Princess Marie's Charities and Patronages Part 1: 2010 - 2024

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Our Marie is doing a pretty good job being patron for the Civil Defense IMO.
She is often seen at such public events.

How much difference it makes is of course debatable, but it certainly doesn't harm!
And if some girls somewhere, who happens to like Marie and follow, decides to give it a try and join the Civil Defense or sign up for volunteer conscription it's even better.
And unless they only stay for a few days, what they learn will be very beneficial for them. And one day they may make a difference for someone - and just as importantly, feel they are making a difference.
So Marie's effort, can only be applauded.

If I am to put my finger at something, then it would be that she yet has to be on a real job. That IMO would really be good PR for the Civil Defense.
And it doesn't have to be anything complicated or dangerous.
Helping out at floods would be a good thing.
Help with hoses, serving coffee, filling sandbags and so on. Because with only basic training, there is only so much Marie can do.

Another thing is that the the Civil Defense as a whole and the individual members no doubt appreciate the little official pad on the shoulder, a royal patronage is.

Princess Marie visited the Food Bank in Copenhagen this morning, September 18, to get informed about how the organization "combats food waste and food poverty in Denmark".

** kongehuset gallery ** ppe gallery **
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:previous: Yes, our Marie has very much embraced food waste. It seems to have become a hobby of hers.

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #38, 2018.
Written by Henrik Salling.

Yes, she did indeed visit the Food Bank. The Food Bank is mainly a volunteer concept based on free donations of surplus food.
In contrast to supermarkets, which can sell food that's close to the expiry date at very reduced prices - which has become a major success I might add - other stores don't go for that option. Sometimes because it takes up too much store space, others are based on online sale and delivery and haven't got physical stores where they can sell surplus food themselves. So they donate surplus food to the Food Bank. The volunteers from the Food bank drive out and collect the food. Back at the Food Bank the various donations are checked and sorted by other volunteers and made ready for distribution to charity organizations, homeless shelters and so on. I.e. people who cannot afford to buy good food - or who prefer to buy alcohol instead...
Other volunteers then distribute the sorted foodstuff to these charities or locations which present it to the needy.

The Food Bank is located in Copenhagen, but there are others similar to this elsewhere in DK. But of Course Copenhagen, being the largest city and the capital, attracts a proportionally larger number of needy people, worthy of these donations.

The Food Bank collect and distribute 900 tonnes of food a year and about 250 people work as volunteers.

Marie gave an advise in regards to checking meat, which I'm not certain I wish to follow myself: "There are of course some products where you have to be particularly careful, like meat. Personally I always smell the food before I throw it out. I don't look that much on the (expiry) date."

- Well, I do! If we happen to have too much meat around, there's always the freezer. Or it's destined to become "biksemad" (*) or it will end up as slices on bread.

(*) I've told you about "biksemad" before, which is ideally suited for poor and hungry students. Extremely cheap, easy to prepare, requires hardly any cooking skills, nutritional and you can't eat a bite afterwards! - And it tastes great!
Thanks, Iceflower.

That has really become a hobby for our Marie!
Fine I say, because way too much good food is still wasted each year.

Princess Marie attended a dinner with "Food waste" in Copenhagen this evening, November 13:

** ppe gallery ** fb gallery ** rex gallery **

** H.K.H. Prinsesse Marie deltog i middag mod madspild **

This event was at the Empassy of the Netherlands in Denmark and Princess Marie has a surprise meeting. With the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte

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Thanks, Iceflower. :flowers:

One of the advantages our Marie has, is that having a less strenuous schedule and having to spend much less time at the office than Mary, she can approach things at a more leisurely pace when she is out on the job like today.

The idea of using surplus food, that would otherwise have been discarded, at the school SFO (looking after the children before and after school) is great.
Because as Marie explained many children don't get a breakfast before going to school or don't get a decent breakfast.
If both parents work, children do have a tendency to get out of bed about five minutes before school start and breakfast is way down the list of priorities. Way after checking the phone, getting dressed, brushing teeth, checking the phone, drinking a glass of juice, checking the phone, eating a couple of biscuits, getting out the door.
But here at the school they get a wholesome meal together with their friends and classmates.

Alliance Française promotes French culture and language in Denmark.

Le Souvenir Français look after an maintain graves after fallen soldiers in and outside France. (There are a graves in DK, where French POW's were laid to rest during WWI in what in 1920 again became Danish territory.)

An honorary representative for the Danish section Lycée International. An international school in France, where the student are offered six hours of Danish studies a week - language, culture and current affairs.
(Was that the school Henrik and Athena will go to?)

It is of course natural that she should take over these protections affiliated with France. - And they are protections she can look after while in France.
Princess Marie, along with a number of food and chefs, has been contributing to the boil "food with respect - a family cookbook that cuts food", containing 80 food recipes.

The presentation of the book took place today at the publisher gyldendal in Copenhagen, and at the book launch Marie gave her speech.
A thing worth putting focus on indeed!

On average each Dane discard more than 40 kilos of perfectly edible food a year.
It's an astonishing waste - despite improvements, because even more food was discarded beforehand!

- If each adult eat a kilo of food a day on average, you do the math.
That a whole month of eating well each year!
Or one month off the food bill per person per year!

Don't know about you, but the Muhler household is currently down to 3½ person and I will estimate we discard perhaps half that amount per person a year. Or around 20 kilos per person a year. That's nevertheless still close to a months worth of food per person, per year.
And converted to money that's roughly 50 DKK X 20 X 3½ per year = 3.500 DKK a year (a fairly conservative estimate) or 468 € = 518 $ = 402 £. - That could potentially be saved a year by our household.
And since we live in rural Jutland, where the food prices are generally lower and we have way easier access to meat, poultry, vegetables and diary products purchased without paying vat :D our food budget is considerably lower than in the cities.
Not to mention that we regularly make a pilgrimage to Germany with our trailer to shop.
(All - well, almost - Jutlandic cars are per default born with a hook for a trailer, hence why a "Jutlander-hook" is a slang-name for a trailer-hook here in DK.)
Which reduce our monthly expenses even more.

In Copenhagen the food-prices are much higher.
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