Prince Joachim's Charities and Patronages 2009-2024

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It's been a charity race for the Danish Red Cross, Prince Joachim attended as Patron of the event. I've therefore moved your posts over here :flowers:

** article **
Thanks Polyesco & Iceflower. :flowers:

In the video we now learn that Nikolai's voice is (what-ya-call-it?) - cracking over.
Interestingly our reporter Ulrik Ulriksen adress the boys, even bette Henrik, with formal you.
After a moments of reflection bette Henrik stated that the most funny thing was the Ferrari. :cool:
Joachim explained that this being bette Henrik's first ride in a real racer was a huge success. But the ralley went a bit over his head though.

I heard during the clip Joachim talking about bette Henrik being afraid of the Renault winning, that didn't happen but he knows his brands.
Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:

Mademoiselle Athena is very fond of that animal, I noticed it the other day at Fredensborg. And in her usual style she is acting cool :cool: while bette Henrik is more involved.
Nice to see the tigers were fed for the occasion.
Muhler, now you say it I actually don't think I have ever seen those two children smiling (or laughing just a little bit), not even on a walk in the Zoo. They seem to be some very shy children, at least in the public, but will probably grow from it some time.
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I hope they grow from it, because right now esp. Pss Athena is just a face with no feelings :(
Muhler, now you say it I actually don't think I have ever seen those two children smiling (or laughing just a little bit), not even on a walk in the Zoo. They seem to be some very shy children, at least in the public, but will probably grow from it some time.

I hope they grow from it, because right now esp. Pss Athena is just a face with no feelings :(

Ah, easy ladies. Both mademoiselle Athena and bette Henrik can smile. Especially if Henrik is near something with wheels or an engine. :D And Athena, well, if one knows that one is destined to grow up to become gorgeous one is allowed to act cool. :cool: IMO she's an observer that girl. In exactly the same way QMII has described her sister Benedikte as child.

Muhler take a note of Joachim's purple socks
I just know that Joachim will become Henrik in regards to clothing

:lol: I tell you there is a hippie inside Joachim simply waiting to burst out. A closet-hippie. :jester:

Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:
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Ah, easy ladies. Both mademoiselle Athena and bette Henrik can smile. Especially if Henrik is near something with wheels or an engine. :D And Athena, well, if one knows that one is destined to grow up to become gorgeous one is allowed to act cool. :cool: IMO she's an observer that girl. In exactly the same way QMII has described her sister Benedikte as child.
I know that Little Henrik can smile, but it´s been a very long time since I´ve seen Pss Athena smile. Even from the ZOO-event I´ve not seen photos, where she´s smiling. But I do hope that she´ll grow from it and soon starts smiling in public :)
Some kids are just serious. My godson looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders even when he's at the park. :)

I agree with Muhler, she's an observer. And she contrasts with a lot of the current royal children (Isabella, George, Estelle) who are quite spirited and outgoing.

In addition Athena might be starting to realise more about the role of photographers and public events in her life, and maybe it just wigs her out a bit. She'll be fine in the long run.

Anyway, back on topic - what a cool charity to be a patron of! Joachim lucked out there!
In MyRoyals, there's another small gallery of the visit to the zoo, and there are a few photos of Athena where she's smiling a little (not much, but a little) and one photo of Henrik smiling (I almost typed "smelling" for some reason :D).

I agree with MissP that perhaps Athena is just one of those children who are often serious. Some children aren't as expressive as others, and Athena could be one of those children. I also agree with Muhler that it does appear that she's more the sort of child to watch and observe (I was a bit like Athena when I was little), unlike Mary and Frederik's children who seem to jump in and get involved most of the time. But to me, Frederik and Mary come across as very sporty and active themselves whereas Joachim seems like he's less so.

It feels like the Danish Royals have done quite a few engagements involving animals today, with Mary and some of her children visiting the Eco event and now Joachim, Marie and their youngest children visiting the zoo.
An article from Royalista about the zoo visit: Princess Marie and the kids tour the zoo by train | Royalista

With some nice new pics.

What is that animal Joachim is holding in his hands?
Notice how Athena leaves the loud outburst to her older brother.

QMII described her younger sister, Benedikte, in an article as an observer, who once she had processed the information suddenly would start to talk about something she had observed, hours or even days later.

It will be interesting to hear her first "interview". When bette Henrik gave his first interviews it was very much about cars, surprise!
Thanks, Iceflower. :flowers:

These pics score high on the cute scale! There are even a couple of quiet smiles from mademoiselle Athena.

A rat, dbarn67? :viking:
:previous: You would make ten zillion copies of your Frederik if you got the template. :lol:

It sure was a lifelike copy of Joachim they made! :eek: A bit cheeky though to portrait with him with his hands on his hips. ;)
:previous: You would make ten zillion copies of your Frederik if you got the template. :lol:

It sure was a lifelike copy of Joachim they made! :eek: A bit cheeky though to portrait with him with his hands on his hips. ;)

100% without a doubt:p:p

Also notice Joachim's orange tie and purple handkerchief , I feel Joachim is just waiting to bust out his pink pants at an official event :whistling::D
Someone has to take over from PH, right?
And who better to do it with style, than Joachim? ;)
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Prince Joachim was scanned and copied in mini size at the annual "Young Scientists" at Forum in Copenhagen.

Prince Joachim attended the final of the competition "Young Scientists" as Patron of the competition so all posts about it have been moved to this thread!

Here are some additional pics:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #18, 2015.
Written by Dorthe Quist.

As patron for Aalborg Zoo Joachim brought his family along to take part in the 80th anniversary of the zoo. Joachim has been patron since he was eighteen and he believed it was the first protection he had.

Anyway, the family flew in from Copenhagen in the early forenoon and went to the zoo an there were loads of locals and press around and it was a little bit overwhelming perhaps. But fortunately mademoiselle Athena could hold mother with one hand and her favorite cloth animal with the other. When Athena was asked later on what her favorite animal was, she referred to the cloth animal and replied: "Ulvius = something like wolfie".

Okay, the tour of the zoo started and there were still a lot of people looking at them. First stop was the enclosure with the racoons and here the children were presented with worms so they could feed the racoons. And here Athena and bette Henrik collectively decided that worms, that's dad's responsibility! So Joachim had to toss the worms into the enclosure.
Then onto the baboons and would they like to feed them? Henrik would. There is just one problem, when you are a small boy and the enclosure is surrounded by a hedge the same height as you and on top af that a moat, the baboons ain't gonna get any food, no matter how hard you try. So Joachim picked him up, and from that height it was easier for Henrik to toss food into the baboons.

Okay, there were also some adults talking a lot about something boring, and while that went on Athena sat on the lap of mother and goofed around a bit, while she was smiling, giggling and laughing. But then there was a show with smaller animals. Dogs and small ponies, pigs, rats and even a falcon.

While visiting the elephant pen both Athena and Henrik thought it wiser to stay close to mom and dad, but then those African elephant bulls are big! They prudently decided to let their parents take care of the feeding.
They also went inside to have a look at a cute tiger-cub named Kaj, which certainly Henrik thought was fascinating. When passing the lions, Joachim lifted up Apple (which BB claim is a dog) and put the creature next to the bars. The lions didn't care, nor did Apple! Joachim remarked: "Didn't work, she wasn't scared enough". (I guess if you are used to running around cows at Schackenborg a few overgrown cats can't be particularly intimidating).

The zoo-keepers asked questions to Athena and Henrik, and whenever Henrik knew the answer he put up his finger.
Joachim explained: "I'm convinced he is looking forward to start in school. If he knew it will take twelve years he would probably say no. (*) Right now he believe it to be something temporary. But yes, he ain't the dullest knife in the drawer. He is both looking very much forward to go to school and is very excited".

Henrik is to start in 0 grade this August and he said: "My favorite animal is a rabbit. I haven't got one, but I would like one".

Towards the end Joachim summed up: "The children have had a really lovely day. The great thing about Aalborg Zoo is that they probably have all the favorite animals of my family and yes, then I'm pretty crazy about the baboons as well".

Then Joachim and our Marie went on to attend another event in Aalborg, while Athena, Henrik and the furry oddity, Apple stayed in Aalborg Zoo, under the supervision of a nanny and the zoo's PR-man, who happens to be an ex-Frogman, so perhaps Frederik knows him? here they burned off some energy at the zoo playground.

(*) So they seem to already have decided to send Henrik to high school or a similar three year education. And isn't it thirteen years, Joachim? Ten years in public school, followed by three years in high school?)
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The zoo-keepers asked questions to Athena and Henrik, and whenever Henrik knew the answer he put up his finger.
Joachim explained: "I'm convinced he is looking forward to start in school. If he knew it will take twelve years he would probably say no. (*) Right now he believe it to be something temporary. But yes, he ain't the dullest knife in the drawer. He is both looking very much forward to go to school and is very excited".

Henrik is to start in 0 grade this August and he said: "My favorite animal is a rabbit. I haven't gone one, but I would like one".

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Love that quote from Joachim

thank you Muhler for the articles :flowers:

Prince Joachim as Patron of the National Diabetes Association attended the opening of the Diabetes Association representatives meeting on the occasion of the association's 75th anniversary in Copenhagen today, May 30:
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