Frederik, Mary and Family on Summer Holidays: 2005-2008, 2012-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I like how the DRF's social media team lets the royals post themselves sometimes on their Instagram - or at least quote what they've said with more personal photos. It makes Kongehus's account seem much more authentic and down to earth.
Agree 100% with you. I just love the down to earth photos of this couple. You kind of feel included in their holiday jaunts. "Finding objects using maps ", sounds like fun and its a different way to keep the family occupied.
Fred and Mary like making holiday time with their children interesting and a learning experience.
That is a very high jump from the ship for Christian.
Doesn't Fred look happy relaxed and contented these days. He always looks his best when surrounded by his family. He and Mary have done a wonderful job bringing up their children.
So wonderful to get all Frederik's and Mary's own private pictures and tales from their unofficial summer trip with the kids around in all of Denmark's little gems.
It is learning in the very best way. They show their children their land and let them meet and know their countrymen through active play and activities. Must be an great last week of the family’s last week of summer vacation. I enjoy following it! :flowers:

If you click on the Danish Royal House's Instagram and click on the icon with the Crown at the top - you can see their Instagram stories - videos where the whole family jumps in the sea from Dannebrog. Watch them with sound on. :D
a nice facebook message from the Frogman corps on the family's visit yesterday: "In connection with kronprinsfamiliens summer cruise with the royal boat Dannebrog they came today past kongsøre. It was a pleasure to greet Pingo and his lovely family.Continued good raid to all of you "

nice touch referring to Frederik with his frogman nickname of Pingo:flowers:
M&F and Christian and Isabella have just arrived to an open air music festival, the Smuk Festival at the scenic town of Skanderborg in Eastern Jutland.
So far they have been spotted backstage.
Reports Ritzau.

No photos yet. But there will be, there are thousands of people around.

- Wasn't it at Smuk Festival a couple of years age, we saw a... very merry... Frederik on stage?

Follow up.

And we have the first photo, sort of.

It's Rune Majland who suddenly saw Frederik at the festival among the fstival goers.
He tells:
"We were down to see Nena. Then he (Frederik) is suddenly running around on the square/festival grounds. He had some guys around him, to protect him.
Then I say to him: You (informal) wouldn't mind having a selfie, would you?
He was pretty laid back and said: Then you (informal) gotta be damned quick."

Update from the festival:

Mary and the children are rocking away to Citybois.
There is a video of them in this live report on BT, which you may wish to follow, bedtime is coming up for me.

In the meantime Frederik is rocking along to Suspekt.
Also on video in the link above.
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It's nice that the family can have a good time without being photographed or having their photos released. Not all major royals have the luxury!
This couple really appear to have the best of both worlds. They perform their royal duties very well, and when they are on private holidays the public show their respect by allowing them to go about their business of holiday fun without disturbing them too much. That is the best way to show respect. And I think they are very fortunate to receive this from the public.
That's easy to answer: They are passing Sletterhage Lighthouse at Helgenæs. - That's directly east of Aarhus, heading east.

The island the ship is passing to the south is likely the northern most bit of Samsø.

That's the most logic route back to Copenhagen by sea from Skanderborg.

A couple of photos of Frederik at the festival last night, sitting next to Bent Wedell of the Wedell family.

I'll spare you a headache by not mentioning what was said in the article to the photos. I can however say the the band Frederik was listening to, Suspekt, is known for their lewd songs.
That's not for the ears of children and small dogs. ?
Good article on the family visiting the festival.

"According to Søren Jakobsen, it is positive to see a royal family who are not afraid to come out among the Danes.
"The alternative would be that they didn't get there at all, because there are as many cell phones and selfies as there are guests.*It's good they don't stay away.*It is very unpretentious and it is really good, 'says the royal house expert."

Naval ship (coast guard?) Passing Crown prince Frederik and the royal boat Dannebrog
Video taken by Mary
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Indeed and what is even better is that they are allowed to go such a public event and just be themselves. Because despite the many photos there must have been taken of them, their privacy has largely been respected. I.e. not zillions of photos in the papers.

May that remain so.
BB reports that M&F and children have gone ashore on the island of Læsø. So they sailed north after passing Sletterhage Lighthouse.
Here the family was received by the harbor-master (Havnefoged) as well as a number of locals.
Dannebrog herself is anchored north of the island.
BB also reports that a number of pictures have surfaced on private accounts on the Net. - So happy hunting, resident news diggers. ;)

I'll return later with some info about the island.


Correct, Polyesco. :flowers:

We don't have a coast guard in DK, instead we have Navy Home Guard vessels and certain navy patrol vessels to perform tasks that would elsewhere be carried out by the coast guard.
Rota is such a vessel.

Dannebrog is the first ship in the navy and when another navy ship pass her, the crew will always line up on the deck and salute Dannebrog.
I understand that it is customary for members of the DRF, if aboard, to go on deck and acknowledge the salute.

Let's have a closer look at the scenic island of Læsø.

Located between Northern Jutland and Sweden, the island has a population of less than 2.000. Considerably more in the summer months though.
(The distances are much greater than this photo gives the impression of.)

There are three town, villages actually, on the island, Vesterby, where the feery to and from the island sails to. Østerby, which has a small harbor for fishing boats and small sailing ships as well as boats. And Byrum in the middle of the island.æsø-kort-01.jpg

The island is basically one long beach all around the island.
Making it a favorite, but rather quiet holiday destination.
Here your pulse will drop orders of magnitudes, because you can basically only get off the island when the ferry sails, so you might just as well settle down and take it easy.
And enjoy the scenery.
Unsurprisingly there are lots of summer cottages and holiday resorts on the island, but no large hotels. The tourists (and the islanders) simply don't want it!
So this about as big as they get on Læsø.æsø.jpg
Most prefer a summer cottage.

Arriving by the ferry, you sail to Vesterby.
Which looks like this at sunset:

But M&F wanted to sneak in. Dannebrog anchored north of the island, so the CP-family went aboard the chaluppe and sailed south around the island, arriving in Østerby. That has a smaller harbor than Vesterby, with the ferry and all.
And this is what the CP-family would have seen sailing into Østerby.

But the locals were not fooled! :D The local and ever vigilant Home Guard squad, must have spotted them and alerted the island.
Here is a photo of pretty much the entire defense force of the island: 2/Læsø 2017-6.JPG

The island is also well-known for its salt. That has a distinct flavor, different from the one you buy in supermarkets.

Beforehand Læsø was a feared place for ships sailing near the island! In bad weather the locals had a tendency to cause ships to founder, by walking around with lanterns.
When a ship beached, the locals could claim the cargo and what else could be used, provided of course the king got his share. That was the job of the Strandfoged = Beach-magistrate. - Who got his cut too.
Now, that only applied if the crew had perished, but that could be arranged... - and was!
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Thanks for the details, Muhler! I appreciate it so much when you take the time to post history or background details
Thanks, Blog Real and you are welcome, Ista. ?

Some of you may think: What an ugly made thatched roof! That's because it's made from plant growing in the sea. Sea-reed, rather than straw.
That was out of simple necessity. Sea reed was and is readily available and free, while there was a limit to how many fields there were on an island this size.
So it may look unkempt, but it works.

I also see that the family helped in making salt.
Thanks Muhler for the info.
What a lovey day out for the family.

Article and more pictures.
It looks like the Holch-Povlsen family is with them.

Pictures from the tower on the island


Frederik and Mary
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Thanks, Polyesco. ?

According to the article M&F went ashore already Thursday, where they dined somewhere on the island and frolicked a bit on a beach.
Friday was the big sightseeing tour.
Lovely photos of a natural and humble little family ❤️
I like it’s mommys own pictures!

Have been a pleasure to follow - and learn - from their visits around to Denmarks beautiful little gems and places.

School start on Monday and the Crown Prince family’s vacation seems to have been relaxing and good.
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Thanks for the details, Muhler! I appreciate it so much when you take the time to post history or background details

I add my thanks and appreciate the picture of the local defence force: hope that information is not classified as Prince Joachim would have palpitations!:lol:This island strikes me as a wonderful place to write one of your famous dark Scandinavian thrillers...can you recommend a writer?:flowers:
I add my thanks and appreciate the picture of the local defence force: hope that information is not classified as Prince Joachim would have palpitations!:lol:This island strikes me as a wonderful place to write one of your famous dark Scandinavian thrillers...can you recommend a writer?:flowers:

It sure is, it sure is! A dark, windy and rainy autumn night in a light house on Læsø. That should provide the proper atmosphere. :eek:
And when you hear the cries of the gulls, remember that they are the reincarnated souls of drowned sailors, lamenting their fate.

And I can recommend an author, who is now dead, and not that well-known anymore. Torben Nielsen. Ed McBain "borrowed" one of his murders in a novel of his.
Torben Nielsen had some of his novels translated to English.
Being a former policeman, he wrote some brilliant police novels in the 1970's. As well as some hilarious "autobiographies" from his childhood in a village around 1930.
Thanks, Blog Real and you are welcome, Ista. ?

Some of you may think: What an ugly made thatched roof! That's because it's made from plant growing in the sea. Sea-reed, rather than straw.
That was out of simple necessity. Sea reed was and is readily available and free, while there was a limit to how many fields there were on an island this size.
So it may look unkempt, but it works.

I also see that the family helped in making salt.

Do you know that I quite like the thatched roof made from sea-reed when I saw the pictures. So beautiful, and I think of the people who used what was available from nature while nurturing their limited resources in the fields, were brilliant survivors.
:previous: Well, in these times, where the climate is very much on the agenda, you can hardly be much more environmentally friendly than this! Sea reed being even more environmentally friendly than straw I imagine.
And it works! Keeping the warmth in winters much better than any slab or tile roof, except for the most modern. While still allowing the house to breathe.
And rain just trickles off.

And nowadays with modern fire-retardant materials underneath it's pretty safe as well.
Dear Muhler you have such a wonderful Turn of phrase yourself, that I am sure you would be able to write a pretty good novel about Vikings and stormy seas yourself.
And your lengthy posts are always informative. Through your story telling I have probably learnt more about Danish History than I've learnt about my own country. Well nearly.

The children are experiencing a well rounded holiday again this year. Seeing new places and meeting new people and finding things to do as well as some fun time at the beach.
Fred looks sooo relaxed.

I am very sure the locals are proud of the fact that their future King is taking the time to acquaint his children with rural Denmark and all the fascinating history that is on offer from this proud nation, gained over many centuries.
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It sure is, it sure is! A dark, windy and rainy autumn night in a light house on Læsø. That should provide the proper atmosphere. :eek:
And when you hear the cries of the gulls, remember that they are the reincarnated souls of drowned sailors, lamenting their fate.

And I can recommend an author, who is now dead, and not that well-known anymore. Torben Nielsen. Ed McBain "borrowed" one of his murders in a novel of his.
Torben Nielsen had some of his novels translated to English.
Being a former policeman, he wrote some brilliant police novels in the 1970's. As well as some hilarious "autobiographies" from his childhood in a village around 1930.

mange tak, also for the pictures! I can imagine the stories that could be told about this place...!
Thanks, Gerry & Tarlita. ?

Judging from the article Polyesco kindly posted the islanders were absolutely delighted!
And again based on the article, the islanders agreed to repay the visit by the CP-family by leaving them alone, with perhaps only a "hi" should they meet them.

I am glad, and to be honest, a bit proud that this behavior is still very common in by far most of DK, certainly outside the major cities. If you meet members of the DRF, you leave them alone, you don't thrust a phone up their noses to get a picture. If you do take a picture it's from a discreet distance.

As for the press, they have to respect their privacy by law. At Læsø the family was met and welcomed by the mayor of the island, so you can with some justification claim it was news reporting, showing the footage of them.
The same thing applies to the music festival. The CP-family being there was covered with a few, pretty discreet photos, as a part of reporting the mood and who was at the festival - and otherwise left alone.
Even though the press must have been able to get their hands on tons of photos if they wanted to, they didn't. The privacy laws are strict and their readers don't like it.
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Christian's voice is cracking. :lol:

It wasn't clear to me, what the long sea-reed was for.

Josephine ain't bad at jumping rope. But of course she has less mass to propel up in the air, and shorter arms and legs - and feet - to control. Teenage boys reminds me of Alsatian puppies, way too big paws and ears. :lol:

Mary was heard saying something about exercise.

The photo of a ship Frederik is posing in front of, is a Danish man'o-war, from the Napoleonic wars that went down near Læsø and that is now being excavated.
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Nice to see the CP family on the visit today. It seems like it was an entertaining trip for the children.
Nice videos.

:previous: Where Isabella seems to be father's girl, Christian seems to be mother's boy :D

Some more pictures from the Crown Prince family's visit at island Læsø:

The family's summer vacation is over.
The children started school this Monday. Christian now in 8th grade, Isabella now in 6th grade and the twins now in 2nd grade.
Mary has her first official event tomorrow afternoon and Frederik has his first official event a few days after. So far (it may just be the calendar that hasn't been updated, though) it seems to be a quiet startup with the official events. I think we can be sure that Frederik and Mary have a lot of paperwork and preparation for the upcoming US state visit.
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