Netflix Docu-Series of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (2022)

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Meghan really does need to have her say about EVERYTHING. She talked about clothing choices and wearing lots of neutrals. Something about royal protocol, wanting to fit in, not stand out, etc. My takeaway- her point seems to be: criticism on clothing choices should not be put on her. Just like everything else.

I had flashbacks to the olive green dress she wore at Louis christening. Everyone else was wearing creams and blues. It was a beautiful dress and hat- but she totally stuck out.

How this commentary made the cut though is beyond me.
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Meghan really does need to have her say about EVERYTHING. She talked about clothing choices and wearing lots of neutrals. Something about royal protocol, wanting to fit in, not stand out, etc. My takeaway- her point seems to be: criticism on clothing choices should not be put on her. Just like everything else.

I had flashbacks to the olive green dress she wore at Louis christening. Everyone else was wearing creams and blues. It was a beautiful dress and hat- but she totally stuck out.

How this commentary made the cut though is beyond me.

I absolutely don't believe her on that. She doesn't wear a huge amount of bright colours in public now, even their house is beige. And you're telling me that she refused to wear a hat when HM requested it during a joint engagement but agreed to wear neutrals to "not stand out" when she wasn't around? No.

Never mind the fact that HM was famous for wearing bright colours so she could be seen from a distance. It's just something that people commented on (that they wished she would wear colour more) that she's now blaming on someone else.

That olive green was a deliberate not following of the dress code, even Harry was in a blue tie.
I absolutely don't believe her on that. She doesn't wear a huge amount of bright colours in public now, even their house is beige. And you're telling me that she refused to wear a hat when HM requested it during a joint engagement but agreed to wear neutrals to "not stand out" when she wasn't around? No.

Never mind the fact that HM was famous for wearing bright colours so she could be seen from a distance. It's just something that people commented on (that they wished she would wear colour more) that she's now blaming on someone else.

That olive green was a deliberate not following of the dress code, even Harry was in a blue tie.

Oh- IA. I don’t believe her either. Look at what she’s wearing for this interview. Lol She’s always worn lots of neutrals. I remember it being commented on at the time. She just didn’t like the criticism for it. And had to address it. And, of course, blame someone else. (She wore bright colors too.)

Yeah. Harry obviously got the memo on what color to wear. So- she did too. And ignored it.

Meghan sounds exhausting to be around. This is another example showing her as a woman who just cannot let anything go.
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I absolutely don't believe her on that. She doesn't wear a huge amount of bright colours in public now, even their house is beige. And you're telling me that she refused to wear a hat when HM requested it during a joint engagement but agreed to wear neutrals to "not stand out" when she wasn't around? No.

I'm confused here. Meghan wore bright colours plenty of time during her brief royal stint - it's not hard to find photos of her in yellow or green or blue or red. I don't know what she's talking about. She wasn't always in neutrals.
It's boring, all three clips.
A lot of talk about how smart Meghan is and NOBODY helped her.
-unable to curtsy decently
-had no glimpse of national anthem and needed to rehearse it over and over again
-took only 5 minutes to dress up for her first walk-about and almost panicked
Very smart indeed.

Harry described as red hair stupid but warrior
-was constantly forced to do things he hated by his parents (yes, angel Diana, too)
-has experiences none of his kin ever made
-was brought up in Botswana and Aghanistan
-Meghan is like my Mum
Life was and is a mess, no M. is master of desaster.

As a military wife I could see how uncomfortable everyone felt when their majesties LOL
came to see the US !!! airforce base. How embarrassing those comrades had to volunteer in giving Harry a stage and good feeling back in his heroplaying childish mind. Wow!

I am again astonished about the lack of self-awareness.

Could repeat the same details, as there was nothing new in the three episodes.
Well, maybe selling of their kids now, too.
The British media, especially the tabloids are boiling over with newsprint and self righteous indignation today. Totally manufactured for clickbait in my view.

For cooler heads, the BBC.

From the article

However the public views their TV show, there will be one set of delighted viewers - and that's in Buckingham Palace and the rest of the Royal Family.

They might get a bit of a frosty blast from the series, described as unable to hug and getting married for the wrong reasons. But there are no real bombshells or direct hits and nothing specific about any individuals.

Rather than reaching for their lawyers, they'll be reaching for the family therapists.

Btw I have seen all three available episodes of the documentary and agree with the above assessment.

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ot, but when Zara Tindall (then Phillips) medalled in the Olympics, she, like the other Team GB medallists had an audience with fhe Queen, and i distinctly remember her telling somewhere that while they were waiting to meet her, her teammates started to worry about curtsying and she gave them a crashcourse how to do it :)
don't have the exact quote but i always loved that idea of them all being nervous about it, and here is their teammate who happens to be the queen's granddaughter and knows all about it :lol:

if H&M are so close to P.Eugenie, why didn't they ask her to show Meghan how to curtsey?

Well, the royal life obviously wasn't for H&M, maybe if they hadn't done the Oprah interview and just this series as a one-off, the fall-out wouldn't have been as bad..
glad to read they don't sound as bitter and spiteful anymore as they did back then
I was more concerned about the Commonwealth been Empire 2.0. Their expert really doesn't know what he is talking about. I assure you that most Commonwealth countries do not see it like that. The Commonwealth is a culture and economic body. And countries that we not even in the empire have joined it. Also, Australia, Canada and a number of South Pacific nations are members of it - so it is not African.
He also fails to mention that many countries would prefer to be under British rule as since independence their country has essential collapsed - due to corruption of their governments and other nations economic interference. The UK is the top investor in aid and commerce to most of these countries. It is not exploitation; the UK really can go elsewhere.

I have come to the conclusion that this was a show to make a fool of American who don't really care. That appears to be the common denominator here. If you fail to ask any logical questions here, you will get many concerns. But you are encouraged to take them at a shallow two-dimensional face value. It is propaganda wrapped up in a bow.
The British media, especially the tabloids are boiling over with newsprint and self righteous indignation today. Totally manufactured for clickbait in my view.

This was my impression as well. I almost think they decided to just run with the headlines and stories they'd prepared in advance, before it turned out to be a little bit of a fizzle in terms of drama.
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The British media, especially the tabloids are boiling over with newsprint and self righteous indignation today. Totally manufactured for clickbait in my view.

I agree, it's ridiculous. They'd cleared the space beforehand and then had to make 'much ado about nothing' to fill it.
I agree with the British media (The Times, The Telegraph are not tabloids.) I just hope that anywhere in the world disloyalty to both your family and the institution to which one once had a duty is regarded as not acceptable.
And saying the show is anodine is saying that thrashing the British people vote on brexit is acceptable (hello, “voting is important”). Thrashing the Commonwealth is even worse.
The part about their story, she said he said, is pure reality show. Kardashians do it better.
I stand behind my previous post that I enjoyed hearing about the early days of their courtship. However ...

1.) why would they say that the engagement photocall was staged? If they hadn't been given any direction, they would both be criticizing the firm for not setting expectations and sending them out there unprepared. My God ... she's an actress. Isn't she used to getting direction on what to do/expect?
2.) there are no "surprise" luncheons with the Queen! She knew who was attending that luncheon. If she googled or Instagramed Harry before she met him ... don't tell me that she didn't google how to curtsy or she didn't see it a million times before in video/photographs!
3.) No color? Her entire life today is being shot in black x white photography ... as were some of her wedding pictures! She wore that inky green disaster to Louis' christening. She wore color during their Commonwealth tour of Australia and the Pacific Islands.
4.) Her first Walk About -- she didn't know what to wear? Really? You had a freakin' stylist in Canada who, by your own accounts, counseled you on what to wear. Really?
5.) Her friendship with Eugenie. If you were such good friends, why didn't you feel secure enough to call her -- Harry's much loved and trusted cousin -- to ask her advice? You are billed as a confident, well prepared woman who went to Northwestern (not a school for shrinking violets) ... you didn't have the confidence to ask Harry's cousin for advice?
6.) Who are all these friends who suddenly appear in the video? What happened to Jessica Mulroney? All the others who sat in the Choir at the wedding as if they were your family? I never saw this group of friends who appear in the video. Are you recycling friends?

Total hypocrisy ... on so many levels.
I agree with the British media (The Times, The Telegraph are not tabloids.) I just hope that anywhere in the world disloyalty to both your family and the institution to which one once had a duty is regarded as not acceptable.
And saying the show is anodine is saying that thrashing the British people vote on brexit is acceptable (hello, “voting is important”). Thrashing the Commonwealth is even worse.
The part about their story, she said he said, is pure reality show. Kardashians do it better.

I wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief just yet if I were a courtier or a senior royal as I am pretty sure that more direct attacks on them will still come up in Part 2 of the docu-series.

Overall, however, I agree. In terms of "entertainment value", Part 1 was pretty dull and boring (I went over all the episodes only to be able to discuss the topic in forums like this one). And they were also rather harmless to the Royal Family. Nevertheless, as I said before, the first 3 episodes were unusually critical of the United Kingdom and British society at large (more so than the monarchy per se), including references to issues such as Brexit, the Commonwealth, and slavery reparations that have no direct relation to Harry and Meghan properly and seem to have been included only to meet a certain political agenda of the director and the producers. The director herself, if I am not mistaken , has said that she wanted to tell Harry and Meghan's story within her interpretation of the "historical context of the monarchy", which, to me, is a proxy for raising unrelated political issues.
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Who cares what she thinks or thought? Her central hypocrisy is that she is presented herself as a woman who stands up for herself but instead is acts like a no nothing, thin skinned complainer. Look at HM QEII, she did not have the same education and had to conduct herself in truly a man’s world. Just got on with it and worked hard. With the cruel war in Ukraine where women are enduring terrible hardship and privation, many are signing up to fight to avenge their losses.
These two are all about making as much money on whatever they can come up with.
Thanks to everyone for the links and HRH Hermione for the fantastic recap.
It seems to be a giant "nothing burger". Nothing too controversial, just the usual inconsistencies that routinely derail these two when they got caught up in talking about their "love story".
For goodness sakes, how do you have two conflicting stories of how you got engaged ? That's very bizarre. Why even go there ?

Meghan tries too hard to come off as soft, relatable and likable. Unfortunately, it just doesn't *seem* to jive with her natural personality.

That's not necessarily a criticism, but She worked for a long time in cutthroat Hollywood, where you have to be tough and pragmatic about getting ahead, securing roles- parts and good PR. You have to deal with a lot of rejection. Trying out for roles and not getting them.
Not a place for the weak or easily hurt.

It seems from a VERY early age She wanted, as She herself said, to be " rich and famous ". Well, She succeeded.

And as for Harry....he just comes off as totally dazzled by Meghan, in thrall.
As The Queen perceptively commented " that perhaps Prince Harry was a little over in love". I thought it sad when he put himself down in a few
comments when he said that "his family was SURPRISED that A GINGER could land such a beautiful woman, and such an intelligent woman".

He seems so wrapped up in Meghan. Her wishes, her dreams and what SHE envisions THEIR life to be. God help him if She ever decides to leave him. He has burnt so many bridges. His Family, his *old* friends and his homeland.

Anyway, I think the first part of this series was just innocuous. That being said, and based on prior actions of The Sussex's, I bet the second part next week will have the allegations and controversies.
Lots of them.
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The British media, especially the tabloids are boiling over with newsprint and self righteous indignation today. Totally manufactured for clickbait in my view.

For cooler heads, the BBC.

From the article

However the public views their TV show, there will be one set of delighted viewers - and that's in Buckingham Palace and the rest of the Royal Family.

They might get a bit of a frosty blast from the series, described as unable to hug and getting married for the wrong reasons. But there are no real bombshells or direct hits and nothing specific about any individuals.

Rather than reaching for their lawyers, they'll be reaching for the family therapists.

Btw I have seen all three available episodes of the documentary and agree with the above assessment.

How on earth will viewers in Buckingham palace be pleased by this?
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I think they hurt themselves with P1 more than anyone else. A few examples:

They have now told 2 completely different engagement stories. Which is absurd. If you can’t even tell the truth there- how can anyone believe anything you say.

They don’t respect other people’s privacy- example William and Catherine and the first meeting. Was it a huge deal? No. But it was told to make Meghan look down to earth and relatable- and them to look formal. All very petty too.

Meghan again isn’t responsible for anything- not her clothes, her wedding guests, no one helped her, no one told her to stay away from controversy, etc.

Meghan is smart.

Harry is enlightened on race and cultural issues. Unlike others.

Harry understands normal life via the military that no one in his family gets.

Harry follows his heart, unlike the men in his family. (He did say men.)

The curtsey was bad though. Very bad. It came across as mocking. The look on Meghan’s face…..ugh.

I don’t think these 2 have a clue how they come across.

It wasn’t that bad. But I don’t see how it improved their image either.

We’ll see what P2 brings.
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I didn't watch and don't intend to, but the way Harry insists that Meghan is just "just like my Mum" causes me to seriously wonder where his head is.

Diana Frances Spencer..very formal education..sexually inexperienced, sheltered, insecure, but savvy in the ways of Court life and the Aristocracy.

Just like Meghan?

Had a tough time marrying in but in her own words decided to "swim instead of sink" and stuck with it for 15 years.

Just like Meghan?:cool:
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Anyway, I think the first part of this series was just innocuous. That being said, and based on prior actions of The Sussex's, I bet the second part next week will have the allegations and controversies.
Lots of them.

I suppose that in the next part we will see an episode about the wedding. The crying-story etc. And after that they will need to explain WHY they left. So if there will be any serious recriminations in the series it will be in that part.

Moonmaiden23 said:
I didn't watch and don't intend to, but the way Harry insists that Meghan is just "just like my Mum" causes me to seriously wonder where his head is.

Diana Frances Spencer..very formal education..sexually inexperienced, sheltered, insecure, but savvy in the ways of Court life and the Aristocracy.

Had a tough time marrying in but in her own words decided to "swim instead of sink" and stuck with it for 15 years.

i think he was referring to the 'fun-loving part' and what was not said perhaps she was a great hit with the crowd. From earlier interviews we could gather that they resented playing second fiddle and thought that their popularity was bigger than of other members. And Diana was of course extremely popular. And considering his age at the time and the dramatic death of the princess, Harry's view of his mother may be different from reality. King Baudouin revered his own mother almost as a demi-saint, after Queen Astrid's unfortunate death.

I imagine the most natural reaction to a parner(to be) comparing you to his/her mother or father would be to run for the hills BTW.
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I suspect these three episodes are the warm up act. The second installment of episodes 4 - 6 is where I expect the mud slinging to come, followed by Harry's book, which will probably contain more snark, half truths, lies, bile and hatred. And what then? Meghan's book in another year or two? I suspect they are completely done with their negativity towards the royal family by then, and will have to think of another reason for their existance.
I suspect these three episodes are the warm up act. The second installment of episodes 4 - 6 is where I expect the mud slinging to come, followed by Harry's book, which will probably contain more snark, half truths, lies, bile and hatred. And what then? Meghan's book in another year or two? I suspect they are completely done with their negativity towards the royal family by then, and will have to think of another reason for their existance.

According to them- things didn’t really go wrong until after the wedding, after their first tour.

They’re going to explain (again) why they left.

So- it would seem likely the real criticism is reserved for P2.
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According to them- things didn’t really go wrong until after the wedding, after their first tour.

They’re going to explain (again) why they left.

So- it would seem likely the real criticism is reserved for P2.

Exactly. Becuase things going wrong (ie, bad press) was always other people's fault!

They are not. Particularly nice since I’m a subscriber.

Their commentary on the Waleses was interesting: it wasn’t horrible what she said (true), but it wasn’t the “nicest” thing either to say. This isn’t the way to fix things with family-talk about a private meeting and take jabs. Big or small.

Had to lol at their sum up- a lot of what they say is slightly askew or doesn’t make sense. Indeed.

I liked the part they noted that no one is in Harry’s position- as a response to him saying anyone in his place would have done the same and left.
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I was more concerned about the Commonwealth been Empire 2.0. Their expert really doesn't know what he is talking about. I assure you that most Commonwealth countries do not see it like that. The Commonwealth is a culture and economic body. And countries that we not even in the empire have joined it. Also, Australia, Canada and a number of South Pacific nations are members of it - so it is not African.
He also fails to mention that many countries would prefer to be under British rule as since independence their country has essential collapsed - due to corruption of their governments and other nations economic interference. The UK is the top investor in aid and commerce to most of these countries. It is not exploitation; the UK really can go elsewhere.

I have come to the conclusion that this was a show to make a fool of American who don't really care. That appears to be the common denominator here. If you fail to ask any logical questions here, you will get many concerns. But you are encouraged to take them at a shallow two-dimensional face value. It is propaganda wrapped up in a bow.

That actually is worrying. Particularly as it was called "The British Commonwealth". As if Meghan didn't wear the member states national flowers on her veil or Harry didn't actually "gift" HLM The Queen's Commomwealth Trust" as a birthday thing. No nation is forced to join, no nation is forbidden from leaving, some have left and come back, countries that were never held by the British have been on a waiting list to join. I think it shows a serious myopia to poo-poo it all when there is much needed aid and grant money going towards the poorest nations even if some of the richer nations view it as another chance to wn medals.

If they're talking about realms then that is of course a different conversation but one they aren't equipped to have considering The Duchess of Sussex cold called US senators, Harry took a salute at Pearl Habour and they expect to be treated as IIP everywhere.
I watched the first 3 Harry and Meghan episodes. While I have never been a big fan I now understand more about the racism and negative press encountered in the early days of their relationship and escalating after the wedding while still living in the UK. The series also gave me insight into Meghan's family especially on her father's side including her father. The interview with her niece was informative as to backing up a lot of what Meghan had to deal with regarding the stepsister. Her niece, an immigration attorney in San Francisco, was raised by her paternal grandparents not her mother, Meghan's stepsister on her father's side. Meghan was primarily raised by her mother and I am glad to see she was included in the series.

I hope the best for Harry and Meghan.
I also hope they find a way to make money that doesn't continue to deride members of the royal family or steeped in so much controversy. It would be nice if they could take a break.
The series also gave me insight into Meghan's family especially on her father's side including her father. The interview with her niece was informative as to backing up a lot of what Meghan had to deal with regarding the stepsister. Her niece, an immigration attorney in San Francisco, was raised by her paternal grandparents not her mother, Meghan's stepsister on her father's side. Meghan was primarily raised by her mother and I am glad to see she was included in the series.

The paternal side of her family is pretty nightmarish and I sympathize deeply with her there. The drama with her siblings and father is a lot to bear on the public forum. The irony is that she and Harry are acting the same way as them, publicly bashing the BRF and making things difficult via the media.
Lady Daly, just one little correction, Meghan was NOT primarily raised by her Mother. It was definitely co-parenting. In the series Meghan says, "I was a Daddy's girl my whole life. And I was with him alot."

And I will say that Thomas Markles financial backing enabled Meghan to go to a very well respected private Middle and High School, Immaculate Heart in Los Angeles. And he states he paid for her tuition at Northwestern University.
His backing, education wise enabled her to excel.
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I finished watching the three episodes and since it has been dissected better by fellow forum members, I'll narrow down my review to production quality, editing and the heavily edited storytellers themselves Meghan and Harry.

Production quality:
Netflix and Rory Kennedy's company do know how to create a narrative guided documentary that will sure headline Awards in 2023. From the start to the end the music is melancholic, with lots of pauses and silence. I have to say without joking the Harry narration start made me think I was watching the zombie movie 28 Days Later within Masterpiece Theater. Overall is a beautifully edited documentary.

Cons on the above: it's extremely one sided, edited beyond recognition where neither Meghan nor Harry get to finish a sentence without a camera angle change. That means lots of it was edited out and what was left was for shock value.

The Editing: Netflix is selling a show.
For example, Meghan mentions Kate's behavior when they met but it stops to make sure Kate is presented as a snob. I assume Meghan elaborated and told other stories with them just chatting and Kate probably helping Meghan. But if it didn't fit the Rory Kennedy narrative it was probably edited out. Neither Meghan nor Harry control the production's narrative, and that was shown on clips placing Kate in the center of the royals twice: in the parade and at the balcony. That is 100% the editor's doing.

The storytellers themselves Meghan and Harry
Despite being heavily edited on every single answer to create drama as music played on, I have to say I believe their point of view about persecution, the trauma and isolation and their lack of understanding they are not private citizens. Especially Harry.

I believed Meghan when she addressed the problem with the half-sister, the lady that changed her name back to Markle and dyed her hair brunette to look like this person she never had a relationship with. This was disturbing, that half-sister is like out of a Stephen King novel.

I also believed her with her recollection on her father's antics for tabloid money as the wedding day approached. He did admit to this and apologized. A very creepy moment was when she recalled she thought she was talking to him by text, and it was a stranger on her father's line insulting her. A stranger that refused to pick up the cell when Harry called the number on that same moment.

So that's my review and I hope I was neutral and fair. If anyone is to blame for editing is not M&H, who had no say on it, but producer Rory Kennedy and staff.

Overall, I see their lives as endless persecution from the Murdoch owned tabloid media. This series did not really attack up front King Charles, just declared war on the UK tabloids. And that will be a losing battle in the end.

I wish them the best...until I see the next three episodes and hope the producer gives it a rest making Kate a target.

I really wondered whether Thomas Markle was paid to skip the wedding. That whole drama seemed weird and unduly protracted at the time.
The paternal side of her family is pretty nightmarish and I sympathize deeply with her there. The drama with her siblings and father is a lot to bear on the public forum. The irony is that she and Harry are acting the same way as them, publicly bashing the BRF and making things difficult via the media.

I had a lot of sympathy for her regarding her paternal side UNTIL she started doing the same thing to her in laws. So I have no sympathy anymore. She’s no better.

The apple did not fall far from the tree- though I don’t think she’s self aware enough to get it.
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