Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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I agree totally D of M ... frankly he is very fortunate that her life took the turn it did and he is able to attend such a wonderful college and have fabulous opportunities IMO.... the letter was a bit much IMO... as you say it is not a one way street.
So good luck to him ..
I am not sure, but is there Marius on this picture? It was taken on Dvergsoya for a month: Tre best friends making the best memories i ever had. Thank you. I ll never forget this weekend. #palmesus - @kariannevilde
Other picture about a girl on the terrace of the holiday-home of the Cp family also on Dvergsoya. It seems Marius spent some days there with friends:
Today s outfit @ palmesus ?? - @kariannevilde

There is really no Marius in here, or the dude accidentally has the same first name.
Interesting... So, they hired a college drop-out to work in a fashion house in an unknown (for us, not for them of course) capacity? I guess having connections helps a lot to land a job in a business like this.
Interesting... So, they hired a college drop-out to work in a fashion house in an unknown (for us, not for them of course) capacity? I guess having connections helps a lot to land a job in a business like this.

Every field, especially the ‘glamourous’ ones, like fashion, film, arts, music, modelling, galleries, has jobs more or less reserved for the well-connected or closely related. Is this fair? Of course not, but the hiring process will never be totally ‘blind’. Perhaps Marius is to be a model?

PS. And even though the lucky hired ones may (or may not) be competent, the employer is getting an ineluctable something from the hired one. I have never benefitted from a ‘sweet deal’, but I don’t think it’s the worst thing that happens in a career. (But I did kinda resent the boss’s son-in-law getting a job I thought I should have had!)
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We'll have to see what role he will take up. Although becoming a model doesn't go well with his wish for privacy.

Nonetheless, I think it is wise that he didn't go back to Norway. He might want to do it at some point but living abroad will give him more wiggle room to find out what he wants to do in life.
We'll have to see what role he will take up. Although becoming a model doesn't go well with his wish for privacy.

Nonetheless, I think it is wise that he didn't go back to Norway. He might want to do it at some point but living abroad will give him more wiggle room to find out what he wants to do in life.

Maybe privacy wasn’t all he thought it would be! There are a lot of young, brawny, tall blond guys in SoCal...
Did he drop out of college in California then ?
Yes, he did.

We'll have to see what role he will take up. Although becoming a model doesn't go well with his wish for privacy.

Nonetheless, I think it is wise that he didn't go back to Norway. He might want to do it at some point but living abroad will give him more wiggle room to find out what he wants to do in life.
He left college and returned to Norway before the Queen's 80th birthday in July, he split from his girlfriend and was (according to several sources in the norwegian media) partying heavily with his celebrity friends. He has now got the job in Milan.

Is this a problem for the monarchy? No, it's not. Marius is not a member of the royal house, but he's a non titled member of the royal family and the norwegian taxpayer has paid (through the CP couple's appanage) for his luxurious life, and this has been discussed (again) on TV2 News Channel. So he must be a bit careful with what he does.

The monarchy is riding high with record support (mostly due to the King's enormous popularity), and the CP couple are again at a good place after some months whitout any so-called scandals and a hugely successful county trip. So now I just hope that Mette Marit will stay away from doing something stupid to protect her son from the media again, because it usually backfires on her when she does.
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so very recently we were communicated marius would move to the US for school and to live 'a life of privacy'. now, it turns out, he broke up with the girlfriend he had in the US, moved away, dropped his course, moved all the way across the world and decided to go into the business of fashion, where privacy will be hard to find. it strikes me as an odd move and as if he doesn't have yet the maturity needed for a profession to know what he is aiming for. it would appear indeed that it was his connections that got him his new high-profile job whilst not having experience, a degree, or the maturity that goes with being a professional. it is frustrating, because people spend years trying to break in arty industries, only to see that hard work actually doesn't matter - it is all who you know.
I do think that it could pose a threat to the monarchy. Even tough Marius clearly didn't choose his life, how he lives his life reflects on his mother and therefore on the royal family/monarchy. Especially, if he clearly uses his connections - that he has because of his position as the son of the crown princesses - to advance his career.

And those celebrity party-prone connections are also a reflection of the kind of people that Mette Marit and Haakon associate with and the choices they have made in terms of schooling and socializing. Mette Marit even defended his 'youthful indiscretion' and 'youth rebellion' by suggesting that every teenagers does that - she obviously did, but that doesn't mean that every one does. [Of course Mette Marit should never publicly blame or shame her son; making sure there are consequences is for private life] Not sure whether there is a huge divide in how much partying (and/or the type of partying) goes on in Norway's upper circles (other than the amount of money spend) compared to other parts of society.
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Everyone knows that Marius has what he has and gets what he gets because he's the stepson of Haakon. And most people have no problem with this and there is no debate about it in the media (with the exception of a discussion on TV2 News Channel, but that was not criticism). So I don't see this as a threat to the monarchy at all.

The problem in January (when the CP couple was at a bad place) was that Marius wanted to be a private person and put some of his things for sale on with the palace as his address which then led to several hate-mails and harsh criticism online and in the media.

I then wrote the following: ''He cannot participate in a TV show, being at parties with rich celebrity friends where the press is pressent, attending premieres with celebrities and pose in front of the cameras and then complain about the media attention he gets (which is in fact very small).''

And yes, Mette Marit's letter to the media was damaging and created a fierce debate in the media here, but I don't think/hope she will do something like that again. And if she feels that she must do it, then hopefully, the new PR people (who have been hired to help the CP couple) will be able to stop her.
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He's a kid. And he is at an age where it's really easy to do things that seem the act of an ass. That are the act of an ass. We have all been there. We either did those things or thought about doing those things when we were young, most of us. Then life smacks us about and we learn better.

I've chosen to cut him slack and as I am a citizen of the US, it is easy for me to be generous. :lol: But, I am learning daily that it is more humane in general to cut people slack than to slap them in the face. I just don't understand the need to drag people down... What does it accomplish?
He's a kid. And he is at an age where it's really easy to do things that seem the act of an ass. That are the act of an ass. We have all been there. We either did those things or thought about doing those things when we were young, most of us. Then life smacks us about and we learn better.

I've chosen to cut him slack and as I am a citizen of the US, it is easy for me to be generous. :lol: But, I am learning daily that it is more humane in general to cut people slack than to slap them in the face. I just don't understand the need to drag people down... What does it accomplish?

Well said, I totally agree, he should be left alone

A threat to the monarchy....seriously..???
He's a kid. And he is at an age where it's really easy to do things that seem the act of an ass. That are the act of an ass. We have all been there. We either did those things or thought about doing those things when we were young, most of us. Then life smacks us about and we learn better.

I've chosen to cut him slack and as I am a citizen of the US, it is easy for me to be generous. :lol: But, I am learning daily that it is more humane in general to cut people slack than to slap them in the face. I just don't understand the need to drag people down... What does it accomplish?
Agree! And he is given a slack, both by the media and Norwegians generally.

Well said, I totally agree, he should be left alone

A threat to the monarchy....seriously..???
He is left alone, and he's as I wrote in post 500 (where I go into detail), not a threat to the monarchy.
Everyone knows that Marius has what he has and gets what he gets because he's the stepson of Haakon. And most people have no problem with this and there is no debate about it in the media (with the exception of a discussion on TV2 News Channel, but that was not criticism). So I don't see this as a threat to the monarchy at all.

I then wrote the following: ''He cannot participate in a TV show, being at parties with rich celebrity friends where the press is pressent, attending premieres with celebrities and pose in front of the cameras and then complain about the media attention he gets (which is in fact very small).''

And yes, Mette Marit's letter to the media was damaging and created a fierce debate in the media here, but I don't think/hope she will do something like that again. And if she feels that she must do it, then hopefully, the new PR people (who have been hired to help the CP couple) will be able to stop her.
I agree that this one instance of using connections to land this job is not a thread in itself. If Marius keeps living the jet-set life, sending out mixed message about being a private person but at the same time clearly enjoying all the benefits that he has because of the family his mother married, this might not be considered acceptable and/or unfair or ungrateful by the Norwegian people; and this could eventually (over time or based on a few specific incidents; I am not saying it is right now) pose a thread to the monarchy. It is unlikely but not unthinkable - and it should be seen in addition to the criticism that the crown princely couple has received over their lifestyle. So, I stick to the position (at least for the moment; and you are free to disagree) that it would be important for him to be aware of his position as the future king and queen's (step)son and the restrictions that puts on him while enjoying all the perks that it also brings.
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I agree that this one instance of using connections to land this job is not a thread in itself. If Marius keeps living the jet-set life, sending out mixed message about being a private person but at the same time clearly enjoying all the benefits that he has because of the family his mother married, this might not be considered acceptable and/or unfair or ungrateful by the Norwegian people; and this could eventually (over time or based on a few specific incidents; I am not saying it is right now) pose a thread to the monarchy. It is unlikely but not unthinkable - and it should be seen in addition to the criticism that the crown princely couple has received over their lifestyle. So, I stick to the position (at least for the moment; and you are free to disagree) that it would be important for him to be aware of his position as the future king and queen's (step)son and the restrictions that puts on him while enjoying all the perks that it also brings.

I disagree

Look at some of the scandals of the BRF, e.g Prince Harry running around naked in Las Vegas, Sarah Ferguson (where do you begin?) and the infamous transcript of the tampon call between Charles and Camilla just to name a few (I could go on for pages).... and the British monarchy is still upright.

Marius has got a job allegedly using family connections but who doesn't use family connections to get their first job? You would be crazy not to. He may enjoy some 'perks' because he is MM's son but I expect that he has also suffered because of it. In relation to these 'perks' would it be more acceptable for Marius to live at a standard below that of the rest of his family?

He'll make mistakes as we all do, but unfortunately he won't have the luxury of the privacy that we all take for granted.

Honestly I cannot envisage this young man ever being a threat o the monarchy, even in the most unlikely of circumstances.
1. Somebody only quoted the first, third and fourth parts of my post. The second part (which was left out) together with the third and fourth part was about the situation in January.

2. And we can't compare Marius with other royal families, but we can compare him with Märtha.

Has her weirdnesses, eccentricness damaged the monarchy in the media and the political elite? Yes, it has.

Has it damaged the suport for the monarchy? No, it hasn't.

And again, everyone knows that Marius has what he has and gets what he gets because he's the stepson of Haakon. And most people (including the media) have no problem with that.
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I am getting a bit frustrated by loosing my text (that I tried to craft really carefully - main message: I think that we are more in agreement than it looks like at face value) all the time.

Therefore, I will just leave it at stating that I never intended to misrepresent your argument, just hoped to save some 'space' and, therefore, scrolling.
:previous: No worries, I noticed that you quoted my whole post without the second part, and I just wanted to state that this was not the entire post.
Interesting to hear that Marius has now moved to Milan. I hope he enjoys living in a new country - seems that he is travelling around a lot.
I disagree

Look at some of the scandals of the BRF, e.g Prince Harry running around naked in Las Vegas, Sarah Ferguson (where do you begin?) and the infamous transcript of the tampon call between Charles and Camilla just to name a few (I could go on for pages).... and the British monarchy is still upright.

Marius has got a job allegedly using family connections but who doesn't use family connections to get their first job? You would be crazy not to. He may enjoy some 'perks' because he is MM's son but I expect that he has also suffered because of it. In relation to these 'perks' would it be more acceptable for Marius to live at a standard below that of the rest of his family?

He'll make mistakes as we all do, but unfortunately he won't have the luxury of the privacy that we all take for granted.

Honestly I cannot envisage this young man ever being a threat o the monarchy, even in the most unlikely of circumstances.

Agreed with the bold text. Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York, Beatrice Borromeo, James and Pippa Middleton and list goes on have used their connections to gain advantageous employment. Marius isn't the first - or last - that will use connections to get ahead. It has happened since the dawn of time.

And as you have stated, Marius has probably suffered too from his mother's connections. More so is the lack of privacy and the constant remarks while growing up. The disadvantages certainly outweigh the benefits.
I don't think children of these known people have to do anything and have to ask anything.... they will be asked because of their name.
I feel for him. :sad: Looks like he's having a bit of a rough patch. Hope Milan gives him ballast and the new horizons he needs but in a safe place (for him).
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