"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I agree with the baby shower issue. Baby showers are a big deal here in the U. S., and they are usually thrown by female friends or relatives. Also, what’s the big deal with going out the front door of the hotel? Should she skulk around at her own shower?

It appears, as has historically been shown on this topic, that there are US posters who don’t quite understand the role of the British Royal Family in the United Kingdom. (I post this as an American lurker who has been following the BRF for many years)
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I agree with the baby shower issue. Baby showers are a big deal here in the U. S., and they are usually thrown by female friends or relatives. Also, what’s the big deal with going out the front door of the hotel? Should she skulk around at her own shower?
It came off attention seeking walking through the front door. It was unnecessary. Did she have to walk through the hotel front with all the media ruckus around her? No “celeb” would go through the front, go through the back for privacy and less fanfare.
I agree with the baby shower issue. Baby showers are a big deal here in the U. S., and they are usually thrown by female friends or relatives. Also, what’s the big deal with going out the front door of the hotel? Should she skulk around at her own shower?

I think it was more to do with the use (and their ongoing continual use) of a private jet just for her travel to an overseas baby shower. For a couple that prides themselves on being so concerned about the environment they are awfully eager to jump on a private plane at every opportunity.
The head of counterterrorism for the metropolitan police gave an interview where he states that the threats against the couple made up about 20 percent of his workload, up from 6 percent before H and M married. In addition, there are countless internet trolls that make money from bashing this couple.

Harry and Meghan weren’t the crown couple in the UK. They didn’t really need to be senior royals, and the institution seems to be doing fine without them. As Harry states in the documentary, hating Meghan is a billion-dollar industry.
Harry had a chance to leave if he wanted years ago, but he didn’t. That’s funny:lol: “hating Meghan is a billion dollar industry”, yet she’s no where near being worth even half a billion dollars.

The BRF have adequate security so I don’t get the point of all that . They made a choice to pursue commercial ventures in the USA, none of which has to do with monarchy. Those ventures are incompatible with the monarchy. Lastly, they were a given a chance to step back from royal life after they got married, but they didn’t do that. They also got a chance to take break whilst in Canada so I don’t get your point.

The current officials at the MET police and RAVEC know how this security stuff works so I will take their judgement over anyone else’s. Where there attempts of physical harm? Did someone break into their home? No.
In what ways? The jewels they own are largely inherited not brand new. The only exception are those gifted by Middle Eastern monarchs. Secondly, majority of the homes they inhabit are not their personal homes, if the monarchy was abolished, they would lose access to the majority of those properties. Most of the things they enjoy are a product of their station. There are fewer tiara events in this generation than in the early days of the Queen’s reign. There’s no civil list and most family members don’t live rent free. So what exactly are talking about?

Tiara events in the UK are now down to one diplomatic reception and maybe two incoming state visits at most per year. It remains to be seen if King Charles III will resume outgoing state visits, but, in any case, British royals are now seen in grand jewels less frequently than their counterparts in smaller monarchies in the continent. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands for example had, I think, 5 or 6 tiara appearances in 2022.
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So much flack. They have to essentially be middle class with lifestyles. I don’t even think we know if Kate had any kind of shower or anything.

They could have gone more discrete let’s be honest.
You read my mind. Do people not realize the times we live in. A royal caught being over extravagant especially as a newbie to royal life in this day and age will be mocked and not taken seriously. This is not the Middle Ages. Royals have to be more conscious about image and spending generally.
I think it was more to do with the use (and their ongoing continual use) of a private jet just for her travel to an overseas baby shower. For a couple that prides themselves on being so concerned about the environment they are awfully eager to jump on a private plane at every opportunity.

But you must remember she didn’t have keys or a driver’s license to get to Heathrow! And no passport for that bothersome immigration staff.

You couldn’t just go. You couldn’t. I mean, you have to understand, as well, when I joined that family, that was the last time, until we came here, that I saw my passport, my driver’s licence, my keys. All that gets turned over. I didn’t see any of that any more.
But you must remember she didn’t have keys or a driver’s license to get to Heathrow! And no passport for that bothersome immigration staff. ”

It does make one wonder how she managed US Customs off the private plane if she didn't have her passport...:whistling::whistling::whistling:
Their idea of financial independence was clearly that the Tax payer and Charles should still pay a lot of their expenses and they woudl alos go to the US and do Tv programmes etc and make more money.
I dont think that Meg would have wanted to do some low key private business sticking to careful restrictions and being stuck in the dull old UK.

I went back and looked at the statement they released in January of 2020 and found the wording of that "financial independence" statement interesting. They said they would "work to become financially independent." It sounds like exactly what you are describing. I believe they never intended to have to totally support themselves, but they found out what the rest of us know: when you quit your job, you don't get paid by that employer anymore. If he is not already, I believe Harry is eventually going to deeply regret his decision to separate from his family. The more he lives in the real world where you have to make your own money, figure your own budget, pay your own bills, etc. he is going to see just how great he really had it.
If they wanted to be public servants: teachers, Doctors etc I am sure they would have made it work...while taking g salary off them. They even wanted to help Meghan with her acting career.

I have said before and I will say again they were extremely forward thinking with Meghan...much more than any spouse. I doubt they would ha e cared if she said she didn't want royal duties but continued to work.

Yes, you are correct. I read Valentine Low's book "Courtiers" and he says in it that the Palace truly wanted to help Harry and Meghan. After their engagement, they were presented with options, even her continuing to act. Their advisors wanted them to be successful and had plans in place, but Harry and Meghan's impatience and obsession with the press interfered. They are their own worst enemies.
The Guardian got a copy of Harry’s book. In one passage, Harry claims that William physically attacked him after they got into a disagreement back in 2019.

Harry writes that William wanted to talk about “the whole rolling catastrophe” of their relationship and struggles with the press. But when William arrived at Nottingham Cottage – where Harry was then living, in the grounds of Kensington Palace and known as “Nott Cott” – he was, Harry says, already “piping hot”.

After William complained about Meghan, Harry writes, Harry told him he was repeating the press narrative and that he expected better. But William, Harry says, was not being rational, leading to the two men shouting over each other.

Harry then accused his brother of acting like an heir, unable to understand why his younger brother was not content to be a spare.

Insults were exchanged, before William claimed he was trying to help.

Harry said: “Are you serious? Help me? Sorry – is that what you call this? Helping me?”

That comment, Harry says, angered his brother, who swore while stepping towards him. Now scared, Harry writes, he went to the kitchen, his furious brother following.

Harry writes that he gave his brother a glass of water and said: “Willy, I can’t speak to you when you’re like this.”

He writes: “He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”

Harry writes that William urged him to hit back, citing fights they had as children. Harry says he refused to do so. William left, Harry says, then returned “looking regretful, and apologised”.

When William left again, his brother writes, he “turned and called back: ‘You don’t need to tell Meg about this.’

“‘You mean that you attacked me?’

“‘I didn’t attack you, Harold.’”

Guardian and Daily Mail are reporting that Harry relates in “Spare” how William took him by the collar and threw him to the floor … with him, Harry, ending up in the dog bowl.

(Sorry, just saw already posted above.)

Well, makes the late Queen’s worries about the loss of Royal mystic in that old documentary seem a lost cause.
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Holy heck. If that excerpt is accurate then there is zero chance of Harry ever returning to work for the RF.
Guardian and Daily Mail are reporting that Harry relates in “Spare” how William took him by the collar and threw him to the floor … with him, Harry, ending up in the dog bowl.

I can’t get the image out of my head. In 2019 you say. Told his therapist but couldn’t get a suicidal wife one…right.

I just see posh boy handicuffs. I can’t take it seriously.
My first reaction on reading that was how frustrating it must have been to see Harry respond that his family was only repeating a press narrative. They'd met Meghan. They'd shared a staff. They had no need to go by press reports.

If one person tells you your wife is a problem, they might be the problem. If most of the people who know you and who work with you are telling you your wife is a problem, you maybe need to think about your wife.
Guardian and Daily Mail are reporting that Harry relates in “Spare” how William took him by the collar and threw him to the floor … with him, Harry, ending up in the dog bowl.

(Sorry, just saw already posted above.)

Well, makes the late Queen’s worries about the loss of Royal mystic in that old documentary seem a lost cause.

I wonder which dog he is referring to?
Guardian and Daily Mail are reporting that Harry relates in “Spare” how William took him by the collar and threw him to the floor … with him, Harry, ending up in the dog bowl.

Apparently The Guardian got an advance copy of the book.

Anyway, if William having a fight with Harry is the worst Harry could come up with in the memoir, I guess republicans will be pretty disappointed.
Apparently The Guardian got an advance copy of the book.

Anyway, if William having a fight with Harry is the worst Harry could come up with in the memoir, I guess republicans will be pretty disappointed.

Yeah if that’s it, well then. Could be Guardian are holding back articles ready to go on publication day before the rest have had a chance to read it.

Interesting that this showed up in a very non monarchist, republican newspaper. With no royal,reporters and not part old the rota and one that stays out of,the Harry and Meghan world. Interesting.
Holy heck. If that excerpt is accurate then there is zero chance of Harry ever returning to work for the RF.

He wouldn’t anyway. In the preview of the Tom Bradby interview he is asked if he would ever return as a full time royal, and he immediately said ‘No’!
My first reaction on reading that was how frustrating it must have been to see Harry respond that his family was only repeating a press narrative. They'd met Meghan. They'd shared a staff. They had no need to go by press reports.

If one person tells you your wife is a problem, they might be the problem. If most of the people who know you and who work with you are telling you your wife is a problem, you maybe need to think about your wife.

Exactly. Harry seems to blame everything on the media and refuses to accept that the problem could be him, or his wife. There is a reason that the Sussexes haven’t sued over the bullying allegations. It’s also striking how none of their former staff have come out to defend them, or refute the allegations.
One thing to keep in mind... This is Harry's recollection of the confrontation. It is an entirely one-sided account of an incident that had no other witnesses. I suspect we're going to get a strongly worded reiteration of "recollections may vary" from BP/KP. They aren't really going to have any choice but to respond to the allegation that William physically attacked his own brother.
One thing to keep in mind... This is Harry's recollection of the confrontation. It is an entirely one-sided account of an incident that had no other witnesses. I suspect we're going to get a strongly worded reiteration of "recollections may vary" from BP/KP. They aren't really going to have any choice but to respond to the allegation that William physically attacked his own brother.

We'll see on that. The strategy of silence has been very well-received and positive so far. It may continue.
IIRC Robert Lacey already wrote about a 'fierce and bitter' confrontation between the brothers about the bullying claims. Perhaps this may be the version of the Duke of Sussex of that alleged confrontation.
My first reaction on reading that was how frustrating it must have been to see Harry respond that his family was only repeating a press narrative. They'd met Meghan. They'd shared a staff. They had no need to go by press reports.

If one person tells you your wife is a problem, they might be the problem. If most of the people who know you and who work with you are telling you your wife is a problem, you maybe need to think about your wife.

That was my reaction too. It was not just the press, but his own relatives and friends telling him that his wife was "difficult", "rude", and "abrasive".

And did Harry really "accuse his brother of acting like an heir, unable to understand why his younger brother was not content to be a spare"? I doubt he will get much sympathy from the readers after that.
My first reaction on reading that was how frustrating it must have been to see Harry respond that his family was only repeating a press narrative. They'd met Meghan. They'd shared a staff. They had no need to go by press reports.

If one person tells you your wife is a problem, they might be the problem. If most of the people who know you and who work with you are telling you your wife is a problem, you maybe need to think about your wife.


My first reaction is I just don’t buy what Harry’s selling. I don’t buy this exact version of events anyway. Not without proof. He and Meghan are always the victims. And somehow Harry is pretty much a pacifist in any version of events. It’s always what someone has done to them.

I do think it’s bizarre that he claims to have thought William was just repeating negative press. William knows Meghan. Anything he thought about Meghan would be based on his personal experience and people he trusted.

I also think it’s fascinating that Harry could call his own therapist, but he couldn’t get help for his suicidal wife. That makes sense.
We'll see on that. The strategy of silence has been very well-received and positive so far. It may continue.

I don’t think they will say anything. Everyone is laughing about this. Have you seen the memes already going round. I think everyone gets there is more than one side.

My first reaction is I just don’t buy what Harry’s selling. I don’t buy this exact version of events anyway. Not without proof. He and Meghan are always the victims. And somehow Harry is pretty much a pacifist in any version of events. It’s always what someone has done to them.

I do think it’s bizarre that he claims to have thought William was just repeating negative press. William knows Meghan. Anything he thought about Meghan would be based on his personal experience and people he trusted.

I also think it’s fascinating that Harry could call his own therapist, but he couldn’t get help for his suicidal wife. That makes sense.

Also therapist is an American word. They tend to be called counsellors. Interesting he could just ring the, up. I see one regularly…I have an appointment. I certainly don’t treat her like a PA.
One thing to keep in mind... This is Harry's recollection of the confrontation. It is an entirely one-sided account of an incident that had no other witnesses. I suspect we're going to get a strongly worded reiteration of "recollections may vary" from BP/KP. They aren't really going to have any choice but to respond to the allegation that William physically attacked his own brother.

If no physical altercation happened then Harry could easily have kept it to a shouting match in his account. The being pushed over onto a dog bowl would be humiliating and it has the ring of truth to it to me.

There have been rumours of William having a temper before. Robert Jobson, no friend of Harry’s, recounted in his biography of the then Prince of Wales that his eldest son had no problem going toe to toe with his father (who is incidentally quite a bit shorter in height) in a shouting match. I have the book with me now.

And as for Meghan, Harry loves her deeply and has been more than loyal to her. If people around him expected that he was going to get a divorce because of their comments then they would be and were, mightily mistaken.
He wouldn’t anyway. In the preview of the Tom Bradby interview he is asked if he would ever return as a full time royal, and he immediately said ‘No’!

Of course not. He wanted HIHO back in 2019. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. It’s been one long public temper tantrum every since he was told no. 3 years.

He also said he wants a relationship with his brother and his father. He has a funny way of going about accomplishing that. If you buy he’s sincere to begin with and not just saying what he knows will play well. I’m not saying he’s for sure being insincere. IDK. But it is a possibility imo.
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