Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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Marius has grown up to be quite handsome.
The only problem with the US Weekly article is that Marius of course is NOT royal. We wouldn't expect a US publication to know the difference though, would we ?

The only problem is with the TITLE of the article. The article clearly states that he's NOT a royal, but his half-sibs are, which is completely correct.
I remember, from the time of the marriage between Haakon and Mette-Marit, an older Norwegian gentleman saying on Swedish tv that "nobody expects The Prince to marry another royal for political reasons but we do have old, grand families in Norway to choose from instead of shopping in the gutter ". At least to him there were an Norwegian upper class (both previously noble and newer families) and in truth many of the old noble families continued to hold positions at the Royal court at least until the dissolution of the union with Sweden in 1905.

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That gentleman spoke to my heart, to be fair.
Ooh burn. IA or her brother might very well break the marrying commoners trend though.
That gentleman spoke to my heart, to be fair.

Not about Mette-Marit.. There are plenty of people at the top who did what she did and worse. Choosing someone from the aristocracy doesn't always mean that person will be classy.

So let's stop looking up at the ones "above" us and looking down at the ones "below" us. There isn't much of a difference.
Not about Mette-Marit.. There are plenty of people at the top who did what she did and worse. Choosing someone from the aristocracy doesn't always mean that person will be classy.

So let's stop looking up at the ones "above" us and looking down at the ones "below" us. There isn't much of a difference.

Thank you! Birth does not guarantee class, or morals. Plenty of aristocrats who live "in the gutter" and plenty of people born in poverty who go on to change the world. Really, this idea that people are better or more suited to marrying royalty because they themselves are noble is nothing but bigotry, pure and simple. Not much different than sexism or racism.
It is sad, especially in Norway, that there are still those who criticize MM for being a commoner. Haakon certainly didn't break any new ground, his own mother was a commoner herself. Henrik is the only Scandinavian consort from an aristocratic background.

The days of royals marrying other royals and aristocrats may not be totally over but limited. There is no longer a push for royal to royal weddings and monarchies don't associate as closely as they once did. They are more likely to marry someone within their own circles. It seems the German and smaller former royal houses tend to marry each other still, as they move in the same social circles. I guess the Scandis are close, so perhaps the next generation there could be a match. Victoria was always close to Haakon and Fred, but considering they were all heirs in their own right, wouldn't have worked out.

As for the current CP/new rulers, we have a small handful of noble consorts, well 3 in still titled. Mathilde of Belgium, Steph of Lux, and Sophie of Lichtenstein (born a princess of Bavaria, she is heir to the Jacobite claim to the British throne following her Uncle Franz and her father). Mathilde sees to have done a great job. Steph seems to have had mixed results from what I have read. I don't know much about the Lichs. Of the younger generations the only royal to royal marriage in a monarchy that hadn't been abolished, is Caroline and EA.
I remember, from the time of the marriage between Haakon and Mette-Marit, an older Norwegian gentleman saying on Swedish tv that "nobody expects The Prince to marry another royal for political reasons but we do have old, grand families in Norway to choose from instead of shopping in the gutter ". At least to him there were an Norwegian upper class (both previously noble and newer families) and in truth many of the old noble families continued to hold positions at the Royal court at least until the dissolution of the union with Sweden in 1905.

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I remember that too. But he is wrong in most parts. It is true that Norway has noble families. From there he is wrong. We have lots of noble families in Sweden too. Being a count/ess, baron/ess or a Duke/chess by birth doesn't automatically mean that you are living an upper class life, have a conservative lifestyle, have a lot of money, are well educated, living in a palace or a luxury house, driving a luxury car etc...

Well some do but most are living an ordinary anonymous life like most of us with a work or studies, living in a normal house or apartment, drivning a common car etc...

I am a volunteer in a church in Stockholms most upper class area and i can assure you that there are many people from noble families, sometimes also with well known parents and siblings who are at the bottom floor in society, are known by the police, have trouble with the law, with drugs, with alcohol, with economy etc etc. It is way more common in those circles than what many people know.

I think we all can agree that all of us, royal or not, noble or not should be judged by who we are and what we have done. Not by who our ancestors were and what they did.
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Not about Mette-Marit.. There are plenty of people at the top who did what she did and worse. Choosing someone from the aristocracy doesn't always mean that person will be classy.

So let's stop looking up at the ones "above" us and looking down at the ones "below" us. There isn't much of a difference.

I hope to be allowed to admit that the gentleman in question spoke to my heart. In my personal opinion the commonization of the royal families is the best and the quickest way to get rid of a monarchy. It is a pure and ongoing from inside out of what being royal still means. If commonization is such an amazing and fantastic thing, I would advise to abolish all monarchies indeed: then you have the pleasure to elect the best commoner for the job... For an example Mr Marius Borg running for a party and to be elected President of Norway. I am fine with keeping monarchies and royal families. But please, may we keep something royal, some distance, some decorum indeed?
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I hope to be allowed to admit that the gentleman in question spoke to my heart. In my personal opinion the commonization of the royal families is the best and the quickest way to get rid of a monarchy. It is a pure and ongoing from inside out of what being royal still means. If commonization is such an amazing and fantastic thing, I would advise to abolish all monarchies indeed: then you have the pleasure to elect the best commoner for the job... For an example Mr Marius Borg running for a party and to be elected President of Norway. I am fine with keeping monarchies and royal families. But please, may we keep something royal, some distance, some decorum indeed?

PH of Denmark came from a 'noble' family and look at his behavior, which is certainly not noble, and the damage he has done/is doing.

Compare this to the hard working and discreet 'commoners' who have married into this generation of royal families.....

Another example is Prince Charles of GB who was forced to marry from the higher echelons. We all know how that worked out?

And the less said about EA of Hanover the better.

The role of a monarch in this day and age is precarious and challenging enough without being expected to marry from a particular section of society. The heart wants what the heart wants.

Would any of us allow ourselves to be dictated to as to our choice of a life partner?
I hope to be allowed to admit that the gentleman in question spoke to my heart. In my personal opinion the commonization of the royal families is the best and the quickest way to get rid of a monarchy. It is a pure and ongoing from inside out of what being royal still means. If commonization is such an amazing and fantastic thing, I would advise to abolish all monarchies indeed: then you have the pleasure to elect the best commoner for the job... For an example Mr Marius Borg running for a party and to be elected President of Norway. I am fine with keeping monarchies and royal families. But please, may we keep something royal, some distance, some decorum indeed?

Monarchies are anachronistic and we know there is nothing more "special" about them than anyone else. They are kept by those nations whos like them as people. And what decorum do you crave? The Prince of Wales married to his mistress? That' s classy. Mette-Marit is an example that we can make mistakes and grow. Her son is lovely. He could run for president, perhaps.
Let's please get back on topic.
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has marius started university? or any other higher schooling? it would seem he is now at the age to start a degree and i was wondering if he is enrolled in any institution to continue his studies.
I have the question. The father of Marius what he is doing? and is married?

There are pics and information about Marius's father's wedding from page 3, post 57 on this thread. He gets on quite well with the royal couple from what I have read.
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He´s 19. What about his A-levels? Will he possibly go with his classmates on parade (National day) this tuesday in the traditional red suit?

Short clip: With classmates in a "A-level-student´s bus" (Russebuss)
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I remember that too. But he is wrong in most parts. It is true that Norway has noble families. From there he is wrong. We have lots of noble families in Sweden too. Being a count/ess, baron/ess or a Duke/chess by birth doesn't automatically mean that you are living an upper class life, have a conservative lifestyle, have a lot of money, are well educated, living in a palace or a luxury house, driving a luxury car etc...

To say she came "out of the gutter" is as exactly wrong and false to say as like claiming she derives from the Romanovs...!
The CPsses family is middle class, her father was a journalist and editor, her mother worked in a bank!
That gutter thing is a total myth. Is a Harry of Wales from the gutter because he did drinking and drug abuse as a teenager, too, or isn´t he because his father is a Royal?! :whistling:
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Marius is 19? Thank gawd, then I can admit how good looking he is without fear of the FBI coming to my door. I have never found Mette-Marit attractive, and though Marius looks like her and has her features I still wonder how he ended up so good looking.
To say she came "out of the gutter" is as exactly wrong and false to say as like claiming she derives from the Romanovs...!

The CPsses family is middle class, her father was a journalist and editor, her mother worked in a bank!
That gutter thing is a total myth. Is a Harry of Wales from the gutter because he did drinking and drug abuse as a teenager, too, or isn´t he because his father is a Royal?! :whistling:

Good context. :flowers: Thank you for saying.
MM like Daniel in Sweden likely has a slightly easier transition as the commoner spouse of the heir or monarch. In both cases they are the second generation, Silvia and Sonja carving the way. Harald married the daughter of a cloth merchant. If MM didn't have a history with drugs involved, the path would certainly have been less rocky. A single mom would have still caused shock for a royal marriage but not as much.

Marius seems to have a great family, a good balance on both sides. From pics it is obviously his dad and Haakon get along, both wanting the best for the son they are both raising.
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