Frederik, Mary and Family on Summer Holidays: 2005-2008, 2012-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks, Polyesco. :flowers:

Yes, these sorts of museums are great. It's a bit... thought provoking... that my childhood in the 70's is now that far back it's fit for a museum. :ermm:?

Look! An analog telephone! And a typewriter, without a monitor or a saving function!?! - It's absolutely medieval!
Isabella looks like she might be as tall as Christian.

I used to work in one of those 'living museums' in high school as a summer job. We had costumes a lot like the lady next to Josephine and the chicken! I learned to build a fire, braid a rug, sew, make a very fancy seven layer trifle and and build and fly a kite. Thankfully we didn't have any farm animals.
Thanks, Polyesco. :flowers:

Yes, these sorts of museums are great. It's a bit... thought provoking... that my childhood in the 70's is now that far back it's fit for a museum. :ermm:?

Look! An analog telephone! And a typewriter, without a monitor or a saving function!?! - It's absolutely medieval!

I got hysterical reading yr old are you......:lol::lol:, now take me, when growing up there was NO not think it was invented yet either......I am almost as old as the pyramids and that is very old in the body yet not in the mind for it will never grow old........:lol::lol: and typewriters, did not know what they were all through the school years growing up inventions just today still amaze me at times.

I think that Frederik and Mary are doing a fabulous job of how they are raising their children to understand their roles in life and their heritage. You could not ask for better parents then these 2 parents anywhere.

I hope that they do this again in going around Denmark next year to show the children other places that they can see that are in the history books of their schools for putting face to places and then reading about them makes it more real in a sense. What a great learning experience for all of them and so educational in the long run for they will remember this all their lives and it may in some way even effect what they would like to do in the future. Maybe other royal parents can take this and do the same for their children.....
[emoji7] [emoji7] [emoji7] What gorgeous family pictures! You really can see the love and bond between the kids. They look "as thick as thieves". I hope throughout their lives they always remain that way��
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You know what I see in these pictures about Mary, what a very happy lady she is, this woman is filled with love for her family, it shows in her smile and her eyes.....she is just beaming in these pictures. Makes me almost believe in fairy tales for that is what she is living today. And beside the cutest children ever she has a gorgeous husband who really rocks. Isn't Denmark voted the *happiest* country in the world...must be true with those smiles all the way around.
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:previous: Yes, I reckon that means the tour has ended now and the family is back at home. It looked as if they enjoyed their trip; there were lots of wonderful photos and I'm sure the children learnt a lot about Denmark whilst they were travelling!
I'm assuming the family is on their private summer vacation atm before going to Grasten, since Mary has been off the radar for almost a month. Does anyone know where they are (or where they have been)? Last year was Greece, wonder where they chose this year:ermm:
Why do something like that?!?

I was listening to Ulrik Ulriksen, who said the trip would be covered in the next issue, Thursday. - So I thought: Cool they are going for another private cruise of DK.

So they are doing reruns of old news...
BB is no better than the public service networks. :ermm:

Okay, I've edited my post.
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That could be anywhere along the west coast of Jutland. I doubt it's anywhere else in DK. (Except Bornholm - Most unlikely. Or Lolland - Also unlikely) Otherwise you would see a shore or shipping. The Wadden Sea is also unlikely IMO - too few birds at this time of day.
So I'll say somewhere along the coast, north of the town of Esbjerg.
Impressive they are able to go there unnoticed, the beaches are crawling with people these days. Not least Germans looking for a breeze, and loads of Norwegians as well.
Beautiful photos from Mary indeed, the sunset looks lovely. Mary is a very good photographer. I love the family photo of them going into the sea, but my favourite is the one of little Grace, I think!
I love that we are getting more and more casual photos these days. It's a nice way to get closer to them without much intrusion
According to the cover on Her & Nu, which Polyesco posted, M&F are not in Skagen, the northernmost tip of Jutland.

They have been there before and several of their friends own cottages in the area. Not to mention that the Skeel family, where M&F have stayed often, have their estate less than an hours drive away.

Strictly speaking the photo on the cover is illegal, according to the Danish legislation on privacy, unless M&F have given their express permission.
:previous: It looks like the CP family are having a very relaxing holiday, and it's nice to see that they can go virtually undisturbed and when there are photos, there are only a couple.
I don't recognise the Jack Russell looking dog in the photo of all of them at the beach, perhaps he or she is a family friend or relative's dog? AFAIK Mary and Frederik only have Grace.
:previous: No, brrr. More a sigh of relief!
We've had a heatwave for the past few days.
:previous: No, brrr. More a sigh of relief!

We've had a heatwave for the past few days.

Try having one for six weeks! Today is the first we’ve seen more than an hours rain since May!
We've hardly had rain either since May.
3 mm in July, the average is 60!
Hot though, but at least the temperature stayed below 30 C, but not these past few days.
So we are very pleased with the leftovers of rain coming over from you. Have you got some more for us, please?
With the icebergs melting in Greenland- would the ocean/surf be too cold for a swim? Or is it too far away to affect the Danish coastline.?
From a no clue poster.
That lack of rain sounds serious. The water looks way too rough to swim in. Is that typical?
With the icebergs melting in Greenland- would the ocean/surf be too cold for a swim? Or is it too far away to affect the Danish coastline.?
From a no clue poster.

In the long run, yes.
The climate is getting hotter, there is no denying that. We can discuss the reasons for that. Climate fluctuations is nothing new.
When the ice melts in Greenland, mainly west Greenland and Canada. The icebergs float south and if they survive long enough they eventually float into the Gulf Stream, going from the Caribbean Sea, across the Atlantic to western Europe, ensuring a mild climate here.
It was BTW such a rogue iceberg that got Titanic back in 1912.

But if there are many icebergs and they are big, they won't melt right away and go deeper into the Golf Stream. It's basically like pouring a little cold water into hot water. - It chills.
That means the water reaching Europe will be colder, cooling down the climate.
So while the globe is getting warmer, the north will get colder. Leading to more icebergs - floating south...
And if it happens over a certain time period the result is a new ice age. (*)
That affects the global air-currents as well. The warm currents will be pushed south, cooling off the climate even more.
So instead of a mild climate, with the odd ice-winter. Ice-winters will be the norm, fueled by an icy wind coming from the Arctic and Siberia.
During the last genuine ice-age 12.000 years ago, glaciers covered most of Denmark, the north coasts of Germany and Poland as well.
On the plus side there will be more land, and after some time we will be able to walk over to Britain and a while longer travel along the ice-rim to North America, just like our ancestors did.

Ironically, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea will empty, as the global water level drops and in a surprisingly short time they will be reduced to parched salt-deserts.
Sahara on the other hand will eventually become green and fertile again.
In North America the Badlands will be remolded over and over and over again whenever the ice-dams holding back a huge inland sea breaks down and gigantic floods break through.
I have no idea what will happen to you down south, but at least you can walk to Thailand and Bali for your vacations there.

So to answer your question: Yes, after a some time, perhaps a generation, perhaps even less, the sea around DK will be too cold for recreational swimming except during the warmest summers.

(*) Strictly speaking we are living in an ice age right now, we've just had a long summer, so far lasting some 12.000 years.
The current ice age has been going on for millions of years and will continue for some millions of years more.

That lack of rain sounds serious. The water looks way too rough to swim in. Is that typical?

It is. The grain harvest is bad this year. Almost halved.
At present DK produce grain enough to feed our own population and to feed all living in New York city. If that is halved the prices on ecological bread will go up.
But there are huge stocks of grain, so it won't affect the general bread prices that much. Unless we get a couple of more summers like this.
However, ecological farm products will become more expensive this winter. Many ecological farmers have had to reduce their stock because there will not be fodder enough.
The prices for central heating will also go up, as shells from grain is among the things used as fuel at the heating plants. Less grain = less shells = less fuel = higher prices. - So let's hope we have a mild winter.
But at least the grapes are doing wine. This will be one of best years yet for wine-producers here in DK.
- All that is a general problem all over large parts of the northern hemisphere.

As for the surf. It's not that bad for the west coast. It's usually windy with a high surf, which is why so many love to go there at all times of year. Especially Germans and Norwegians!
And of course the sea still claim a few tourists a year. In my childhood it happened several times a week during the summer, (mainly Germans) with an upsurge after the fall of the Wall in 1989. Now they have learned to read the sea too and there are lifeguards at most beaches now.
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