"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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I don't think he just "sampled drugs", but rather probably used them for an extended period of time. That doesn't necessarily mean any long-term mental health consequences. Normally it may be actually the opposite, i.e., being a regular drug user, especially beyond your high school/unversity years , is a symptom of a preexisting mental health condition, rather than the drugs inducing that condition.

Regardless of drug use, what caught my attention, as I said before, is that Harry appears to have been gaslighted in the sense that he has been manipulated into doubting his own memories or past experiences. That is clear for example when he says that he now realizes that happy moments that he thought he had with his family shooting birds were actually part of a "cult of death" built around "the blood of animals". Without discussing the morality (or lack thereof) of shooting or hunting animals, clearly that is an opinion that was planted in his psyche, either by a therapist, or Meghan, or both, and that is troubling to me.

I read somewhere that “ Re therapy Harry wrote in the memoir that his dad sent him to a real therapist and psychiatrist and they recommended medication which he refused”. I hope I’m not crossing a line here, has anyone seen such an info in a publication? If not, could I ask HRH Hermione to see if it’s true when she’ll be so nice to us to give us a review of the book, please?
I don't think he just "sampled drugs", but rather probably used them for an extended period of time. That doesn't necessarily mean any long-term mental health consequences. Normally it may be actually the opposite, i.e., being a regular drug user, especially beyond your high school/unversity years , is a symptom of a preexisting mental health condition, rather than the drugs inducing that condition.

Regardless of drug use, what caught my attention, as I said before, is that Harry appears to have been gaslighted in the sense that he has been manipulated into doubting his own memories or past experiences. That is clear for example when he says that he now realizes that happy moments that he thought he had with his family shooting birds were actually part of a "cult of death" built around "the blood of animals". Without discussing the morality (or lack thereof) of shooting or hunting animals, clearly that is an opinion that was planted in his psyche, either by a therapist, or Meghan, or both, and that is troubling to me.

That Harry used drugs regularly when he was a teenager when it is illegal in all cases for teenagers to use them precisely because of their developing, vulnerable brains isn't great. Even intelligent and thoughtful kids can be harmed, and Harry unfortunately didn't have so much protective capacity to lose.

That's not gaslighting. Gaslighting is deliberately making someone doubt their objective perception of reality with the intent to harm them. Meeting someone who changes your opinions about things may be considered manipulation in a context, or just someone who changes your opinion about things. But it's not gaslighting.
That Harry used drugs regularly when he was a teenager when it is illegal in all cases for teenagers to use them precisely because of their developing, vulnerable brains isn't great. Even intelligent and thoughtful kids can be harmed, and Harry unfortunately didn't have so much protective capacity to lose.

That's not gaslighting. Gaslighting is deliberately making someone doubt their objective perception of reality with the intent to harm them. Meeting someone who changes your opinions about things may be considered manipulation in a context, or just someone who changes your opinion about things. But it's not gaslighting.

OK, I agree on the malicious intent part, although, if someone is manipulating Harry's memories to suit his or her own personal goals, that would constitute malicious intent in my opinion. I do not have any evidence that this is the case though, so I don't want to cross a line.

Recreational drug use is also a gray area. Smoking marijuana is now legal for example in California or in Canada (it is not in the UK), but not for people under 18, I believe. In any case, it is debatable to what extent it has long-term mental health implications or not, and what the relative risks of doing it are compared to using alcohol for example, but that is not the forum to discuss these issues. In any case, Harry's situation seems to be more critical because he also admitted to at least having sampled cocaine and psychedelic mushrooms and to having been a heavy drinker. And he later was on active service in the Army, where a zero-tolerance drug policy is presumably enforced.
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Prince Harry becomes first member of Royal family to criticise Duke of York's 'shameful' scandal


In Spare, Prince Harry writes about their decision to move to Canada and discussing with Meghan the security provided by the Royal Family.

It was an “obligation” and an “implicit promise” to protect them, the Duke believed, but his wife asked him if it would ever be removed.

“‘Never. Not in this climate of hate. And not after what happened to my mother,’” he told her.

He then writes, “Also, not in the wake of my Uncle Andrew. Despite being embroiled in a shameful scandal, accused of sexually assaulting a young girl, no one had even suggested removing his security.

“People have had plenty of reasons to complain about us, sex crimes weren't one of them.”

He also moans about his security, again. And suggests Charles should have paid him more when he left, like an ex-employee.

In the book, Prince Harry describes having to move out of a Hollywood friend’s house after being located by the paparazzi and therefore having to fund his own security just at the point where the King was ending his financial support.

Prince Harry acknowledges that it is “ridiculous” for a thirty-something-year-old to complain about his father cutting him off, but writes that the King wasn’t just his father but “my boss, my banker, my auditor and the administrator of my money throughout my whole adult life”.

He compares the situation to being fired without compensation after a career that made it impossible for him to do other work, saying that his life had been like The Truman Show in which he never did anything for himself.

Given Eugenie seems the only one he is still all that close to in the family, I wonder if that will remain the case.
Your memories and opinions are not objective, though. Gaslighting is "the sky is green. It's always been green. What are you talking about?" (While the person telling you knows it's blue.) Or you will never find that sweater you put in the closet, because I moved it, I'm going to tell you I didn't, and now you're going to doubt yourself.

And people over the age of majority are considered adults, whether they are still 18 or 19 or not. Underage teenagers like Harry, the subject of discussion, have never been legal.
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I was in the US this year and I didn't bring my cannabis oil with me. As I was in a bit of pain I thought why not drop into the legal cannabis store and see if I could buy some.
The attendant was very helpful and at first provided me with a pamphlet about who should not be smoking cannabis. Any family history of mental illness - at least three generations back was number one on the list.

Now rumors' aside - how many royals from Harry would you say had possible mental illness - The DOE's mother, well documented. Although I would todays doctors would probably give another diagnosis. Diana ?
There are many rumor's about the Windsor's and mental issues - from depression to OCD to possibly on the autism spectrum. All within the last five generations and that is only Windsor side.
cannabis changed brain chemistry if you already have this family history you are playing with fire.
Your memories and opinions are not objective, though. Gaslighting is "the sky is green. It's always been green. What are you talking about?" (While the person telling you knows it's blue.) Or you will never find that sweater you put in the closet, because I moved it, I'm going to tell you I didn't, and now you're going to doubt yourself.

And people over the age of majority are considered adults, whether they are still 18 or 19 or not. Underage teenagers like Harry, the subject of discussion, have never been legal.

The wording is not really the central point in the discussion. So forget for a moment the (much debated) word "gaslighting" and whether it is appropriate or not in this context. Do you think that a person like Harry who has probably shot birds for a long time would have come on his own to a conclusion that his family was part of a "cult of death" for doing it? Did he have an epiphany about animals rights? Or is that part of a process designed to make him reject what his biological family represents /stands for so that he can embrace his new "family of friends" in his Californian alternate life?
It isn't gaslighting. What he describes, and particularly the descriptors he uses for the matron in Ludgrove who he must now know was in poor health - he used them back at the time. Unless he lies about his "hilarious" antics re: Pat, he was a little horror back then as well. This wasn't Harry being a kid and kids are like this. Cruel kids are like this. Harry was devoid of any compassion. I wonder if the school ever tried to report him or HRH of Wales was untouchable. Then again, I wonder if there would have been any effect if they had tried. I can't unremember Charles and Diana's stupid grinning faces while their toddler mandhandled a dog. They were beaming with pride at their so amusing offspring. Only William realized there was something wrong - and don't cite me here, I might be getting this part wrong but Diana got all angry that he took the dog away from her precious baby. Harry's behavior never registered on her radar as being something to be stopped. I doubt they would have paid any serious attention to a matter like precious baby mocking someone in chronic pain. They might have given him a lecture or two and that would be it.

He wrote this not as the Prince he was born but as the man he became? The boy from Ludgrove grew up exactly as the man I'd expect of him to become. Congrats, Meghan. I suppose it answers your question of "Is he kind?" But wait, perceptions of kindness may vary.
The wording is not really the central point in the discussion. So forget for a moment the (much debated) word "gaslighting" and whether it is appropriate or not in this context. Do you think that a person like Harry who has probably shot birds for a long time would have come on his own to a conclusion that his family was part of a "cult of death" for doing it? Did he have an epiphany about animals rights? Or is that part of a process designed to make him reject what his biological family represents /stands for so that he can embrace his new "family of friends" in his Californian alternate life?

It also fly in the face of the way hunting is done by the Windsors, The Windsor shoot what is required - so essentially they shot with a shopping list. And this is how it is done on all estates. The birds are raised and the population is also watched and they and their game keepers knows which birds to shot. That is the way it has been for years. It should be noted that the Windsor don't shoot enough these days - the games keepers do much of it to ensure the health of the population and keep the food stock right in the kitchens.
The wording is not really the central point in the discussion. So forget for a moment the (much debated) word "gaslighting" and whether it is appropriate or not in this context. Do you think that a person like Harry who has probably shot birds for a long time would have come on his own to a conclusion that his family was part of a "cult of death" for doing it? Did he have an epiphany about animals rights? Or is that part of a process designed to make him reject what his biological family represents /stands for so that he can embrace his new "family of friends" in his Californian alternate life?
That depends on his sincere belief - and we have no way to know this. Personally, I think he's not above lying about everything to get bucks and keep Mommy Meghan happy. Plus, would he dare not remember a cult of death if she said it was a cult of death? Remember, he thinks her intelligence far above his own. (I've long doubted it but he seems convinced.)
I know someone who taught at Eton and some who went there when William and Harry were there. Their silence about Harry speaks volumes. No one has ever once mentioned him. They always deflected to oh William was lovely and you could have a proper conversation with him. Like they've been trained.
Oh that's so sad. William insisted he loved Harry and just wanted him to be happy but Harry wouldn't accept it. I think this passage from the book is the most upsetting thing I've learned so far and it shows just how far removed from reality Harry was and still is. I feel sorry for him but not as much as I feel for William and Charles. What a mess!
I agree.
If this is accurate, then my heart breaks reading this. For William and his father.
The wording is not really the central point in the discussion. So forget for a moment the (much debated) word "gaslighting" and whether it is appropriate or not in this context. Do you think that a person like Harry who has probably shot birds for a long time would have come on his own to a conclusion that his family was part of a "cult of death" for doing it? Did he have an epiphany about animals rights? Or is that part of a process designed to make him reject what his biological family represents /stands for so that he can embrace his new "family of friends" in his Californian alternate life?

If the wording is not the point (and it rarely isn't around here) then you could simply admit you chose an erroneous term rather than trying to dismiss accurate definitions of serious issues.

Are you saying an adult has no ability or justification for changing his mind about anything, ever, and that he must always be a victim of someone, as Harry wants us to see him?
Was this supposed to make William look bad? Because it's a heartbreaking description of someone who is trying so hard to get through to his younger brother. And if we consider this was written from Harry's perspective, it's logical to assume it will always put Harry in a better light than anyone else (with the exception of Meghan) - so the truth might be even more painful.

After all he did, all they did, William was still reaching out to him. Incredible.

I agree. It must be so frustrating for William that, while undoubtedly he had hoped things turned out differently (with Harry still in the royal fold), came to somejow accept this major change of plans and now wishes for his brother and family to have a happily life (a sentiment also expressed by Charles in his first address as king) but has his sincerity questioned by that same brother. I am afraid it tells us a lot about Harry - he doesn't seem to share the same good wishes for his brother (nor father).
I agree.
If this is accurate, then my heart breaks reading this. For William and his father.

I think that is sad, but I would guess that by now, William has accepted that his brother is not just on a different path but actively hostile to him and there is nothing much he can do about it. Charles is probably a bit sadder, but IMO Harry and Meg did not leave for any good reasons, and I've felt this from ages ago. SHe wanted to become richer and more famous, he wants that but he also wants to be free to atack his family, as he could nt do when he was in the family.
Seriously this is insulting. I recognise that Harry has been privileged beyond belief since birth but my goodness, but "considering saying" it's okay, because Meghan wouldn't cost too much" since she didn't eat much and "could" make her own clothes is entirely insulting since we *know* Charles paid for a wardrobe of about £1million including a one of custom made Dior £100,000 Kaftan. Literally her wardrobe cost more than Catherine and Camilla's put together.

Harry must have forgotten about that engagement dress, rumored to have cost 50,000 pounds.

At the time, it was said that Meghan paid for it herself.
But I've heard that she never did because she assumed it was a freebie.

KP later settled the bill quietly, to avoid adverse publicity.
Very interesting discussion today. Harry's description of his meeting with Charles and William is devasting, for all of them really because is not a happy man. But I find it interesting that for all Harry's complaints about the palace leaking, this meeting was never leaked to the media. It was just the opposite, there were articles that there wasn't a meeting among the three of them.

It seems like the biggest issue among them shifted from the "who made whom cry" story to the bullying allegations. Valentine Low states that he actually witnessed Meghan snapping at staff. Other reporters have written similar accounts. If these reporters were lying and simply writing the information fed to him by the palace, why haven't Harry and Meghan sued them?

Of course, Harry witnessed bullying and even was accused of doing it himself. I think by this time, the palace had already announced the investigation. Was Harry trying to get William and Charles to deny the allegations? Stop the investigation? Or had Harry convinced himself that the allegations weren't true, despite the fact that he must have witnessed it himself. I tend to think the latter, but that means that he is in denial - almost to the point of delusional. I hope he can find some piece.
Loyalty works both ways,” warns one.

It's seems the gate is officially open And it starts.

Mind you, this is The Sun, so take it however you want.

Harry branded ‘disrespectful’ towards women ‘during Swiss ski trip where he spent night with teen 8 years younger’

Guest at William’s wedding pours cold water on Harry’s claim that he wasn’t best man

This one from Us Magazine (which also a tabloid, but at least they're reporting named person)

Caroline Flack’s Former Publicist Slams Prince Harry’s ‘Appalling Book’ for Discussing ‘Private Details’ About Late TV Presenter
Seriously this is insulting. I recognise that Harry has been privileged beyond belief since birth but my goodness, but "considering saying" it's okay, because Meghan wouldn't cost too much" since she didn't eat much and "could" make her own clothes is entirely insulting since we *know* Charles paid for a wardrobe of about £1million including a one of custom made Dior £100,000 Kaftan. Literally her wardrobe cost more than Catherine and Camilla's put together.

Also wasn't Meghan always claiming to be a "foodie"? Which contrast with the description Harry is making of her as someone who doesn't have a "big appetite". I know it's not a big deal but she even named her own blog after an expensive Italian wine, Tignanello. She was always frequenting high end restaurants traveling around the world.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

It seems Harry has confirmed that Meghan kept the freebies - and shared it with her staff.

It is completely against royal protocol to keep freebies of any kind - so this is odd.

Unsure but it seems that Harry is trying to use it as Meghan was so great to her staff that she used to share the free stuff she received.

So that is another rumor confirmed.

I think part of the point was to suggest that if Meghan gave her staff some of the freebie gifts- then of course she’d never mistreat them. Absurd logic.

So Meghan supposedly kept the freebies and then shared some of them. I’m sure she kept what she really liked, if this is true.
I think part of the point was to suggest that if Meghan gave her staff some of the freebie gifts- then of course she’d never mistreat them. Absurd logic.

So Meghan supposedly kept the freebies and then shared some of them. I’m sure she kept what she really liked, if this is true.
I'm being cynical here but sharing some of the freebies might well be meant as "hush money".

Personally, I've received a brand new laptop from a company I worked with. (Not for.) There were five of those and it was a hard choice distributing them between over 100 people working with them. But it was all documented as what it was - a token of reward for people who has worked smoothly with them for a long time. The bosses all approved each and every of us getting them.

I'd never accept freebies when I know my bosses have no business accepting them in the first place.
I read somewhere that “ Re therapy Harry wrote in the memoir that his dad sent him to a real therapist and psychiatrist and they recommended medication which he refused”. I hope I’m not crossing a line here, has anyone seen such an info in a publication? If not, could I ask HRH Hermione to see if it’s true when she’ll be so nice to us to give us a review of the book, please?

It's details like this which undermine H&M's narrative that "the Palace" didn't want Meghan to get psychiatric help because of how it look ... WHEN WE ALL KNOW, that Charles sent Harry to therapy!

Are we the only ones who see the contradiction?
The Sun article also says those racist remarks that were such a fireball in the Oprah interview are never mentioned in the book, or even hinted at. Either Harry chose to leave them out which says a lot, or the author could find no shred of believability and left it out.

I think Harry’s wish to show how distant and cold Charles/Will/Kate are is actually showing the opposite.

Wow. Harry doesn’t even address the supposed racist remarks. Well- that is telling.

One thing none of them sound like is cold and unfeeling. Imperfect yes, but in Harry’s own book, it is clear they tried and made efforts with Harry. Too bad he doesn’t seem to appreciate it.
Prince Harry becomes first member of Royal family to criticise Duke of York's 'shameful' scandal


In Spare, Prince Harry writes about their decision to move to Canada and discussing with Meghan the security provided by the Royal Family.

It was an “obligation” and an “implicit promise” to protect them, the Duke believed, but his wife asked him if it would ever be removed.

“‘Never. Not in this climate of hate. And not after what happened to my mother,’” he told her.

He then writes, “Also, not in the wake of my Uncle Andrew. Despite being embroiled in a shameful scandal, accused of sexually assaulting a young girl, no one had even suggested removing his security.

“People have had plenty of reasons to complain about us, sex crimes weren't one of them.”

He also moans about his security, again. And suggests Charles should have paid him more when he left, like an ex-employee.

In the book, Prince Harry describes having to move out of a Hollywood friend’s house after being located by the paparazzi and therefore having to fund his own security just at the point where the King was ending his financial support.

Prince Harry acknowledges that it is “ridiculous” for a thirty-something-year-old to complain about his father cutting him off, but writes that the King wasn’t just his father but “my boss, my banker, my auditor and the administrator of my money throughout my whole adult life”.

He compares the situation to being fired without compensation after a career that made it impossible for him to do other work, saying that his life had been like The Truman Show in which he never did anything for himself.

Given Eugenie seems the only one he is still all that close to in the family, I wonder if that will remain the case.

I think it's safe to say that the Eugenie boat has just set sail!
He was being fired without compensation? Cry me a river, Prince Millionaire.

I know an Ukrainian accountant, a mother of two. On February 23th she celebrated her son's 7th birthday. Two months later, she was here, trying to survive without knowing the language and without millions. So what does she do? She embroiders stuff with beads - handbags, wallets, curtains. I buy from her regularly. This wasn't her profession but my, wasn't she lucky that she has a hobby. Other than doing drugs and picking fights with journalists.

Poor Harry... not. And that's without recounting the general funding he lied about. The one his father provided and Harry, under Meghan's adoring gaze, said didn't exist.

How is no one willing to call him out on this lie?
In addition, he wasn't fired but decided to change the conditions one-sidedly and when that wasn't accepted he left of his own free will.
If the wording is not the point (and it rarely isn't around here) then you could simply admit you chose an erroneous term rather than trying to dismiss accurate definitions of serious issues.

Are you saying an adult has no ability or justification for changing his mind about anything, ever, and that he must always be a victim of someone, as Harry wants us to see him?

I didn't retract my use of the term. I was just trying to avoid a cyclical discussion, which would be pointless since we obviously have different points of view in this case. And, yes, as I said, in this particular episode, I don't think Harry changed his mind on his own, but was rather induced to despising something he has embraced for most of his life as part of a broader mindset conditioning (remember that he also said something like that the walls of Windsor Castle were built out of dead people and the blood of animals, which makes no sense). His obvious fragile state makes him particularly vulnerable to that kind of manipulation. Again, we will just have to agree to disagree on that as I believe you see it differently.

I think it's safe to say that the Eugenie boat has just set sail!

I have no reason to defend Andrew, but he has never been charged with "assaulting a younger woman", much less convicted of any sex crimes, so Harry's characterization in Spare is erroneous. Besides, his main argument about double standards in deciding who gets security has now been debunked by the fact that "Uncle Andrew" has lost his police security too (or is about to lose it).

The security issue has been discussed ad nauseam on TRF and I haven't seen a plausible explanation yet of how British police could in practice protect Harry and his family when they are living full-time in California. The RCMP could have done it in Canada (if the Canadian government had agreed to it, which they did not), but, once the family moved to a US jurisdiction, I think there is nothing the UK authorities can do for them.
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This ghost writer, JR Moehringer, in my opinion has done neither Harry or himself any favors with this Book. Was there ever any constructive criticism by the Author or Editors to tone down what made it into the Book ? The one that laughingly states it is about Harry's "hard won wisdom" !!!!

From the TMI vulgar bits about Harry's (and Williams ) private parts, soiling himself on a boat before his first date, and "mounting" a woman in a field when he lost his virginity made the cut ..... what didn't ? Oh, and watching Meghans sex scenes on Suits. Why go there ?

Stating that drugs like hallucinating mushrooms and weed - marijuana helped him to see the truth ? That's terribly irresponsible. At least he says he didn't really like Cocaine..... But WHY go with the drug recounting anyway ? To seem cool ?

And mentioning Taliban Kills ? Unbelievably thoughtless. Could have big repercussions. Somebody should have cut that. Can't believe that made it, in and I don't care WHAT the supposed "context" was.

Then the nonsense about Meghan "singing to seals" and they sang back. He states that EVEN the seals recognized she was magical. C'mon how did this ridiculous story get included ? How OLD are these People ? Is their target audience tweens and teenagers ?

I can't imagine how this will do anything positive for The Sussex's reputation. Why would anyone want to turn to him as a Leader or Mental health advocate ?
Wonder what the People that these Two allegedly look up to AND seek to emulate, like Oprah and The Obamas think of this pathetic drivel ?

I hate how he keeps implying that William is an physical batterer too. The supposed incident in the kitchen where he claims William attacked him and the latest revelation that William "lunged" at him after Prince Philips funeral in a meeting with then Prince Charles. That is a disgrace and a recurring theme. Harry REALLY is guning for William, nothing is too low to attack him about. Just savage to his only sibling. IF even true.

Do either of the whiny, self important, and yes, nutty Sussex's think of their kids reading this tell all garbage in 15 years ?
They, who will probably have zero relationships with their Grandfather, Uncle and Cousins and no understanding of the UK at all ?

I'm glad the book dropped early, I think the wind has certainly come out of the Sussex's sails with the global reactions......
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Prince Harry acknowledges that it is “ridiculous” for a thirty-something-year-old to complain about his father cutting him off, but writes that the King wasn’t just his father but “my boss, my banker, my auditor and the administrator of my money throughout my whole adult life.

He compares the situation to being fired without compensation after a career that made it impossible for him to do other work, saying that his life had been like The Truman Show in which he never did anything for himself.

"Fired without compensation"? It's nothing like that at all. He resigned from his job and therefore from all the perks that go with it. A government minister who resigns loses his/her chauffeur driven car the same day. A company employee who resigns doesn't still have access to the company's leisure facilities or private health care.

He says he was unable to do other work as he never did anything for himself. That doesn't say much for all the skills he's supposed to have gained as an army officer or all the experiences he had from working with veterans and poverty-stricken orphans. He's created a fantasy existence in which he's the tragic figure trapped in a gilded cage but it's all in his head. Nobody is trapped if they want to build a life outside of the working BRF. He has cousins who do it and his late grandparents wished him well in his new life. His problems include that he's impulsive, reckless, arrogant and vengeful, which prevented him from working constructively with the family and advisors on a longer term withdrawal from his UK support system into an independent life. He's burnt his bridges with the UK now and is floundering in righteous anger while lashing out at the people who love him. He needs some significant intervention before he sinks so far down into his black hole of rage that he can't be reached.
The other two are rumoured to be motivational/feel-good books, or some might say "word salad" which is Meghan's expertise so it may turn out better than the tell-all. Let's see if in Meghan's tell-all, would she feel the need to clarify the peeing in the bush story or maybe detailing her menstrual cramps.

Very dramatic but if this is true, sadly I think Harry is lost, there's nothing Charles and William can do other than to let him go. It has to come from himself, he has to find his own way because anything other people tell him, if it's not according to his wants, he'd get defensive and might will lash out. It seems Harry is warped in his own reality (could be effect of drug use if we speculate from the extract about his drug use), so nothing they do would be enough for him unless they do exactly as he wants it and I'm afraid if they do it but it doesn't result way he envision, he'd still blame them. It's never his fault. Most likely now he still listens to Meghan, but if he keeps spiralling like this, he might turn against her as well if she starts to question him or say something he doesn't like to hear.

Another extract in which in his mind, his father refuse to cater him financially because his father felt threaten that Meghan would eclipse him (another "they jealous with Meghan" argument).

Daily Mail (it has more detail than the Telegraph)

Wait, so the headline about Meghan's excessive clothes spending is false? She's not wearing designer clothes, but she made it herself? :ermm:
Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that Harry would share such a deeply private “secret code” that he had with his brother. This angry oversharing in writing that anyone and everyone can read …. absolutely no boundaries. IMO he desperately needs professional help and sounds worse than I’d possibly imagined. If he were my relative I would get him into an inpatient treatment center for trauma such as the Meadows in Arizona to get away from everything and everyone. But he’s not going to listen to anyone except Meghan, I fear.

I don’t know how all of this will end - and I don’t know what his father and brother can do at this point. They could fly out there with some other family members and friends perhaps to do an intervention but Meghan would have to be on board - and if it failed and the press reported it, at least they tried. :sad:
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