New Titles for Queen Margrethe's Descendants: 2008 & 2022, 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think abdication should be viewed as a form or retirement and not with the stigma of just quitting the job. Royals of a certain age should take the hint from the former Pope and Queen Beatrix and become Emeritus, so they can enjoy a few years of rest and slowing down.

I would be happy if Margaret, Harald and Gustaf just stepped aside into Emeritus royals to let the new generation take over.


The Dutch systems works fine. So why not adopt something similar, rather than wait until the heir is past retirement age.

Let it be a happy day, rather than a day of burden and grief.
To keep this thread on Danish royal titles on-topic, I respectfully suggest that any discussion about abdications in Denmark, Norway, or Sweden be moved to a more appropriate thread. :flowers:

Here is the thread on Abdication in the General Royal Discussion forum.


It is unfair, but then the whole system of nobility is anything but fair. It's based on inequality.

Most of the system is "equal" in the sense that you are using the term. If a nobleman has marital sons of different races or religions, for example, those sons will be treated equally as far the devolution of noble titles is concerned.

Fix the family conflict.
While a substantial number may find that the issue with the titles is something where a compromise can be found, the majority by all accounts still believe in a slimmed down monarchy. It was the way it was done that was wrong.

Thank you for the response. That does make more sense to me given that, as you said, the Danish public has a history of supporting a slimmed-down royal house, and the representative opinion poll posted earlier in the thread indicated support for this particular change by a 2 to 1 margin.

In addition, from what I have read on this and other forums, it appears the Danish public has not been very sympathetic in the past to royals who aired grievances about their real or perceived demotions in the royal ranking order (Hereditary Prince Knud, Prince Consort Henrik, even Prince Joachim himself in his earlier interviews about his role as "spare"). So it would seem the difference this time is not that someone is being demoted or publicly unhappy about being demoted, as both have happened before, but the exposure of the clear mistakes made by the queen in her private relationships with her family members.

On a somewhat related note, I think it appropriate to pay respects here to the Queen's cousins Elisabeth, Ingolf and Christian. The three of them were not only sidelined and demoted to various degrees, but (as discussed in their threads) in a far more ruthless and hurtful manner than Henrik, Joachim or Nikolai ever experienced. It would be understandable if they had gone public with their hurt, but despite that, they humbly accepted their fates without complaint and have been nothing but charitable and generous in their public comments about their uncle's family.

It still makes zero sense why it could not have been an issue of "going forward" the children of these four grandchildren will not have titles. OR the HH could have been removed and only Prince/Princess left like it was done in Sweden.

Reasonable people can disagree on whether it needed to happen, but it is not true that there was "zero" sense to the title removal. As the stated and speculated reasons have already been discussed at length in this thread, I will not rehash them, but in short, removing titles immediately reduces the number of princes and princesses who will be pursuing private careers in the next few decades, and avoids the pitfalls of removing titles at marriage (which was the expectation before the Queen's decision, as Countess Alexandra confirmed, because it was what happened to the children of the last younger son of a Danish monarch).

Those considerations do not necessarily justify the decision. There are also legitimate and compelling arguments on the other side. But it is simply not true that there was no reasoning at all behind the Queen's decision.
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Thank you for the response. That does make more sense to me given that, as you said, the Danish public has a history of supporting a slimmed-down royal house, and the representative opinion poll posted earlier in the thread indicated support for this particular change by a 2 to 1 margin.

In addition, from what I have read on this and other forums, it appears the Danish public has not been very sympathetic in the past to royals who aired grievances about their real or perceived demotions in the royal ranking order (Hereditary Prince Knud, Prince Consort Henrik, even Prince Joachim himself in his earlier interviews about his role as "spare"). So it would seem the difference this time is not that someone is being demoted or publicly unhappy about being demoted, as both have happened before, but the exposure of the clear mistakes made by the queen in her private relationships with her family members.

On a somewhat related note, I think it appropriate to pay respects here to the Queen's cousins Elisabeth, Ingolf and Christian. The three of them were not only sidelined and demoted to various degrees, but (as discussed in their threads) in a far more ruthless and hurtful manner than Henrik, Joachim or Nikolai ever experienced. It would be understandable if they had gone public with their hurt, but despite that, they humbly accepted their fates without complaint and have been nothing but charitable and generous in their public comments about their uncle's family.
(Quote shortened.)

There is one very distinct difference between Knud and Joachim's children.
Prince Knud's children were basically voted out by the public. And the way it was done and discussed at the time - and since - was pretty brutal, bordering on heartless. But if not a decision Frederik IX. Even though there are strong suggestions that Queen Ingrid lobbied for her children. Being very intelligent, charming, very media savvy and with the general public behind her with three pretty girls - I'd say she had a string hand from the very beginning, even if she didn't lobby.

But in this case Joachim's children are not losing their titles by public demand - in the sense that the public more or less expected that they would lose their titles at some point, probably upon marriage or something. It wasn't high on the agenda, because it was made pretty clear years ago that they wouldn't be working royals. Certainly when Nikolai turned eighteen. - No elephant, no apanage, no role for him.
So the general feeling was that this was an issue that would be resolved at some point and everybody would be happy.
But this approach which was a de facto sacking - a sacking with a very short notice - done by their own grandmother! That was very different. On top of that came Joachim's public emotional reaction. Many find Joachim arrogant, however I do believe most, also among those who find him arrogant, acknowledge that he also has feelings.

I think it simply boils down to people expecting more compassion from a mother/grandmother.
I sure do.

And QMII, despite her flaws, has never struck me as a deliberate inconsiderate person. On the contrary she has previously come up with gracious solutions to soothe people's feelings and indeed ego - Alexandra and PH. Showing both patience, wisdom, overbearing and insight that went further from what I would have done in her place.
That's why I really struggle to understand what went wrong here.
It is in my eyes a relatively simple problem, with a relatively simple solution and which really ought to have been made and conveyed in a relatively simple way.
The easiest resolution to this all would have been to let Joachim's children keep their titles as Prince/Princess with the new stipulation that they (and any other HH going forward) would not be allowed to pass their titles on to their own children. Any child of an HH would carry only the Count/Countess title.

That solves the dilemmas of bad optics and keeping the number of princely members of the royal family down to a minimum in one fell swoop.

The Dutch systems works fine. So why not adopt something similar, rather than wait until the heir is past retirement age.

Let it be a happy day, rather than a day of burden and grief.

I agree. Why have it be a day that people are mourning, including the family. It should be a day of celebration. One to remember with joy and pride...not grief and overwhelming sadness. Plus, why put your heir in the position of having to assume the role under the circumstances of simultaneously having to mourn a parent.

And looking at the Dutch for example...Princess Beatrix (fka Queen Beatrix) has not been stuffed in a closet somewhere. She continues to have engagements, patronages and is still able to put on the bling for formal events...meanwhile the monarchy has moved forward with the younger generation. Win win IMO.

Anyway, back to the topic of this thread....I do wonder if there has been any compensation for the taking these titles away...order of the elephant? Exception to standing on balcony for certain events? How about the order of arrival at events, especially when the younger kids are involved? Who do Henrik and Athena walk in with if they are no longer Prince/Princess? Do they walk in with a staff member? Through the back door? Do they have to sit with the general audience? What happens during family events now? Will the optics just continue to be a constant reminder of what was done? Especially, like I said, with the younger kids. Does that mean the Joachim and Marie can now never walk into big events with their own children due to this demotion? How about full family photos? Is that affected? Will exception be made for those things?
The Order of the Elephant? - No, I don't think so.
Danish holders of that order are automatically invited to the New Year Court and is pretty much expected to show up.
Joachim's children who are destined to have no active role within the DRF, won't get the order.

It's another matter with the children of the monarch, and by extension the heir.
Christian will probably get his on his eighteenth B-day. I think his siblings will also get it, but I also think only Christian's children will get the order.

Henrik and Athena - being count (greve in DK) and komtesse will as long as they are minors and living at home accompany their parents.
When they become young adults themselves I think they will still accompany their parents.
But at some point they will move away from home and start their own families and at that point I think it's more likely they will arrive on their own along with other prominent guests. I.e. towards the end. Because guests to royal events are instructed to arrive within a given timeframe - simply for logistic reasons and to maintain a flow. But also because those with the highest rank arrive among the last of the guests.
I think abdication should be viewed as a form or retirement and not with the stigma of just quitting the job. Royals of a certain age should take the hint from the former Pope and Queen Beatrix and become Emeritus, so they can enjoy a few years of rest and slowing down.

I would be happy if Margaret, Harald and Gustaf just stepped aside into Emeritus royals to let the new generation take over.

If they want to, i agree… It should be their desicion alone. The ”shame” around abdicating is not a good thing… It should be viewed as an option among other options and not as a way of quitting your duty

However if they do not want to, they shouldn’t be pressured into doing so because they are old either… Age shouldn’t be a reason to feel forced to step aside, but a legitimate reason to voluntarily step aside if you wish to do so.
If they want to, i agree… It should be their desicion alone. The ”shame” around abdicating is not a good thing… It should be viewed as an option among other options and not as a way of quitting your duty

However if they do not want to, they shouldn’t be pressured into doing so because they are old either… Age shouldn’t be a reason to feel forced to step aside, but a legitimate reason to voluntarily step aside if you wish to do so.

An extremely good point. And I think QMII has made it clear that she doesn't see her role as burdensome. On the contrary, it seems to me she very much enjoys it.
I would be happy if Margaret, Harald and Gustaf just stepped aside into Emeritus royals to let the new generation take over.

I, a Swede, do not want my monarchs to start abdicating. I believe that you are a monarch for life. Should the Benelux system be introduced here I'd support it, but I wouldn't be happy about it. As long as the Scandinavian monarchs seems to enjoy their position as much as they do I don't see that happening. King Carl Gustav called his time on the throne a privilege in this years Christmas speech and I believe that his two colleagues share that feeling. Especially Queen Margrethe who is almost her nation and its culture personified.
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I, a Swede, do not want my monarchs to start abdicating. I believe that you are a monarch for life...

I very much like the way of the Principality of Liechtenstein: The senior stays in charge and has the last word, but the junior runs the day-to-day business.

So, the old Prince has time to write books and to think about the long term implications of Royalty, while the young Prince gets a hands on "training".
To keep this thread on Danish royal titles on-topic, I respectfully suggest that any discussion about abdications in Denmark, Norway, or Sweden be moved to a more appropriate thread. :flowers:

Here is the thread on Abdication in the General Royal Discussion forum.


Most of the system is "equal" in the sense that you are using the term. If a nobleman has marital sons of different races or religions, for example, those sons will be treated equally as far the devolution of noble titles is concerned.

Thanks ?

Respectfully, my observation/reaction about a couple of lines about it on Tommy100's post. No speculation involved. Just an observation

My observation was on the end of the year message and how it relates to the titles' situation. If I dissected my reply into its parts, and not keep the train of thought, I'll be spinning all over the place.

Originally Posted by tommy100 View Post
The Queen should and should have dealt with it better. As should Joachim. But I guess he also felt he was taking the lead from his mother who had sent staff to tell him about it rather than discuss it in person, maybe he felt that justified talking to his mother through the press rather than in person.

I still don't get the rush to do this and why Marge effectively self-sabotaged her own Jubilee year. The only way the timing would make sense to me if she is announced in her New Year's Eve address that she is abdicating thus it becomes clear she acted quickly to ensure the perfect set up for Frederik and to save him from having to make these decisions. I doubt she is going to do that so again why it couldn't have waited until 2023 to deal with, especially when it was clear there was no consensus.

End of the Year from Royal Central UK

Annus Mirabilis or Annus Horribilis? The Danish Year in Review
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:previous: Rather than a review of the DRF's year, it seems more like a compilation of all that questionable website's articles.
It surprised me to read the frankness with which the Queen addressed the family conflict in the her New Year's Speech. I'm aware that it is not the first time she has been painfully honest regarding her struggles as a spouse and parent, but nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine most monarchs saying something of this nature in a major official speech.

For most of us, our family is one of the most important things in life. We see how our children develop, and how they tackle life’s challenges each in their own way. We are happy for them, we worry about them, and we wish for them to do well.

I always feel great love for my entire family. Difficulties and misunderstandings may arise in any family, also in mine. The whole country has witnessed that.

That the relationship with Prince Joachim and Princess Marie has run into difficulties makes me sad.

We have now had a quieter period and time for reflection, and I am sure that our family can embark on the new year together with confidence, understanding, and new courage.

After the coronavirus has released its grip on society, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess have had plenty to do once again with a full programme. They have looked forward to this and have thrown themselves into the task with great enthusiasm.

All my eight grandchildren are a source of great joy to me. How they have grown, how time flies! Next October, Prince Christian will turn 18. It will be a special day, which we are all looking forward to.

Perhaps this is reading too much into the speech, but I wonder if her mention of Prince Joachim and Princess Marie by name before the remarks on embarking on the new year as a family indicates that her relations with them are on the mend whereas her relationship with her adult grandsons is not - as that would be consistent with Prince Joachim stating that he and his mother have finally begun to communicate followed by Prince Nikolai and Prince Felix having their spokesperson announce that the Queen has not contacted them.

Is this the first time that one of the parties has explicitly referred to "misunderstandings"? Which suggests that lack of communication was not the only problem but that at least one person misinterpreted what was communicated to them.

The Order of the Elephant? - No, I don't think so.
Danish holders of that order are automatically invited to the New Year Court and is pretty much expected to show up.
Joachim's children who are destined to have no active role within the DRF, won't get the order.

Interesting. I was thinking that adopting the precedent of the many other princes who have been demoted to counts (Ingolf, Christian, Flemming, et al) would be the most appropriate and justifiable protocol, but I believe those ex-princes remained Knights of the Order of the Elephant, so perhaps that would be inappropriate. On the other hand, could the form of address Excellency awarded to Prince Joachim's children be considered as equivalent in rank to Knights of the Order of the Elephant?

Further complicating the issue, Joachim's children maintaining their personal pages on the Royal Family website and remaining in line to the throne also implies they are still half-in, half-out.

The easiest resolution to this all would have been to let Joachim's children keep their titles as Prince/Princess with the new stipulation that they (and any other HH going forward) would not be allowed to pass their titles on to their own children. Any child of an HH would carry only the Count/Countess title.

That solves the dilemmas of bad optics and keeping the number of princely members of the royal family down to a minimum in one fell swoop.

For clarification, are you proposing that Prince Joachim's children should have been allowed to maintain their prince/ssly titles even if they married commoners, even though past HHs were not permitted to do so?

Even though it was wise of QMII to admit openly that there are problems within the family, she carefully avoided pointing a finger at someone and it was not an apology.
Had it been an apology, she could have said something along the lines of people make mistakes, she too.

Which to me suggests that she believes that at least her decision was correct.

I think we can assume she stands by the title decision as she has not revoked it, which would be within her prerogative. As for the problems within the family, perhaps that is more complicated to address since she was clearly not the only one who made mistakes.
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Aaaaand here we go again:

Nikolai has talked to BT, being asked how it feels to be a count after the New Year celebration:
"It's a strange feeling and an experience I'd rather be without. (Very much a Joachim wording! And not typical of someone of Nikolai's age.)
But that it is how it is now. I will for the rest of my life be proud of the years, where I was allowed to be prince to Denmark."

:previous: I don't think another form of address will be an option (or enough?) especially as it would hardly ever be used.
It's count now. Live with it and move on IMO.
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I feel for the kids. Maybe I just have a bit of empathy and sympathy that others don't have. Maybe karma will find them marrying into other royal families and having higher titles than some of their cousins will have in the future...wouldn't that be ironic.

And I doubt this will go away and some press will always bring this debacle up whenever they can. Oh may always be an overshadow....decisions and actions have consequences.
I feel for the kids. Maybe I just have a bit of empathy and sympathy that others don't have. Maybe karma will find them marrying into other royal families and having higher titles than some of their cousins will have in the future...wouldn't that be ironic.

And I doubt this will go away and some press will always bring this debacle up whenever they can. Oh may always be an overshadow....decisions and actions have consequences.

So you are hoping that Christians siblings do not have a high title so that Joachims children can let them know that they now hold a title higher than theirs.
Would be an interesting turn of events. I wonder if the next steps for the Danish RF is to stop recognising the titles of the Queen's sisters families which are no longer legal titles in their home countries anyway.
Would be an interesting turn of events. I wonder if the next steps for the Danish RF is to stop recognising the titles of the Queen's sisters families which are no longer legal titles in their home countries anyway.

Obviously that's not going to happen. The children of the Queen's sisters are not members of the Danish royal house.
I feel for the kids. Maybe I just have a bit of empathy and sympathy that others don't have. Maybe karma will find them marrying into other royal families and having higher titles than some of their cousins will have in the future...wouldn't that be ironic.

As men, it is not guaranteed that Nikolai or Felix would have a princely title if they married a foreign princess. In the UK, Spain, Norway, and the Netherlands for example, that would probably happen now only if they were lucky enough to marry the heiress to the throne. In Sweden, there is no clear post-1980 precedent, as Chris O'Neill declined any Swedish title by refusing to become a Swedish citizen, but my understanding is that, before Chris, Jonas was going to become a Duke, but not a Prince.

Note: In the UK, Philip himself was created a prince only many years after he married Princess Elizabeth, but I would expect a princely title to be granted sooner in the future should a similar situation arise again in the British RF, which, in Nikolai's and Felix's case, is not possible anyway.
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Obviously that's not going to happen. The children of the Queen's sisters are not members of the Danish royal house.

You mean you can have title Prince / Princess and not be part of the Danish Royal House but be part of the family. Shhh don't tell Joachim that :whistling:
I feel for the kids. Maybe I just have a bit of empathy and sympathy that others don't have. Maybe karma will find them marrying into other royal families and having higher titles than some of their cousins will have in the future...wouldn't that be ironic.

And I doubt this will go away and some press will always bring this debacle up whenever they can. Oh may always be an overshadow....decisions and actions have consequences.

That isn’t empathic that’s revenge tilted. Yes it is a decision tinged with rejection for them but hopefully they know they are loved and will see this as a business decision.
Whatever one may think of their grandmother or father, I think they are four nice, respectful kids and young adults who didn't earn this and deserved a lot better than public awkwardness and humiliation. I hope they find a way to have a Happy New Year regardless.
You mean you can have title Prince / Princess and not be part of the Danish Royal House but be part of the family. Shhh don't tell Joachim that :whistling:

What I mean is that the children of Queen Anne-Marie and Princess Benedikte are members of foreign royal houses and therefore the titles they hold are not related to the Danish royal house. It is not difficult to understand.
Aaaaand here we go again:

Nikolai has talked to BT, being asked how it feels to be a count after the New Year celebration:
"It's a strange feeling and an experience I'd rather be without. (Very much a Joachim wording! And not typical of someone of Nikolai's age.)
But that it is how it is now. I will for the rest of my life be proud of the years, where I was allowed to be prince to Denmark."

:previous: I don't think another form of address will be an option (or enough?) especially as it would hardly ever be used.
It's count now. Live with it and move on IMO.

The statement would have been fine if he’d left out “and an experience I’d rather be without.” I still think saying nothing would be the best option, but if Nikolai feels the need to keep commenting he should at least take the high road and not say anything that seems whiny, catty or petty.

I don’t see what benefit comes from ongoing commentary of this sort from Joachim’s branch of the family (or really anyone in the DRF). Everyone has had their say, including some who have had their say multiple times now. Enough is enough.

I feel for the kids. Maybe I just have a bit of empathy and sympathy that others don't have. Maybe karma will find them marrying into other royal families and having higher titles than some of their cousins will have in the future...wouldn't that be ironic.

And I doubt this will go away and some press will always bring this debacle up whenever they can. Oh may always be an overshadow....decisions and actions have consequences.

Having a royal title doesn’t mean you somehow win over a non titled family member or friend. If you’re the monarch or the heir it means you have some real privileges that are entirely due to your rank, several decorative but non substantive privileges, and in exchange you get quite a few major, life long constraints and limitations. If you’re a more junior royal you get no real privileges, a few non substantive privileges and some less severe constraints.

If you have no royal title but are the grandchild/nephew of the King or Queen you get no official privileges but you still have an enormous amount of social capital, unrivalled family connections, the sort of education that ensures life long friendships with other very privileged families, along with access to professional opportunities that your royal cousins can’t take advantage of, but that would never be offered to less fortunate commoners. Because you’re not beholden to the public in any way you can take full advantage of all these opportunities. Tell me how this isn’t the best of both worlds?

If Joachim’s kids’ sense of self worth is wrapped up in their titles that’s a different issue, one that relates more to how they were parented.
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Some news from Alexandra's secretary:

BT has talked to Helle von Wildenrath Løvgreen regarding Nikolai and Felix.


How does Nikolai and Felix feel about that?
Helle von Wildenrath Løvgreen: "Nothing has changed. They are still incredibly sad. They don't understand why.
They have always known that the day would come, because when they married their titles would disappear. As Nikolai said, it would thus happen, when he himself wanted to and it would be on a happy day.
Instead they now feel punished and as if they have done something wrong."

Aaaaand here we go again:

Nikolai has talked to BT, being asked how it feels to be a count after the New Year celebration:
"It's a strange feeling and an experience I'd rather be without. (Very much a Joachim wording! And not typical of someone of Nikolai's age.)
But that it is how it is now. I will for the rest of my life be proud of the years, where I was allowed to be prince to Denmark."

Then, is Nikolai saying that even though he always knew the (wedding) day would come when he would lose his Prince title, he still felt strange about it and would prefer never to lose it although he knew it would happen? Or is he saying that the strange experience he would rather be without is having it occur at this time and in this manner, instead of quietly(?) upon marriage as he originally expected?
Aaaaand here we go again:

Nikolai has talked to BT, being asked how it feels to be a count after the New Year celebration:
"It's a strange feeling and an experience I'd rather be without. (Very much a Joachim wording! And not typical of someone of Nikolai's age.)
But that it is how it is now. I will for the rest of my life be proud of the years, where I was allowed to be prince to Denmark."

:previous: I don't think another form of address will be an option (or enough?) especially as it would hardly ever be used.
It's count now. Live with it and move on IMO.

He isn’t Joachims son for nothing ;) But i suspect Alexandra isn’t that much better in helping the children to come to terms with their new titles/identities….
This mish-mash wouldn't have happened if Nikolai and Felix had been titled as Counts de Montpezat from the beginning (their births) and, eventually, elevated to the rank of the Princes only in case of His uncle Frederik's infertility.

The firstborn granddaughter of then Queen Beatrix was never a Princess, wasn't she?
Whatever one may think of their grandmother or father, I think they are four nice, respectful kids and young adults who didn't earn this and deserved a lot better than public awkwardness and humiliation. I hope they find a way to have a Happy New Year regardless.

What earning??? Nikolai and Felix have never undertaken official duties for the Queen in their adulthood, have they? That, to me, is earning the title of Prince/ss in this day and age. Running around and getting to be called Prince while you do nothing for the royal house is entitled.

I'm sorry, but Nikolai is acting like a spoiled brat and showing, imo, that he certainly is not deserving of representing the royal family.

I agree with Biri, Joachim's children should have been titled Count/ess from the start.
What earning??? Nikolai and Felix have never undertaken official duties for the Queen in their adulthood, have they? That, to me, is earning the title of Prince/ss in this day and age. Running around and getting to be called Prince while you do nothing for the royal house is entitled.

I'm sorry, but Nikolai is acting like a spoiled brat and showing, imo, that he certainly is not deserving of representing the royal family.

I agree with Biri, Joachim's children should have been titled Count/ess from the start.

Way to take an attempt at a non-controversial post and call Nikolai a spoiled brat. Says more about you than it does about him.
It's disappointing that Nikolai has again talked to the press. When he says that he is proud of his time as prince, I can't help but think of his lack of involvement in his and Felix Foundation. Not even one pic.
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