Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
News from the Police today morning:
The police confirm in a press release that the interrogations have now ended, but the police do not rule out further interrogations later. Marius has pleaded guilty to the parts of the charge that relate to violence and damage at Frogner on 4 August, but not in the cases involving victims Snekkestad and Haukland.

So, Marius admits and confesses, where nothing can be denied anyway... - but he denies everything, that is harder to proof, all this "she says - he says" stuff.

Hmm, why not? It is his good right somehow! But he makes the police look incompetent this way. I mean, the police invested a lot of time and personell into the talks with Juliane S. and Nora H.

I wonder, if this will result in the police bringing the drug stuff foward. Marius went even so far, to declare, he was a victim too in tumultuous relationships with the girls! And now the police might think, Marius is embarrassing them and go though on him...

We'll see!
Marius went from an obscure royal adjacent background celebrity to a full-blown family embarrassment in just one day. Even if he doesn't want to help himself, I wish Durek could use his magical powers on him and cast an ancient life-in-Egypt spell to make Marius be less of a jerk.

At this point with the recent news, I would ask Shaman Durek to do a full family intervention on Marius with magic stones, Gweneth Paltrow's candles and throw in a side table gift shop to see what good spirit can seance that nasty conduct out of Marius for good.
So, Marius admits and confesses, where nothing can be denied anyway... - but he denies everything, that is harder to proof, all this "she says - he says" stuff.

Hmm, why not? It is his good right somehow! But he makes the police look incompetent this way. I mean, the police invested a lot of time and personell into the talks with Juliane S. and Nora H.

I wonder, if this will result in the police bringing the drug stuff foward. Marius went even so far, to declare, he was a victim too in tumultuous relationships with the girls! And now the police might think, Marius is embarrassing them and go though on him...

We'll see!

Police prosecutor Andreas Kruszewski said they will carefully review the content of Marius' explanation. He said also that a deadline has been set for the completion of the investigation, but he can't tell when it is. He didn't tell if the police has searched Skaugum or if some members of the royal family have been interviewed.

The head of communications at the royal house, Guri Varpe, tells VG that Mette-Marit or others in the royal family have not yet been asked to appear for questioning in the criminal cases against Marius.
So, Marius admits and confesses, where nothing can be denied anyway... - but he denies everything, that is harder to proof, all this "she says - he says" stuff.

Hmm, why not? It is his good right somehow! But he makes the police look incompetent this way. I mean, the police invested a lot of time and personell into the talks with Juliane S. and Nora H.

I wonder, if this will result in the police bringing the drug stuff foward. Marius went even so far, to declare, he was a victim too in tumultuous relationships with the girls! And now the police might think, Marius is embarrassing them and go though on him...

We'll see!
Surely, Juliane and Nora confided to at least one friend and perhaps have some sort of physical evidence? Documentation in a journal or diary? This extreme behavior shown on August 4 sounds like a
pattern as opposed to an anomaly.

I hope they go for the drugs and criminal friends. If Marius threw some “friends” under the bus, he might get some sort of “deal” but I am still waiting for court ordered rehab.
What a hot mess:shock:
I don't know about you, but I sympathize with Marius.
Take a look at this photo of Marius and his abusive girlfriend Juliane Snekkestad.
You can see how intimidating she is.
Why, while wearing heels her head almost reach his chin. And look at those wrestler-hands she has. She's downright scary!
I bet that if she stood on her toes, she could throw a punch on Marius chin that could almost hurt a little bit.
And I imagine she said nasty things to him like: - Please, stop! - Don't hurt me. - Or: Why are you being mean to me?

I applaud Marius for finding the courage to finally come out and talk about the abuse he no doubt endured. If I were his dad I would be so proud.

- Oh, BTW did I ever tell you that I don't like wife-beaters? No? Well, I don't!
I don’t sympathize with or even believe Marius here, but it’s perfectly possible for women to be not only physically but emotionally abusive to men, and sexist discounting of that only makes men in troubled relationships more reluctant to speak out, do anything, or get help.

I don’t like flipped gender violence, either.
If they were together for a few years, it's possible that they had such a sick relationship that they both were going crazy. While she doesn't look like hitting him would be likely, that's not the only way someone can be physically abusive.

But, since he already took responsibility for the abuse back in August, it's hard to buy his "it was mutual" defense now.

Things are proceeding exactly as I anticipated: His mother is out of the public eye (sort of), and he's headed to rehab (sort of). I feel a negotiated outcome on the horizon, maybe rehab in lieu of prison or something.
Not sure who of the posters have seen the miniseries 'big little lies' part one with Nicole Kidman, there we have a toxic relationship where the woman hits back but the abuser is the man. I feel reminded of this. Including the possible blaming of the woman who usually doesnt confide in friends out of shame or doesnt document the abuse, when the man can say afterwards: what are you talking about?
Even on TV, it doesnt end well. And I dont want to imagine what would been the next circle of violence after trashing the apartment.
I don’t sympathize with or even believe Marius here, but it’s perfectly possible for women to be not only physically but emotionally abusive to men, and sexist discounting of that only makes men in troubled relationships more reluctant to speak out, do anything, or get help.

I don’t like flipped gender violence, either.
It is certainly possible for women to be abusive. In particular emotionally and verbally and to a lesser degree physically. And that too can be very hurtful for the victim, in this case men.
However, in regards to Marius, I don't buy it.

I don't because it does not fit the pattern of how Marius behave, see himself and what evidence there is for his behavior.
There are physical evidence of him thrashing an apartment of his latest girlfriend, and there is physical evidence of violence committed to her as well. And there are reports of him thrashing his own home at Skaugum.
To that come the audio evidence of him being verbally dismissive of "minor violence" like pushing as well as death threats against a named person.
When you combine that with the image Marius has portrayed himself, i.e. as a macho man, a gangsta, and holding a pistol (which I now doubt very much was a prop) then Marius does not strike me as a meek person, who would accept verbal abuse from Juliane Snekkestad, or even a perceived slight or sign of disrespect without responding and responding very firmly. Nor do I think that he would accept a slap on the cheek from a girlfriend, without striking back.
And finally, he is being accused of being abusive by three ex-girlfriends. Had it only been one of the three ex-girlfriends, there would have been reason for doubt. And had he otherwise been widely described as having a very good-natured, kind and restrained character, he would have been even more believable.
As it is, I simply do not believe Marius claim about him being a victim of abuse.

An interesting question is of course whether he was, so to speak, born with this violent trait, whether he learned it from his criminal friends, who are no doubt ready to (and also respect the) use violence at a much lower threshold than the average man or whether is has come about and perhaps been reinforced by his abuse of drugs and alcohol. It is IMO probably a combination of the three.

It may very well be that he and Juliane had a tumultuous relationship, perhaps especially towards the end, and that that included various forms of name calling and what not. Perhaps even that he got a slap - which I'm certain he returned in kind if that was the case.
It may also be that Marius simply made it up, or blew something out of proportion. I.e. a kind of childish response akin to: yeah, I hit him on the head with a shovel, but he took my lollipop.
Because the longer this spectacle continues the more and more convinced I become of there being sheep on mountain slopes in Iceland who have a better chance of becoming members of Mensa than Marius has. So I also doubt this is a part of some sort of subtle plan to try and counter-incrimininate, so to speak, Juliane Snekkestad or this being a part of a mind-game.
I agree to you Muhler. Maybe that was the advice of his lawyer to say, suddenly after two months!, that Juliane was abusive too. This is simply outragious IMO.
If he had hit her and screamed at her how would a normal woman just keep quiet and silently endure everything? As a small tiny woman she most certainly would not have hit back knowing like any woman who isn't built as a man, she wouldn't have had a chance. But, sure she would have tried to hurt him and retaliate him with words. Honestly, I still wonder how she has endured that horror for three long years.

The fact, that Marius is now accusing her and more might come with the other girlfriends, shows that he is not at all aware of his misdoings. I don't believe one word of regret or promises to go to rehab.

I sincerely hope, that this story will not turn around to him being the victim, because "those girlfriends were so aggressive that he had to treat them like that".
Maybe I am too pessimistic, but with that month long silence by the NRF, the extremely long procedure by the police, I am afraid they are working something out in the background to get him excused, rehabilitated without any further serious consequences.
Excellent analysis to both hereditarytitles and Muhler! Marius's chronic use of alcohol and cocaine has certainly impacted his ability to behave maturely, leading to anger and violence, especially when he feels he is the victim. Family history and hanging out with the Hells Angels further accentuates Marius's deviant behavior. I've often wondered if his mother and step-father fear him!? Also, having an attorney known to represent "bad guys" must be quite seasoned at getting his clients a not guilty ruling. I think it's possible all charges could be dropped against Marius.😬
Do we know that Marius just made the accusation recently or it is just being revealed recently?

Also Marius was interviewed eight times by the police, which was not known until recently.

A question I have is is concurrent sentencing common practice in Norway? My recollection is that an abuse in close relationships conviction comes with a prison sentence of up to 6 years, if that is the case, would Marius be sentenced to 18 years if he pleaded guilty to physical violence against all three women, or would it be likely get some kind of concurrent sentencing? Also he has other very serious charges against him but the abuse in close relationships is the one with the lengthiest sentence IIRC.
Concurrent sentencing is not used in Norway.
Depending on the severity of a number of similar offenses, you get the basic standard sentence plus an additional time that is considered adequate.
Example: Kicking a Smurf contains a maximum sentence of say 5 years, with the average sentence being 1 year.
Okay, Marius has kicked three Smurfs, so instead of getting 3X1 year, he may get 4 or 5 years, because he has committed the same crime multiple times. But there is no way he would get 3X5 years = 15 years.
The main purpose of sentencing in Norway is rehabilitation and basically only in cases where that is not possible or in extreme cases, like the Breivik massacre, would they throw away the key.
The reasoning being that locking people up for many years, among often very hardened criminals, rarely makes them better people when they are eventually released. - It's also expensive to lock up people for many years.
I'm sorry , whilst I absolutely accept that women can be the abusive partner , both physically and emotionally . I find it hard to believe that this is the only instance in which Marius is at fault . The choice of attorney also gives me pause . A very expensive lawyer , paid for by ???????, who has a history of defending ,[ yes we all have the right to competent defense , no argument there ]individuals who have then been convicted . Have to wonder who recommended this lawyer ?? MM and Haakon , and of course their Majesties , and HRH Princess Astrid have done well during the Finland state visit , I hope they continue in their service to Norway .
MM and Haakon , and of course their Majesties , and HRH Princess Astrid have done well during the Finland state visit , I hope they continue in their service to Norway .

As a Finn it didn't feel nice that during the state visit, when the Presidential couple had welcomed the Royal couple and Crown prince couple to the return reception to the Nobel Peace Center and they all were going in, the press yelled: How is Marius doing today? What does the Crown prince couple think about that Marius is going to rehab? And same again when the royals and the Presidential couple left the reception together.

Marius and Juliane bought a detached house together in Tønsberg. It was sold in 2022. The land register shows that between 2020 and 2022 several creditors took a mortgage on the house, on seven occasions a mortgage was taken on Marius' half of the house. The claims totaled NOK 119,323. (..)
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Marius' lawyer has given an interview to Norwegian DN (it's a paywall article):
The Devil in the details
Øyvind Bratlien defends gangsters, murderers and gang leaders. But only when part of the royal family made contact it exploded.

Se og Hør quotes the interview
- There was a phone call from the prison. I picked up the phone. They said there was someone there who wanted to talk to me. And then just... "Hey, it's Marius", says Bratlien in the interview.
When asked if he had to think twice before saying yes, Bratlien says that he never thinks twice and says yes to everything - except pedophiles.
Marius' case is one of the least serious he has had in 15 years. It's not a serious matter in theory, and to that extent also in practice. But at the same time there is the media hysteria. It is absolutely extraordinary. But it's just about taking control and he feels that he has done that.
Bratlien had nothing to do with Marius' statement, Marius wrote it. Bratlien is most surprised about that what is really just evidence, explanation from an offended person, is treated as a truth. 100 %. Articles and comments have shocked him.
Marius' lawyer has given an interview to Norwegian DN (it's a paywall article):
The Devil in the details
Øyvind Bratlien defends gangsters, murderers and gang leaders. But only when part of the royal family made contact it exploded.

Se og Hør quotes the interview
- There was a phone call from the prison. I picked up the phone. They said there was someone there who wanted to talk to me. And then just... "Hey, it's Marius", says Bratlien in the interview.
When asked if he had to think twice before saying yes, Bratlien says that he never thinks twice and says yes to everything - except pedophiles.
Marius' case is one of the least serious he has had in 15 years. It's not a serious matter in theory, and to that extent also in practice. But at the same time there is the media hysteria. It is absolutely extraordinary. But it's just about taking control and he feels that he has done that.
Bratlien had nothing to do with Marius' statement, Marius wrote it. Bratlien is most surprised about that what is really just evidence, explanation from an offended person, is treated as a truth. 100 %. Articles and comments have shocked him.
I think it's unsurprising that people are outraged over the behavior of the Crown Princely couple's son—he is, after all, their son in everything but genetics. If the lawyer is shocked by the media and public interest, which extends beyond concerns about Marius' behavior to questions about potential criminality of someone so close to the royals, their leadership capabilities (if they can't handle their own family, how can they lead effectively?), and accountability—then this lawyer is either naïve or out of touch with reality or is being deliberately dismissive of the public's very legitimate concerns.
So Bratlien draws the line at accused / not convicted pedophiles , but is fine about defending for a fee , admitted abusers, drug takers , those who confess to almost "wiping out " a serving member of the armed forces by dangerous driving . . Did MM contact the victim in that case?I have my doubt's , after all during the past several years the Norwegian press have ,according to Marius himself kept all the info out of the general public eye . Doubtless to MM's relief . Of course the Norwegian people are going to be concerned / interested , this is their first family, Marius has been raised / supported and protected by their taxes , as an example of a happily blended family . Very modern . Seem's to me it's not only Marius who needs to grow up , but also the CP Couple . Thank heavens IA is safely in the military .
I think it's unsurprising that people are outraged over the behavior of the Crown Princely couple's son—he is, after all, their son in everything but genetics. If the lawyer is shocked by the media and public interest, which extends beyond concerns about Marius' behavior to questions about potential criminality of someone so close to the royals, their leadership capabilities (if they can't handle their own family, how can they lead effectively?), and accountability—then this lawyer is either naïve or out of touch with reality or is being deliberately dismissive of the public's very legitimate concerns.
He's dismissive.
The article is about Bratlien saying a lot of blah blah. As can be expected. - He is getting a lot of focus right now and don't think he isn't fine with it. That's a lot of criminal and shady clients in the future, especially if he actually manage to convince the court to let Marius off lightly. So this is a portrait he is very happy about.

It is of course his job to believe his client's version of the events and he is not obliged to tell the truth to the public.
For example he claims that Marius wrote his public statements shortly after the arrest himself. No he didn't, that statement was written by a professional. IMO either an employee of the court or another lawyer. But Bratlien can of course truthfully claim that Marius wrote that statement himself, because defense lawyers are sometimes allowed to be incredibly naive.
And that includes him being so surprised how much media attention this is getting.
His job after all is to try and play this down as much as at all possible and he is being allowed to that in this portrait.

So IMO there really isn't anything odd in this portrait. He's doing his job. - And very benefiting from it.

I still find it a little suspicious that innocent little Marius just happened to have the phone number of a leading defense attorney on him. After having killed his own phone, remember. After all I doubt this was an office number and considering it was a Sunday afternoon, this smells more like an emergency number for already vetted clients where they can reach him 24/7. - Such a number is not made public, lest shoplifters and purse-snatchers call him. I doubt very much Bratlien will bother with such people.
I also find it suspicious that Marius decided to call this lawyer, rather than phoning home or calling an NRF lawyer he may happen to know. Especially considering that Marius has nothing to do with the activities of his criminal friends...

I think the average 27 year old, who has no prior record and is not involved in crime would be pretty bewildered when arrested for the first time in his life. And would be more likely to accept the appointed defense attorney off hand rather than ploughing through the phone register for a high-grade defense attorney. Or would alternatively call his family or a close friend for help and advise.
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The state pays for lawyers of people charged with a crime, you have free choice in your court distrikt and the prions has lists with contact information, if you want one who lived further away you might have to cover travel expenses, but not a problem in Oslo of course who has all the best lawyers.

Its hardly strange that criminal deffence lawyers take more or less all clients when it is the basis of the court system that everyone has the right to a lawyer. Even our very worst mass murder got a team of high powered lawyers, as he should have.
He's dismissive.
The article is about Bratlien saying a lot of blah blah. As can be expected. - He is getting a lot of focus right now and don't think he isn't fine with it. That's a lot of criminal and shady clients in the future, especially if he actually manage to convince the court to let Marius off lightly. So this is a portrait he is very happy about.

It is of course his job to believe his client's version of the events and he is not obliged to tell the truth to the public.
For example he claims that Marius wrote his public statements shortly after the arrest himself. No he didn't, that statement was written by a professional. IMO either an employee of the court or another lawyer. But Bratlien can of course truthfully claim that Marius wrote that statement himself, because defense lawyers are sometimes allowed to be incredibly naive.
And that includes him being so surprised how much media attention this is getting.
His job after all is to try and play this down as much as at all possible and he is being allowed to that in this portrait.

So IMO there really isn't anything odd in this portrait. He's doing his job. - And very benefiting from it.

I still find it a little suspicious that innocent little Marius just happened to have the phone number of a leading defense attorney on him. After having killed his own phone, remember. After all I doubt this was an office number and considering it was a Sunday afternoon, this smells more like an emergency number for already vetted clients where they can reach him 24/7. - Such a number is not made public, lest shoplifters and purse-snatchers call him. I doubt very much Bratlien will bother with such people.
I also find it suspicious that Marius decided to call this lawyer, rather than phoning home or calling an NRF lawyer he may happen to know. Especially considering that Marius has nothing to do with the activities of his criminal friends...

I think the average 27 year old, who has no prior record and is not involved in crime would be pretty bewildered when arrested for the first time in his life. And would be more likely to accept the appointed defense attorney off hand rather than ploughing through the phone register for a high-grade defense attorney. Or would alternatively call his family or a close friend for help and advise.
I wondered about that, too. Then I remembered that he surrendered to police from home, so he had time to consult with his “advisers” and get this guy’s number.

My guess is someone — MM’s attorney? One of his friends’ attorneys? — called Bratlien and asked if he’d represent Marius. After all, Bratlien unless he had been alerted in advance, I doubt he would have known who was calling when the voice on the other end of the line said, “Hi, it’s Marius.”
I wondered about that, too. Then I remembered that he surrendered to police from home, so he had time to consult with his “advisers” and get this guy’s number.

My guess is someone — MM’s attorney? One of his friends’ attorneys? — called Bratlien and asked if he’d represent Marius. After all, Bratlien unless he had been alerted in advance, I doubt he would have known who was calling when the voice on the other end of the line said, “Hi, it’s Marius.”

Maybe Marius said: "Hi, it's Marius. Marius Borg Høiby". And he had time between the call from the police and the arrest to find out Bratlien's phone number. Or maybe he has had the phone number for some time already, just in case. Since Marius has many friends connected in criminal actions and he himself being drug addict, maybe he understood that he could some day do something, where he needed a lawyer. Because he had already before lost his temper many times and demolished his home. I don't think it's strange at all that he could have Bratlien's phone number and it isn't strange that he wanted Bratlien as his lawyer.
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