Frederik, Mary and Family on Summer Holidays: 2005-2008, 2012-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't know what they may have been seeing on Falster, but the museums in Aarhus are of course familiar to me.

Aros is the main art museum there. It's very popular among the locals, because they present art in a way so even laymen (and children) appreciate it.

The hyper modern Moesgaard Museum exhibits details about Denmarks early past. From the Stoneage onwards. and it includes a bog mummy. The Grauballe Man - the worlds best preserved bog mummy and I dare say after Ötsil also one of the most thoroughly examined corpses from that period.
He was killed for whatever reason and placed or dumped in a bog after his death around 290 BC. He was 34 years old.
You can read a little about him here:
He must have fascinated M&F's children, while no doubt also finding him a bit spooky!

His colleague, the Tollund Man, was by all accounts sacrificed and tenderly laid to rest in a bog. He too was in his 30's when he was killed around 405-384 BC.

Being an ethnographic museum it depicts vividly how the first Danes looked like:
In fact this gentleman may have been here before the Danes came.

I have also updated the map I uploaded previously:
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That is very nice of the Crown Princess to share her photos.
Thanks to all who posted links.
Frederik looks fifteen years younger without the beard!
Hmm, I wouldn't think he is 35 based on that picture. I am not even sure that he looks younger... Different, but not necessarily younger. You can clearly see that he has aged a bit over the last 15 years ;).
Thanks, Polyesco.

From the text we learn that M&F and a few friends boarded Dannebrog Friday, for a four day cruise.
The went aboard near Fredensborg, sailed to Aarhus, where Frederik had an engagement in connection with the sailing championships there.
Then sailed across Aarhus Bay to Samsø.
- And we must deduce south along the coast of Jutland, around the south coast of Funen, visiting Lyø on the way. Across the belt to Lolland, and sailing towards Copenhagen from the south.

All photos taken by Crown Princess Mary, except the photo of Mary which Crown Prince Frederik has taken ?

Wonderful family pictures from Knuthenborg! How lucky we are to have a Crown Princess who kindly share some lovely pictures from their private vacation with all of us :wub:
:previous: I love how Isabella's top reads "ciao Bella"! ?
We've been spoilt with holiday photos of the family this summer. It's a great idea and should help keep paparazzi at bay as we're being fed with some more private content, a lot of which is taken by the family themselves.
Thanks to all who provided the links. This is what i call a great family holiday. I bet in years to come they will have many fond memories of this time.
Christian is growing up so fast.
I agree it is very kind of Mary to share her photos with us.
Also the family created a nice buzz for locals wherever they went.
Denmark has so much to offer. Tourism to these out of the way places may pick up a little especially from other Danes.
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Billed Bladet provides a comprehensive coverage of the first half of M&F's holiday cruise with their children in this weeks issue.
(Link to scans will be posted in the Nikolai, Felix etc. thread later.)

Summary of article in Billed Bladet # 32, 2018.
Written by Ken Richter & Ulrik Ulriksen.

After having embarked Dannebrog from a harbor near Fredensborg the family arrived in Aarhus for the sailing championships that are currently taking place there. Here Frederik had an official duty to perform Saturday.
But while in Aarhus he took his family sightseeing.
They sailed into Marselisborg Marina (one of the three major marinas in Aarhus. Now Marselisborg has got the bragging rights, and they love it! I know several who have boats in that marina.) on a chaluppe from Dannebrog.
Then it was off for a two hour visit of Moesgaard Museum, a little further down the coast.
Moesgaard houses, apart from a bog mummy also permanent exhibition of prehistoric times, the Stone Age and Medieval times, as well as a themed temporary exhibition. Right now it's about the Mongol nomads around the time of Djengis Khan. - You may recall that Frederik went to Mongolia in his youth on a scientific expedition.
Here the family posed outside the museum.
The children liked the museum and Frederik told our reporter: "I haven't been here before, but it's a fantastic museum."

There is no mentioning of the family visiting the art museum Aros, but perhaps Mary went alone with the children? (Aros BTW is the old Danish name for Aarhus. While Aarhus is medieval and means a large stone building by the river, Aros may simply mean a settlement next to a river deep enough for ships to moor. - Now you have some trivia to bore someone with. ?)

The next day the family sailed across Aarhus Bay to the idyllic island of Samsø.
With them went Jeppe and Birgitte Handwerk and their children.
Samsø has a surprising number of small harbors, ideal for sailboats and motorboats, so Dannebrog anchoring off the coast and the chaluppe sailing into the harbor attracted a lot of attention!
And the whole visit was very well covered by the local newspaper. (More on that if I can find it.)
There is also a manor on Samsø, Brattingsborg, and the current owners, Irene and Anders Lassen received M&F and friends and presumably they were the ones who took them on a guided tour of the island in a local taxi.

The tour included a canal dug during Iron Age, right across the island from west-east. It was used to drag boats when the weather made it too difficult to sail around the island.
Then the family went to what is called the worlds largest labyrinth (don't know if that's true) where the family split up into two teams and competed about about being the first to reach the center. That includes questions that has to be answered in order for you to take a particular path. The themes were sport and Astrid Lindgren.
The family also visited the highest spot on the island (it's really not that high! 64 meters.) Ballebjerg.
After all this the family went to Brattingsborg Manor for lunch.
After lunch it was time for some bathing at a nearby beach. That was popular! So popular that the departure from Samsø was delayed a bit.

In the article there is a wonderful photo of a very cheeky looking Josephine, that I look very much forward to sharing with you! :lol:

Brattingsborg Manor:

And Ballen Harbor:

And this is the canal that was laboriously dug some 1.500 years ago by the islanders:ø.jpg

- From a tourist point of view it may not be the sexiest attractions, but it provides a good picture of a typical Danish family getting to know their country, which is why I go into so many details.

I tried to have a look at the local newspaper, Samsø Posten, but they require a subscription. I guess they need all the money they can get in order to stay in business.
Thank you very much Muhler. It's fun to be able to follow the family around thanks to your account. The beautiful pictures you added make me feel like a tourist myself! :flowers:
That... shirt... is a must for the male fashion thread! :eek::shock:

You are welcome, Hannelore. ?

The Skanderborg Festival is also known as the most beautiful festival in DK. The surroundings sure are scenic. But it's also different from other festivals in the distance, in every way, between performer and audience being smaller.
Difficult to explain. Perhaps the fact that the festival takes place in a forest makes it more intimate.

Oh my goodness Polyesco, that last picture here, Frederik almost looks like he is 20 does this man keep looking younger as we all know he is getting older like all of us. What a gorgeous looking Frederik, so damn cute.........?:wub:
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Frederik looks great in his shirt - I'm not a fan of such a style normally but Frederik manages to make it work!
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:previous: Well, according to the comments to the video, some have the impression that Frederik hadn't only been drinking water... :lol:
And that's fine.

I must admit I share that impression and that's fine. That's what festivals are for. So here's to you Frederik. :cheers:

ADDED: You be the judge, here is a good quality video:
Every paper worth mentioning has this video this morning.
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So very funny, Frederik is certainly enjoying the day and wonder if he is willing to share what he is drinking with all of us here......I could use a real stiff drink right now......:lol::lol:;)
There have been a lot of comments on Frederik's... eeh... merry... appearance on stage yesterday.
Everyone and everybody have voiced their opinion. Some saying that it was a planned PR stunt by Frederik (nonsense IMO). A few saying that it was perhaps a little over the top to appear on stage (merry or not) like an ordinary celeb. Few have any problems as such with it, because that's basically just Frederik being Frederik. i.e. folksy with the people. - And as one commentator points out; He has Mary as a contrast. She is very regal and maintains, so to speak the, not aloofness but dignity of the DRF, so that Frederik can get away with something like this and even be cheered for it.

Practically all are in agreement that this is something Frederik can do this while he is still a Crown Prince. And most are also in agreement that this will not damage Frederik's popularity, on the contrary in fact. Perhaps especially among the under 35ish. - But being ancient myself I don't feel I can comment on that. ? That I'll leave to those here on TRF in that age-range.

The prevailing consensus among the comments I have glanced on Instagram and so on, have been a mix of chuckles and bless him to "he will be the best king ever!" Very few have been negative.

It's most interesting in fact! And I doubt Frederik would have gotten away with prior to Mary. And had it been back in the 90's people would IMO again start talking about Joachim perhaps being better suited as king.
But Frederik has earned a lot of personal credits, especially in the past ten years.
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I say this somewhat tongue-in-cheek but I thought you Danes liked your party boy heirs/kings, their unflappable consorts and spirited kids.
Well, it's a relief to know that the DRF won't become boring now that PH is gone. :D
:previous: He'll get there eventually. :D

Here is an excerpt from today's editorial in the tabloid BT:

Wat it bold or stupid? It was certainly genuine and it is once again a part in painting a very honest and likable portrait of our future king of Denmark.
Are there anyone who will chose to be appalled at Crown Prince Frederik's sudden entre at SmukFest (the festival) Thursday evening? Definitely. Are there anyone who will think it was inappropriate and stupid? No doubt. But that will probably be the minority and not at all the generation for whom the Crown Prince will be king. Most Danes love the folksy Crown Prince and see him as a genuine and loving person of flesh and blood. A good and loving father. A devoted husband. But also a little shy, sometimes a little awkward and this Thursday night under the beech-trees in Skanderborg also a little tipsy Crown Prince.
How can you not love him to bits?
We here at BT hope that also applies to the Queen and the Crown Princess who may spat out their morning coffee when they saw the pictures.

Var det modigt eller dumt? Det var i hvert fald ægte og endnu engang med til at tegne et meget ærligt og sympatisk billede af vores kommende konge af Danmark.
Er der nogen, der vil vælge at blive forarget over kronprins Frederiks pludselige entre på SmukFest torsdag aften? Helt sikkert. Er der nogen, der vil synes, at det var upassende og dumt? Uden tvivl. Men det vil formentlig være de færreste og slet ikke den generation, som Kronprinsen bliver konge for. De fleste danskere elsker den folkelige Kronprins og ser ham som et ægte og ærligt menneske af kød, blod og tårer. En god og kærlig far. En dedikeret ægtemand. Men også en anelse genert, nogle gange lidt kejtet og denne torsdag aften under bøgetræerne i Skanderborg også en lidt småberuset kronprins. Hvordan kan man andet end at knus-elske ham? Vi her på B.T. håber, at det også gælder Dronningen og Kronprinsessen, som måske har fået morgenkaffen galt i halsen, da billederne nåede dem.

It is fortunate for the DRF that the Crown Prince appears as he doens't have to cover up his true self - the Danes like him, just as he is.
The many comments which the pictures from the Nephews concert has caused are overwhelmingly positive. And the image he is helping draw to the world is of a small safe kingdom, where the Prince can walk freely and party among and with the people, is nothing less that a fantastic advertizing campaign for our small fairy-tale country.

Det er heldigt for Kongehuset, at Kronprinsen virker, som om han ikke behøver at dække over sit sande jeg - danskerne kan lide ham, præcis som han er. De mange kommentarer, som billederne fra Nephews koncert har affødt, er entydigt positive. Og billedet, han er med til at tegne ude i verden af et lille trygt kongerige, hvor prinsen frit kan færdes og feste iblandt og med folket, er intet mindre end en fantastisk reklamekampagne for vores lille eventyrlige land.

Read the whole editorial here:

BTW: Frede is the Danish term of endearment for Frederik.
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