"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Exactly. This is completely beyond the pale. There should be no reason on God's green earth that I know if Prince William is circumcised or not. And now, thanks to his brother, I do.

Don’t need to know and never wanted to know. Is unusual in UK though unless it’s some upper class thing.
I wasn't a fan of Pippa's dress, but it seems like it was copied over and over as a wedding dress. Pretty sure one or two sewing pattern companies offered knock-off at the time.
Yes, all of the dresses from both the Cambridge and Sussex weddings have had knock-off patterns available from Butterick. Kate's dress is still available as of last spring - I happened to need to purchase it at long last because I was making two custom dresses for which the full, box-pleat skirt pieces were perfect.
Don’t need to know and never wanted to know. Is unusual in UK though unless it’s some upper class thing.

I didn't NEED to know about any of this, but I'm participating in the forum, reading some of the stories on line, so I'm not in any position to complain.
If this is correct then Meghan hadn't visited W & C's KP flat until after her honeymoon. Surely she'd have been invited there before that?

This story just confirmes the rumor that Meghan was jealous of Kate because she got a better place. Honestly, they are not doing themselves a favor. They pass off as jealous, bitter and vindictive.
Inference is it’s all linked to the employee complaints stuff. Difficult one sure but wasn’t their a story of William ringing Harry, Harry hanging up…this must be the follow through. One would say that love is seeing the bad and loving on. Isn’t that the point…to be accepted and trusted and respected for who you actually are. Not a denial of it.
Since we have seen countless articles linked to rebut his assertion that his family didn't support him and so many posts have been linked to show the difference I find myself in the position, especially now with all this hatred going on, wondering why the report on Meghan's bullying has not been released. Everyone thought it would be as it would settle who said what to whom. But, it was not released and I believe that is for no other reason than the epic, far-reaching, cruel and malicious bullying was not validated. There are four adults in this situation and I am sorry, but not one of them can be declared and agent of the Devil nor others be lauded as saints.
Has there even been anything previous about William calling Harry 'Harold'. Not his real name Henry? Odd that he would call him Willy in a heated argument imo.
Harold and Willy I just don't buy.

I'm just curious, you posted that "well before Harry met Meghan, he said he would like to write a book about being The Spare".

That's the first I've ever heard of this. When, years ago, did Harry say this ?
I'd love more information on this. Thanks Marg.
It was many years ago when he had not long joined the Army and he was referring to it as just an insight into what his position was in life. There was no aggro, no anger and hate, just a reference that William's and his lives were totally different even though they were raised the same way for all intents and purposes and that it ended up with two totally different men with totally different personalities and thus totally different goals and how they worked through it.

But, this book is causing agro and hate and it's not even on the shelf yet. The heated articles resulting are just pouring gas on the fire. There are no heroes or villans, just men and woen who ought to know better.
Oh dear!

I have several fractures on my chin already, it has hit the floor so many times over the past couple of days!

I'll need major face surgery when the fourth interview has been published...

Agree Muhler! I think the British press must love Prince Harry: his is the gift that keeps on giving!
Since we have seen countless articles linked to rebut his assertion that his family didn't support him and so many posts have been linked to show the difference I find myself in the position, especially now with all this hatred going on, wondering why the report on Meghan's bullying has not been released. Everyone thought it would be as it would settle who said what to whom. But, it was not released and I believe that is for no other reason than the epic, far-reaching, cruel and malicious bullying was not validated. There are four adults in this situation and I am sorry, but not one of them can be declared and agent of the Devil nor others be lauded as saints.
Harold and Willy I just don't buy.

It was many years ago when he had not long joined the Army and he was referring to it as just an insight into what his position was in life. There was no aggro, no anger and hate, just a reference that William's and his lives were totally different even though they were raised the same way for all intents and purposes and that it ended up with two totally different men with totally different personalities and thus totally different goals and how they worked through it.

But, this book is causing agro and hate and it's not even on the shelf yet. The heated articles resulting are just pouring gas on the fire. There are no heroes or villans, just men and woen who ought to know better.

It was an internal review of work practices relating to the management and protection of staff who have complaints about the Principals. Basically what Knauf wanted. At no point did they investigate the accusations against Meghan.
:previous: It does indeed keep on giving and the media elasticity is longer and stronger than ever before. Jaw wire may yet be required.
In his book, Harry talks about telling his family that Meghan was pregnant.

The Duke of Sussex, 38, recalled pulling his sibling, 40, aside at St George’s Hall in between festivities for their cousin Princess Eugenie’s wedding in fall 2018.
The former military pilot whispered the news to his brother, who “smiled and said we must tell Kate.” Harry recalled his sister-in-law, Princess Kate, being busy, but William insisted that they share the good news right away. “She also gave a big smile and hearty congratulations,” the BetterUp CIO wrote. “They both reacted exactly as I hoped — as I’d wished.”

“Just before a drink reception for the bride and groom, we cornered Pa in his study,” the prince explained, noting the moment took place at Windsor Castle. “He was delighted to learn that he was going to be a grandfather for a fourth time; his wide smile warmed me.”

Harry also discusses when he found out Meghan was pregnant.

He revealed that he fell asleep while his wife was taking the tests. When he woke up, the Bench author had placed the wands on the nightstand next to the “blue box with my mother’s hair.”

The duke felt his late mother, Princess Diana, beside him in that moment. “Let’s see what Mummy can do with this situation,” he wrote, before seeing that the tests were bright blue. “I thought: Thank you, Mummy.” (Harry’s blue box is one of a few things that he keeps on his nightstand.)

I’m shocked at some people on these forums! A woman who barely knows you responds back to you in an argument saying she had a “baby drain”. What rubbish. You don’t know the woman well enough to tell her that. This excuse that Kate was overreacting is ridiculous. The other idea that because Meghan talks this way with her girlfriends is not a justification to speak that way to a lady who you have just met as your sister-in-law. Then she has the nerve to say she supports struggling mums along the lines of that. Please, you have just become a mother after a long failed marriage and didn’t give that decency to Kate after she had just given birth. William had every right to check her for her unbridled tongue. It’s a fact that Meghan did not know her well enough so the excuses are lame.:ermm:

If she had the nerve to be rude to Kate, then she certainly thought she could have her way talking sideways to those hardworking, qualified communications team working with them. What’s even more funny, is that professionals who she was berating and disrespecting have more credibility and qualifications on their Cvs and resumes than she did in her short lived acting career. Those people are not little boys and girls from “nowhere” for her to talk that way to (she shouldn’t even speak that way to anyone regardless) and they are adults. You don’t need to pay someone for basic civility and decency, you are either nice or you’re not.

About Charlotte’s dress, not only is she concerned with how her daughter looks (any parent would be concerned), Kate is an experienced member of the BRF on how these wedding arrangements should go, Meghan’s experience as an actress or whatever is irrelevant because she was new to the BRF world as an American seeing it behind the scenes. Plus she may have been the bride, but if the Queen didn’t like what was put out, she will make it clear so unfortunately for Meghan, her wedding day wasn’t just about her.
She cannot get what she likes when she wants just because she got farther in marrying Harry than in the celebrity world which she has came crawling back to with her new prize toy (Harry) now that Netflix was offering her a big deal bigger than her net worth.
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I thought these passages were pretty funny. Full disclosure, I'm a romance author. Those passages were pretty tame compared to things I've written and that some of my author friends have written.

As a writer and a reader, it's not well-written even as fiction.

Harold and Willy I just don't buy.

I entirely buy that. Why wouldn't they have special names for each other that no one else used or knew about?

Aka "Lilibet", before the whole world did.
Agree Muhler! I think the British press must love Prince Harry: his is the gift that keeps on giving!
I have already said the media doesn’t have to try hard for Harry to make a fool of himself. He’s doing it for free on a silver platter. Then he has the thought there is a smear campaign or conspiracy against them. Please. “Never complain, never explain” would be good right about now for someone:whistling: And he thinks the media are unfair:lol: please you did that to yourself with this latest stunt.
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In his book, Harry talks about telling his family that Meghan was pregnant.

Harry also discusses when he found out Meghan was pregnant.


That's one more negative story about the Sussex couple that I had dismissed as negative tosh made up about them that has now turned out to be completely true: That they announced their pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding.
As a writer and a reader, it's not well-written even as fiction.

I entirely buy that. Why wouldn't they have special names for each other that no one else used or knew about?

Aka "Lilibet", before the whole world did.

I doubt it’s badly written. The ghost writer has immaculate form. Could be translation or could be Harry interfered more in the actual wording.
That's one more negative story about the Sussex couple that I had dismissed as negative tosh made up about them that has now turned out to be completely true: That they announced their pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding.

I agree. You absolutely do not announce a pregnancy at someone's wedding. It can't have bothered Eugenie in the long run though.
That's one more negative story about the Sussex couple that I had dismissed as negative tosh made up about them that has now turned out to be completely true: That they announced their pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding.

Was it to everyone? I mean they could have waited to be fair but if just to W and K and C well then I guess it’s okay. Other C wasn’t there.
I agree there a something off about Willy and Harold. Especially as they are used the whole book through. William doesn’t like people calling him Wills and that is a know family nickname - Willy Not buying it and Harold less so.
I agree there a something off about Willy and Harold. Especially as they are used the whole book through. William doesn’t like people calling him Wills and that is a know family nickname - Willy Not buying it and Harold less so.

It’s in the book though.
Because he believes his family were feeding disparaging stories about him and his wife to the media before he left. I'm not in any camp here but that's why he said he did it and I don't think either side are wholly innocent in this saga.

The only one who is publishing alleged facts under his own name is Harry.

“Sources say”…..has not and are not treated the same way by the public, media, etc. And they shouldn’t be.

Even if you believe Harry in terms of content OR that William directed mean stories- it is apples and oranges imo.

And some of the things he is saying are so far out of line. And this is just what we’ve heard so far.
Because he believes his family were feeding disparaging stories about him and his wife to the media before he left. I'm not in any camp here but that's why he said he did it and I don't think either side are wholly innocent in this saga.
No one gains anything by spreading rumors about anyone in the BRF, unless it is disgruntled staff who were rudely spoken to. No one tolerates rude behavior, especially not from a member of the BRF whose shelf life wouldn’t be for long as a working member. I also wouldn’t trust the ramblings of a member whose actions make no sense. Everyone in the BRF has gotten bad press from the late Queen to the Wessexes, even the Kent’s (Prince and Princess Michael) so Harry and Meghan aren’t unique to that. Plus anyone involving in stirring the pot and getting cozy with journalists spreading stories has gotten a bad story or more that came to bite them in the a** so....... Plus Harry has just embarrassed himself from this farce of a book. Pathetic really.
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My thoughts on all this is just sadness and probably a bit of removed concern
. The concern you feel for someone in the public eye who you sense isn’t quite alright.

The family won’t respond and they won’t be damaged but, as of now, the book seems to be a bit of laughing stock. Which I am surprised at to be fair.
Does anybody know if Harry mention Chelsea or Cressida in the book ?
I think this is quite unfair to do- dragging Chelsy Davy back into the headlines after she's fought for her privacy. She was asked about Prince Harry in an interview last year and said that she wouldn't talk about an ex, just as she wouldn't want an ex to talk about her. Telling the world what the Queen thought of her wasn't kind. I honestly had expected he'd only very lightly touch on his exes in this but it seems I was too optimistic.

I cannot believe he did this, I am sure that young woman has been offered a lot of money to sell her story and she has said nothing, She has more class than Harry in her little finger.
Because he believes his family were feeding disparaging stories about him and his wife to the media before he left. I'm not in any camp here but that's why he said he did it and I don't think either side are wholly innocent in this saga.

I don't think that William, Charles, Catherine, and Camilla need to be "wholly innocent" to be angry and hurt over these disclosures. Even if Catherine leaked the silly "Meghan made her cry" story, it is a molehill next to these allegations. Harry disclosed private details about his brother's body!

The worse thing is that if some of these articles are true (and I hope it is all a big hoax), Harry has made himself a target of ridicule for a long time.
I think this is quite unfair to do- dragging Chelsy Davy back into the headlines after she's fought for her privacy. She was asked about Prince Harry in an interview last year and said that she wouldn't talk about an ex, just as she wouldn't want an ex to talk about her. Telling the world what the Queen thought of her wasn't kind. I honestly had expected he'd only very lightly touch on his exes in this but it seems I was too optimistic.


I know someone who knew her at University in SA. Loveliest girl in the entire world. Super academically intelligent. No common sense and easy to take advantage off. She really liked her though but said some people treated her cruelly.
I'm sorry, but can we all acknowledge that if Meghan had acted the way she claims Kate acted the corners arguing Kate was in the right to argue about the dresses to protect the royal children from bad press about their outfits and "save" the wedding from the bride making it look "sloppy" would not be made.

If, hypothetically, a similarly sized and televised wedding happened for a member of the royal family that involved Lili (I know no royals who get media coverage are of the right age to be wed, but imagine) and a report leaked that Meghan got into an argument with the bride about Lili's attire (possibly leaving the bride in tears), would people say Meghan was trying to make sure Lili was looking her best or defend her right to "save" the wedding from bad tailoring? I doubt it.

Instead we'd be told this was more of Meghan's demanding, diva behavior. We'd hear constant repeats of "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets" and how this is proof she thinks everything is about her. We'd hear people aghast she doesn't know her place, that she ruined things for the bride by trying to control the wedding. Heck, some corners might call it evidence of her being a bully, saying she tried to bully the poor bride into changing her designs.

Now, I agree with Curbside here, Kate probably overstepped her bounds by pushing the issue and realized it, hence the apology. That doesn't make her a bad person, because frankly we all do it. She made a mistake and corrected it by apologizing. It's even fine if you don't believe the Sussex's account of the situation. Personally, I think it rings true, but if you don't then agree to disagree. What frustrates me is knowing that there is a double standard here, that if someone relayed the same story about Meghan being dissatisfied with Lili's dress there would be very different framing.
I'm sorry, but can we all acknowledge that if Meghan had acted the way she claims Kate acted the corners arguing Kate was in the right to argue about the dresses to protect the royal children from bad press about their outfits and "save" the wedding from the bride making it look "sloppy" would not be made.

If, hypothetically, a similarly sized and televised wedding happened for a member of the royal family that involved Lili (I know no royals who get media coverage are of the right age to be wed, but imagine) and a report leaked that Meghan got into an argument with the bride about Lili's attire (possibly leaving the bride in tears), would people say Meghan was trying to make sure Lili was looking her best or defend her right to "save" the wedding from bad tailoring? I doubt it.

Instead we'd be told this was more of Meghan's demanding, diva behavior. We'd hear constant repeats of "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets" and how this is proof she thinks everything is about her. We'd hear people aghast she doesn't know her place, that she ruined things for the bride by trying to control the wedding. Heck, some corners might call it evidence of her being a bully, saying she tried to bully the poor bride into changing her designs.

Now, I agree with Curbside here, Kate probably overstepped her bounds by pushing the issue and realized it, hence the apology. That doesn't make her a bad person, because frankly we all do it. She made a mistake and corrected it by apologizing. It's even fine if you don't believe the Sussex's account of the situation. Personally, I think it rings true, but if you don't then agree to disagree. What frustrates me is knowing that there is a double standard here, that if someone relayed the same story about Meghan being dissatisfied with Lili's dress there would be very different framing.

Weddings are a disaster show. Stuff like this Happens all the time. My friend had a breakdown because her SIL was unhappy with her daughters shoes as a bridesmaid. She was going to have fake flowers because they were cheaper and a I told her a I honestly thought that even if she just had a single flower for the bridesmaids that that would be better. She nearly killed me. Weddings are a disaster show and if you survive them it’s a miracle.
I was once a big supporter of Harry and Meghan. I realize that the newspapers are going to print the most tawdry parts of the book, but I cannot imagine Harry would not feel betrayed if his ex-girlfriends wrote a book, detailing his genitalia, the fights they had, and private conservations between them. He would be LIVID. And I would be disgusted on his behalf!

Simply, Harry is a hypocrite. I have no respect for him. None.
The pure cynic in me wonders if this was a deliberate ploy, so he can use the inevitable backlash to bolster his claim that he needs government funded security.

My thoughts exactly.
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