Princess Marie's Charities and Patronages Part 1: 2010 - 2024

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Thanks for the pictures. Its a great visit especially that its outside of Denmark. Usually she doesn't get to much solo events abroad even though it was short.
The DEMA site (Civil Defence) has some more details about our Marie's visit to Bruxelles: Prinsesse Marie besøger EU og NATO
That includes 8 pics.

EU has opened a common European Emergency Response Centre on 15th May, simply to better co-ordinate and organise relief on a larger scale thus making any emergency assistance from Europe more efficient and this is what Marie visited and saw.

Her guide was the EU-commissar for Humanitarian Aid, Kristalina Georgieva. Present to inform the Princess was also the manager for Relief and Civil Protection under the general secretariat of the European Commission, Claus Haugaard Sørensen. - That's the gentleman with the glasses seen in a couple of the pics.

As an ever increasing number of the areas that need relief is due to clima channges Marie also met the Commissar for the Environment, the very competent Connie Hedegaard.
Over a lunch Marie was thoroughly briefed about the problems which is the cause of the events that needs attention from the emegency centre. And she also met a number of Danes working at EU.

Later on she went to the NATO HQ, where she met the General Secretary, Anders Fogh.
He briefed her in how NATO aids EU in providing emergency relief.

The visit ended with a reception at the Danish EU ambassador, Jeppe Tranholm Mikkelsen, before she returned home late in the evening.

- Well, pretty dry stuff and not much glamour, but nevertheless essential.
While Mary went abroad our Marie has been taking care of the home front.
Prinsesse Marie så på smykker

BB reports that Marie went to the Copenhagen Jewellery and Watch show. Here she presented a prize to a Finnish designer, Niko Vakkuri.
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Princess Marie - Patron of the Danish Epilepsy Association & the Kattegat Centre

* *

Princess Marie takes over two patronages from Prince Henrik!

She has agreed to become the Patron of the Danish Epilepsy Association (Prince Henrik had been Patron since 1972)
and of the Kattegat Centre (Prince Henrik had been Patron since 1993).

** source: ** translation **​
Good for Marie. I guess Henrik is slowing down a bit more.
i'm happy marie is taking on new roles. it seems to me that she's the number one person for taking henrik's ex-patronages, as she's been assigned as the new patron for several of his old ones.
I think it's great that Marie is taking two of Henrik's former patronages. Good news.
i'm happy marie is taking on new roles. it seems to me that she's the number one person for taking henrik's ex-patronages, as she's been assigned as the new patron for several of his old ones.
So far Marie had only been assigned for 1 of Henrik's old patronages (now there are all together 3), Frederik for 4, Joachim for 2 or 3 and Mary for 1. So that hardly makes Marie "the number one person for taking Henrik's ex-patronages". But I can imagine a few more of his patronages becoming hers, also some of Benedikte's perhaps.
Our Marie has a new protection: Prinsesse Marie skal øge kendskabet til ny skole | Billed Bladet

European School Copenhagen. It will open shortly and basically be an international high school with an EU standard for graduation.

That must be considered in line with other of Marie's main protections within schooling and education, not least international education. She has been very active in that regards with SDU - Southern Danish University.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #41, 2014.
Written by Trine Larsen.

Marie as patron for the Civil Defence led a new campaign here in DK, in ensuring greater security for elderly in regards to fire prevention and to create a greater awareness about fire safety.
That is based on similar and successful campaign in England and Norway.

Anyway, our Marie went to an "elderly-colony" consisting of 26 little houses for elderly. Among them a very healthy 93 year old Edith Sørensen. (*)
The local residents had turned out in force and flags had been raised in honor of Marie.
With Marie went a few representatives from the Civil Defence and a number of representatives from the municipality, but only one of them were actually served coffee inside Edith's home. (They would no doubt have had to sit on the floor anyway!) Well inside the petite Marie placed a smoke-detector on the ceilling and with that detail taken care of it was time for coffee and a chat. About fire-safety. Marie asked: "Do you (informal you) know what to do, if the alarm goes off"? Edith: " for help". Marie: "You must first and foremost get out of your house and hurry to your neighbor and call from there".
Marie explained that she has a minor conflagration close-up once: "Oh dera, it goes really fast. I've experienced it once myself with candlelights, where I accidentally threw a jacket over a candle...and went really fast. Gloves and all vanished".
Edith: "But I never light candles when I'm alone. Only when there are guests and we are going to have a cosy time". (**)
With the safety-stuff done with it was time for the more serious matters. Marie was served a port and piece of chocolate and now talk focused on grandchildren and great-grandchildren so Marie, Edith and Edith's youngest daughter had a merry time!
Afterwards Edith said to our reporter: "I don't think Princess Marie had tasted port before, but she thought it tasted well.
Well, I've often seen the Princess and the other royals on for instance TV and thought that they should really come and see how nice it is here. And suddenly Princess Marie comes, so that was a dream come true and (it) was very exciting to meet her...because one is a bit royalist".

(*) If and when I become 93 and look just half as fresh as Edith Sørensen, I will consider myself very lucky!

(**) We Danes are obsessed with candles!! Candles are an absolute must when we are having a cosy (hygge) time. In fact a minor bonfire is preferable... - Probably got something to do with the long and dark wintermonths.
We are talking an average of some eight-ten candles lit in the livingroom, when there are guests and two-four on an everyday basis.
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Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:

A viewable video from BB for several reasons: Video: Prinsesse Marie: Det formede mig at studere i udlandet | Billed Bladet

Notice the smallest of the flowergirls who is very eager to present our Marie with flowers. :flowers::lol:

Marie said that is had formed her to study abroad and that it today is a necessity. I agree, it's healthy to go out and away from your comfort zone, no matter whether you study, work or whatever you do.

Now, her accent was more pronounced than usual and she seemed a little more searching for the right words. I guess she was at that event mainly thinking in French, since she after all is in Paris and no doubt have visited her relatives.

The head of the Danish student-house was very pleased with having Marie as the new patron (she's taken over from QMII), because Marie is both French and Danish and as such combine both countries and cultures and can see things from both sides.
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Thanks Iceflower. :flowers:

Let's return to Marie's visit to Paris for a moment.

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #47, 2014.
Written by our man in the City of Lights, Henrik Salling.

Having undergone a complete restoration lasting seven years the House for Danish Students in Paris smelled of fresh paint when our Marie came to visit.
The house is located within a cluster of similar national houses connected to Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris. In fact 40 other nationalities have houses in the neighborhood. (*)
The house was build in 1932 and there are 48 rooms for the students.

Marie said: "After the renovation the house can now offer the students some fantastic surroundings/frames and a more modern place.
It's very important for Denmark that our young to go abroad in connection with their studies. It's very exciting - and the hosue represents Denmark in a very grand way. Here is Danish design and a nice Danish touch and atmosphere. I really like the place and I think it's a privilege for students to be able to live here.
When I went out myself to study far away, it was to experience how it was to be a part of another culture. Just as the students have the opportunity for here, where they can experience the French culture. Here are 40 different dorms with 140 different nations. It's utterly fantastic.
I have myself felt very fortunate becuase I have had the opportunity to study abroad. That has shaped me as a person. And today it's necessary to have that experience and baggage".

Marie's dad, Alain Cavallier live in Paris and about him she said: "I have had opportunity to see my father. But way too little time". But right after visiting the student house she did go to visit him.

Actually Marie must have arrived in the late afternoon the day before, because she attended a dinner at the Danish embassy in the evening.
Present were twenty guests, who in one way or another have a connection to France. But also Minister for Research and developement, Sofie Carsten Nielsen. (**)

(*) During the first half of the 1900 it was very common for Danish university students to go to France to study for a period. That also served as a part of their general education/upbringing as persons.

(**) A somewhat redundant minister IMO.

BB is up.
Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:

A video from BB: VIDEO: Prinsesse Marie på epilepsihospitalet | Billed Bladet

Marie had expressed a wish to lean more about epilepsy after taking over the protection from PH, as such she spend 2½ hours at the hospital, first with the children and later on with adult patients.
She didn't say much upon leaving but it seems the association was very pleased with having our Marie as new patron.

And a summary of the video Iceflower posted:
The hospital had only one weeks notice prior to Marie's visit, so they've running around like whirlwinds on speed shining up the place.
The flowergirl was ten year old Mie, who is also a patient and it's "mega-annoying" to have epilepsy as she put it.
Marie painted the green Easter-egg while talking to all the little patients.
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She took over in November 2013.
1 1/2 years later she visits a hospital to learn more about epilepsy?

She also handed out the research grants at the association's national convention last year and hopefully she did some reseach on her own ;)

Some more pics can also be found here: article

Princess Marie as Patron of the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) participated in an exercise in Hedehusene today, March 13, where she learned "how to remote operate a drone, analyze hazardous chemicals" and saw "search dogs finding a trapped person in a ruin".

** Pic ** demotix gallery **
Thanks, Iceflower. :flowers:

HQ pics from the Civil Defense site: - In this pics Marie must be accompanied by the chief of the Civil Defense. He holds a rank that equivalent to lieutenant general, no less! - The firebrigade in Copenhagen as well as the Civil Defence has had a huge success in employing drones routinely.

I see our Marie holds a rank equivalent to first lieutenant. (Mary's rank in the Army Home Guard is lieutenant, as the Home Guard don't use first and second lieutenants).

Notice that Marie, in contrast to what is tradition in the Civil Defense, wears headgear, when it isn't for practical reasons. I.e. her baseball cap.
In contrast to the military where headgear is mandatory when outside.

The Civil Defense is under the Ministry of Interior. While the police is under the Ministry of Justice and the military and Home Guard under the Ministry of Defense.
During the Cold War, the Civil Defense members were supposed to be issued batons as crowd control, should the nuclear balloon go up, and even that was frowned upon by the members back then.
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Nice Event. Marie looks interested and a great cause bring attention to
:previous: It is.

A BB video of our Marie and a drone: VIDEO: Prinsesse Marie fløj med droner hos Beredsskabsstyrelsen | Billed Bladet
She's pretty adept! But of course being self-confessed tech-geek and having grown up with brothers and having four boys who are very much into driving cars I don't think driving or flying anything by remote is that alien to her...
While petting the beautiful alsatian, Marie said her own canis oddicus, Apple, surely could be trained as a rescue dog even though she's small...
Afterwards she said: "And we are so fortunate to have so many volunteers here in Denmark who spend so much of their time to save other people's lives ". - Good grief! If she continues like that she won't even have a traceable accent in five years!


Gallery and article from


Additional pics and article from Royalista: Princess Marie flies a drone | Royalista
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