"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Just saw on Twitter that he obviously has written less than nice words about Princess Margaret. Just why? Why go there?

Sorry to be blunt, but because he's a sadistic little troll who enjoys causing people grief.

He says that Princess Margaret made him jumpy, he wets himself before a first date, and William intimidates him so badly that he falls into pet food dishes and has to call his therapist. Some hero.
Just saw on Twitter that he obviously has written less than nice words about Princess Margaret. Just why? Why go there?
It seems that it just won’t Beatrice and Eugenie Harry will have problems with, but the Snowdons too.
Well the horrible comments about Margaret would have devastated the Queen. They are horrible and unnecessary, tbh I see it as a reaction to the characterisation of Margaret on The Crown which garnered quite a bit of sympathy from audiences. What a bitter man Harry has become. Its just unnecessary. Remember Lady Sarah is his godmother, bet there is another family connection gone.
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I looked up what Harry had to say about Princes Margaret, and this is copy pasted from the Sun:

7th Jan 2023, 16:21
Prince Harry gives opinion of Princess Margaret

Writing in his memoir, Prince Harry claimed he would "keep his distance" when Princess Margaret visited.

He wrote: “Growing up, I felt nothing for her except a bit of pity and a lot of jumpiness.

“Mostly, whenever she was around I kept my distance.

“On those rarer-than-rare occasions when our paths crossed, when she deigned to take notice of me, to speak to me, I’d wonder if she had any opinion of me.

“It seemed that she didn’t. Or else, given her tone, her coldness, the opinion wasn’t much.”
About the jeers at Margaret, well She isn't around to defend herself is She. Allegedly Margaret tore into Diana after the Panorama Interview and felt the British People were indulging in hysteria after Diana's sudden death. Sad, because until the interview they had been friends. But Margaret viewed that as a betrayal.
So Harry has a go at her....."For Mommy".

Imagine how Queen Elizabeth would have felt about all these vulgar personal experiences, vile allegations thrown at her Son and other Grandson ? And snide comments being made about People from her beloved Sister to a hard working disabled Matron being mocked and laughed at ?

I will say one thing, if Prince Philip was still alive and even in the health he enjoyed till he was around 96, I wonder if delusional Harry would have gone.....where he went.
Because I FIRMLY believe that the tongue lashing that Philip would have given to Harry would have been epic. Making his supposed "fear" of William seem mild in comparison.
But maybe not.....Harry is so in thrall to Meghan, her desires .....that He might not have given a care.......
Just saw on Twitter that he obviously has written less than nice words about Princess Margaret. Just why? Why go there?

I think it may be because Princess Margaret did not approve of Diana's panorama interview. If I recall correctly, Princess Margaret didn't want to bow to Diana's coffin at the funeral. I don't know what he said about her but the fact that he is so angry more than 25 years after a relatively minor incident is another confirmation that he is very unhappy. People who are happy do not feel the need to revisit negative experiences over and over.

I hope he eventually finds peace but I am beginning to doubt that will never happen as long as he is married to Meghan. I used to really like her but it is becoming increasingly obvious that she is a toxic person. I'm not excusing Harry, he is not forced to do anything but they are a really bad combination.
Open up all the windows and air it all out. It's a great relief to do so.

I'm sure it's a great relief for Harry that he's able to release a book ripping into his family and knowing with absolute certainty that they cannot respond to his allegations in turn because they actually have to adhere to royal protocol.

It certainly must be freeing for him to be able to say whatever he likes, whether it's the truth or not because there's no one to refute his claims.

Just saw on Twitter that he obviously has written less than nice words about Princess Margaret. Just why? Why go there?

Maybe because (in his mind) she too was a "spare" and lived a rather hedonistic lifestyle but got to keep all of her royal perks. Or maybe, considering how protective he is of Diana, because of the animosity between Margaret and his mother when they were neighbors at Kensington Palace. At this point, who knows what he's thinking anymore.
I wonder if that is why they wanted to delay it not because it would upset the queen but the backlash would be worse if she was alive. Not that it is tame now
I wonder if that is why they wanted to delay it not because it would upset the queen but the backlash would be worse if she was alive. Not that it is tame now
IMO, they wanted to delay it because they weren't this delusional to think they could get sympathy over The Queen. From the snippets it seems they really believed their own hype and thought they were so much more popular than Charles who feared Meghan's shine. I think they just misjudged the goodwill people have for Charles - they expected that things would be more or less the same as they were at the time of Diana's death, so people would side with them over the cold Institution.
I would have preferred a sit down with Harry and Don Lemon rather than Anderson Cooper. It would have been a more dynamic conversation, and Don would have come to an understanding that there's nothing "gauche" going here.
I looked up what Harry had to say about Princes Margaret, and this is copy pasted from the Sun:

7th Jan 2023, 16:21
Prince Harry gives opinion of Princess Margaret

Writing in his memoir, Prince Harry claimed he would "keep his distance" when Princess Margaret visited.

He wrote: “Growing up, I felt nothing for her except a bit of pity and a lot of jumpiness.

“Mostly, whenever she was around I kept my distance.

“On those rarer-than-rare occasions when our paths crossed, when she deigned to take notice of me, to speak to me, I’d wonder if she had any opinion of me.

“It seemed that she didn’t. Or else, given her tone, her coldness, the opinion wasn’t much.”

What is the point of making comments about someone whom he barely knew and who passed away a long time ago?
About the jeers at Margaret, well She isn't around to defend herself is She. Allegedly Margaret tore into Diana after the Panorama Interview and felt the British People were indulging in hysteria after Diana's sudden death. Sad, because until the interview they had been friends. But Margaret viewed that as a betrayal.
So Harry has a go at her....."For Mommy".

Imagine how Queen Elizabeth would have felt about all these vulgar personal experiences, vile allegations thrown at her Son and other Grandson ? And snide comments being made about People from her beloved Sister to a hard working disabled Matron being mocked and laughed at ?

I will say one thing, if Prince Philip was still alive and even in the health he enjoyed till he was around 96, I wonder if delusional Harry would have gone.....where he went.
Because I FIRMLY believe that the tongue lashing that Philip would have given to Harry would have been epic. Making his supposed "fear" of William seem mild in comparison.
But maybe not.....Harry is so in thrall to Meghan, her desires .....that He might not have given a care.......
I was going to say this too. Unfortunately, the DOE didn’t get to have a word with him. Honestly, that would needed now more than ever.
I think it may be because Princess Margaret did not approve of Diana's panorama interview. If I recall correctly, Princess Margaret didn't want to bow to Diana's coffin at the funeral. I don't know what he said about her but the fact that he is so angry more than 25 years after a relatively minor incident is another confirmation that he is very unhappy. People who are happy do not feel the need to revisit negative experiences over and over.

I hope he eventually finds peace but I am beginning to doubt that will never happen as long as he is married to Meghan. I used to really like her but it is becoming increasingly obvious that she is a toxic person. I'm not excusing Harry, he is not forced to do anything but they are a really bad combination.
You are so right here, that part about not bowing I would have added. He just indulged Meghan and she enabled him right back. Well, seems like the people who questioned her were right because the mess that has been made is so bad

What is the point of making comments about someone whom he barely knew and who passed away a long time ago?
Princess Margaret, I’m sure she barely noticed Harry anyways so why speak on her? Her kids if they have heard of this book won’t be happy.
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Princess Margaret’s daughter Sarah is Harry ‘s godmother.
Princess Margaret, I’m sure she barely noticed Harry anyways so why speak on her? Her kids if they have heard of this book won’t be happy.

She was friends with his mother and she is his great aunt. SO Im sure she noticed him quite a bit. She may not have liked him.
Sorry to be blunt, but because he's a sadistic little troll who enjoys causing people grief.

I think you're spot on. What a nasty little man he is. Why make spiteful comments about the Queen's beloved sister, who's been gone for over 20 years? All it's achieving is to hurt the rest of the family - something which seems to have become his main raison d'etre.
She was friends with his mother and she is his great aunt. SO Im sure she noticed him quite a bit. She may not have liked him.
Yes, I am aware Margaret knew and was friends with Diana but he was quite young when she died and didn’t make any impact on his life personally and I’m not taking the perspective of a person who used mushrooms and psychedelics to know the “truth”.
Don't the BRF get each other gag gifts at Christmas, maybe it was one of those? Even if not it's still an entirely mean spirited thing to whine about over 20 years later when the lady in question has been dead for just as long.

I mean my own grandmother gave me a cheap, tacky gift that I'm pretty sure she picked up from a hotel gift shop and I was hugely unimpressed at the time but now I think of it as a remembrance from her "golden years" of early retirement. Still ugly and cheap but also sentimental. And I was probably being an ungrateful brat as well.
Yes, I am aware Margaret knew and was friends with Diana but he was quite young when she died and didn’t make any impact on his life personally and I’m not taking the perspective of a person who used mushrooms and psychedelics to know the “truth”.

he was 16. Im sure he remembers her, and Im sure she wasn't exactly a doting great aunt.
Why did he need to mention her at all. There is a theme here that everybody in his life has been horrible to him.
Princess Margaret, I’m sure she barely noticed Harry anyways so why speak on her? Her kids if they have heard of this book won’t be happy.

Of course, the king's cousins the (2nd) Earl of Snowdon and Lady Sarah Chatto (Harry's godmother) have heard of this book. They would need to be blind and deaf not to be aware of the mess Harry is creating. During the Jubilee celebrations Harry and Meghan were seated in between Eugenie/James and Sarah/Daniel...

The queen always made sure to include her nephew and niece and their families as much as possible on all family occasions (including Christmas).

While I am sure David and Sarah know that their mother wasn't a saint, I don't think they are pleased to learn that even their mother features in Harry's book. However, my guess is that they will be more concerned about the other allegations than the claim that their mother seemed cold to Harry.
he was 16. Im sure he remembers her, and Im sure she wasn't exactly a doting great aunt.
Yeah, but did her passing have any effect on him? I don’t think so and I don’t believe she had much to do with William either so why on earth is he mentioning her? TBH, it wasn’t her job to be a “dotting great aunt” to him because even if she was his great aunt, she didn’t have much to do with him. Neither William or Harry went to her funeral so what got him to talk about her? Really weird and unnecessary
I looked up what Harry had to say about Princes Margaret, and this is copy pasted from the Sun:

7th Jan 2023, 16:21

Prince Harry gives opinion of Princess Margaret

Writing in his memoir, Prince Harry claimed he would "keep his distance" when Princess Margaret visited.

He wrote: “Growing up, I felt nothing for her except a bit of pity and a lot of jumpiness.

“Mostly, whenever she was around I kept my distance.

“On those rarer-than-rare occasions when our paths crossed, when she deigned to take notice of me, to speak to me, I’d wonder if she had any opinion of me.

“It seemed that she didn’t. Or else, given her tone, her coldness, the opinion wasn’t much.”

This was completely unnecessary. And nasty.

If TQ were alive, she’d have been deeply hurt. She was very close to her sister.

Though- if she didn’t think much of Harry, at this point, I can’t say I blame her. I don’t either.
Yeah, but did her passing have any effect on him? I don’t think so and I don’t believe she had much to do with William either so why on earth is he mentioning her? TBH, it wasn’t her job to be a “dotting great aunt” to him because even if she was his great aunt, she didn’t have much to do with him. Neither William or Harry went to her funeral so what got him to talk about her? Really weird and unnecessary

I meant that Margo was not a likable person and I dont think she was much good with children. i didn't know that they didn't go to her funeral....
however she was a part of his life for a time... when Di lived next door to her and was friends with her, so I imagine that he is just commenting on every royal who came into his orbit.
He is showing his true colours, and they aren't pretty. Even worse Margaret's daughter is his godmother. Why talk about her at all, there is no need, it adds nothing. I assume it was to do with asking the Queen's permission to marry Meghan as he mentioned Margaret not being able to marry in an extract for that.

He is just a mean, spiteful little boy trapped in a man's body.
I meant that Margo was not a likable person and I dont think she was much good with children. i didn't know that they didn't go to her funeral....
however she was a part of his life for a time... when Di lived next door to her and was friends with her, so I imagine that he is just commenting on every royal who came into his orbit.

They were at her funeral???? None of the girls were there I don't think but Peter, William and Harry were.
They were at her funeral???? None of the girls were there I don't think but Peter, William and Harry were.

wel I dont know. According to anohter poster, they werent.
About the jeers at Margaret, well She isn't around to defend herself is She. Allegedly Margaret tore into Diana after the Panorama Interview and felt the British People were indulging in hysteria after Diana's sudden death. Sad, because until the interview they had been friends. But Margaret viewed that as a betrayal.
So Harry has a go at her....."For Mommy".

Imagine how Queen Elizabeth would have felt about all these vulgar personal experiences, vile allegations thrown at her Son and other Grandson ? And snide comments being made about People from her beloved Sister to a hard working disabled Matron being mocked and laughed at ?

I will say one thing, if Prince Philip was still alive and even in the health he enjoyed till he was around 96, I wonder if delusional Harry would have gone.....where he went.
Because I FIRMLY believe that the tongue lashing that Philip would have given to Harry would have been epic. Making his supposed "fear" of William seem mild in comparison.
But maybe not.....Harry is so in thrall to Meghan, her desires .....that He might not have given a care.......

The DOE’s tongue lashing would have been epic. And earned. Though I don’t think Harry really cares anymore about anyone’s opinion but Meghan’s.

She seems to like the man he’s become. She has after all been given credit for helping Harry see the light. So- she’s helped him along his journey to openly be a petty, mean, disrespectful, bitter little man. Says a lot about her too.
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