Charlene Wittstock Current Events 1 : March 2006 - April 2006

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Grace said:
Quite frankly I couldn't care less if Albert marries or not, and I'm not so interested in his future wife. Anyway his behaviour (more than hers) at the Olympics was very disappointing (for me) because I expected him to change his ways once he succeded to his father, and he hasn't.
We keep thinking at Albert as a protagonist of international gossip, but he is now head of State, and his behaviour in my opinion was not suitable for a head of State. I know Monaco is not a big and important Country, but can you imagine Chirac or Blair behaving like that in public? Albert wants to be taken seriously, but to achieve that he has to make an effort and show a different side of him; he may be doing amazing things, but if he is front page in the papers for flirting with his new girlfriend in public, his reputation cannot get any better, and now that he is reigning Prince he can't say (as Caro and Steph can) I'm doing my best, who cares what people think.
Of course in private he can do whatever he pleases, and I know we are not in the 50s anymore. Yet, if I was a monaco citizens I would be very disappointed (and as a "supporter" of Monaco I am, as many people see the Grimaldis as more and more of a joke)...

Just my opinion of course,


I completely agree with you. Anyway the Maldives holiday it's a private situation, so they can do whatever they please, though it goes without saying that photographers will always been after them. Yet I didn't like the way they behaved in Turin. One should expect a sovereign to act with the utmost composture when in public, especially at a not so spring chicken age, like Albert is...
Sorry, I still can't agree ... I can't see anything wrong with their behaviour...okay I already mentioned that....maybe I'm a bit to loose about this issue ... a bit too open minded , if you know what I mean...
Well, we can agree to disagree; it is very common in internet forums.
Maybe the fact that I deal with diplomaticy and international politics a lot and know how they work, influences my judgement; credibility and reputation are everything in the international arena...I think if my head of State while publicly represented my Country was photographed flirting with his girlfriend, it would really bother me, but I'm aware many people don't agree with me and appreciated Albert's spontaneity.

It looks like time will tell if this is the real thing.
Hmmm.... if you look at Silvio Berlusconi for instance ... he's not the best exapmle of credibility and good reputation neither ....but as for not getting too much into politics-talk we should agree to disagree and that's fine :)
michelle said:
Hmmm.... if you look at Silvio Berlusconi for instance ... he's not the best exapmle of credibility and good reputation neither ....but as for not getting too much into politics-talk we should agree to disagree and that's fine :)

AHAHA, you know, I was going to use him as an example, but I didn't want to get into politics. Being a foreigner, you must know how much "certain behaviours" have damaged Italian reputation in the international arena. I think Monaco being such a small Country, with not the best international reputation, needs and deserves a better "publicity". I think Albert is working really well in many fields, and I hope he doesn't ruin all his good work projecting a frivoulous image that discredits his achievements!

Grace said:
AHAHA, you know, I was going to use him as an example, but I didn't want to get into politics. Being a foreigner, you must know how much "certain behaviours" have damaged Italian reputation in the international arena. I think Monaco being such a small Country, with not the best international reputation, needs and deserves a better "publicity". I think Albert is working really well in many fields, and I hope he doesn't ruin all his good work projecting a frivoulous image that discredits his achievements!


I didn't want to offend you or anybody. I just took him as an example for not always bringing good reputation to his country. Maybe you misunderstood my post. I was refering to this 'certain behaviour' you mentioned.
As for Albert he wasn't giving a frivoulous image, imo. Is it really so frivoulous and disappointing if he's sitting there supporting his countries team, being with someone who obviously means something to him and having a good time. Is it that Heads of State are not allowed to have a good time? Again this point of view just doesn't fit into my understanding of the time we live in....
The Grimaldi, I know the thing people like to critizize them for is that they are obviously a bit more into leasure and more , let's say, hot-blooded ...
I think this doesn't distroy Albert's achievements in political or economical domains.
I also think Charlene would be able to make a perfectly adapted princess if ever this is going to be the case ...
michelle said:
I didn't want to offend you or anybody. I just took him as an example for not always bringing good reputation to his country. Maybe you misunderstood my post. I was refering to this 'certain behaviour' you mentioned.

No, you misunderstood me...I totally agree with you in criticizing many many of my Prime Minister behaviours; I wanted to use him as my example of a Head of State that doesn't improve his Country's reputation (I chose not to in order to avoid any disagreement, you know, just in case), and I really believe that a Head of State can do a lot (good or bad) for his Country's image abroad.

I think it is great that the Grimaldi's are somehow relaxed and down to earth, and I like them for this, but I think Albert has to change a bit now. Have you seen the movie "The President" with Micheal Douglas and Annette Bening? it dealt with a very similar issue: a widow President of the United States started dating a woman, not only in private but also in public, and this didn't exactly increase his respectability and reputation. I think it is apparent that, pretty much like Italian reputation, Albert's is not incresing, and I'm sorry for this because I love Monaco! This said, I really don't care that much about Albert's love life or Charlene.
Anyway, I don't want to change anyone's mind, so I'll just drop the discussion,


BTW, maybe our diffeent opinions in this matter reflect the fact that you prefer Steph, and her style, while I prefer Caro and her attitude...:D
Grace said:
BTW, maybe our diffeent opinions in this matter reflect the fact that you prefer Steph, and her style, while I prefer Caro and her attitude...:D

Might be true :) .....but I love Caro to bits too, you know :):):)
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Grace, I agree with you!!
Stephanie and Caroline make me so proud!!! When I see Stephanie at her ever increasing appearances, I can tell she is trying to do Monaco proud--and she has! When I see Caroline and Stephanie together at a hotel opening or Christmas function I can tell that their love of Monaco has risen to the occasion!
Now, about Albert ,I haven't seen that change. He wants to be considered a leader on the world stage, but he publicly acts sophomoric with CW while they sit among the VIPs....
I am a big Monaco fan (I grew up in the same state as Princess Grace). But I think Prince Albert's actions are putting Monaco into obscurity the same way Rainier's actions brought Monaco to world attention. PA can marry who he wants(I had hoped for better than CW) but I don't want Monaco to suffer because of his public behavior.
Just my opinion--I truly respect everyone else's differing views....
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teense said:
Grace, I agree with you!!
Stephanie and Caroline make me so proud!!! When I see Stephanie at her ever increasing appearances, I can tell she is trying to do Monaco proud--and she has! When I see Caroline and Stephanie together at a hotel opening or Christmas function I can tell that their love of Monaco has risen to the occasion!
Now, about Albert ,I haven't seen that change. He wants to be considered a leader on the world stage, but he publicly acts sophmoric with CW while they sit among the VIPs....
I am a big Monaco fan (I grew up in the same state as Princess Grace). But I think Prince Albert's actions are putting Monaco into obscurity the same way Rainier's actions brought Monaco to world attention. PA can marry who he wants(I had hoped for better than CW) but I don't want Monaco to suffer because of his public behavior.
Just my opinion--I truly respect everyone else's differing views....
How can you let Stephanie off the hook for being an embarrassment for two, long decades and then be so hard on Albert? He is far from perfect and I'm not much of a fan anymore but really. Also, as it regards Charlene, she has not come anywhere near the scandalous behavior of PS. Besides the perceived inappropriate PDA's in Turino in February, I haven't seen or heard anything that is scandalous or embarrassing about her. She's a young woman, unfortunately this is what you're going to get from PA, and doesn't have a fancy degree but she has had a respectable career as an athlete and would be fine as MC's princess if that's what they want.
I'm not suppose to be on the computer due to golfers elbow but had to see what you all were yacking about. I think most of those watching the Grimaldis and waiting for Albert to make a choice have been hoping he would find a woman with the same femininity of physical softness, grace, beauty, and elegance of Princess Grace class plus style. She is a tough act to try to follow even for her daughters. Don't get me wrong if I had to classify them both Caroline out shines in femininity, attractivness and style over Stephanie who is more masculine looking being into working out body building and tattoo's. That's not meant to be a bad thing they are individuals and are allowed to be themselves. I believe she is more Stephanies type than Caroline and Albert has always seemed closer to Stephanie than Caroline.

It's sort of like Brad Pitt many find him to be good looking and well built but I don't and prefer Alberts body type over Brads. It's all personal taste.
I don't really think there's anything inherently wrong with CW, her remarks on the priority she puts on education were unfortunate but overall, I guess I just feel like PA could do better. He could pick from a better crop and I agree with Lady M, Grace is a hard act to follow. I do not think anybody really expects him to live up to that but it just feels like he could do better. Didn't anybody feel that way about NC? Get my point?
Laviollette said:
How can you let Stephanie off the hook for being an embarrassment for two, long decades and then be so hard on Albert? He is far from perfect and I'm not much of a fan anymore but really. Also, as it regards Charlene, she has not come anywhere near the scandalous behavior of PS.

Stephanie and Albert are in completely different roles and positions! I had no problem with Al's behaviour when he was hereditary Prince, and he "played around" a bit while Rainier was home representing the Country and his serious image; now things have changhed a lot, and AL has a much more important role than Steph and Caro and all their children put together.
Maybe Albert is just adjusting to the new can hope.
As for Charlene, I think her behaviour depends on Albert's, who is used to being in the spotlight and handling the press pressure, so I don't blame her so much (still, in the same situation I would have behaved differently).

Let me clarify, I never said Albert's or Charlene's behaviour were scandalous, or in any way morally reproachable; it was just inappropiate and too frivolous for a Head of State who wants to improve (as he said himself) the credibility and respectability of his Country. As for his future wife, he can pretty much choose who he wants; if she is not able to handle the First Lady role, Caro and Steph will be there to help (substitute) her.

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i hope that Albert find his wife than is there more rest
in Monaco and we have maybe nice pictures of a wedding !!!
Laviollette said:
How can you let Stephanie off the hook for being an embarrassment for two, long decades and then be so hard on Albert? He is far from perfect and I'm not much of a fan anymore but really. Also, as it regards Charlene, she has not come anywhere near the scandalous behavior of PS. Besides the perceived inappropriate PDA's in Turino in February, I haven't seen or heard anything that is scandalous or embarrassing about her. She's a young woman, unfortunately this is what you're going to get from PA, and doesn't have a fancy degree but she has had a respectable career as an athlete and would be fine as MC's princess if that's what they want.

I agree with you about Charlene being a young woman and very free to act this way ... although I'm having a hard time to ignore this 'Stephanie being an embarrassment for two decades' ... I guess you all know what my point of view is like in this issue ;)
Now that we've agreed to call a truce on Princess Stephanie, could we keep our comments relevant to the subject of the thread, Charlene Wittstock. :)

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leahteresa said:
I don't really think there's anything inherently wrong with CW, her remarks on the priority she puts on education were unfortunate but overall, I guess I just feel like PA could do better. He could pick from a better crop and I agree with Lady M, Grace is a hard act to follow. I do not think anybody really expects him to live up to that but it just feels like he could do better. Didn't anybody feel that way about NC? Get my point?
Absolutely he could do better but he's never done so. He doesn't look in any place where he would find a woman who is not just beautiful and graceful but also educated and cultured. That shouldn't reflect on CW as much as it should reflect on PA. CW is the best he's done in a long time even though yes, he could do better but that's his own fault.
Laviollette said:
Absolutely he could do better but he's never done so. He doesn't look in any place where he would find a woman who is not just beautiful and graceful but also educated and cultured. That shouldn't reflect on CW as much as it should reflect on PA. CW is the best he's done in a long time even though yes, he could do better but that's his own fault.

I don't understand why you are saying this . 'He could do better' .... sorry but who are you all to judge Charlene? Have you ever met her? From those little things we've seen or heard about can we know what she really is like, what potential there is in her??? I mean, if you knew her very well, have been friends with her, working with her or anything alike ...then I'd understand that you have anything to say about whether she's suitable for the role of Monaco's princess ... but you simply say that Albert coul do better...:confused: If he feels she's right for him and believes in her abilities then he'll have a reason for it.
There is no perfect princess out there just simply doesn't exist!
michelle said:
I don't understand why you are saying this . 'He could do better' .... sorry but who are you all to judge Charlene? Have you ever met her? From those little things we've seen or heard about can we know what she really is like, what potential there is in her??? I mean, if you knew her very well, have been friends with her, working with her or anything alike ...then I'd understand that you have anything to say about whether she's suitable for the role of Monaco's princess ... but you simply say that Albert coul do better...:confused: If he feels she's right for him and believes in her abilities then he'll have a reason for it.
There is no perfect princess out there just simply doesn't exist!
Everyone can do better no matter what the issue so I wasn't trying to be offensive. I've been saying all along that CW has the potential of being a princess and I have nothing against her, but of course Albert could do better than a woman who is 28 and has not a university degree. However, this does not disqualify her but my point is PA has not had a good track record when it comes to women and so I don't think that all of a sudden he's going to find a proper girlfriend. He might have this time and only time will tell if she can handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if she could handle all of this.
I'm going to try to stay pertinent. CW looks like a sweet face to me and perhaps quite emotional and swoony-as I imagine he likes. He knows his own mind. She seems to me to be as good or no better (for sure) than any of the others -yes even the dark gutsy one who had history and a PA look-a-like to increase the fixation. Thus she pulled the "Fatal Attraction"-famous "You won't ignore me [us]" They're all lovely, lovely because he apparently thinks so-he attends them-until...
Laviollette said:
Everyone can do better no matter what the issue so I wasn't trying to be offensive. I've been saying all along that CW has the potential of being a princess and I have nothing against her, but of course Albert could do better than a woman who is 28 and has not a university degree. However, this does not disqualify her but my point is PA has not had a good track record when it comes to women and so I don't think that all of a sudden he's going to find a proper girlfriend. He might have this time and only time will tell if she can handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if she could handle all of this.

Okay I understand now ....:) ...thank you for taking the time to clarify:)
Tosca said:
I completely agree with you. Anyway the Maldives holiday it's a private situation, so they can do whatever they please, though it goes without saying that photographers will always been after them. Yet I didn't like the way they behaved in Turin. One should expect a sovereign to act with the utmost composture when in public, especially at a not so spring chicken age, like Albert is...

Hello, I'm new here, but have following along with you for awhile & I agree with the unimpressed. Where as I normally think people's business is there own. They have done there best in inviting us in. Why did she give that interview? In a tabloid? A tabloid that he just sued (for interviewing his girlfriend basically). She obviously wasn't being interviewed on her own merit as I don't think a french tabloid is in the habit of interviewing a South African swimmer who placed 5th in an Olympics that happened years ago? I couldn't believe he thought this was a good idea! She hammed it up for the cameras in Turin, & then the interview - the only comparison I could make by the interview was where the camera loved Grace this girl loves the camera!
He could just do better. Not having a university degree is a VERY big deal if you are going to be sitting at a table with people who do. Not to mention, the importance of education is a value one passes on their children. An uneducated person might for instance not understand the social and political impact of WWII on Europe and the entire world. (Not the place to go into detail) Such a person, might end up making an error like one very well known young British Prince named Harry wearing a Nazi uniform to a party. It made him look ignorant and his family look bad as well, like, who's watching this guy?
I wonder if this will be Alberts future eternal Princess? I wonder if he's willing to have children with her? Even though he's 48. At this so late point in Alberts life I think its too late for Albert to have any children. I mean come on he's going to be in his mid late sixties if he has kids with her and when his and Charlenes children graduate from high school. To me its too late for Albert to have anymore kids but, for realtionships and marriages not at all. He can have a girlfriend until he dies!!!
leahteresa said:
He could just do better. Not having a university degree is a VERY big deal if you are going to be sitting at a table with people who do. Not to mention, the importance of education is a value one passes on their children. An uneducated person might for instance not understand the social and political impact of WWII on Europe and the entire world. (Not the place to go into detail) Such a person, might end up making an error like one very well known young British Prince named Harry wearing a Nazi uniform to a party. It made him look ignorant and his family look bad as well, like, who's watching this guy?

I wouldn't say not having the degree is a big deal in and of itself; for me is that she brags about her complete lack of intellectual curiousity. For every official outing, for every charity she will be patron of, she needs to be willing to speak knowledgeably and eloquently and passionately about the subject and, with Monaco's history and linguistic background (not to mention the family's) probably in French fairly fluently and learning a foreign language as an adult is an extraordinarily difficult task. PA knows what he needs for a princess and maybe CW is it and maybe not; it's up to him to make that decision with his head and not any other body part. I just wish he had a Fr. Tucker figure giving him guidance.
De La Cruza said:
I wonder if this will be Alberts future eternal Princess? I wonder if he's willing to have children with her? Even though he's 48. At this so late point in Alberts life I think its too late for Albert to have any children. I mean come on he's going to be in his mid late sixties if he has kids with her and when his and Charlenes children graduate from high school. To me its too late for Albert to have anymore kids but, for realtionships and marriages not at all. He can have a girlfriend until he dies!!!

Physically he's not too old to have children; he will have the ability to father a child until the end of his life (actor Tony Randall did well into his 70's/80's). There will be a significant age difference, but I'm sure he's well aware of that. We are all making the assumption that someone in her 20's is always able to have children. I have perfectly healthy and active friends in their 20's who can't get pregnant and those in their 40's who have conceived naturally and with varying degrees with help and had perfectly healthy children. It's all up to the individual and how that child is raised to meet future responsibilities by both parents.
pinklady1991 said:
I wouldn't say not having the degree is a big deal in and of itself; for me is that she brags about her complete lack of intellectual curiousity. For every official outing, for every charity she will be patron of, she needs to be willing to speak knowledgeably and eloquently and passionately about the subject and, with Monaco's history and linguistic background (not to mention the family's) probably in French fairly fluently and learning a foreign language as an adult is an extraordinarily difficult task. PA knows what he needs for a princess and maybe CW is it and maybe not; it's up to him to make that decision with his head and not any other body part. I just wish he had a Fr. Tucker figure giving him guidance.
Great points especially about the "lack of intellectual curiousity." But doesn't PA know what will be the most suitable princess for MC? I hate to keep beating this into the ground, but it is his lack of responsibility that he refuses to involve women in his life who are intellectually curious. Those kinds of women don't seem to excite him the way swooning types who are less educated than he is seem to.
Laviollette said:
Great points especially about the "lack of intellectual curiousity." But doesn't PA know what will be the most suitable princess for MC? I hate to keep beating this into the ground, but it is his lack of responsibility that he refuses to involve women in his life who are intellectually curious. Those kinds of women don't seem to excite him the way swooning types who are less educated than he is seem to.

Yes it is his responsibiliy, he has to live with her in the end. But then again he also has a responsibility towards Monaco. To quote a famous saying: "with great power comes great responsibility".
another one of Charlene & Albert in Maldives (from billetbladet)

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