Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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The article says he will be moving with his girlfriend and that they are looking into universities in California.
I read there was speculation he and his girlfriend would settle in Los Angeles so both could attend UCLA. Of course, that was another press article.
this article mentions that marius is preparing to go to university in california with his girlfriend and to do so, he is selling some of his pertinences, among which a louis vuitton suitcase and watches.

the article mentions that in the site he publishes not only his name but also his telephone number which could have caused a security issue.

Antes de irse a estudiar a EU, Marius Borg vende sus cosas por internet
I read there was speculation he and his girlfriend would settle in Los Angeles so both could attend UCLA. Of course, that was another press article.

It makes sense. Marius excels in snowboarding, skateboarding and freestyle skiing, and has grown fond of surfing lately. California would be a natural choice for him.
Marius, son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, has decided to study business administration in the United States

He'll no longer make public appearances or undertake duties with the royal family. Instead, he has chosen to live as a private citizen.

Courtesy of Ella Kay on Twitter!
i liked the open letter of MM on marius' 20th birthday. i thought it was sincere and honest. i wonder where marius has decided to go to - i believe some time ago the press was talking about california.

however, i found it strange that she would attack a press outlet so outspokenly, when she spoke about Se og Hør: 'Not even Se og Hør would think of doing it against a child today.' i imagine their reputation isn't stellar, but she remains the crown princess and to attack them publicly was unnecessary.
And the court has deleted his profile on the NRF website.
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Marius, son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, has decided to study business administration in the United States

He'll no longer make public appearances or undertake duties with the royal family. Instead, he has chosen to live as a private citizen.

Courtesy of Ella Kay on Twitter!

Exactly as I expected. The first visual sign was his absence at the christmas photo call since his mother became connected to the Crown Prince.:sad:
As I mentioned before, I felt, at least since he became a teen, he always used to seem very uncomfortable and insecure at official functions or photo calls. He seems to be a very private person and unlike others, not seeking attention or the limelight. For us, who felt great sympathy for him since he was a small boy and have seen him grow up over the years, it is kind of sad. But this decision doesn´t come as a surprise at all. We can just wish him the best in life!
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Marius Borg Høiby, som fyller 20 år 13. januar 2017, starter den 17. januar på et studium i økonomi og administrasjon i California.

Marius Borg Høiby skal ikke ha egne offisielle oppdrag for Kongehuset, kun være til stede når det er naturlig av familiære årsaker.

På bakgrunn av Marius Borg Høibys ønske om å få leve et liv utenfor offentligheten, vil han ikke lenger ha egne sider på Kongehusets nettsted,

Marius Borg Høiby ber om at hans ønske om å få leve utenfor offentlighetens søkelys blir respektert av mediene.


The thumbnails of Ari Behn, the Behn girls, and Erling Lorentzen have also been deleted. However, they and Marius Borg Høiby have been kept in the list of Royal Family members on the website.

The Royal House of Norway - The Royal Family
It was to be expected. Marius doesn't really have a role in the family, and by that I mean the public side. Yes he attended events with his mom and stepfather, but he didn't have duties and never would. As a kid it was expected he would be involved in family events and appearances. But he is now an adult and with that comes his own life. He has the freedom his siblings, especially Ingrid, won't have. I am sure both Mette and Haakon are extremely proud, and his dad as well. He Is going to school and building a life for himself.

He is still in the family. He will see the family for holidays and such like any other grown kid. I am sure we can include the queen and king in that. Not only Haakon but his family embraced Marius after the wedding, and I don't see that ending as he is an adult.
Marius, son of Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, has decided to study business administration in the United States

He'll no longer make public appearances or undertake duties with the royal family. Instead, he has chosen to live as a private citizen.

Courtesy of Ella Kay on Twitter!

Which is exactly the right thing to do, as he was never a prince to begin with. His position is actually identical to that of Camilla's children, whom we never hear about.

I just hope he doesn't get in trouble in California.
Which is exactly the right thing to do, as he was never a prince to begin with. His position is actually identical to that of Camilla's children, whom we never hear about.

I just hope he doesn't get in trouble in California.

Not exactly. Yes, like Tom and Laura he is a stepson and has no royal role. But he does have a place in the family. Tom and Laura were grown up and married when Camilla remarried. They are close to Charles and kids because they have been their entire life. But Tom and Laura have no relationship Roth the royals, and won't be seen at trooping or such.

Marius on the other hand entered the family as a very small child. We have watched him at important royal events and photo calls. His total step grandparents have attended things like his confirmation. He may no longer appear at public events but he will remain close to the entire family. And at times like his wedding, the royals will attend. He will never fully disappear from attention. Laura and Tom are seen a bit, but Marius will be far more.
This is the statement from the court that Tatiana Maria posted above - translated by me:
Marius Borg Høiby who celebrates his 20th birthday on January 13, starts on January 17 in a degree program in Business and Administration in California.

Marius Borg Høiby will not conduct official engagements for the Royal Family, he will only be present when it is natural for family reasons.
On the basis of Marius Borg Høiby's desire to live a life outside the public eye, he will no longer have his own pages on the Royal House website,

Marius Borg Høiby asks that his desire to live outside the public spotlight is respected by the media.

And I found this translation of the letter:

Since 20 years ago Marius open his eyes for the first time, I’ve been primarily a mother. I was 23 years old and got a big responsibility. It has been the greatest gift in my life.

Marius has always had a role that has been difficult to define in the public domain. He is and remains an exceptionally important part of our family. Marius became a symbol of the unusual election we did when we were married, while he will not bear public duties as his siblings. He should not have a public role and is not a public person.

The role has also proved difficult to interpret for people around us in private. Ever since he was tiny. Everything from parents who have come with concerns and well-intentioned advice to teachers who have always had other expectations for Marius their behavior than others.
And I’m no better myself. As a mother I take often have expectations from Marius his behavior that are unrealistic, and different than what I would have had to his siblings.

When Marius was small, we had mostly journalists who firmly stood outside the house where we stayed. NRK TV news followed us when we were playing in Frogner Park in the afternoon. Marius was 3 years. But the fact that Marius has been 20 does not mean that he is fair game again.

The last few years have been characterized by a trend I like Mom course’d rather do without. Marius has been subjected to pressure from parts of the Norwegian press, I do not have them worthy. Some media have chosen to write about youthful indiscretion. It would be unnatural if there were examples of this.

I am certainly glad that all my youth rebellion was not followed with Argus eyes. It had seen much worse. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the media have treated Marius his adolescence with prudence.

Life is fragile, you. And beautiful. If we take it seriously so we try well to see the nuances, and people throughout, with options, instead we try to push them into small rooms of prejudice.

I sincerely hope that the archetypes that seem to characterize a small part of the media-Norwegian interpretation of a 20-year-old’s life gets resistance.

Marius does not want to live a life in public. My commitment to him as a mother is to take the responsibility that was given me at Aker Hospital 20 years ago seriously. Therefore I will now ask some Norwegian media let him be allowed to drop a focus he wants, when he now partly for that reason choose to go abroad to study.

Tomorrow he travels out into the world. A rare beautiful young man, with an open mind. As a mother, I could not have been prouder. And you others 20- year olds out there. I’m so proud and impressed by who you are.
Through my work and all contact I over the years have had with Marius their friends and acquaintances, I have seen something of what you stand in. I wish you all well.
Not exactly. Yes, like Tom and Laura he is a stepson and has no royal role. But he does have a place in the family. Tom and Laura were grown up and married when Camilla remarried. They are close to Charles and kids because they have been their entire life. But Tom and Laura have no relationship Roth the royals, and won't be seen at trooping or such.

Marius on the other hand entered the family as a very small child. We have watched him at important royal events and photo calls. His total step grandparents have attended things like his confirmation. He may no longer appear at public events but he will remain close to the entire family. And at times like his wedding, the royals will attend. He will never fully disappear from attention. Laura and Tom are seen a bit, but Marius will be far more.

When Marius was a minor, his mother was his legal guardian and there was no choice but for him to live with the CP family. I don't doubt that Marius has a good relation with his stepdad and siblings, but, if the RF had truly embraced him , he would have been legally adopted into the family, which I don't think he was.
When Marius was a minor, his mother was his legal guardian and there was no choice but for him to live with the CP family. I don't doubt that Marius has a good relation with his stepdad and siblings, but, if the RF had truly embraced him , he would have been legally adopted into the family, which I don't think he was.

Uh why? Marius has a father. Say what you might about him, but his father has been said to have been a loving active member of his son's life. Why should he have to give up his son because his ex married a prince? Haakon has recognized Marius has his own dad, and respects that relationship, while still being a hands on stepfather. The king and queen have shown a real willingness to have him in their family, like attending private moments like his confirmation.

Even if Haakon adopted Marius, he would never officially be a member of the family. It would be one thing if Mette was truly a single mom and her ex was not in the picture at all. But Marius has a dad and there is no need for him to be adopted which would strip his father of his rights to his son.

To say that a step parent who doesn't adopt the child legally doesn't fully love/accept the child is a slap in the face to millions of loving step parents out there who respect the role of the other parent. :bang:
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Uh why? Marius has a father. Say what you might about him, but his father has been said to have been a loving active member of his son's life. Why should he have to give up his don because his ex married a prince? Haakon has recognized Marius has his one dad, and respects that relationship, while still being a hands on stepfather. The king and queen have shown a real willingness to have him in their family, like attending private moments like his confirmation.

To say that a step parent who doesn't adopt the child legally doesn't fully love/accept the child is a slap in the face to millions of loving strips rents out there who respect the role of the other parent. :bang:
I agree, I don't think that adopting him into the ROyal family would have been a good idea, anyway since he could never BE royal..i think that his slipping intot a private life, (obviously he will always be close to his mother, father stepfather and siblings) is a good thing, I'm sure he would rather have his privacy.
I think this is only a natural decision for him, he had no natural role within the royal family as an adult. I've no doubt we will see him alongside the royal family for special anniversaries, weddings or funerals.
Marius has a natural father and a natural mother. Both are also his legal father and his legal mother, both have parental authority, legal responsibilty and rights over Marius. All legal regulations concerning paternity, for example inheritance rights, exist between father Borg, mother Tjessem Høiby and their child Marius. An adoption would be impossible with both natural and legal parents alive, without one of them giving up parental authority and rights.
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Happy early birthday to him and good luck as he begins his new university program in a very soggy California next week.:flowers:
Of all the "associated with royals" persons that I have come to know of since joining TRF, Marius is the one I would most wish a life deliciously rich in serendipity and good fortune. And by that, I don't mean that I wish him wealth or "success" in traditional terms.
I just hope his life is full of friends and experiences that become stories, I hope he laughs much and learns things that he values. I hope he lives every decade in a different way and has a long and full life.
I've read some highly judgemental things about him here. And clearly - he never earned that scorn. I wish him the very best, because he deserves a break or two given what he has put up with over his youth.
I wish Marius a happy birthday and best of luck for the future. I've always admired how the NRF welcomed him and now he can enjoy that closeness in private (except for occasional family events).
Marius has a natural father and a natural mother. Both are also his legal father and his legal mother, both have parental authority, legal responsibilty and rights over Marius. All legal regulations concerning paternity, for example inheritance rights, exist between father Borg, mother Tjessem Høiby and their child Marius. An adoption would be impossible with both natural and legal parents alive, without one of them giving up parental authority and rights.

HRH Olof Daniel, Prince of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland officially changed his name on his Swedish documents from "Olof Daniel Westling" to "Olof Daniel Westling Bernadotte", taking his wife's family name. Although the situation is different (i.e. a change of name by marriage), he officially became in practice a member of his wife's family, which is what I meant by "being adopted into the family" in a broader sense. That was done, I believe, so that Crown Princess Victoria's children could inherit the Bernadotte name in male line and I don't suppose Daniel's parents objected to it (as they might have if they came , I regret to say that, from a more "illustrious" family).

Maybe I didn't express myself correctly when I mentioned "adoption", but my point about Marius was that, if he had been accepted as a full member of the Norwegian royal family, he would have somehow legally taken up the Royal Family's patrilineal family name (whatever that is). However, he kept his father's last name, implying he always belonged to a different family, but was nonetheless raised by the Norwegian Royal Family, or, more precisely, by CP Haakon and CP Mette-Marit, by virtue of being a minor under the guardianship of his mother. Now that he is an adult, no such link exists anymore. Sure, he will still be invited to weddings, funerals, or maybe even for Christmas, but his invitation will be in his capacity as a relative (actually a son) of his mother's, and not as a member of the (Norwegian royal) family, which is a big conceptual difference.
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Of all the "associated with royals" persons that I have come to know of since joining TRF, Marius is the one I would most wish a life deliciously rich in serendipity and good fortune. And by that, I don't mean that I wish him wealth or "success" in traditional terms.
I just hope his life is full of friends and experiences that become stories, I hope he laughs much and learns things that he values. I hope he lives every decade in a different way and has a long and full life.
I've read some highly judgemental things about him here. And clearly - he never earned that scorn. I wish him the very best, because he deserves a break or two given what he has put up with over his youth.

What exactly has he "put up with over his youth", other than wealth and privilege, which he would otherwise never have experienced if his biological parents had stayed together, or his mother had married someone else other than a Crown Prince ?

I'm sorry, but you make it sound like he was a victim, when, from my perspective, he was extremely fortunate given his initial natural prospect as a single mom's son.
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HRH Olof Daniel, Prince of Sweden, Duke of Västergötland officially changed his name on his Swedish documents from "Olof Daniel Westling" to "Olof Daniel Westling Bernadotte", taking his wife's family name. Although the situation is different (i.e. a change of name by marriage), he officially became in practice a member of his wife's family, which is what I meant by "being adopted into the family" in a broader sense. That was done, I believe, so that Crown Princess Victoria's children could inherit the Bernadotte name in male line and I don't suppose Daniel's parents objected to it (as they might have if they came , I regret to say that, from a more "illustrious" family).

Maybe I didn't express myself correctly when I mentioned "adoption", but my point about Marius was that, if he had been accepted as a full member of the Norwegian royal family, he would have somehow legally taken up the Royal Family's patrilineal family name (whatever that is). However, he kept his father's last name, implying he always belonged to a different family, but was nonetheless raised by the Norwegian Royal Family, or, more precisely, by CP Haakon and CP Mette-Marit, by virtue of being a minor under the guardianship of his mother. Now that he is an adult, no such link exists anymore. Sure, he will still be invited to weddings, funerals, or maybe even for Christmas, but his invitation will be in his capacity as a relative (actually a son) of his mother's, and not as a member of the (Norwegian royal) family, which is a big conceptual difference.

Again, he has his own father. Why should Marius take the Royal last name? For him to be a member of the total family, have their name, Haakon would have to adopt him. Marius us not an adult who can legally change his last name, well now he is, like Daniel. You want them to go to court and strip Marius of his birth father, just so he can have a name?

Yes totally agree. It was obvious he was being snubbed. Haakon and his family only took the child out of obligation. I ,Dan the king and queen obviously have nothing to go with him (as you emphasize only Haakon and Mette). And Haakon is the epitome of evil stepfather. They denied him their last na,e clearly because he hadn't family.

Oh wait, I somehow remember tons of private photos showing Marius with Haakon and his royal step grandparents. Oh I must be dreaming :whistling:
I don't have the time to post/translate all the articles, but this letter has created a fierce debate in Norway. The media, Press Association, and several serious experts have reacted with anger after the Crown Princess's criticism. And the TV news and Norway's only news channel has been full of it, both yesterday and today.

And as several experts say: Marius has been shielded from the press since the wedding in 2001, but he must expect attention when he seeks it.

He parties with rich friends (which has been posted on instagram by his friends), he attends premieres with celebrity friends, he poses for a picture with Justin Bieber, he has been a supernumerary actor in one of Norway's most popular television series etc.

And now the court says (to Norwegian television) that Marius don't want to be mentioned in the press, whether it is criticism or not.

The only people who have defended Mette-Marit/Marius are some politicians and Kjell Arne Totland, but even he has criticized Marius. Not so much in this article, but on television:

Totland: Mette-Marits brev en kjærlighetserklæring
''I'm not so sure that the letter was solely intended as a rebuke of the press; I see that part as well, but first and foremost I think this is a declaration of love, a tribute from a mother to a son who is about to fly the coop,'' Totland told TV2.

''I agree that the letter contains criticism, but mostly it is a tribute to Marius who have had to endure to be a part of her family without either having a title or a position. It must have been a bit difficult for him'', says Totland.

''But as a member of the Crown Prince family, Marius Borg Høiby are in public interest'', he said.

''We must probably also say that Marius himself is a cause of much of the interest in him. He has been a frequent user of social media'', says Totland.

And in this video (to those of you who understands Norwegian) Kjell Arne Totland talks about the letter:
En kjærlighetserklæring fra en mor til en sønn
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