"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Also, the comment to Oprah - about the racist remark did not come from the Queen or the DOE. He had ever opportunity over the year to correct the incorrect assumption - the allusion made was what they intended. They wanted people to jump on the racial bandwagon. They have never left it - but now they are softening their stance - the real question should be why?

They are softening their stance because, I strongly suspect, the money is running out and the grift is nearing its end and they want in on Empire 2.0 again.
Yes he did and he also revealed that he would imitate her walk to get a reaction from his classmates.

I don't have the book since it won't be released until tomorrow but I sincerely hope that there is an acknowledgement that his behavior was unacceptable and unkind.
I dont intend to read his book, but this bit, if true, really makes him seem bad. Unless it was accompanied by some remark to show that he' was a brat then and feels bad about it now many years later. That's the troube with Harry, I've found, over the last few years, that every so often he comes out with something that he clearly thinks is OK, and does not realise that it shows him as horribly selfish and insensitive and now there have been quite a few things that he did or said, in the last few years, that seem to indicate that he was simply a young lout and has not improved. Like when he said that he did not want to do the tour where he was doing some repair and building work with the Gurkhas, and that he was over worked as a prince and hated doing anything of that nature.
I remember a tour he did around that time a few years back and that was wehn I began to find him irritating. He seemed to be acting too hard in public, being the 'wonderful prince' and I felt it was fakey and that he was shwoing off in public to get admiration and attention. Now it seems I was right, that under the caring Jolly Harry, he was an angry bitter young man who did not like the people he was supposedly serving.
thanks for your reply. I HOPE that he siad something to indicate contrition for his behaviour to this poor woman, but I doubt it.
I dont intend to read his book, but this bit, if true, really makes him seem bad. Unless it was accompanied by some remark to show that he' was a brat then and feels bad about it now many years later. I HOPE that he siad something to indicate contrition for his behaviour to this poor woman, but I doubt it.

If he said, it will feel fake. I guess I can take it as a cruel little boy overgrowing it... but he didn't overgrow it. He again made desultory remarks about her face and greasy hair. He detailed this as a grown man. A cruel grown man.

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People that I know like the monarchy. The family and friends I've recently talked to consider Harry's book and the Netflix doc to be huge mistakes. By far, the most worrisome bit is H's talk of the body count.

As a royalty-following American, I agree. Harry is delusional. One can have disagreements with family, but it's an entirely other thing to hang out the laundry in public.

H&M's stock is basically penny stock right now. I hope they are saving their $$ because they will need it in the future. The public is tired of their whining.
I lived in Great Britain in de mid nineties. The time Charles en Diana divorced en Diana died in the car crash.
I remember that Diana went on and on and on saying things about Charles and Camilla. And although I understood her hurt I remember thinking "where does this end??, you can't go on like this" A couple of months later she died.
I have exactly the same feeling with Harry; "when en how is this going to end" and no I don't think that he will die but it has to stop somewhere.
I am afraid that it will end up very very badly for Harry.
Unless he listens to sensible people.
He is very damaged, much more than William I think ( and both grew up in the same bad family). I am afraid he looks more like Diana ( and then the "bad Diana" the ill Diana, the paranoid Diana)
I feel almost sad... it looks just intergenerational ( is this proper English?) it means you see things coming back in the generations. Not only the red hair ( or blond or black) but also ways of behaving and coping with problems.
And Meghan also comes from a broken family. Poor Archie and Lilibet. Hope they turn out allright....
Diana did not go on after the divoce. She was probalby barred by an NDA as part of the divorce agreement... but yes these rows have to stop.. the public get tired of them. But Harry cant be muzzled so easily and as he needs the money I think he'll go on attacking people until the public no longer buy his stories
I think William was very lucky in effectively becoming part of the stable, grounded, loving Middleton family when he was only about 20, after growing up with the War of the Waleses and then Diana's death.
The woman was in chronic pain. Chronic pain. Like, her spine was twisted. She had horrible issues with her knees. And he mocked her. The very soul of compassion. And he doubles down on it now, reaffirming that she had greasy hair and all.

So even now, as an adult, he doesn't express any remorse for these past actions? He didn't say anything like, "I was young and going along with my friends, but now of course, I know how terribly we behaved and I deeply regret how I behaved then?" If he didn't even apologize or express any regret, how can anyone continue to support someone who is so entirely callous and cruel?
I don't think Camp Sussex were expecting such a bad reception and negativity to the book and interviews and anyone I know are all saying the same thing that they're sick to their teeth of H&M!
I don't think Camp Sussex were expecting such a bad reception and negativity to the book and interviews and anyone I know are all saying the same thing that they're sick to their teeth of H&M!

Team Sussex have never been good at reading the room, so what are the odds they are thinking this has gone really well for brand Sussex? Clearly any dissenting voices could have been silenced.
Team Sussex have never been good at reading the room, so what are the odds they are thinking this has gone really well for brand Sussex? Clearly any dissenting voices could have been silenced.

I think the mood is that they've gone too far and will be on the end of a severe backlash!

All their own making ofcourse.
I think the mood is that they've gone too far and will be on the end of a severe backlash!

All their own making ofcourse.

I have no disagreement with your statement, query whether Team Sussex view it as such.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

Has anyone got anything to say about his remarks about Diana's crash and death? the minute that I saw, he was saying that he had been driven in the tunnel and that it should have been perfectly safe even if the driver had had a drink or 2.... which is nonsense. He also siad something about paps jumping on the car which did not happen. I dont know if he touched on the fact that Diana was being driven by a man who did not have licence or training to drive the car, and that none of them were wearing seat belts. But i get the feeling that he was trying to blame the paparazzie exclusively for the crash.. and the truth is that while they were very much in the wrong, Di's car outdistanced them, and they were not at the crash till after it happeend.

I was disturbed.

I was disturbed that he did some kind of recreation.

And I was disturbed by his conclusion that speed (pretty sure he referenced speed) and a couple of drinks wouldn’t have caused that accident. Those are always factors in an accident. Regardless- speed was a factor is this accident.

He seems to blame the press for everything- the accident included. Now he’s saying they never said the RF was racist. The media did. Of course- he didn’t bother to correct that narrative for 2 years. I don’t recall him getting called out for that. Everyone else needs to correct mean or erroneous reporting after all. All I can get is that now it suits the Sussexes purposes for the family not to get the specific racist label.
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So even now, as an adult, he doesn't express any remorse for these past actions? He didn't say anything like, "I was young and going along with my friends, but now of course, I know how terribly we behaved and I deeply regret how I behaved then?" If he didn't even apologize or express any regret, how can anyone continue to support someone who is so entirely callous and cruel?

It doesnt sound like he did show any remorse in the book.... and he could quite easily have just never mentoned the woman, so one can only assume that he still found it funny that she was plain and had mobiltiy problems.
I was disturbed.

I was disturbed that he did some kind of recreation.

And I was disturbed by his conclusion that speed (pretty sure he referenced speed) and a couple of drinks wouldn’t have caused that accident. Those are always factors in an accident. Regardless- speed was a factor is this accident.

He seems to blame the press for everything. .
He said that he didnt' want to look into the whole thing again, which suggests that he knows the Investigation was correct.. but he said that it was OK that they went at that speed and even with a few dirnks involved...
In a true feminist fashion ("It's important for me that you know I'm a feminist, Gloria") he worded it using himself and his being horny as a reference point. As if the woman couldn't have been desired even physically by someone who wasn't a bunch of cruel pampered boys.

Prince Harry doesn't make ME horny. I am not attracted to fair-hair men and I am even less attracted to those who are trying to maintain the illusion that the fluff on their head is a full head of hair. So what? Meghan clearly was "wild about Harry". Should his worth as a man be viewed through my lens of liking them dark?
Diana did not go on after the divoce. She was probalby barred by an NDA as part of the divorce agreement... but yes these rows have to stop.. the public get tired of them. But Harry cant be muzzled so easily and as he needs the money I think he'll go on attacking people until the public no longer buy his stories
It's true that Diana did not do anything like a print or TV interview after Panorama, but she still fed information to reporters like Richard Kay and Tina Brown.

Another thing that she did was make videotapes in early 1997 and supposedly restated that she thought that William should succeed QEII. To be clear, I don't think that she wanted those tapes to become public (and they have not been), but I think that the sentiments that she supposedly made in the tapes, she likely shared with others and her sentiments made their way into the press. In other words, Diana herself briefed the media via intermediaries or by herself being an unnamed source.
I think Meghan who doesn't like "finger pointing" will be in for lots of it. I believe there were two viewpoints in Harry's Spare Autobiography. Harry's and Meghan's.

And I still believe from the excerpts so far the "ghost writer" Jay Moehringer, doesn't come off well either. Did anyone except for the Sussex's have any creative control or say in this ? Someone to rein him in while the passages in the book were being scripted ? Apparently not.

Doesn't seem to be any winners involved in this, especially the Sussex's. I think Anderson Cooper's interview seems bland and boring. He didn't seem at all invested or did any real research into the back story of "Spare". Lots of missed opportunities.

Surprisingly Tom Bradby's approach to interviewing Harry was more interesting and challenging. But then being a Brit he knows the back story and is a long time friend or acquaintance of Harry's.

I will say that Harry and Meghan's attempts to demonize William and Kate seem to have backfired spectacularly. Certainly in the UK, but here too in The States.
I wonder if Harry will go thru with the Stephen Colbert interview ? He already has the Michael Strahan one today on Good Morning America.

That hole he keeps digging is going to collapse on him at this rate.
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Well, I should have caught up on the thread before posting. But so far it seems that Harry has not expressed any remorse for mocking the disabled matron. I hope that he does in his book, but since he didn't in the interview, one wonders. I cannot imagine what was going through his mind, thinking that this was something he should share. But then I've thought that a lot over the past few days!

As it stands, I do not think Harry has any business claiming to be a mature and compassionate person, and I can't understand why anyone would continue to support him.
I don't think Camp Sussex were expecting such a bad reception and negativity to the book and interviews and anyone I know are all saying the same thing that they're sick to their teeth of H&M!

Team Sussex seems to be taken aback as everyone else. Harold did target the topics they love to hate (Aka Camilla, Will and Kate, Andrew) but they are really really disapointed on the race issue.

"H" worked wonders to federate both camps against him. Kuddos to him !
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

It doesnt sound like he did show any remorse in the book.... and he could quite easily have just never mentoned the woman, so one can only assume that he still found it funny that she was plain and had mobiltiy problems.

Yes. I don’t know why he needed to tell the story at all. It’s certainly unkind towards her. And I’m sure many people know exactly who he is referring to. This could be painful for her to be reminded of. Or for her family and friends.

It’s almost unfathomable that he’d tell a story like this and not at least express remorse. I hope he did. But it’s not a shocker at this point if he didn’t.
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So even now, as an adult, he doesn't express any remorse for these past actions? He didn't say anything like, "I was young and going along with my friends, but now of course, I know how terribly we behaved and I deeply regret how I behaved then?" If he didn't even apologize or express any regret, how can anyone continue to support someone who is so entirely callous and cruel?
We don't know if he expressed any remorse. Our lovely and brave HRH Hermione will brave this book - then, we'll know more. But even if he expressed any remorse, I wouldn't believe him. He made sure to cite the matron's shortcomings! Along with her name. Someone who is truly sorry doesn't do that. It's like - well, I'm sorry but I couldn't NOT do it, you know, she walked and talked like this, everyone in my place would have done it to make my friends laugh. This comes across as him trying to be Harry the Lad but taking the accolade for being mature now than any real reflection. He revictimized her again to make himself look improved and it doesn't matter if he says he's sorry. In my book, he isn't.
Harry gave a bicycle chain analogy regarding the car accident that killed his mother.

“Because William and I had already been told, ‘The event was like a bicycle chain. If you remove one of those chains, the end result would not have happened.’ And the paparazzi chasing was part of that. But yet, everybody got away with it.”
However he is focusing on the paparazzi chase part, but you can also state that "the end result would not have happened" if the passengers were wearing seat belts; if the driver had not under the influence; if the driver had chosen not to engage in a chase - note, it may have been his decision, but he may have been following orders; if the driver was trained in driving that model vehicle; etc.
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Now that's too good :

The Duke of U-turns! Harry now claims he has 'huge compassion for Camilla' and sympathized with her being the 'third person in his parents' marriage' - less than 12 hours after branding her 'DANGEROUS' and a 'villain' in searing 60 Minutes interview


"Speaking to host Michael Strahan, who asked Harry 'what [Camilla] had done' to prompt both he and his brother to 'beg' Charles not to marry her, the Duke of Sussex insisted he actually sympathized with her role as the 'third person in his parents' marriage', claiming that he 'doesn't look at her as an evil stepmother'.

'I have a huge amount of compassion for her, you know, being the third person within my parents' marriage,' Harry told Strahan - despite telling 60 Minutes' Anderson Cooper last night that Camilla's affair with Charles made her a 'villain'.

When asked where his relationship with Camilla stands today, Harry conceded that they 'haven't spoken for a long time', but added that he 'loves every member of his family' and that when he and the Queen Consort 'see each other, we're perfectly pleasant'."

Someone to save the poor "H" from himself. Please !
He said that he didnt' want to look into the whole thing again, which suggests that he knows the Investigation was correct.. but he said that it was OK that they went at that speed and even with a few dirnks involved...

That was a reckless statement to make imo.

He’s lucky no one got hurt or killed in his recreation. I’m surprised no one called him out on this. I know we’re talking about his mother- but this sounds dangerous. And stupid.
It is really a shame because we have seen Prince Harry at the Invictus Games in The Hague (in April) and he was on jolly good terms with the King and earlier with Princess Margriet. So much sheer joy, hilarity, laughter and uncomplexity. This Harry we see now is unrecognizeable from that Harry in April... (picture).
I am surprised they are talking so much about this book in Belgium at our
TV and newspapers but in a negative Way because e a the 20.000 millions !
It is really a shame because we have seen Prince Harry at the Invictus Games in The Hague (in April) and he was on jolly good terms with the King and earlier with Princess Margriet. So much sheer joy, hilarity, laughter and uncomplexity. This Harry we see now is unrecognizeable from that Harry in April... (picture).
That's just public face of Harry. He has shown this jolly fun Harry image to the public at times for years but it is not the real man.
'I have a huge amount of compassion for her, you know, being the third person within my parents' marriage,' Harry told Strahan - despite telling 60 Minutes' Anderson Cooper last night that Camilla's affair with Charles made her a 'villain'.

When asked where his relationship with Camilla stands today, Harry conceded that they 'haven't spoken for a long time', but added that he 'loves every member of his family' and that when he and the Queen Consort 'see each other, we're perfectly pleasant'."

Camilla "being the third person within my parents' marriage" is the telling phrase he's repeated again. It's one of the worst things he could say about Camilla and of course he knows that. It conjures up that image of Diana on camera saying "There were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded." He might say that he has huge compassion for Camilla but his action in bringing that phrase up again undermines his words as he's clearly taking a swipe at both Camilla and Charles to remind everyone what they did to his mother.
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