Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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I can understand Marius's wish to become a private person. Even though he has been very kindly included in the NRF, he isn't biologically a "complete" member of the family and from the majority of what I've read, it appears that he isn't terribly fond of the limelight so this choice makes sense to me. I wish him all the best for the future.
Thank you for your informative and relevant post, Royal Norway.

Maybe I didn't express myself correctly when I mentioned "adoption", but my point about Marius was that, if he had been accepted as a full member of the Norwegian royal family, he would have somehow legally taken up the Royal Family's patrilineal family name (whatever that is). [...]

Six out of the fourteen full members of the Royal Family of Norway have not taken a royal family name or a royal title. (As an aside, Høiby is the Crown Princess's maiden name.)

The Royal House of Norway belongs to the House of Glücksburg. The members of the Norwegian Royal House are Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja and Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Princess Ingrid Alexandra.

The remaining members of the Royal Family are the Crown Prince and Crown Princess’s other children, His Highness Prince Sverre Magnus and Mr Marius Borg Høiby; Her Highness Princess Märtha Louise, Mr Ari Mikael Behn, Miss Maud Angelica Behn, Miss Leah Isadora Behn, Miss Emma Tallulah Behn, Her Highness Princess Astrid, Mrs Ferner, and Mr Erling Sven Lorentzen.

The Royal House of Norway - The Royal Family
I wish Marius all the best in his future endeavours, and I understand a mother's frustration at what she sees as unfair treatment of her child, but it sounds like it might be time to cut the apron strings. Marius is twenty - with few exceptions, that's well beyond the age a mother should be writing a letter on behalf of her son. If Marius wished to make a public statement about his plans for the future and/or issues with the press, he should have done so himself.

Either way, it would have been wiser to issue a short statement about his retreat into completely private life, and to leave the whining about the press out of it entirely.
1. You're very welcome!

2. It was a very small role, but yes he did. And Shame (name of the series) is very popular among young people.
I wish Marius all the best in his future endeavours, and I understand a mother's frustration at what she sees as unfair treatment of her child, but it sounds like it might be time to cut the apron strings. Marius is twenty - with few exceptions, that's well beyond the age a mother should be writing a letter on behalf of her son. If Marius wished to make a public statement about his plans for the future and/or issues with the press, he should have done so himself.

Either way, it would have been wiser to issue a short statement about his retreat into completely private life, and to leave the whining about the press out of it entirely.

You think that the way that it should have been announced that Marius was pursuing a private life was for him to issue a public statement? I hope you appreciate the irony of that...

I can't see why a mother shouldn't be able to release a statement in regards to her child even if the child is an adult, particularly if the child is not a public person (or is requesting to not be a public person).
You think that the way that it should have been announced that Marius was pursuing a private life was for him to issue a public statement? I hope you appreciate the irony of that...

A public statement announcing that someone has decided to pursue a private life is ironic no matter who it comes from. A decision announcing an adult's decision to pursue a private life coupled with a letter from his upset mummy adds silliness to irony. And in this case, apparently, a needless dust up with the Norwegian media.

If there were grievances that were important enough to be addressed in such a public fashion, yes, I believe Marius should have been the one addressing them.

I think the best case scenario would have been no statements at all.
1. You're very welcome!

2. It was a very small role, but yes he did. And Shame (name of the series) is very popular among young people.

Didn't Marius stir controversy some months ago when he put one of his mother's designer handbags up for sale on E Bay or another bidding site and posted a photo of it from the Palace?
It is ironic for his mother to announce he's attending university in the US and then warn the press to maintain his privacy. Not only the US, but to place him in California. It just slays me. Not only Royals, but celebs do this. If true privacy is desired, then don't make an announcement or if down the line the press inquires about Marius being absent from family activities or whatnot, state he's now attending university and leave it or university at an undisclosed location due to privacy.
I didn't have the feeling in the past years, that he was followed by the press so much. I don't think, that we have seen photos about him, or heard any news about him, except the most important life-events. I don't know how was in Norway in these years, but in the rest part of the world he was not offen mentioned. I also think it was total unnecessary to write this letter. A short statement would be enough.
Didn't Marius stir controversy some months ago when he put one of his mother's designer handbags up for sale on E Bay or another bidding site and posted a photo of it from the Palace?
It is ironic for his mother to announce he's attending university in the US and then warn the press to maintain his privacy. Not only the US, but to place him in California. It just slays me. Not only Royals, but celebs do this. If true privacy is desired, then don't make an announcement or if down the line the press inquires about Marius being absent from family activities or whatnot, state he's now attending university and leave it or university at an undisclosed location due to privacy.

No, he didn't put his mothers designer handbags for sale on E-bay. But he did put some of his own things ( Louis Vuitton suitcase, Watch and a camera )on an norwegian bidding site.
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No, he didn't put his mothers designer handbags for sale on E-bay. But he did put some of his own things ( Louis Vuitton suitcase, Watch and a camera )on an norwegian bidding site.

And this is exactly what Marius' parents mean with public intrusion. The fact that these little faits-divers are known from Auckland to New York and often wrongly or sensationalized ("he placed his royal mom's designer handbags for sale") proves this. Marius is no member of the Royal House, is no prince or anything, but in Norway with the boulevard press and in this world full of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram and the likes he has to be on his qui-vive, always. No wonder that Marius, a very handsome dreamprince for many, escapes it and tries to build up a private life. I wish him all the best.
Going to California! I hope he have a ball with the ladies there!
Awwwww Dman. He can have fun with ladies no matter where he goes. I think it'd be much, much better to have a totally different experience that California offers and that's surfing! :D
Awwwww Dman. He can have fun with ladies no matter where he goes. I think it'd be much, much better to have a totally different experience that California offers and that's surfing! :D

I'd leave the surfing alone and busy myself with the ladies.:flowers:
A public statement announcing that someone has decided to pursue a private life is ironic no matter who it comes from. A decision announcing an adult's decision to pursue a private life coupled with a letter from his upset mummy adds silliness to irony. And in this case, apparently, a needless dust up with the Norwegian media.

If there were grievances that were important enough to be addressed in such a public fashion, yes, I believe Marius should have been the one addressing them.

I think the best case scenario would have been no statements at all.

Agree 100%!! Plus, it was usually Marius who attracted the attention by frequently using social media such as instagram, this never sounded to me like somebody protecting his privacy.
No, he didn't put his mothers designer handbags for sale on E-bay. But he did put some of his own things ( Louis Vuitton suitcase, Watch and a camera )on an norwegian bidding site.
Yes, but with the palace as his address. And that led to several hate-mails and harsh criticism online and in the media.

Back to the letter:

Marius is Mette-Marit's son and he grew up at Skaugum. And therefore there will always be interest in him, but the media have largely (until recently) sheltered him.

The problem now is that Marius (as I said in post 451) have sought attention:

1. He has several public profiles/accounts with thousands of followers on social media.

2. He parties with rich celebrity friends who post pictures/videos of it on social media.

3. He attends premieres with celebrity friends and poses in front of the cameras.

4. He hangs with people like Justin Bieber and poses on pictures with them.

And now he says (through the royal court) to Norwegian television that he don't want to be mentioned in the press, whether it's criticism of him or not.

Many (and I am among them) thinks he behaves like a spoiled brat. I understand that this may sound harsh, but Marius has sought attention, and now he'll have to deal with it.
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I agree that he wants the perks of being rich and royal but not the press attention, most royals would probably love this but can;t get it coz they are born into it (not by choice) but Marius was adopted into it so that makes it seem he can walk away from it
i also think that he is in a position to have 'the best of both worlds': a cushy, privileged life of the royals without any of the responsibilities. i think however, that in order to make his pledge for privacy consistent it would make sense to make his social accounts private.
I completely disagree. As private people, you and I get to have open social media accounts if we want them. I've made friends, expanded my world and learned a lot through friends of friends and by connecting with people I happened on in social media.
While I think it wise that he fly under a pseudonym (as I do on FB - even though it is against the rules) and that he limits with whom he shares, I think he should still be able to explore. He did not make his mother's life choices. She did.
And those of you that dislike him so much need to quit paying him attention IMO. He doesn't care about you and you obviously don't care about him in a generous way. He's just a kid. JMO.
I hope Marius has a good life in the US, the need for privacy may be easier here as the media doesn't give much press to European Royals unless they get into some kind of scrape and then it doesn't usually cause news nationwide. He probably won't be recognized on the street unless press or some stranger who does recognize him, points him out, which I hope not. A change of "scenery" may be the best thing. Despite what I wrote previously, I do think he's made a great decision.
I’m not a regular follower of Marius or the NRF so both the brief statement and CP MM’s open letter were fine for me. However, I understand others think differently and perhaps MM’s letter should have been left out.

Hopefully Marius will mature in time, becoming consistent about privacy. Yes, he’s 20 and some argue he should "know better and gracefully accept certain limitations due to his connection to the NRF" but many people learn the hard way or he's stubborn at the moment (i.e. - "my friends have public social media, why can’t I?" or "I’m excited to meet celebrity or attend a premiere"… must share!)
I completely disagree. As private people, you and I get to have open social media accounts if we want them. I've made friends, expanded my world and learned a lot through friends of friends and by connecting with people I happened on in social media.
While I think it wise that he fly under a pseudonym (as I do on FB - even though it is against the rules) and that he limits with whom he shares, I think he should still be able to explore. He did not make his mother's life choices. She did.
And those of you that dislike him so much need to quit paying him attention IMO. He doesn't care about you and you obviously don't care about him in a generous way. He's just a kid. JMO.
If this was meant to me, then I think you misunderstood what I wrote.

I don't dislike Marius, but he has sought attention, and now he'll have to deal with it.

He cannot participate in a TV show, being at a parties with rich celebrity friends where the press is pressent, attending premieres with celebrities and pose in front of the cameras and then complain about the media attention he gets (which is in fact very small).

And the letter from Mette-Marit has brought damage to a already damaged monarchy with an extremely popular monarch with North Korean poll-numbers as its greatest asset.
Above all Mette Marit is a mother. Marius is her firstborn, the first one to leave the nest, to leave the country even. As idyllic as Norway looks, also there the place is not free from threats, from intrusion, from smear, libel, defaming and stalking via the open sewer, pardon, I mean social media. When I put a suitcase on e-bay, no one notices it. When Marius Borg does so, it is reported in media, with the online comments open for trolls and warts to relieve their venom, vitriol and vomit over the dude, they themselves hidden in anonimity of usernames. Everyone with just an ounce of empathy will understand the intention of the letter by Mette-Marit. Of course the same media blow it up and see it as an attack on them, which only underlines Mette-Marit's observation.
I'm talking press here, and only press:
The underlying theme for Marius has always been that he is not the son of Haakon, but rather the result of a short liason in which drugs played a role. It actually happened that the press faux-praised Mette-Marit for not aborting him. He is the visible sign that Mette-Marit has not been the perfect choice made by Haakon.

I'm sure that both Mette-Marit and Haakon did whatever possible to shield Marius from that kind of negativity, but still, it can't be easy being him.
Imo it may turn out to be a "don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk"; if Marius wants more privacy (which i totally understand), he'll have to show it too by no more tv-appearances (the showbiz ones) and no more parties-with-showy-folks-where-you-can-expect-press-to-be-present

If you read just the announcement and open letter without looking for more meaning it seems that that *is* what he's planning to do, so i'm interested to see in 2 or 4 years how it turned out
i think everyone is free to have social accounts and obviously to set the settings they deem appropriate. all my accounts are set to the highest privacy settings because i do not like my information to be out there for the world (people who do not know me) to see. obviously marius as a private person that he wants to be is free to do whatever he wants, but if he is craving privacy it would make sense to maybe switch the privacy of those accounts. it is just an action that would show to everyone that when he says he wants privacy, he really means it. you cannot stop the press from talking over things that he openly posts on the internet - those are free for everyone to see and comment on. for me and other private citizens, this would be equivalent to me complaining if my friends gossip about what i post on the internet - if i post it openly, i am opening the door to people commenting. luckily no press is interested in what i post though, which is the case for marius.

And those of you that dislike him so much need to quit paying him attention IMO. He doesn't care about you and you obviously don't care about him in a generous way. He's just a kid. JMO.

??? what's this all about? this is a discussion about an open letter that MM published. why would we dislike marius? i think some people need to relax.
I've been scanning through this thread recently and what jumps out at me is an idiom that goes "I want my cake but I want to eat it too". If privacy is the goal, then *all* measures to insure that privacy must be taken. Not a pick and choose thing such as telling the press and the public to back off and yet having open to the public information readily available on social media. In fact, I would wager my last clementine orange that putting out the request for privacy only will make the press and the public pay more attention. Its like telling an unruly child "don't do that". The child goes and does it anyways.

In order to have a private life, that life needs to be conducted as one. Simple.
Imo it may turn out to be a "don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk"; if Marius wants more privacy (which i totally understand), he'll have to show it too by no more tv-appearances (the showbiz ones) and no more parties-with-showy-folks-where-you-can-expect-press-to-be-present

If you read just the announcement and open letter without looking for more meaning it seems that that *is* what he's planning to do, so i'm interested to see in 2 or 4 years how it turned out
Exactly! That's what I've tried to explain in 3 posts now.

I've been scanning through this thread recently and what jumps out at me is an idiom that goes "I want my cake but I want to eat it too". If privacy is the goal, then *all* measures to insure that privacy must be taken. Not a pick and choose thing such as telling the press and the public to back off and yet having open to the public information readily available on social media. In fact, I would wager my last clementine orange that putting out the request for privacy only will make the press and the public pay more attention. Its like telling an unruly child "don't do that". The child goes and does it anyways.

In order to have a private life, that life needs to be conducted as one. Simple.
You're absolutely right! And that has in fact already happened. Now there has been talk that the US correspondents from NRK/TV2 have been instructed to follow him.
I've been scanning through this thread recently and what jumps out at me is an idiom that goes "I want my cake but I want to eat it too". If privacy is the goal, then *all* measures to insure that privacy must be taken. Not a pick and choose thing such as telling the press and the public to back off and yet having open to the public information readily available on social media. In fact, I would wager my last clementine orange that putting out the request for privacy only will make the press and the public pay more attention. Its like telling an unruly child "don't do that". The child goes and does it anyways.

In order to have a private life, that life needs to be conducted as one. Simple.

That is correct!
Marius is technically a private person but press will always be interested in him, because his mother will be Queen of Norway and there will be public events that Marius is part of.
I can fully understand him, he is young, wants the best of both worlds, be hip and free, and show himself like most young people on social media.
But fact is, it does not work like a one-way-street. If he wants privacy he has to conduct himself in a way that he gets it. You can't dictate the press when you want to be left alone and when you don't, having mummy write a letter was the worst option and the most likely one to draw even more attention.
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