Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Swedish Expressen quotes articles in Bild in connection of publishing the photos of Marius:
It is not known exactly when all the photos were taken, but all have recently been published in German Bild.
The newspaper also interviews a source who they state is a person who moves in Marius's inner "party circle".
- Marius always liked his status in the royal family, the person tells Bild, adding that Marius "could do as he wanted".
According to the source, Marius had parties at Skaugum. The crown prince couple lives there together with Marius' younger siblings, Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus, and he in a separate house on the grounds.
- We even had a party at Skaugum's castle, the family estate. There, too, drugs were taken. Who would get to us there? Mette-Marit and Haakon are also often gone, says the source to Bild.
I don’t think the woman he is with in Italy is the woman who he is accused of assaulting recently. In the photos of them leaving Skaugum together in his car I got the impression she is blonde and the woman in Italy appears to be brunette. Of course she could have dyed her hair so who really knows.
God. I used to like this family, particularly Haakon, but I think they’ve lost the plot. They can’t even pretend they understand the concept of modeling good examples for the country they are supposed to represent. Yikes 😳.
I feel the same way. Coming from a republic and living in Europe, I’ve always found it fascinating that some of the most progressive countries continue to be monarchies. Constitutional, yes, but still monarchies. The significance of their bloodlines, wealth, and historical roles are things I can scarcely imagine. While I can overlook certain flaws in families, I still fundamentally believe that those allowed to be in such positions should exemplify the highest standards and contribute positively to the image of their country, rather than detract from it. Unfortunately, at this point, the NRF seems like just another wealthy family with bratty members and that’s as “common” as it can get.

On a slightly different note, I’ve been interested in figures like Elisabeth of Belgium, who attended Oxford and is heading to Harvard, or even Alexandra of Hanover, who apparently has a master’s degree from Columbia (would love to read her masters thesis at some point). Just some random examples I can think of atm, I just enjoy knowing that privileged young people are genuinely striving to contribute in meaningful ways. I can also better appreciate King Charles and Queen Margarethe now for the strong stance they’ve taken in dealing with their family members.
I understand where people are coming from regarding royal families setting an example but they are also people too. I think its very easy for some of these family members to fall under the influence of bad people and hanger ons. Its also not just this generation that has had this problem.
On a slightly different note, I’ve been interested in figures like Elisabeth of Belgium, who attended Oxford and is heading to Harvard, or even Alexandra of Hanover, who apparently has a master’s degree from Columbia (would love to read her masters thesis at some point). Just some random examples I can think of atm, I just enjoy knowing that privileged young people are genuinely striving to contribute in meaningful ways.

I don't think privileged young people who attend Oxford, Harvard or Columbia make more meaningful contributions than privileged (or unprivileged) young people who are educated or educate themselves elsewhere. In order not to take the thread off-topic I will leave it at that.
I don't think privileged young people who attend Oxford, Harvard or Columbia make more meaningful contributions than privileged (or unprivileged) young people who are educated or educate themselves elsewhere. In order not to take the thread off-topic I will leave it at that.
I think Moby meant to make a comparison between royal offspring, some being ambitious and some not so much.
I think royal families are a representation for the people of their country. If someone in the royal family is exemplary, all the exemplary people find themselves there and all those who are not feel pushed a little bit more to do better. If someone’s a shame to the family (to put it bluntly), all the people who are far from being a pillar of society feel relieved that there are those so privileged who still cannot clean their act, and all those who strive for the best in them feel valued that they can do better than such privileged individuals.

In that regard, both MM and Marius are a relief.
Besides his dark self, Marius major problem is his inability to see the consequences of his actions, make them stop and turn around to change his conduct. He is as entitled as he is indifferent on how this affects people around him. And since a child doesn't raise himself to learn how to get away with everything, we have to place responsibility on the CP couple placing patches on every drama Marius gets involved in.
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I don’t think parenting comes in to play as much as people are trying to put the blame on them. You can never be with your child 24/7. You give them the tools to be the best that they can be. People from poor families, middle class families and rich families can also have these issues. Sometimes parents don’t realize the extent of the problems.addicts can be very good at hiding things.
Besides his dark self, Marius major problem is his inability to see the consequences of his actions, make them stop and turn around to change his conduct. He is as entitled as he is indifferent on how this affects people around him. And since a child doesn't raise himself to learn how to get away with everything, we have to place responsibility on the CP couple placing patches on every drama Marius gets involved in.

Some kids are just fundamentally very hard to parent. Certainly Haakon and Mette Marít will have made mistakes in how they raised Marius, but I’m sure they made mistakes with Ingrid and Sverre Magnus as well, and those two kids seem to be doing very well. Of course, Marius didn’t have the same upbringing as his younger siblings (just to start, he had a different father, one whose parenting style and behaviours Haakon and MM would have had little control over). But it’s hard to believe that Mette Marit and Haakon would have been terrible parents to Marius while doing fine with the younger two. I would guess they were likely at least “ok” parents, in that they had the capacity to raise functional children under normal circumstances.

It’s possible that Marius has been a challenge from a very young age. Just as some parents are blessed with children who never have any major issues and could probably raise themselves, other parents wind up with children who face a variety of significant problems from day one. And if that child then develops problems with drugs or alcohol, that adds an entirely new set of circumstances a parent has to react to, but can’t control.
From what I recall, at the moment of their wedding Marius was about 3-years old only. At that young age, and with such a tight bond between them and Haakon's family I don't understand where thing went wrong for this young man. Maybe those in RFs that are from the Scandinavian region, with access to old articles, can shed some light if years ago during his teens he started acting up in rebellion?

That past would explain the present. A person doesn't go from one extreme to another, like the knife on a wall, unless those demons were festering inside for years. And, a parent always knows their kids, even in denial of their actions they still know where and why this conduct started happening with Marius.
Where is Olivia Pope when you need her?!?

"Tone deaf" is the phrase that keeps coming to mind. Because you can do something does not always mean you should.
Does Marius and by extension the NRF not care about his image and how this will all affect public perception of the monarchy?
Marius has been accused of amongst other things threatening and violence towards young women. He has admitted to mental health and drug problems. The LAST place he should be seen is around young women and alcohol (even if it club soda in his cup- I highly doubt it).
It seems no effort is being made to rehabilitate his image. This all seems very sad.
You can't force an adult to get help or put them in rehab. They have to want to get the help otherwise its just a revolving door. Its just unfortunate because they are public figures and their problems are playing out in the press and social media which only adds to the problems.
Ageee you can't force a 27 year old to do anything. But then the funding needs to stop or have strict restrictions. Living rent free in the crown prince couple estate with just a free for all of attendees needs to be restricted.
Traveling with a diplomatic passport at 27 with no job or role in life is not necessary.
Some real life lessons are needed.
Sorry but a man accused by 3 women of violence; yes I will judge.
Ageee you can't force a 27 year old to do anything. But then the funding needs to stop or have strict restrictions. Living rent free in the crown prince couple estate with just a free for all of attendees needs to be restricted.
Traveling with a diplomatic passport at 27 with no job or role in life is not necessary.
Some real life lessons are needed.
Sorry but a man accused by 3 women of violence; yes I will judge.
At 27 you are way past the age where you should be able to understand that actions have consequences.
There are lots of 27 year olds who are responsible for businesses, expensive equipment and other people.
There are lots of 17 year olds who are responsible for putting food on the table for their families.
So either Marius is exceptionally immature in his development or he has never ever learned to care for anyone else but himself.
From what I recall, at the moment of their wedding Marius was about 3-years old only. At that young age, and with such a tight bond between them and Haakon's family I don't understand where thing went wrong for this young man. Maybe those in RFs that are from the Scandinavian region, with access to old articles, can shed some light if years ago during his teens he started acting up in rebellion?

That past would explain the present. A person doesn't go from one extreme to another, like the knife on a wall, unless those demons were festering inside for years. And, a parent always knows their kids, even in denial of their actions they still know where and why this conduct started happening with Marius.
It's called DNA. In my educated opinion Marius unfortunately received a genetic profile from both his mother and father that has left him behaviorially defenseless. We also don't know what his first 3 years were like to trigger what has now become his 27 year old self. There are specific long-term treatment programs available that can bring about positive changes in Marius. Hopefully this will be part of the court mandated incarcerated sentencing.

Many of us view Marius, including myself, through an ethnocentric lens which only gives us insight into ourselves. With specialized long-term incarcerated treatment Marius's pathological violent behaviors may be modified. I think there is hope for Marius but it will require serious intervention.
Parallel to Høiby swinging around in Italy, the two ex-girlfriends were together on the occasion of Anniken Jørgensen's wedding at Ramme Gård in Hvitsten.
Pictures from Se og Hør show that the two soon ended up in dialogue with each other, but what the women talked about is currently unknown.
Haukland also posted on her Snapchat story that she was originally on a TV recording, but had been given time off to attend the weekend's wedding.
Juliane and Nora:

Nettavisen commentator Asbjørn Svarstad has reported from Berlin for the past 30 years, and knows the German media well. He says about the Bild photos that in Germany there are obviously completely different limits for press ethics than in Norway. He warns the royal family.
- They should hire the most expensive lawyers they can find and go to war. If not, this will just continue and continue. What Bild is doing now is not without risk, although they have certainly had heavy legal help. The royal family must get legal help, otherwise these scandal magazines will only continue this.
He says the pressure on Marius from the German media is fierce, and it is directed just as much at Mette-Marit.
- She has been loved in many parts of Germany, and was "Cinderella" who came to Skaugum. But now that's over. They have changed their tone and ask how she could let this happen.

What is striking: While Marius cuts a serious figure at official events, in private he likes to show off his tattoos. They now cover a large part of his upper body.
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Nettavisen commentator Asbjørn Svarstad has reported from Berlin for the past 30 years, and knows the German media well. He says about the Bild photos that in Germany there are obviously completely different limits for press ethics than in Norway. He warns the royal family.
- They should hire the most expensive lawyers they can find and go to war. If not, this will just continue and continue. What Bild is doing now is not without risk, although they have certainly had heavy legal help. The royal family must get legal help, otherwise these scandal magazines will only continue this.
He says the pressure on Marius from the German media is fierce, and it is directed just as much at Mette-Marit.
- She has been loved in many parts of Germany, and was "Cinderella" who came to Skaugum. But now that's over. They have changed their tone and ask how she could let this happen.

What is striking: While Marius cuts a serious figure at official events, in private he likes to show off his tattoos. They now cover a large part of his upper body.
I wouldn't say that there are "completely different limits for press ethics" in Germany, that would apply IMO to Great Britain, for example the DailyMail, The Sun,or Express. However "Bild" is indeed not a solid paper and has some borderline reporting. It is known for exaggerated scandal headlines and gossip and yes, also for showing pictures that other papers wouldn't.
But the blame also goes to those people who are eager to sell those pictures.

If other big papers like "Die Welt" or "Die Zeit" are reporting at all about royals or scandals they usually do this in a way which considers press ethics.
I wouldn't say that there are "completely different limits for press ethics" in Germany, that would apply IMO to Great Britain, for example the DailyMail, The Sun,or Express. However "Bild" is indeed not a solid paper and has some borderline reporting. It is known for exaggerated scandal headlines and gossip and yes, also for showing pictures that other papers wouldn't.
But the blame also goes to those people who are eager to sell those pictures.

If other big papers like "Die Welt" or "Die Zeit" are reporting at all about royals or scandals they usually do this in a way which considers press ethics.
I believe the same goes for the press in any country, UK included.
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I wouldn't say that there are "completely different limits for press ethics" in Germany, that would apply IMO to Great Britain, for example the DailyMail, The Sun,or Express. However "Bild" is indeed not a solid paper and has some borderline reporting. It is known for exaggerated scandal headlines and gossip and yes, also for showing pictures that other papers wouldn't.
But the blame also goes to those people who are eager to sell those pictures.

If other big papers like "Die Welt" or "Die Zeit" are reporting at all about royals or scandals they usually do this in a way which considers press ethics.
Don’t forget the public who consumes those pictures. The only reason there’s a market for it is because people buy them.
Don’t forget the public who consumes those pictures. The only reason there’s a market for it is because people buy them.
You are right! And I must admit and I am not the only one, if we are honest, we look at these pictures and read those articles. We are guilty too. The difference is that I would never subscribe to such tabloids or buy them, The internet has provided us with the possibility to read tabloids and we could abstain but we don't, or some people don't.
Nettavisen commentator Asbjørn Svarstad has reported from Berlin for the past 30 years, and knows the German media well. He says about the Bild photos that in Germany there are obviously completely different limits for press ethics than in Norway. He warns the royal family.
- They should hire the most expensive lawyers they can find and go to war. If not, this will just continue and continue. What Bild is doing now is not without risk, although they have certainly had heavy legal help. The royal family must get legal help, otherwise these scandal magazines will only continue this.
He says the pressure on Marius from the German media is fierce, and it is directed just as much at Mette-Marit.
- She has been loved in many parts of Germany, and was "Cinderella" who came to Skaugum. But now that's over. They have changed their tone and ask how she could let this happen.

What is striking: While Marius cuts a serious figure at official events, in private he likes to show off his tattoos. They now cover a large part of his upper body.
Sorry, but that's hypocrisy by a Norwegian journalist.
"The pressure on Marius and MM by the German media is fierce"
Oh, there is no fierce pressure by the Norwegian media? Even one of the victims spoke of a witchhunt.
Not defending "Bild" though, I wouldn't use that trash for my cats' toilets. But I don't think Norwegian Se og Hör is any better.

And from what I have seen there is actually still a lot of sympathy for MM in Germany.
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You are right! And I must admit and I am not the only one, if we are honest, we look at these pictures and read those articles. We are guilty too. The difference is that I would never subscribe to such tabloids or buy them, The internet has provided us with the possibility to read tabloids and we could abstain but we don't, or some people don't.
Agreed. I include myself as well since I’m here gawking and yapping. However, I probably come across as sanctimonious or preachy to many, but I believe I can indulge in gossip without losing sight of truth. Keeping those who demand or require my support and respect honest, as well as the ones who seek to profit from that indulgence, is my way of offsetting my part in the whole enterprise.
Well, this is of course slightly off topic, but even though I won't buy a gossip magazine if I can avoid it and I personally disapprove of paparazzi photos unless they serve a purpose, I have no qualms about finding and posting free material from gossip mags here.
After all this is a royal forum and as such we have to gather information from all sorts of sources in order to discuss and verify that info. Fact-check things and figure out what is up and down in order to present the most comprehensive and correct picture as possible of what is going on.
To that comes that a number of members here have expert knowledge about fashion, genealogy and as such can provide additional details.
After all a lot of people come here in order to get the most factual news and information as possible. - And if that means we occasionally have to use even disreputable magazines as sources, so be it.

My personal criteria is: Does it serve a purpose and is it relevant to post XYZ here?
Sorry, but that's hypocrisy by a Norwegian journalist.
"The pressure on Marius and MM by the German media is fierce"
Oh, there is no fierce pressure by the Norwegian media? Even one of the victims spoke of a witchhunt.
Not defending "Bild" though, I wouldn't use that trash for my cats' toilets. But I don't think Norwegian Se og Hör is any better.

And from what I have seen there is actually still a lot of sympathy for MM in Germany.
People who have adult children with drug and other problems may be sympathetic, and there are a lot of them worldwide.
Oh, there is no fierce pressure by the Norwegian media? Even one of the victims spoke of a witchhunt.
I interpreted Nora Haukland's post as referring to the reactions on social media.

Not defending "Bild" though, I wouldn't use that trash for my cats' toilets. But I don't think Norwegian Se og Hör is any better.
And from what I have seen there is actually still a lot of sympathy for MM in Germany.

The entire Marius Borg Høiby saga began with Se og Hør breaking the news of his assault and vandalism arrest - and Se og Hør has also broken many important royal news stories in the past.

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Reputation expert Trond Blindheim thinks Marius practically "lives for free", given his low income and that most people perceive the silence as confirmation of that. His wild lifestyle is largely financed by taxpayers, which many find very provocative.
Blindheim thinks Haakon and Mette-Marit have dialogue with advisers and Marius. It would have been much better to say "I want to help my son in a difficult time" than to be silent. A lawyer's advice is to say as little as possible. But in this case, with such fierce interest, which escalates and is unequivocally negative, it would have been smart to say something the public understands. The large, negative publicity takes a toll on the Royal House's reputation. It's damage reduction now. Haakon and Mette-Marit will say more at some point but with everything that has been said and not said after the events, it is too late. The desire to protect Marius and Mette-Marit with silence is completely wrong. And no matter how much his mother might want it, Marius is not a private person. The Palace must take that into account.

Juliane Snekkestad and Marius lived in Tønsberg until autumn 2022. The case in which she is offended has therefore been investigated in the South-East police district.
The police informs that the investigation has been moved to the Oslo police district, which is investigating the rest of the cases against Marius.
"We can confirm that the Oslo police district has taken over the case from the South-East police district where Juliane Snekkestad has been offended. It has until now been dealt with in the South-East police district, which has conducted two interviews with her," writes communications adviser Tommy Hiorth-Lillefjære in the South-East police district to TV 2.
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