Prince Joachim's Charities and Patronages 2009-2024

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Thank you, Paty :flowers:

Marie said in her easy to understand Danish: "I've sailed all my life and I love it".

The appropriately attired Joachim talked about the facination of a tall ship, that everything is done manually.
Prince Joachim as Patron of the Hjerl Hede Open-Air Museum

Since 2005 Prince Joachim is Patron of the open-air museum Hjerl Hede
in Vinderup, Denmark. The museum shows the development of the Danish
village from the year 1500 up to about 1900. Prince Joachim first visited
the old village on the occasion of the museum's 75th anniversary in June 2005.

** Information: ** Patronage/Visit in 2005 **

Yesterday, August 13, Prince Joachim together with Prince Nikolai and Prince
Felix visited the museum again on the occasion of 100 years for the purchase
of the land by businessman H.P. Hjerl Hansen in 1910 which made the museum possible.
Prince Joachim as Patron of Europa Nostra Denmark


Prince Joachim is Patron of Europa Nostra Denmark.

Europa Nostra represents some 250 non-governmental organisations, 150 associate organisations and 1500 individual members from more than 50 countries who are fully committed to safeguarding Europe’s cultural heritage and landscapes. Together, we provide a powerful network for dialogue and debate, we celebrate the best heritage achievements; we campaign against threats to vulnerable heritage buildings, sites and landscapes, and we lobby for sustainable policies and high quality standards with regard to heritage.

Source: The Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe

Yesterday, August 17, 2010, Prince Joachim has handed out the
Europa Nostra Prize 2010 at Copenhagen City Hall.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** ppe gallery **
Thanks for the delightful pics :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #33, 2010.
Tre Prinser på heden - Three Princess on the moor.
Written by Ken Richter.

The three Princes visited Hjerl Hede open air museum in central Jutland. The museum show details from rural life more than a 100 years or so ago. The museum is 100 years old.
Huge tracts of western Jutland used to be moor beforehand, but in the mid 1800's and also a direct consequence of the defeat in 1864, where Denmark lost so much fertile land, the moor was put under the plough. That is an unglamorous but economically important part of Danish history.

A couple of enthusiatic boys, and a probably no less enthusiatic dad tried driving with a steam locomotive, try riding a væltepeter = velocipede, apparantly also known as penny-farthing. You know, the oldfashioned bikes with a huge front wheel.
They aso tried making pancakes over open fire, have a look at an ox-cart and try their luck as black smiths.
They also had a closer look at the animals that are still present at the remaining moor. I.e. holding an adder and a lizard.
The smith required some help from a couple of boys, Nikolai and Felix and started out by stating: "You look like a couple of rascals". "They are", agreed Joachim on the spot.
Here they helped the smith at the anvil, operating the big bellow and the result was a small skinning knife as used by the Greenlanders, which the boys got home with them as a present. Another present was a horse shoe made from copper.
Felix was cracking up when the way too big bowler worn by the smith was placed on and nearly over his head. A luck he's got ears! (*)

Joachim said afterwards: "The boys have swallowed it all up (the experience) and they have seen that it was possible to have fun more than a 100 years ago, where there wasn't so much modern technology.
The children take it in in a completely different way, when they see it in real life. It's completely different from a modern amusement park where everything have to be bigger and wilder".

- And this concludes the summaries for this week.

(*) Many navere = travelling artisans, still wear the traditional clothing associated with their guilds. In this case a bowler hat.
Prince Joachim as Patron of the Food Pharma Tech Trade Fair


Prince Joachim is Patron of the trade fair FoodPharmaTech.

FoodPharmaTech (FPT) is a foodstuffs and pharmaceutical trade show
featuring a broad product program for both industries.


Today, November 2nd, Prince Joachim attended the official opening of the FoodPharmaTech 2010 at the
MCH Messecenter in Herning. During the opening Joachim also handed out the FoodTech Innovation
Award and the Award for Scandinavia's best dairy product.

Here are some articles with pics from today:

** Prins Joachim uddelte priser i Herning ** Gull til G35 **
:lol: :lol:

I never pictured Joachim as someone who would have anything to do with Rugby Union. Does he even know how to play the game? :p

Some nice pics too!
:lol: :lol:

I never pictured Joachim as someone who would have anything to do with Rugby Union. Does he even know how to play the game? :p

Some nice pics too!

I'm a little surprised as well. :eek:
You'd think this was Frederik's domain.

Well, Joachim is patron of the school ship, Danmark as well. And she's a full rigged sail ship. - Come to think of it, that's perhaps not such a bad idea. Joachim personally knows a lot of the wealthy businessmen in DK, and that's not a bad thing when it comes to attract donations.

Anyway, I don't recall Joachim anywhere near a rugby match.
Posts speculating about Prince Joachim attending Mike & Zara's wedding has been deleted.
This is a thread about Prince Joachim as Patron of the Danish Rugby Union & not what weddings he will be attending.

Further posts will be deleted.
Joachim as patron for the Asthma Allergy Association.

I looked through the threads and there is no mentioning of Joachim being an allergic, which he is and as such he is patron of Astma og Allergi Forbundet = the Asthma and Allegy Association.

From my archive:

Excerpts from article from the AsthmaAllergy Association’s member magazine.

Prince Joachim is patron of that association. The article mostly refer to a service called Pollen Count of the Day, which in DK is announced along with the weather on the two main networks.

Dagens pollental gør mit liv nemmere – The Pollen Count of the day makes my life easier. - In the pollen season of course.
Written by Stine Ramlyng.

Q: When did you become allergic to pollen?
- “I was nine or ten when I felt something for the first time. The eyes itched and I just scratched. But I couldn’t understand why it continued and had a test done. In that way I found out that I was allergic to grass and birch and a little bit towards furry creatures. I definitely respond to cats. It goes straight to the breathing if I’m near especially longhaired cats. In theory I should also be allergic to horses and dogs but I feel nothing”.

Q: How do you use the Pollen Count of the Day?
- “I follow the Pollen Count of the Day carefully, when it’s season for grass and birch. If the number is too high I know I have to take my precautions like for example take preventive medicine. My experience with the Pollen Count of the Day has taught me that if the air is dry and it blows from the east and it at the same time is high season for birch then we in the area of Copenhagen get all the Swedish birch right in the head. On the other hand I have the advantage that there isn’t much birch west of Schackenborg. And as the wind usually blows from the west down there I’ve found out that this is the place to be when the count for birch is high. But grass is over the country, so I’ll never quite get away from that……”.

Q: In what situation have the Pollen Count of the Day been of particular use to you? (*)
- “In connection with my wedding last year I was particularly attentive of the Pollen Count of the Day. Spring had come a bit early and it was high season for birch and grass. And then I thought: - its one thing I’m standing there with tears in my eyes and that always look good at a wedding. But if I stand there with swollen eyes, how smart/good is that going to look. – So I kept myself well informed about the weather and the Pollen Count of the Day”.

Q: What did you do to avoid the swollen eyes?
- “I stayed – as far as possible – inside for the last couple of days before the wedding. Apart from that I have a pragmatic doctor what pills I could take a few extra of to avoid the worst symptoms. At the same time it was also important that I didn’t take some of the strong pills that makes you sleepy. So there were definitely some risks and consequences I had to take into consideration prior to the wedding. Because it would be terrible if I suddenly lay there. I didn’t think that was somehow the day to do that”.

Q: You are a farmer. How much are you out in the fields during pollen season?
- “Less than I would like to be but I’m out there, because it’s the best place to get a sense of whether the crop is thriving and to see that everything is going well. Therefore it’s very important for me to be able to go out there, even though it’s pollen season. But if it’s high season and the wind is blowing from heavily, then I stay away. I put my health before the crop”.

Q: What symptoms do you get when the level for birch and grass is too high?
- “That varies. But I can get everything from swollen eyes, troubled breathing, itching in the eyes to a running nose. And then I know I have to take my medicine against allergy and if it isn’t within reach a certainly shall not pop outside and run half a marathon and strain the breathing.
If I have forgotten to take my medication and I get an overdose of grass, then there can be five sneezed on top of each other, completely without warning. And apart from that hurting and know I have to go out and rinse my nose (with water) or it’ll just continue. That can be really irritating”.

Q: Does it irritate you to be allergic to pollen?
- “Yes, it’s an irritant. Like for example if have forgotten my handkerchief and only have a kitchen roll nearby. Then you during half a forenoon will have all the skin under your nose worn off. So I have learned that when we approach the season I might just as well have soft tissues ready. There will be plenty of need for them.
But apart from that I live with the allergy because I know my symptoms and through the Pollen Count of the Day know when they come”.

Q. “What is your worst experience with the pollen allergy?
- “I had a single asthma attack at thirteen or fourteen, when I went to boarding school, I moved a lawn which had become a bit too long and that went straight at the breathing (**). I got problems breathing and was if my throat twisted. It was bad. I couldn’t lie down because that only made it worse, so I sat upright and slept. It was a very unpleasant experience.
Four years after my first asthma attack I got one more, when I was in Australia after having moved a lawn”.

Q: Were you scared?
- “Yes, I was a bit scared, because it was a considerable stronger attack than the one I experienced four years earlier. It was at the end of the day and the chemists were closed. Apart from that there were 30 kilometres to the nearest chemist, so it was extra unpleasant to know that I couldn’t get any medicine. Again I had to sit upright and sleep. The next day it had settled down and then I could go to the chemist and buy some medication. The most unpleasant thing is that you can’t breathe”.

Q: What have you done when you have had an asthma attack?
- “I can remember that at the boarding school there was some kind of readiness. It was something about putting the snout down some mixture in a warm solution and then breathe thoroughly.
My own experience is that if it’s really bad it’s really about getting a lot of moist air down the nose and lungs, then things very quickly settle down again.
But I’ve also learned the hard way that if the allergy is bad, then apart form washing the hands often, rinse the eyes with water. The hard way is to sniff water up trough the nose. It’s unpleasant but it works quickly. And water you can get practically everywhere. At least in Denmark.

Q: Have you allergy towards pollen limited you in any way?
- “Not really, because I think I have learned to take my precautions – and also to take preventive medication, like if I have to go to a animal auction/show (***) during high season for pollen. But as a hunter hunting in the spring in a birch wood or birch shrubbery, it certainly is sometimes a choice between the stag or yourself….”.

Q: Because you yourself have allergy your children automatically also have a greater risk of contracting allergy. What thoughts do you have on that?
- “Just from the consideration that allergy is getting more and more common and that we today is more aware of it, I keep an eye on my sons, when the season is coming. But fortunately there have been no signs of anything yet”.

- Billed Bladet also deals with this interview and adds the late Queen Ingrid suffered from hay fever and Queen Margrethe was committed to hospital in 1996, with an acute case of allergic attack.

(*) Prince Joachim is naturally being addressed with the formal you.

(**) Not affected the breathing. Joachim is during this interview using a number of more “youthful” rather than correct expressions.

(***) Don’t know the word. Those who live in the countryside will be familiar with this sort of gathering were animals are displayed and auctioned.

Prince Joachim as patron at the finals in the competition "Young Scientists "at
the Copenhagen University, April 11, 2011.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** ppe gallery **

Prince Joachim as patron at the finals in the competition "Young Scientists "at
the Copenhagen University, April 11, 2011.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** ppe gallery **

Thank you, Iceflower :flowers:
We can always rely on you to dig things up.

[DNF] Fotoarchief Denieuwsfoto
If I remember correctly these four girls are high school students, who have developed a simple and quick way to test a drink for drugs. The aim being to prevent drugrape.
The concept is currently being developed but if it turns out to be as cheap and simple to use as the initial tests point to, it will really be a useful thing.
I looked through the threads and there is no mentioning of Joachim being an allergic, which he is and as such he is patron of Astma og Allergi Forbundet = the Asthma and Allegy Association.


I have to wonder why they (Queen,Henrik & greymen) decided that Joachim was to be a farmer knowing he had such terrible allergies
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Prince Joachim as Patron together with Prince Felix attended the opening of the exhibition
"VAND – et hav af oplevelser" (Water: a sea of experiences) held at the Experimentarium
in Hellerup, yesterday, March 22, 2012.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** gallery: Tanskan prinssi Felix otti tuntumaa virtuaalisurffaukseen **

Here's a short video (scroll down, the site may be updated):

** Prins Felix surfer ved Tuborg Havn **

And some more additions:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** Pic 6 **

** gallery: Se prins Felix charme pigerne i vandland **

** Prins Joachim overværer som protektor indvielsen af udstillingen... **
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #13, 2012.
Surfer-prinsen - The surfer-prince.
Written by Trine Larsen.

Felix joined dad for some quality time, when Joachim inaugurated the latest exhibition at the Experimentarium (*) in Copenhagen.
Nikolai was in London with his class from school.

The theme this time is water. And for that purpose the first surfer-simulator of it's kind in Europe had been set up and Felix was invited to try, flanked by two "lifeguards".
Now, surfing isn't that easy, especially when the board is moving like a real board. But Felix soon got the hang of it leading to a proud applause from Joachim.
Joachim said to reporter: "I'm really proud of Felix. It really isn't that simple, but he can just do sort of things. He has also tried standing on skateboards and snowboard and he is good at that as well, just as he learned to ski in no time". (**)
Would he like to try himself?
Joachim laughed: "I'm not wearing the proper shoes today".

Buuut, once the official part was over, Joachim just had to try and compete with Felix on the surfboard. - Felix won....
Joachim declared: "I think it went really well, but Felix is clearly better than me.
But then his centre of gravity is somewhat lower than mine".

(*) Experimentarium. A place where children (and not least their parents and grandparents! :p) can interact with various experiments, activities and so on, based on a theme. Usually supposed to be educational as well as fun.
Don't know what such a centre is called in English.

(**) Wanna bet that a very proud Felix was standing right next to dad?
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Joachim said to reporter: "I'm really proud of Felix. It really isn't that simple, but he can just do sort of things. He has also tried standing on skateboards and snowboard and he is good at that as well, just as he learned to ski in no time". (**)

Buuut, once the official part was over, Joachim just had to try and compete with Felix on the surfboard. - Felix won....
Joachim declared: "I think it went really well, but Felix is clearly better than me.

Joachim appears to be a brilliant father.
Those words of encouragement mean a lot for a child. :)
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Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:

It's always a delight to see Joachim out with his boys.
I wonder who the blonde boy, where Joachim has placed his hand on his head, is. - A friend of Nikolai and Felix?
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #17, 2012.
Fartglade Prinser - something like Petrolhead-Princes.
Written by Helle Skram de Fries and Henrik Salling.

Unsurprisingly the car attracted an extremely delighted Joachim, his two sons, Nikolai and Felix as well as his racing buddy, Oscar Siesbye with son.
The whole idea with the International Racing Festival was to raise money for charity, in this case Red Cross.
The racing driver, Thorkild Thyrring, took paying passengers for a spin in the Bugatti and at the end of the day more than two million DKK was raised for Red Cross.

Nikolai must have had a new camera because he was snapping away like mad.
Anyway, Joachim said with a smile after driving the Bugatti himself: "It was difficult to hand over the keys but it has to drive in a lot of money for charity and that is more important than me keeping the key.
It's a pretty incredible experience to take a thing like that for a spin. I had heard a little bird singing something (idiom) about that it could be the Bugatti. If the weather was good - that is, if it wasn't raining. It was completely extreme".

After the event Joachim said: "It's a really good combination, that people can have the utterly unique experience of driving in these fantastic cars with a professional driver and also support a good cause. You can see that everyone has a smile on their lips, when they leave the track. It really is exciting to experience - that is goes like thunder and lightning and it's a funny experience".

Oh yeah, there's something about a christening as well. Joachim said: "We are planning away on full speed and (we) are looking very much forward. Fortunately there's month to go, so there is still a bit time left.
I look forward to the day of course, but I'm also looking forward to our daughter can wear/boast about her name".

It is very clear that Helle Skram de Friis dealt with the royal boys and stuff... while Henrik Salling took care of the magnificent Bugatti Veyron SuperSport.
A beautiful car with 1.200 hp and a top speed of 431 km/h, making it the fastest car in the world and as such it deserves an article, ney, an entire issue of BB on its own. :cool:
Merely changing the tires costs 280.000 DKK.
And oddly enough, no less than three (male) BB photographers were needed to cover this event. :photo:
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Billed-Bladet - Prins Joachim holdt pause fra dåbsforberedelserne

Joachim is a lieutenant colonel of the reserves and in that capacity he handed out service decorations to a civil servant in the Ministry of Defence and a captain of the reserves.
Regular readers of this subforum are by now familiar with Kastellet, so I need not elaborate.

Mary and Frederik's very good friend Peeter Heering is also a lieutenant colonel in the reserves and he has served twice in Afghanistan in staff functions.
Joachim is regularly called up for service, also in staff functions. I believe He is currently attached to Jutland Dragoon Regiment.

Frederik started as a volunteer conscript in the Royal Lifeguard Regiment, while Joachim served in the now amalgamated Dronningens Livregiment = The Queen's Own Regiment/The Queen's Life Regiment. That regiment had guards posted at Gråsten when Queen Ingrid was in residence there. Joachim attracted a lot of attention, when it was his turn to do sentry duty at Gråsten.
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Here are some more pics from yesterday:

Prince Joachim as Patron attending the anniversary of the Main Organization for Personnel of the Reserve
in Denmark at the Kastellet in Copenhagen on April 26:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 **
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