Royals at Wimbledon 2008 - 2024

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I thought both the ladies looked in their element yesterday. I didn't see any nervousness from Meghan except when she was watching Serena. Kate looked very jolly and relaxed. I do think these ladies are comfortable around each other, clearly get on well, and likely are grateful they have a peer to share all the "Diana's boys" media pressure with.

People want to pit them against each other but I am glad they are just doing their thing. Good on them.
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:flowers: Agreed.

I think Kate is more relaxed in part because there is much less attention focused solely on her now that the media has Meghan to hyper scrutinize.
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It was very nice to see the two sister-in-laws enjoying a day out at Wimbledon. I know it must’ve been emotional and proud moment for Meghan to watch and support her friend, Serena, in the final.

Would you believe that I didn’t get a chance to watch the game. My neighborhood’s electricity went out just as soon Serena emerged to play.
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Meghan looked cool and chic. Kate looked nice as well. I liked the theme dress with mini tennis balls. I like today’s dress more. The yellow is very pretty and eye-catching.
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I know it must’ve been emotional and proud moment for Meghan to watch and support her friend, Serena, in the final.

Would you believe that I didn’t get a chance to watch the game. My neighborhood’s electricity went out just as soon Serena emerged

She looked SO proud as she led the standing ovation at the royal box when Serena came out! SO PROUD!

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Meghan looked fine to me, but did you think maybe she was simply nervous for her friend? Who was playing one of the biggest matches of her life with a huge amount of pressure? Meghan looked emotional when Serena was doing her court interview. I know I was.

Indeed, that's where I think her slight nervousness mostly came from. And knowing that the everyone is watching you when you are cheering on your friend must be a little intimmidating as well.
I thought hats aren’t allowed in the royal box? Why is the person behind Prince Michael of Kent in a hat?

That person is Lord Frederick. :flowers:
Is the no hat thing really a rule or are hats limited to certain shapes and sizes? Benedict Cumberbatch and Emma Watson are wearing hats today purportedly in the Royal Box.
Princess Michael of Kent wear hats in the royal box. The Queen wore a hat when she was last at Wimbledon. Hat wearing isn’t a big deal there.
Will they stay for the Mixed doubles final? UK's Jamie Murray is playing for the title.
I think Kate is more relaxed in part because there is much less attention focused solely on her now that the media has Meghan to hyper scrutinize.

Excellent point! :flowers: Plus Meghan is also taking the negative. Kate can relax.

This is a thread about Royals at Wimbledon, not one about the Duchess of Sussex's past life, nor about her popularity as an actress or her relationship and marriage with Prince Harry. A number of posts have therefore been deleted.
A little correction:Maria Olympia was in Wimbledon 11 July, not today.

Duchess of Cambridge and Duchess of Sussex congratulate Angelique Kerber for her win today

Thank you for correcting me eya. I seemed to have misread the information provided as I hadn't seen the photo of Maria Olympia before.

Lovely dress on Maria Olympia, horrible shoes. What's with all the royal women today. I've hated almost every single shoes they've worn TODAY.

I’ve explained the mistake above; no need for the aggressive capitalisation of “today”. All is fine now.
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I’ve explained the mistake above; no need for the aggressive capitalisation of “today”. All is fine now.

No need to be aggressive as I was not referencing that. My "today" reference if you read my comment was to the royal women of that particular day wearing shoes that I didn't like, i.e. CP Victoria, Princess Sofia and Marie Olympia.

I didn't even realise it was a different day.
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...But who is the lady in the green lace dress? And can anyone identify the person wearing the very unusual dress (peach trimmed with hot pink caterpillars) sitting just above William’s left shoulder? Thank you.

I believe the person in the green lace dress can be seen besides the royals when there are videos that have been posted showing them congratulating winners. I have no clue of what her name is but I'm assuming she has some kind of an important role with Wimbledon.
Royals at Wimbledon

No need to be aggressive as I was not referencing that. My "today" reference if you read my comment was to the royal women of that particular day wearing shoes that I didn't like, i.e. CP Victoria, Princess Sofia and Marie Olympia.

I didn't even realise it was a different day.

I did read your post thoroughly or as much as I could. Just because I misinterpreted something doesn’t mean I didn’t read it. It can happen to all of us.
My reply was not meant to be aggressive and it would have been ironic if it was. I was only trying to interpret your response since you had quoted my post and I was trying to make sense of the situation.

I never mean to come across as aggressive, due to my past I’ve always felt the need to defend myself because I was always unable to in real life. Many people have been offended and accused me of being rude, aggressive or uppity (all negative words used about me on the forum) but that honestly saddens me as I don’t mean to be. I just use my words strongly because now I’m in a position where I feel like I can actually speak up but often much of this is misinterpreted since tone can be difficult to read online. Aggressiveness is not my intention as I don’t want this to be a negative place when it’s meant to be a getaway for many people like myself.
I apologise to you and anyone else whom I have offended for my tone as it wasn’t the original intention of many of my posts at all. I want this to be an enjoyable place for us all and I don’t like posting in this manner either, but sometimes I just feel compelled to. I hope you will read this and understand.
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...But who is the lady in the green lace dress? And can anyone identify the person wearing the very unusual dress (peach trimmed with hot pink caterpillars) sitting just above William’s left shoulder? Thank you.

Tha lady with the green lacy dress is Gill Brook wife of Philip Brook chairman of Wimbledon
Princess Michael of Kent wear hats in the royal box. The Queen wore a hat when she was last at Wimbledon. Hat wearing isn’t a big deal there.

Duke of Kent in the Royal box was wearing a hat to shade the sun during the mixed doubles final today. The box had pretty much emptied out, and he slipped in.
CP Frederik in London. He looks like he's enjoying the match.
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