Distribution of the Jewels of Queen Elizabeth II

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I’d like a system like the Swedes have, a foundation for jewels, everyone gets to wear a variety
There aren’t many working royals so there’s no need for a foundation. The Gloucesters have their collection, the Kent’s have their own and Anne has jewels gifted to her from her parents. If Sophie wants to wear something she can ask.
New pieces of jewellery will not be made. I highly doubt that will be something he will do.
I agree. There's plenty of pieces, I'm sure, in the vaults that can be used today. If I'm correct, wasn't Camilla's engagement ring a ring that once belonged to the Queen Mother? And QCamilla seems to have access to an enormous amount of historic jewellery, I'm thinking brooches here mainly, so why get something new? THough I also think some of her more 'fun' animal and insect brooches are new.
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