Princess Marie's Charities and Patronages Part 1: 2010 - 2024

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Always nice to see her in uniform and at these type of events .
Thanks, Iceflower. :flowers:

Our Marie was in her usual merry mood I see. I also notice that she was accompanied by an adjutant for once.
While that has become normal with Mary, it's much more unusual with Marie. Of course this is very much a uniformed branch event, so here it's only natural.

On August 20 Princess Marie as Patron once again attended this year's Copenhagen Cooking and Food Festival. Accompanied by Prince Joachim she participated in the gastronomic summit at the Geranium restaurant in Copenhagen.

** gallery: Gastronomisk topmøde **
Princess Marie is a guest editor on Instagram today for Samvirke healthy eating magazine, with the help of her children!!

'Today I have taken over Samvirke's Instagram to tell you about my work against food waste. At home, we are very aware that nothing will be wasted. Therefore, my children's food packages today are made from leftovers from the evening meal - and consisted of fish fillets and vegetables. Later today food waste is also on the program when I, as a patron, participate in the Food Summit Food Summit - Better Food for More People. You can follow the day here at Instagram.
A very good thing.

Enormous amounts of food is wasted each year!

Now the supermarkets here in DK, have to a large extent begun to donate some of the food that is reaching expiry date to charity-discount stores.
Most of it they sell themselves though at reduced prices - and there are some very good bargains to be made if you don't have that much money (students, retirees, on welfare and so on).

But back to our Marie. The parents to my generation had been brought up with not letting food go to waste, so leftovers was a normal dish for us. Often made into "biksemad", a dish I've talked about a few times here on TRF, which is very cheap and easy to make. Ideal for the poor students away from home.
But in recent decade it has become an unfortunate habit to shop lare amounts of food stuff, only to end up not being able to eat all of it, which ends up in the trash.
So there is now an ongoing campaign to reduce that waste. And it's a popular campaign because reduce the waste of perfectly good food appeals to most. - And saving serious money on the food-bill appeals to all!

Biksemad: There are countless recipes, depending on what leftovers you use and it's so ridiculously easy, fast and cheap to make that even teenagers who have never held a frying pan in their lives can do it. ;)
Scandinavian Hash Biksemad) Recipe -
Recipe: Biksemad {Danish Pork & Potato Hash} – Ask Sarah
Biksemad | Recipes Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

And fried eggs is a must! 2-3 per serving - if you are a teenage son... :ermm:
This is not a dish to eat if you are on a diet, this is to make you fell happy and full, so butter is mandatory! ?

I believe some of you have tried that recipe before.
great cause for marie. food waste reduction is important. i would love myself how to make better use of my food so that it doesn't go in the bin!

i liked how they published an informal picture of marie at home preparing her lunch boxes, just like any mum would :)
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Thanks, Iceflower & Polyesco :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #35, 2017.
Written by Juliane Olsen.

Our Marie has an article in the serious consumer magazine, Samvirke.

In here she is talking about how she reduce food-waste in the family and give examples from her own family life, like how they don't fill up the fridge until it's near empty and how the children get leftover from the day before in their lunch boxes and how she makes "biksemad" from various leftovers.
It's all garnished with photos of Marie and her two children and it provides a rare glimpse into the kitchen in Villa Joachim.

Her old friend Caroline Fleming, for 17 years, posted a nice comment to Marie on Instagram.

Here is a closer look at the photos:
Princess Marie as a project manager of the Danish Emergency Agency, where among other things, participated in establishing contact with foreign authorities met yesterday with "Dutch experts to hear about the work on civil protection of fire and other accidents, including floods, which is the highest priority risk in the Dutch national risk picture".

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Today, January 18, Marie as Patron of the Copenhagen Cooking and Food Festival together with celebrity chef and TV host Timm Vladimir received schoolchildren to her home to teach them about healthy eating and how to avoid waste of food. Henrik and Athena participated as well:

** belga gallery ** gallery **
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #04, 2018.
Written by gastronomy writer, Henrik Salling.

Recently our Marie invited ten 6th graders from Helsingør School (*) home to teach them about not wasting food, also when cooking.
Marie received them at the door: "You come just as we are slicing onions and when we all have tears in our eyes".

To help her, were not only the children's teacher, but also TV-chef, Timm Vladimir and Selina Juol from Stop Wasting Food.
Such events have taken place before (perhaps with Marie?) but this time the press was invited as well.
Present were also Athena and Henrik, who we already know is being taught by their mother about not wasting food.

It has emerged that the Danes are throwing no less than 260.000 tons of food out every year. Food that could otherwise have been used.
That includes the stem from carrots which can be used in soup and so on. On that level.

So in that spirit the party went about cooking dinner, using as much as at all possible of the raw food.

Our reporter, Henrik Salling, may not be that interested in cooking because he seem more in looking at what machines were at place in the kitchen and what cookbooks were on the shelves...

This initiative is connected to the supermarket concept WeFood who sell goods that is close to expiry date. The proceeds goes to DanChurchAid.

- To that I can add that it is very common, certainly in the major cities and towns here in DK now for the stores, like bakers, to sell bulk bread and pastry at very affordable prices, just before closing time. People simply connect to an app, which tells them where and when and then go there. Our son and pride, who no longer lives at home is using that frequently.
The same thing applies in most supermarkets. Goods that are one day or so away from the expiry date are placed in a specific counter and sold at usually around 30 % less. And we often buy meat which we intend to eat the same day. Or you can simply put it in the freezer. - And there is good money to be saved on that account!
The supermarkets and business make money too. Because the food was supposed to be thrown out anyway and people tend to avoid full-priced food that is close to the expiry date. Now they sell most of that as well.
How common are such concepts in your countries? I assume it's far from unique to Denmark.

At the end Marie said: "I think it's so important to teach children and young about not wasting food. They are our future consumers".

(*) From an ordinary public school. Not a local school or Athena and Henrik's school.
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #18, 2018.
Written by Dorte Quist.

In her capacity as patron for UNESCO Denmark, our Marie went to the geographical center of DK, Geopark Odsherred.
Over the past four years 3.000 clay-masks have been set up here and on this day the last 540 clay-masks were to be set up, all made by school children. So there were loads of school children present who gave Marie a very rapturous reception!
Marie was also to have her own mask set up, so she sat down at a table with a handful of children, and surrounded by multitudes more, she began to create her own mask.
She wasn't that pleased with the result though but up it went.
The masks constitute an exhibition called Geokids.

Of course there were also speeches, but that didn't bother anyone, because it was so windy that no one could really hear what was being said...
The whole show ended with Marie walking 2½ Km with 250 of the older children, from the top of one hill to another, in this post-glacial landscape.
You can tell our Marie has been on vacation in France for a while, she's speaking "Franish". :D
There were a couple of minor grammatical errors and problems with the endings of the words (for which there is no French, nor English equivalent).
Still extremely easy to understand though.

She was asked what to her would be the perfect piece of jewellery. She easily dodged that one.
There is no perfect piece of jewellery. It all depends on who the presenter and recipient is and what is the story/occasion of the jewellery.

Princess Marie as Patron opened the annual Copenhagen Cooking and Food Festival today, August 23:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

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