Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Marius has got a restraining order against the third offended woman
The order lasts until March next year. This is confirmed by the woman's lawyer and the police to NRK.
The restraining order means that Marius cannot contact the offended woman in any way, either physically or digitally.
- The order applies from today until March 2025. Will not comment further, Mette Yvonne Larsen in an SMS to NRK.
The woman initially did not want a restraining order, but has now changed her mind.
Marius and the woman have had a romantic relationship. In the wake of the incident in the woman's apartment, the two have been in contact.
Aftenposten first mentioned the ban on visits. Larsen tells that the visiting ban was considered necessary.
Andreas Kruszewski has taken over as prosecutor in the case. In a press release on Tuesday, the police write that Marius has agreed to the order. This came into force on the second of September.
- The basis for the restraining order is that the victim wants it. Beyond this, the Oslo police district will not go into details about the background.
Juliane Snekkestad's lawyer Petter J. Grødem says that there is no restraining order between Marius and his client. They have not requested it.

Se og Hør reveals that in the time after the incident in the apartment at Frogner, Marius allegedly harassed his ex-girlfriend with text messages. In addition, he allegedly carried out a form of telephone terror against the woman. At all hours of the day, Marius must have tried to call her.
It has gone so far that Marius has been reported for "reckless behaviour".
Marius has also been banned from visiting the woman.
It is particularly serious when an accused in a case of violence carries out this type of action against the victim, who is also a witness in the case.

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Why March? Is that the standard duration for a temporary restraining order?

I do wonder what caused the victim to have a change of mind about remaining in contact with Marius and whether the recent video of him visiting a bar in Italy and seemingly drinking and being accompanied by a girlfriend who may or may not have been her had anything to do with it.

The victim seems to be showing consideration towards the royal family and attempting to minimize the effect of the case on them: first by downplaying the Crown Princess's making contact with her, and now by asking for her restraining order only after Princess Märtha Louise's wedding festivities have ended.

Reputation expert Trond Blindheim thinks Marius practically "lives for free", given his low income and that most people perceive the silence as confirmation of that. His wild lifestyle is largely financed by taxpayers, which many find very provocative.

But that isn't true, is it? The main point of the Royal House/Royal Family distinction is supposed to be that only the members of the Royal House have their lifestyle financed by taxpayers.
Why March? Is that the standard duration for a temporary restraining order?

I do wonder what caused the victim to have a change of mind about remaining in contact with Marius and whether the recent video of him visiting a bar in Italy and seemingly drinking and being accompanied by a girlfriend who may or may not have been her had anything to do with it.

The victim seems to be showing consideration towards the royal family and attempting to minimize the effect of the case on them: first by downplaying the Crown Princess's making contact with her, and now by asking for her restraining order only after Princess Märtha Louise's wedding festivities have ended.

But that isn't true, is it? The main point of the Royal House/Royal Family distinction is supposed to be that only the members of the Royal House have their lifestyle financed by taxpayers.
If Marius' mother and stepfather use part of their appanage to support him then his lifestyle can be seen by some as being funded by the taxpayers.
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Well, as we can see there is still zero improvement with Marius' behaviour. He kept terrorizing the young woman with phone calls and texts until he got a restraining order. I really don't see how the NRF can keep accepting his behaviour. Mette-Marit and Haakon have to tell him it can't go on like this.
If Marius' mother and stepfather use part of their appanage to support him then his lifestyle can be seen by some as being funded by the taxpayers.
That is quite an interesting question. I really don't know how the royal courts are being financed, ok they get an apanage because they "work" as representatives for their country (I always try to understand how it works by our federal president who gets a huge salary for representing the country). But, I assume any royal house in Europe has accumulated much wealth from past centuries, some European royals more than others. But how much there is in wealth, such as in trust funds, large agricultural or wood property or inheritated jewels, paintings and other items of great wealth, we just don't know. I believe that nobody who belongs to a royal family in Europe will be in need of money if he doesn't have a regular job as we (the peasants) have.
In a case like this with a suspion of a family member being funded by taxpayers money I can imagine the protests.
I really don't see how the NRF can keep accepting his behaviour. Mette-Marit and Haakon have to tell him it can't go on like this.
They may have had many conversations over the years but Marius will not or cannot change his ways. We don't know what the family has been doing behind the scenes. Dealing with family members suffering from mental illness and/or addiction is complicated, difficult, and often very sad.
Today, September 3, 2024, the Royal Court announced the King's decision to remove Marius Borg Høiby's (and four other individuals') official membership of the Royal Family.

Information and discussion on the decision:

As Marius Borg Høiby has no title, no rights to the throne, and no direct taxpayer funding, and he already formally withdrew from public life in 2017, I believe this decision leaves him stripped of all official ties to the monarchy or state, making him technically a completely private person.

Let us see if that alters his behavior, the public's perceptions of him, or the media's treatment of his criminal investigation.
It's called DNA. In my educated opinion Marius unfortunately received a genetic profile from both his mother and father that has left him behaviorially defenseless. We also don't know what his first 3 years were like to trigger what has now become his 27 year old self. There are specific long-term treatment programs available that can bring about positive changes in Marius. Hopefully this will be part of the court mandated incarcerated sentencing.

Many of us view Marius, including myself, through an ethnocentric lens which only gives us insight into ourselves. With specialized long-term incarcerated treatment Marius's pathological violent behaviors may be modified. I think there is hope for Marius but it will require serious intervention.
IIRC, Marius’ bio dad was not in a relationship with MM. Both parents were doing drugs, I can’t imagine she was trying to get pregnant. So who knows what/if he was exposed to in utero? Who knows what he experienced in his father’s care? We know this affects the brain and how it wires. When I was working as a counselor, I saw the effects on children whose parents were/are using Every. Single. Day. Fortunately, our brains are resilient but children need extra and specialized help to heal this trauma. I agree that Marius needs serious intervention. If MM is still in protective mode, she may not insure that he gets it - here’s hoping it’s court ordered.
Why March? Is that the standard duration for a temporary restraining order?

I do wonder what caused the victim to have a change of mind about remaining in contact with Marius and whether the recent video of him visiting a bar in Italy and seemingly drinking and being accompanied by a girlfriend who may or may not have been her had anything to do with it.

The victim seems to be showing consideration towards the royal family and attempting to minimize the effect of the case on them: first by downplaying the Crown Princess's making contact with her, and now by asking for her restraining order only after Princess Märtha Louise's wedding festivities have ended.

But that isn't true, is it? The main point of the Royal House/Royal Family distinction is supposed to be that only the members of the Royal House have their lifestyle financed by taxpayers.
I have no clue about restraining orders in Norway, but in the US, I’ve seen them for 48 hours up to whenever the court case is scheduled. IMHO a restraining order for 6 months (March) shows the judge is considering this to be serious.
TV 2 about Marius' restraining order
TV 2 is informed that the basis for the restraining order is a new report about reckless behaviour.
The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen denies that it is the woman who has reported Marius.
- She has not reported him again for anything, says Larsen to TV 2.
But is there a new review?
- I think you have to talk to the police about that. I will not say more than what I have said now. There is a restraining order and there are things that have happened in recent times that have made it necessary.

A couple of days ago TV 2 wrote that a previously convicted man in his 30s, who has been friends with Marius for several years, was recently charged in an extensive drug case. Marius is not involved in the ongoing investigation against his friend, with whom he has been in London, among other things.
So the restraining order is not due to the abuse suffered on August 4th but due to more recent events/incidents?? the text messaging?
Well, this is of course slightly off topic, but even though I won't buy a gossip magazine if I can avoid it and I personally disapprove of paparazzi photos unless they serve a purpose, I have no qualms about finding and posting free material from gossip mags here.
After all this is a royal forum and as such we have to gather information from all sorts of sources in order to discuss and verify that info. Fact-check things and figure out what is up and down in order to present the most comprehensive and correct picture as possible of what is going on.
To that comes that a number of members here have expert knowledge about fashion, genealogy and as such can provide additional details.
After all a lot of people come here in order to get the most factual news and information as possible. - And if that means we occasionally have to use even disreputable magazines as sources, so be it.

My personal criteria is: Does it serve a purpose and is it relevant to post XYZ here?

All I want to know is how long until we have a Big Brother House of Adjacent Royals TV 📺show with Marius, the Duke of York, Durek, Harry, Queen Noor, Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, etc. I propose filming it in Frogmore :eek:

Kidding aside, Re tabloids, they are all manipulated with only the intention to sell a cover with a scandalous headline. If Europe had no royals, tabloids would limit the coverage to media celebrities as they do in the USA because no one really cares on what the families of elected politicians do. Royals are a big business for tabloids.

But here, the advantage is RF has the ability to filter out the garbage tabloids manufacture because we have more eyes on other sources of information to refute it in here. I

have to say, in terms of curated news about royals what we see, post and comment on in here is more accurate because everyone helps out with the research as the day and the time zones gets more members to read and review on the articles.
I wouldn't say that there are "completely different limits for press ethics" in Germany, that would apply IMO to Great Britain, for example the DailyMail, The Sun,or Express. However "Bild" is indeed not a solid paper and has some borderline reporting. It is known for exaggerated scandal headlines and gossip and yes, also for showing pictures that other papers wouldn't.
But the blame also goes to those people who are eager to sell those pictures.

If other big papers like "Die Welt" or "Die Zeit" are reporting at all about royals or scandals they usually do this in a way which considers press ethics.
Is house arrest an option for Marius at his sentencing?
I must say that walking around wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with "F#ck the kingdom" does not sound reassuring regarding his state of mind.😒
In belgian Justice should have done their work since August 4th. Marius is guitly for different things against the law and travelling in Italy should be forbidden. I hope he is now back to Norway.
Is house arrest an option for Marius at his sentencing?
I must say that walking around wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with "F#ck the kingdom" does not sound reassuring regarding his state of mind.😒
I agree. I found the photo, "The Line King", really bad

I agree. I found the photo, "The Line King", really bad

I just saw that the photo only shows the upper part, must be because of the paywall(although I could see it ). But the shirt has these words printed "The Line King" and "F...the kingdom"
They may have had many conversations over the years but Marius will not or cannot change his ways. We don't know what the family has been doing behind the scenes. Dealing with family members suffering from mental illness and/or addiction is complicated, difficult, and often very sad.

I have a lot of understanding for mental illnesses and addiction, what I don't have understanding for is Marius' constant harassment of women.

I did not expect that Marius would change his ways completely overnight, but that he would keep terrorizing the victim when he is already being charged with offenses against her is incredibly stupid. This will only increase his sentence!

Mette-Marit and Haakon might have had many conversations with Marius over the years, what I am not so certain of is whether there have been consequences for his behaviour. And whether there are consequences now!

Marius partying in Italy for instance. With what money? He has got a low income from his repair business and judging by the scooter he did not repair over the course of one year (!), he probably doesn't work a lot. Thus, a very low income. So where does the money come from? Obviously his mother and stepfather.

This is where I'd start. I can understand that they don't want Marius to end up on the streets. He's got a house on their estate, give him an allowance for necessities and pay for therapy and addiction treatment if he is willing to go, sure, but there is absolutely no need to fund a 27-year-old person's luxury lifestyle if he behaves like this. You're not even doing him a favour, he'd be much better off learning personal and financial responsibility.
:previous: I think that is a sensible analysis. However, since his father also married into a wealthy family, it is at least conceivable that his discretionary spending could be funded by Morten and Celine as well as or instead of Mette-Marit and Haakon.
:previous: I think that is a sensible analysis. However, since his father also married into a wealthy family, it is at least conceivable that his discretionary spending could be funded by Morten and Celine as well as or instead of Mette-Marit and Haakon.
There is always the possibility that he is getting money through other avenues, and some of those avenues might be more than unsavory. I hope it is not the case but, apart from his violent behavior, its his activities that we don't yet know about that concern me most.
It's very difficult to be a parent to a child with mental health problems, it's impossible to do things right.
Very close friends of mine had a daughter who started acting out while still a minor, taking drugs and cutting herself. The parents, the health care and social authorities did everything they could to turn her away from this self destruction, but to no avail, she ran away from every rehabilitation home she was sent to. Came back home to demand money, screaming and shouting, trashing their home if she didn't get her way. They gave her money, in the hope she wouldn't prostitute herself. It didn't work though. She died from an overdose at the age of 26, leaving her parents completey broken, both financially and mentally. It's 15 years ago now but they still haven't recovered.
Knowing this girl and her behaviour towards her parents, I can easily see how Marius is "blackmailing" his parents to submit to his demands. Otherwise he'd threaten to run amok at Skaugum.
My heart goes out to M-M and Haakon, I can easily understand what they have been through, having seen this myself at close quarters. Also having to hear from the-know-it-alls how they should've done this or shouldn't have done that. Not easy.
It's not a question of spoiling the child or being too soft, it's about surviving and hamper the damage.
Today at Pressens hus was a debate, the case: Norwegian press coverage of the charge against Marius.
VG's head of news Eva-Therese Loo Grøttum said about publishing the recordings of the phone calls that they believe it is authentic documentation of the aftermath of the incident. You gain insight into Marius' use of words about what he thinks happened. And it in the context of his statement, there is quite a significant contrast that is very relevant to highlight. Because the victim is neither a public figure nor identified, they didn't include her voice in the audio clips published.
Se og Hør's editor Ulf André Andersen says they waited further progress in the criminal case, such as restriction order and now they published the phone call too. Andersen said also:
- I have to be completely honest and say that we have known a lot about Marius Borg Høiby in recent years. We have chosen not to write about it, because we have believed that it has been private.
Although they have written a lot about Høiby over the years, Andersen believes they have "been kind" to him.
Too kind?
- Yes, maybe. But we believed that it was not a case until his eventual drug problem caused others to suffer. And it is now.
More here:
I'm not well versed in restraining orders and I think the explanations are a little confusing.
The third victim's lawyers says the victim did not want a restraining order, but at the same time she says that the victim had a restraining order issued on advise from her. And the police say that a restraining order was issued because the victim wish that.

- So my understanding is that Marius has been calling and texting the third victim 24/7 - with success, because we have seen Marius and his girlfriend together and it appears the girlfriend is now not that keen on a case being made against Marius.
So I guess that the lawyer, whose duty it is to protect this third victim, has learned about Marius siege or charm offensive if you prefer, and thought: We need to separate these two! So the lawyer has been leaning heavily on the victim to make her agree on reporting Marius and get a restraining order.
Alternatively the police can on their own accord issue a restraining order against Marius. Basically because he may be attempting to obstruct justice, influence a witness/victim or interfering with a police investigation.
The next step is to arrest Marius and keep him in jail (= confinement, in contrast to prison = convicted prisoners. Just to keep the two things apart even though the terms may overlap in English.) until the police investigation has ended, or in more severe cases until he is facing a trial.
House arrest is not an option. You can after all harass someone from your own home.

My impression is that this third victim is impressionable, which is hardly surprising given the circumstances!

I also believe that Marius lawyer and the NRF legal advisors take turn each night throwing darts at pictures of Marius.
After all this is not exactly helping Marius and it's also somewhat in contrast of Marius statement about being sooo sorry and not being himself and blah, blah - because that's what it was IMO, blah, blah.
And as forward thinking and considering consequences doesn't strike me as being among the foremost virtues of Marius I'm guessing that the victim's lawyer and now the police have copies of at least a number of Marius text messages and messages on the victim's answer-phone.

I don't think Marius is easy to defend nor easy to help.
It reinforce my impression of him being a self-imagined alpha male and who handles things on his own, because that's macho and he knows better.
I'm not sure the board rules permits speculations about Marius intellect, suffice to say that my own impression on that particular matter has not been refuted.
First the Wedding and I am right ! The Editors knew about Marius but wrote nothing because it was private ,
and they admit having been too kind.
To me it just start and unexpected Investigations will come out. Violence , drugs , etc..and poor Haakon who wanted to protect his wife who has a serious illness since a lot of time will be in a difficult situation.
May King Harald have a long Reign..
So the restraining order is not due to the abuse suffered on August 4th but due to more recent events/incidents?? the text messaging?

Yes. The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen stated on Tuesday to TV 2 that the restraining order was considered necessary due to "incidents that have happened in recent times".
Dagbladet asked Larsen what kind of events we are talking about. To that, she replies that it is a question of contacts that have been unwanted.
There is no need for a restraining order on Marius in Nora Haukland and Juliane Snekkestad's cases now.
- It has not been a problem and we have not seen the need to ask for a restraining order now, says Haukland's
lawyer, John Christian Elden.
Snekkestad's lawyer Petter J. Grødem also states that they have not found it necessary to request a restraining order as the situation is today.

Carl-Erik Grimstad, former member of Storting and professor of journalism and press ethics at Kristiania University, worked in the king's staff in the 90s.
He believes that the strong desire to shield Marius from the public may have made the situation worse - both for him and for the royal house. Grimstad believes that more openness and less caution in the Norwegian press could have revealed Marius' lifestyle many years ago.
Grimstad says that Norwegian journalists have good insight and a large network of sources in a number of different environments. He believes that the strong appeal from the royal house may have affected both the flow of information to the press and the editorial assessments relating to coverage and publication.
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The third victim has according to Se og Hør still pain in her throat and is still on sick leave. People close to the woman can also state that she has visual disturbances and struggles with "tunnel vision" as a result of the violent incident.
Se og Hør has asked the woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen if she can say anything about how her client is doing, and if the police have finished questioning her. She hasn't responded.
So she has been hit in the head several tens of times!?! As well as strangling her with his hands 5 times.
Even if he was "just" slapping her, that is pretty severe!
If this is correct and such behavior is confirmed by the other girlfriends then I simply cannot see how Marius can avoid at least 4-6 months in prison.
I cannot see how he can talk himself into a suspended sentence.
So she has been hit in the head several tens of times!?! As well as strangling her with his hands 5 times.
Even if he was "just" slapping her, that is pretty severe!
If this is correct and such behavior is confirmed by the other girlfriends then I simply cannot see how Marius can avoid at least 4-6 months in prison.
I cannot see how he can talk himself into a suspended sentence.
If this is what has happened it’s beating. I hope he’s going to prison in this case, mental and drug problems do not justify such a savage behaviour. (I know certain ilnesses DO induce violence but I expect the family to be much more proactive than that if he had such an illness.)
Since these events have come to light I have made an effort to stay as little active on the conversation as possible but have kept an eye on the conversation and the unfolding of the events. This is because I am a former victim of DV so I can be less objective. Since my personal experience, about a decade ago, I have been really involved in this area trying to educate myself as much as possible as help wherever I can. This has lead me to me having a certain amount of knowledge on the topic of DV so my opinion on this particular case has been pretty much formed from the begining. But I wanted to hold on expessing an opinion before more details were revealed as each case can have something different than others.
At this point the things for me are pretty clear and my opinion is this:
- I belive the abuse has been taking place for some time making the girl really tied to Marius. The initial report was not made by her but by some friend , she has gone with him to pick up her things, after the indicent was reported, the restraining order was not her idea (if I am understanding correctly). Clearly she is still attached to him and is not able to make the best decisions for her, someone else has to make those.
- I do believe Marius has substance abuse issues, I do not believe he has mental issues. The mental issue claim is a cop out in a big majority of DV cases.
- The abuser's family usually suffers to but, in the majority of the cases, we are talking about regular families, that do not have acces to the resources needed to stop the abuser. This is not a regular family. This is a family that have access to all the resources needed so either they did not care or do not think that this is a big issue.

Once again, this is just my opinion, I do not claim any of these to be the truth of this case. I trust that the investigation will end up clearing everything for everyone.
I dow however wanted to share my opinion as from my point of view only by having as many DV victims speaking up and sharing experiences is how we as a society can take a step forward to stoping DV.

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