Charlene Wittstock Current Events 1 : March 2006 - April 2006

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I think that people that are forced to work hardly 8-12 hours every day during a work-week have not less level of self-discipline :p
Well, let's see if she would be attending the next Bal de la Rose (March 25th), this will open another speculation as Prince Albert has never invited officially one f his girl friend. So wait and see ...
AquaMarine said:
Only future will tell who is she for him. I see nothing special in her right now, but may be she has something in her personality, way of behaving or speak, voice, gestures, smell etc., which attracted Albert. The pictures are not able to show a real person. Besides her appearance polishing will not be a big problem, just will take a little time. Good dentists, stylists, cosmetologists, masseurs and so on. Remember how common girls Mary and Mette-Marit will turn out in beauty swans within a quite short time - one year. When you put money in any, more or less, pretty girl you will get the perfect results - picture of beauty;)
...Another problem is her capability to win his everlasting love&attention and sympathies of Monaco inhabitants, keep good relationships with his family member and other Royal houses... Will see...

I agree 100%! If Albert is in love with her I guess it doesn't matter what we don't see in her. But with money and time, she will be camera ready in no time. I am excited to see this unfold.
assia said:
Well, let's see if she would be attending the next Bal de la Rose (March 25th), this will open another speculation as Prince Albert has never invited officially one f his girl friend. So wait and see ...

Yeah, I'm curious to see what events she turns up at. She was already introduced at Torino, and she spent his birthday with him. I think the more events we see her with him, the more serious it is.
I think we're mostly speculating and giving our perception of things. I don't think anyone here has said "it's a fact that X, Y, or Z will happen." We're just having fun here and getting caught up in the excitement of this new reltionship. ;)
But is it really serious?

I don't know about anyone else but I have the feeling that this probably isn't all that serious. Why? It's been noted a number of times that the gf's that Albert doesn't parade around are the ones you have to watch out for. They are the serious ones. He kept NC hidden for years - we saw her briefly in a few pics but they were mixed with other girls and no one really thought much of it. She was one of many and was well hidden.

Right now, what we do know is that he and CW have known each other for at least 5 years. If there was a serious relationship at work, something would have happened long before now. I think if he were going to introduce a gf as a serious prospect for the job, he wouldn't have brought her out at the Olympics. He would have chosen an event in Monaco, on his own turf, where he would essentially say "She's mine and you had better respect her!" The Olympic presentation was, in my opinion, the perfect career booster for his buddy Charlene. She's planning a comeback of sorts (from a less than stellar career from what I've read) in a couple years and needs all the publicity she can get....this was the perfect entry point for her swimming career info and coming out in the media. He in turn needs someone to boost his profile since the NC thing left him somewhat battered. I think he has a case of "no woman in her right mind is going to come near me after all that!" and he should! It's hard to build a romance when the past keeps sitting on the sofa between you and demanding attention. (I'm talking about the past in general, not his little boy.)

The kissy face pic? Like I've said, they have known eachother for some time, and between friends of 5 years there are bound to be cheek kisses (what that magazine cover really was...there weren't any lips at work there) and hugs. Albert is that kind of person - he's a hugger.

I think I will be sitting back and waiting to see how this develops, if it does at all. It might just be me, but I'm not getting a feeling that they are really a tight couple at all.
I agree with Bunkycat (sorry, I didn't quote you but I was afraid it would be too long...) on several points. I don't think they have been officially announced as a couple or been to "official" events so I don't know how to quantify this relationship on the "seriousness" scale. It seems so sudden...I have a feeling she sent a note/email/whatever in November or so and things developed from there. Why pick up after 5 years? I have no idea; I never understood the recycling gf's/bf's thing. Maybe he thought she was too young and immature in '01...but I don't think she's showed that much more maturity now.

I haven't a clue as to what is going on in Albert's mind -- she could just be a pleasant distraction from the never ending royal duties. I have to admit I wasn't all that impressed with her in the PM article; she seems to just want to enjoy herself. I think the relationship is pretty hot & heavy right now as they are traveling quite a bit to be together but it may cool once things settle more into a routine. And that's where I think many problems arise in any relationship with PA. He perhaps gets bored easily and wonders what else is out there.

What I'm most concerned about is her statements about training for the '08 Games. If another shot at Olympic glory is what she truly wants, I would hope that she would focus on that and not get sidetracked by the pomp and circumstance of a royal wedding b/c it sends a mixed message to the girls/children that she wants to inspire. Do you work to achieve a goal and then throw it away for something that seems more glamourous? Granted, it's not a typical marriage, but it seems to me that she would leave a lot of her own dreams and goals left unmet if she turned around and got married and that would lead to resentment in the marriage. I don't think she would like her life very much after the honeymoon.

Do I think she has what it takes to live up to the scrutiny and criticism that is inevitable in the role? Not really but I could wind up pleasantly surprised. I think the biggest adjustment she would have to face is putting herself consistently in the background. When you are so focused on a personal goal (e.g, making the Olympics to win a medal), it's hard to suddenly shift gears and put everyone and everything else ahead of your own desires. That's what makes filling the job so difficult. It takes extraordinary courage to do that. Nothing, including marriage to a prince, is worth living the rest of your life in the subjunctive. Grace had a hard time with this for years as she was consistently reading scripts and considering roles; and it took her almost 25 years to find the peace to accept the constraints on her life. But she had enjoyed a kind of freedom and success in her chosen field for a while. I don't think CW ever got that chance. She came close but not the real glory that she dreamed of and trained for. Jmo....
pinklady1991 said:
I agree with Bunkycat (sorry, I didn't quote you but I was afraid it would be too long...) on several points. I don't think they have been officially announced as a couple or been to "official" events so I don't know how to quantify this relationship on the "seriousness" scale. It seems so sudden...I have a feeling she sent a note/email/whatever in November or so and things developed from there. Why pick up after 5 years? I have no idea; I never understood the recycling gf's/bf's thing. Maybe he thought she was too young and immature in '01...but I don't think she's showed that much more maturity now.

I haven't a clue as to what is going on in Albert's mind -- she could just be a pleasant distraction from the never ending royal duties. I have to admit I wasn't all that impressed with her in the PM article; she seems to just want to enjoy herself. I think the relationship is pretty hot & heavy right now as they are traveling quite a bit to be together but it may cool once things settle more into a routine. And that's where I think many problems arise in any relationship with PA. He perhaps gets bored easily and wonders what else is out there.

What I'm most concerned about is her statements about training for the '08 Games. If another shot at Olympic glory is what she truly wants, I would hope that she would focus on that and not get sidetracked by the pomp and circumstance of a royal wedding b/c it sends a mixed message to the girls/children that she wants to inspire. Do you work to achieve a goal and then throw it away for something that seems more glamourous? Granted, it's not a typical marriage, but it seems to me that she would leave a lot of her own dreams and goals left unmet if she turned around and got married and that would lead to resentment in the marriage. I don't think she would like her life very much after the honeymoon.

Do I think she has what it takes to live up to the scrutiny and criticism that is inevitable in the role? Not really but I could wind up pleasantly surprised. I think the biggest adjustment she would have to face is putting herself consistently in the background. When you are so focused on a personal goal (e.g, making the Olympics to win a medal), it's hard to suddenly shift gears and put everyone and everything else ahead of your own desires. That's what makes filling the job so difficult. It takes extraordinary courage to do that. Nothing, including marriage to a prince, is worth living the rest of your life in the subjunctive. Grace had a hard time with this for years as she was consistently reading scripts and considering roles; and it took her almost 25 years to find the peace to accept the constraints on her life. But she had enjoyed a kind of freedom and success in her chosen field for a while. I don't think CW ever got that chance. She came close but not the real glory that she dreamed of and trained for. Jmo....

i agree too. she herself said they were just hanging out. i think the truly serious athletes are focused on the work of qualifying and being on top of their game for '08, especially if they wanted to medal (which would not be the case here, imo). no question. not that serious athletes have absolutely no life, but imo she seems to be getting started late and running around with PA can't be helping her concentration.

but i know if i was one of his 'hidden' girlfriends, i would be thinking twice after seeing those pics with him and her like that. especially if there would be any idea on at least trying to being exclusive. how would a woman worth anything feel if a guy she was 'seeing' even part time was acting like that in public with some woman, and there supposed to be nothing to it. she could not possibly take him seriously -- i would have a hard time with him visiting with her, taking her places, introducing her around, (sleeping with her), and so on. that would be a clear signal to any 'hidden' woman that she really would not be all that special, if you ask me:cool:

as far as being bored, i agree too. he likes young women obviously. NC was about 27-28 when he started seeing her, and in her early 30s when he dumped her (before she got pregnant). we'll just have to see how long he keeps this one around;) :)

but who knows
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I wanted to copy this over to the wife thread but it needs answering.

I think (it bears noting, this is only my opinion) Albert is waiting for the one female who will make him not want to look elsewhere again.

I think he doesn't want to just marry to have kids and then be off again once his 'duty' on that front is fulfilled. I think he wants someone who can handle everything that being the Princess of Monaco will bring as well as be a loving mother and a devoted wife.

That is a difficult order, so he is enjoying those he chases (and/or those who chase him) meantime. There is no real pressure now that Caroline and Andrea can be the heirs, but I don't think he's stopped looking. I think he's just scratching his itches until he finds someone who can soothe him.

I do not think CW is that person based on her words and actions in comparison to those of previous girlfriends (real or not) of Albert. I hope for someone better. I pray Albert does too.

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Even though your comments are opinionated, I am inclining to agree with you.

There are a few other members who have not weakened because of this tabloid hearsay. I am not implying your post is based on tabloid gossip; however, your remarks are very sensible.

I refuse to allow the tabloids to pursue me because of their track record and inaccuracy. I do not know if Charlene will be Albert’s princess bride or not, but if they marry, God Bless them both.

Hopefully in the near future all of this speculation will blow over and things can get back to normal.
CasiraghiTrio said:
I uploaded the Hola! pics of Albert and Charlene on holiday at the imagehigh hosting site. In the Maldives, Albert and his current sweetie... and Charlene
thanks Casi they look like they were having a nice time. On another note i dont understand what all the hoopla about Charlene getting her own thread is all about, Jasmine got her own thread and she could be anybody`s but PA`s child. also i thought this board didnt allow personal attacks on people. Can we just stick to the purpose of this board and not take sides bashing other posters for their opinion. Charlene is PA`s woman of the moment lets just leave it at that. If she gets dumped at some point we close the thread and move on to his next squeeze. But right now she could be the `Princess in waiting` for all we know, its all speculation just like Jasmin being PA`s child.
Her upper body is very athletic, a bit like Stephanie's . I think it's a question of taste. I like it ... and I like her.
Seems to me a lot of you hold grudges against her - why?
If anybody has problems with the moderation in this forum, feel free to send a private message to one of the administrators. Complaining about moderators is off-topic for threads about royals.

To answer the question about why Charlene has her own thread when no other royal girlfriends do, Kate Middleton and Chelsy Davy have their own threads in the British forum because they're serious girlfriends of senior royals. As long as Charlene is in the same category, I see no problem with her having her own thread. However, we prefer that current-events threads be started by moderators since they need to be updated every ten pages or so.

As far as requiring sources for information, we don't encourage unsubstantiated gossip in this forum any more than on any other. Anyone who feels victimised or picked on is welcome to PM one of the administrators.

Now perhaps we can get this thread back on topic without all these diversions.


Royal Forums administrator.
sebastian said:
Her upper body is very athletic, a bit like Stephanie's . I think it's a question of taste. I like it ... and I like her.
Seems to me a lot of you hold grudges against her - why?

It's not so much a grudge, sebastian, as they are reservations about her public behaviour. She's 28...old enough to know better that any public outing with PA is going to be an "official" function. I guess we are just comparing her behaviour to that of Mette-Marit, Mary, Letizia, Maxima, Mathilde, and Claire. Yes, I'm sure they received protocol training but there are certain basic rules of etiquette and comportment that you just know as a grown woman. Some of her behaviour was embarrassing to me, and I'm sure, to PA if he wants to be viewed on the world stage as a leader on some serious issues.

RE: her personal appearance, that's all a matter of perspective and as you said, it's a matter of taste.
Seems to me a lot of you hold grudges against her - why?
i really dont have a grudge against her, its her behavior. i dont know if u heard of this saying"you never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression" and her behavoir was childest and tacky imo. in the future, if she could act more mature that would be nice.
If my 18 yr. old niece behaved at a local football game like Charlene did at the Olympics--I would be very ashamed for her. Lying on a man in the stands shows boorish behavior --and disrespect to the athletes.
I truly believe that she will represent Monaco at the 2008 Olympics--she won't have to work as hard to qualify for the team. I read that she could not represent her country in 2004 because did not qualify for the SA team...
teense said:
If my 18 yr. old niece behaved at a local football game like Charlene did at the Olympics--I would be very ashamed for her. Lying on a man in the stands shows boorish behavior --and disrespect to the athletes.
I truly believe that she will represent Monaco at the 2008 Olympics--she won't have to work as hard to qualify for the team. I read that she could not represent her country in 2004 because did not qualify for the SA team...

She would have to move to Monaco to do that...and I don't see that happening. She did not qualify for the 2004 team due to illness and injury. Of course anything is possible since her public statements are slightly conflicted.
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Well, then maybe your values are a bit different than mine. I didn't see anything wrong with her behavior.
In Post #32 the last photo of Charlene, in my opinion, she doesn't have the most attractive smile. She needs braces or something. :eek:

In other photos she is rather cold looking.
Yeah she's built jsut like Stephanie its very nice built, very thin strong athletic. Boyish built, muscular built. An androgyneous built just like Stephanie. Very skinny with definition.
pinklady1991 said:
She would have to move to Monaco to do that...and I don't see that happening. She did not qualify for the 2004 team due to illness and injury. Of course anything is possible since her public statements and slightly conflicted.
It's similar to Alicia Warlick when she was dating Albert except the press liked her a lot due to her responses to questions like she enjoyed his company. Was very discrete and ladylike would be the words you are looking for. I won't say Charlene isn't she is more physical in her actions. If he didn't want her to do those things she wouldn't be. Now that he is the reigning Prince he has no one to answer to what he does and you might see more changes in protocol. Rainier was a loner and reserved Albert is not.
Some pics from Revue





De La Cruza said:
Yeah she's built jsut like Stephanie its very nice built, very thin strong athletic. Boyish built, muscular built. An androgyneous built just like Stephanie. Very skinny with definition.
At age 28, Stephanie is gorgeous and stunning . Her pictures show her to have luminous skin ,hair and facial features.. She has a sporty and yet ,soft feminine body......
At age 28 CW looks like she is 38 and then some ...Pictures of her body will evoke stories of PA being gay again....
CW can't hold a candle to either Caroline or Stephanie even though she is many years younger.
PA must love her because of her "center of attention" personality and compulsion to talk about herself to magazines.....
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To be honest I don't understand this neither and thus go with my brother a little. What is the problem with her talking about herself to one or two mags?
In my opinion she has the right to do this. Grace did the same thing too I think even though it was a different time.
Maybe you're informed about some things I don't know anything about or I'm just a bit stupid.
What is it?
That she is kissing him in public? Please , girls, we are in the 21st centurry...
That she was leaning her head on his shoulder in Turino?
That they were kind of tender in public?
They have the right to do this, no?
Yeah, I know he's a head of state and things but what are you expecting that their story will go the way Rainier's and Grace's went? There are more than 50 years between both stories.
And maybe she is just a friend and not the forever- and -always- one ...( although to me a looks kind of serious and as far as I know it is serious).... and then? What's the prob?

You all anted a woman for him...all the world wanted him to find somebody...and when he obviously seems quite fine with someone then this isn't right neither. Could he ever do anything right in peoples eyes???
I actually think she is quite gorgeous-she would be in person anyway. I think some people will never think the girl Albert dates will live uo to their expectations but at the end of the day I dont think Albert cares. You can go crazy crazy always worrying what others think about you. As long as Albert is happy with the person he is with and they are a good person then I have no problem with his girlfriend.
michelle said:
To be honest I don't understand this neither and thus go with my brother a little. What is the problem with her talking about herself to one or two mags?
In my opinion she has the right to do this. Grace did the same thing too I think even though it was a different time.
Maybe you're informed about some things I don't know anything about or I'm just a bit stupid.
What is it?
That she is kissing him in public? Please , girls, we are in the 21st centurry...
That she was leaning her head on his shoulder in Turino?
That they were kind of tender in public?
They have the right to do this, no?
Yeah, I know he's a head of state and things but what are you expecting that their story will go the way Rainier's and Grace's went? There are more than 50 years between both stories.
And maybe she is just a friend and not the forever- and -always- one ...( although to me a looks kind of serious and as far as I know it is serious).... and then? What's the prob?

You all anted a woman for him...all the world wanted him to find somebody...and when he obviously seems quite fine with someone then this isn't right neither. Could he ever do anything right in peoples eyes???

Quite frankly I couldn't care less if Albert marries or not, and I'm not so interested in his future wife. Anyway his behaviour (more than hers) at the Olympics was very disappointing (for me) because I expected him to change his ways once he succeded to his father, and he hasn't.
We keep thinking at Albert as a protagonist of international gossip, but he is now head of State, and his behaviour in my opinion was not suitable for a head of State. I know Monaco is not a big and important Country, but can you imagine Chirac or Blair behaving like that in public? Albert wants to be taken seriously, but to achieve that he has to make an effort and show a different side of him; he may be doing amazing things, but if he is front page in the papers for flirting with his new girlfriend in public, his reputation cannot get any better, and now that he is reigning Prince he can't say (as Caro and Steph can) I'm doing my best, who cares what people think.
Of course in private he can do whatever he pleases, and I know we are not in the 50s anymore. Yet, if I was a monaco citizens I would be very disappointed (and as a "supporter" of Monaco I am, as many people see the Grimaldis as more and more of a joke)...

Just my opinion of course,

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