harry 'repetitive’ remarks are ‘tiresome’


"...The New York Times published an article to suggest that Prince Harry’s complaints could come off as ‘tiresome’ for Americans...Sarah Lyall talked about the change in US attitude towards the Sussexes while noting that “there are only so many revelations the public can stomach.”

She wrote: “Once they have exhausted the topic of themselves, what is left for them to talk about?”
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That's what I think too. By wanting to brag like this, Harry made perhaps the worst mistake he had ever made. The consequences could be dramatic for him and others. Why did the publishing house agree to publish this passage?

A soldier who has gone to war NEVER talks about the people he killed. He will speak of the victims of his troop, of the hunger, the cold, the thirst, the noise, the cries, but he will never allude to those he has killed. It's very personal and a soldier doesn't tell civilians about it.
We know that Harry was in the war, but to say that he killed 25 Taliban and to talk about it by giving the precise number is extremely dangerous, for him, his family and the royal family.

Finally, he says he left the UK because it was dangerous for him and his family to stay there.
He takes his wife and son to the United States, a country where firearms are freely available, and to further protect them he put a red dot on their foreheads talking about the 25 Taliban he killed.
He is brilliant.

I hope for him that the Taliban do not have access to the internet, do not listen to the radio and that they never read books.

Or the British government could send him to Afghanistan, so that he can calmly explain the meaning of his remarks and clear up any misunderstandings.
I'm sure the Taliban will be very lenient and open to reconciliation.
I think I posted upthread that Montecito is in a part of California that has been suffering from horrendous floods, mudslides, trees uprooted, etc. At the time that Spare came out there had been reports that evacuation orders were issued for Montecito itself, so, rather than cosmetic enhancements Meghan has probably been busy evacuating herself, children, dogs etc somewhere safer or is inspecting any damage around her home and neighbourhood.

Don't forget their chickens. They receive more time with the kids than any of the grandparents or relatives from both sides of the family.

Re floods, all the millionaires insure their homes and the content inside their houses in these beautiful and yet geologically dangerous areas. These are not go-fund-me candidates. The insurance companies will pick up the tab including paying for temporary accommodations. When we bought out house in New York we purchased the top premium due to the number of trees in close proximity to the house. One falls down on the roof and all repairs are covered. Last year parts of our fence fell down during a deer rave party in our yard and the insurance send the money for the contractor in less than ten days.

So, Harry and Meghan's home has to be covered in full and then some.
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I hope for him that the Taliban do not have access to the internet, do not listen to the radio and that they never read books.

Or the British government could send him to Afghanistan, so that he can calmly explain the meaning of his remarks and clear up any misunderstandings.
I'm sure the Taliban will be very lenient and open to reconciliation.

The Taliban have already issued a statement pointing out that the people killed were human beings with families, and Twitter in both Afghanistan and Pakistan has apparently been full of angry responses to what Harry said.

Thanks for the info, I didn't know that the Taliban had already reacted.
My train arrives at the station, I will come back to the site another day.
I really like this blog and this community.
One last thought after finally finishing the book last night... Part 3, Ch 71 - Harry discusses a text exchange he had with William after he and Meghan presented the WellChild Awards in October 2019.
Soon after, I got a text from Willy. He was in Pakistan on tour. He said I was clearly struggling, and he was worried about me.

I thanked him for his concern, assured him I was fine. I’d become emotional in front of a roomful of sick kids and their folks just after becoming a father myself—nothing abnormal in that.

He said I wasn’t well. He said again that I needed help.

I reminded him that I was doing therapy. In fact, he’d recently told me he wanted to accompany me to a session because he suspected I was being “brainwashed.”

Then come, I said. It will be good for you. Good for us.

He never came.

His strategy was patently obvious: I was unwell, which meant I was unwise. As if all my behavior needed to be called into question.

The passage concludes with this, which is, to my mind, the most troubling part to read, if I were the BRF...

I saved the texts. I have them still. I read them sometimes, with sadness, with confusion, thinking: How did we ever get there?

In his final texts, Willy wrote that he loved me. That he cared for me deeply. That he would do whatever is needed to help me.

He told me to never feel any other way.

I suppose it's a good thing that Harry wasn't asked by the court to present any text conversations during their lawsuit with the Daily Mail last year. If anyone believes, for one second, that these two don't keep every single text, DM, or email sent to them, I've got a beautiful bit of oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to sell you.
pieve and Alison H, completely agree, and thanks for the updated info.

I'm just hoping on top of all the never-ending drama and angst that The toxic Sussex's love to cause, that The Coronation is a literal safe zone for participants and the public.

I am hoping that The British Government thru PM Sunak, advices Charles and Co that it would be best for All if Harry and Meghan do not come.

There really HAS to be some "containment" of them. Not allowing them to be a disruptive and disrespectful "side show" and infringe upon the dignity and solemnity of The Coronation Services. And then give Interviews afterwards..... Ad nauseam.

Because their very presence there will certainly be harmful. They have broken ALL bonds with The Family and The UK.

Time to end this farce "of will they or won't they go"........
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The passage concludes with this, which is, to my mind, the most troubling part to read, if I were the BRF...

"I saved the texts. I have them still. I read them sometimes, with sadness, with confusion, thinking: How did we ever get there?

In his final texts, Willy wrote that he loved me. That he cared for me deeply. That he would do whatever is needed to help me.

He told me to never feel any other way."

How incredibly sad. I don't understand why Harry has dragged his brother through the mud when, by his own submission in his book, it's clear that William loves him very much and is concerned for his mental state. Some people would love to have a sibling that cares so much for them.
I have been keeping up as best as I can with this forum but have not seen this article posted. This is from the Sunday Times a couple of days ago regarding a possible peace conference between the Royal Family and Harry & Meghan. Does anyone know how accurate this report is? From what I understand about UK publications, the Sunday Times is pretty reliable (is that true?). For this British commenters on this forum, how do you feel about this possibility? I have often wondered if articles like this are posted to take the pulse of the public to see how they would feel about a certain issue.

How incredibly sad. I don't understand why Harry has dragged his brother through the mud when, by his own submission in his book, it's clear that William loves him very much and is concerned for his mental state. Some people would love to have a sibling that cares so much for them.

Harry has trouble receiving love in ways that people express it to him, even when those people are doing the best they can.

You have the text messages Kimebear is talking about here, where William, away working, reaches out to his brother to tell him directly that he is worried about him and that he loves him.

You have Charles, writing notes to tell his son how much he loves him and how proud he is of him, and leaving them for Harry to find in his room.

You have Charles again, coming in to Harry's room after he falls asleep, sitting watching him sleep and resting his hand on his forehead.

Signs of love and affection many could only dream of. It is clear- and he has said- Charles was not raised with outward signs of affection and his own parenting reflects this, and yet he does all that he knows how to do to make Harry feel loved and know how proud his father is of him.

Sad that this was seemingly not enough because it was not what Harry wanted.
I think that most people have had it up to here with Harry and Meghan, and just wish that they would shut up and lead their lives quietly, a long way away from here. However, most people are also aware that a loving father will want to seek reconciliation with his younger son, and also that, as Harry and Meghan seem incapable of going for more than five minutes without slagging off the Royal Family and turning everything into a circus, it might be in everyone's interests if that reconciliation could be achieved.

From my own point of view, if I never saw another picture of Harry in the press or heard another word from his poisonous lips, I would be very happy about it. But that isn't going to happen. It's not pleasant to have all this nastiness going on, and it seems unlikely that, as long as the money keeps rolling in, Harry will shut up of his own accord. His vindictiveness isn't harming the monarchy, but it's unpleasant, and must be very upsetting for Charles, Camilla, William and Kate.
I think that most people have had it up to here with Harry and Meghan, and just wish that they would shut up and lead their lives quietly, a long way away from here. However, most people are also aware that a loving father will want to seek reconciliation with his younger son, and also that, as Harry and Meghan seem incapable of going for more than five minutes without slagging off the Royal Family and turning everything into a circus, it might be in everyone's interests if that reconciliation could be achieved.

From my own point of view, if I never saw another picture of Harry in the press or heard another word from his poisonous lips, I would be very happy about it. But that isn't going to happen. It's not pleasant to have all this nastiness going on, and it seems unlikely that, as long as the money keeps rolling in, Harry will shut up of his own accord. His vindictiveness isn't harming the monarchy, but it's unpleasant, and must be very upsetting for Charles, Camilla, William and Kate.
You have summed up the situation very well. The conflict of Charles the King versus Charles the father.
I can completely understand that Charles would seek reconciliation and be willing to forgive Harry for all he has done in the last two years. This is what any parent in the world would do for their children; still love them no matter what.

But - Charles isn't just a father and his isn't an ordinary family. He is the King of the United Kingdom; William is the heir.
Harry is continuously attacking them and describing them as careless, selfish, full of anger, violent, cold - not to mention the racism accusations. The consequence of this is that he's saying the actual King and the future one are unfit to reign, especially William, who seems to be his favored target.

Harry is not only attacking his brother, he's attacking and slandering the future King.

Why should the King of the UK accept that? Why should he accept that someone, be even his own son, would try so desperately to instill the doubt that William could not be a proper, decent King (and even, for heaven's sake, an unfit parent)?

Harry's saying that he has a lot more material about his family that he could disclose is not just a threat, it's a clear blackmail. One should never give in to blackmailers, ever.
Charles will forgive Harry (not so sure William will); but in my humble opinion, he shouldn't allow him to ever take part again to any formal, public ceremony. All ties as to that matter should be cut.
I think that most people have had it up to here with Harry and Meghan, and just wish that they would shut up and lead their lives quietly, a long way away from here. However, most people are also aware that a loving father will want to seek reconciliation with his younger son, and also that, as Harry and Meghan seem incapable of going for more than five minutes without slagging off the Royal Family and turning everything into a circus, it might be in everyone's interests if that reconciliation could be achieved.

From my own point of view, if I never saw another picture of Harry in the press or heard another word from his poisonous lips, I would be very happy about it. But that isn't going to happen. It's not pleasant to have all this nastiness going on, and it seems unlikely that, as long as the money keeps rolling in, Harry will shut up of his own accord. His vindictiveness isn't harming the monarchy, but it's unpleasant, and must be very upsetting for Charles, Camilla, William and Kate.
I certainly agree that I am sick of hearing what the Sussexes have to say. And I hear what you’re saying about a reconciliation. But practically, how do you think that could that happen if there is no way the RF can trust them to keep anything private? They absolutely can’t. How can you reconcile when there is zero trust? And he still wants an apology to Meghan??? IMHO Who really deserves an apology???

I think that the government stepping in and saying “NO” to inviting them to the coronation would be a good move. They can’t blame that on the family, it gives Charles a way out, and it sends a message to the Sussexes, Netflix, Spotify, et al. that the British are done with Harry and Meghan. Period.

Read the comments on any US published article. Most Americans are sick of them too. They’ve sold out their family for money - enough said. :nonono:
an interesting observation, and one that crossed my mind too, is that Harry seems to often confuse 'media' and 'social media'

Yes and IMO social media was likely far worse than the actual press coverage. I'm truly sorry that Prince Harry seems to be unable to tell the difference between the two.
Yes and IMO social media was likely far worse than the actual press coverage. I'm truly sorry that Prince Harry seems to be unable to tell the difference between the two.
I bet if you asked him he’d say they’re all the same.
I can completely understand that Charles would seek reconciliation and be willing to forgive Harry for all he has done in the last two years. This is what any parent in the world would do for their children; still love them no matter what.

But - Charles isn't just a father and his isn't an ordinary family. He is the King of the United Kingdom; William is the heir.
Harry is continuously attacking them and describing them as careless, selfish, full of anger, violent, cold - not to mention the racism accusations. The consequence of this is that he's saying the actual King and the future one are unfit to reign, especially William, who seems to be his favored target.

Harry is not only attacking his brother, he's attacking and slandering the future King.

Why should the King of the UK accept that? Why should he accept that someone, be even his own son, would try so desperately to instill the doubt that William could not be a proper, decent King (and even, for heaven's sake, an unfit parent)?

Harry's saying that he has a lot more material about his family that he could disclose is not just a threat, it's a clear blackmail. One should never give in to blackmailers, ever.
Charles will forgive Harry (not so sure William will); but in my humble opinion, he shouldn't allow him to ever take part again to any formal, public ceremony. All ties as to that matter should be cut.

The problem is Harry thinks he has to forgive them and wants everybody else to apologize to him and his wife and his children and the chickens(guess so). As long as the Marklecouple does not consider themselves as human beings committing faults but Messiahs, Charles can't solve anything.
But I totally agree, he is the King and in this function or by the parliament something needs to be done.
I don't know how patient the british people is, they acceoted the Queen to protect Andrew, but times change.
I guess Charles won't do anything and just hope people will accept it like usual, it went well for hundreds if years -so what?
We'll see.
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