The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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Does anyone know when will it be aired, the interview with ITV?
Do you think it will be a household name/ celebrity/ sportsman that will be the CEO of Invictus or more a businessman or woman with the required kudos to move things along to the next stage with possibly financial expertise, allowing them to explore funding opportunities etc.

When pre-Meghan Harry worked on Invictus we saw a passionate young man trying to use his spotlight to point it at the veterans of war having a one-of-a-kind opportunity to become sports athletes.

When post-Meghan Harry reshaped his goals to be the ones the wife approved for the future in business she approved, the goal to become an influencer, Harry was no longer driving this car on the right side. He became an USA right-side passenger seat occupant with someone else in charge. And Invictus, for the press, is now more about Meghan sighting and what she would be wearing for the next award ceremony than the veterans themselves. Those that can't afford a roof over their heads while Lady S dress' price tags are like a month of rent, utilities or food.

Had Invictus been with a lower profile CEO it would be getting little press, but what I miss is the old Harry in charge and not the marshmallow husband with his head all over the press, court and news for no logical reason. We want that old Harry back with Invictus. I want Harry to grow a spine and tell the wife "I'm grabbing the kids on a plane to meet Grandpa Chuck, you are welcome to come"
Invoking your grandmother - who is no longer here to tell her side - to claim that you are doing the right thing; by stating that these endless litigations are what the queen wanted you to do (while it is the complete opposite of how she dealt with the media all her life) is a new low for Harry.
I was ignoring the latest interview as I suspected it offered nothing new but then I saw this. I suspect family relations will be taking a step backwards after this.

Unfortunately, I expect you’re quite right. Harry does not seem to grasp that his grandmother was two people: his grandmother who loved him and the head of state of his country who always recognized and understood the importance of her role. Invoking her name to say she supported you attacking the press- it would be ok to say about a grandmother (my grandmother loves and supports me) but it’s a big thing to say about a head of state (that they question the rights of a free press).

He also doesn’t understand his father is in that position now and his brother is acutely aware he will be in that position in the future.

He seems to feel betrayed they didn’t “support” his quest as a family while not recognizing that it would be wholly inappropriate for them to do so given their roles.
I find it hard to believe that the late Queen supported phone hacking, (which most of Harry’s legal cases again British news organisations have been about.) And Harry has won one case against them already. A free Press should not included listening in to private conversations or using other illegal means. And to be fair, this ‘free Press’ have recognised this and paid out millions in compensation in the years since.

Or indeed that Queen Elizabeth thought that the lies, misinterpretations and downright abuse directed at his grandson’s wife (and Harry himself) in thousands of articles and opinion pieces by journalists employed by those news organisations since 2016 to the present day, were and are in any way admirable.
I was ignoring the latest interview as I suspected it offered nothing new but then I saw this. I suspect family relations will be taking a step backwards after this.

At this point I find hard to believe anything coming out of his lying mouth. Every time he paraphrases what she might or might not said in private, or name drops the queen's name in vain, all that comes out is the poor me in present time.
If he cared so much why the hesitation to bring over his family to the private events or her plea to meet with his two kids before she passed away? All he says is me, me and me on his mention that she supported his legal fights when she was the example on keeping privacy in check with the family she raised.

Harry was not raised by his family, he was raised by his party-loving, offensive-racist-costumes-and-language-school friends. I still recall his pics all over the internet, posted by these pals, wearing nothing but his hands covering his parts with another clothing-impaired girl behind his read. And the times he got angry at his dad for not footing his lifestyle of substance abuse and parties' bills.

That Harry now justifying his decisions as a grown man on the late queen's so-called approval?

If we had a RFs Ouija Board to seance Queen Elizabeth, she would say "Recollections may vary" or perhaps go full Will Smith on him and say "keep my name out of your ____ mouth" :rolleyes:
He has to make up his mind. Either HLM, the head of the family, supported his fight with the media (big eyeroll, I have to look for my eyes behind the couch), or his fight with the media caused the rift with his family, rift that happened during her reign.
But for the personal tweet of an idiot from BBC, I don’t remember any “abuse” whatsoever since their marriage.
I was ignoring the latest interview as I suspected it offered nothing new but then I saw this. I suspect family relations will be taking a step backwards after this.

i can totally see Q.E-II saying "i know it means much to you, do what you believe in"
but i wonder if these conversations were before or after Harry violated the privacy of his family members by blabbing about them in book and interviews...
it feels very much Harry always clinging on to either his mom or his grandmother's memory and the goodwill they have with people, to pull that goodwill towards himself
I find it hard to believe that the late Queen supported phone hacking, (which most of Harry’s legal cases again British news organisations have been about.) And Harry has won one case against them already. A free Press should not included listening in to private conversations or using other illegal means. And to be fair, this ‘free Press’ have recognised this and paid out millions in compensation in the years since.

Or indeed that Queen Elizabeth thought that the lies, misinterpretations and downright abuse directed at his grandson’s wife (and Harry himself) in thousands of articles and opinion pieces by journalists employed by those news organisations since 2016 to the present day, were and are in any way admirable.
You are correct, in no way would the LQ have supported phone hacking. One newspaper has already been closed down, with millions paid out in compensation.
What I will say is do you think she would have liked her grandson standing up in court speaking about family members and ex girl friends, the latter being private citizens.
I would also like to add that we need to differentiate between phone hacking and poor journalism ( sensationalist stories etc) or social media
Harry is not an angel in all this , we need to remember he has revealed private conversations and text messages in his books and interviews. I know these were not obtained by illegal means but it was a total betrayal of trust and loyalty which he appears to demand for himself and his family.

Is he actually saying the rift with the family is because of his fight with the tabloids, not what he said in interviews or books, or allowed to be drip fed to Gayle King or Scobie, or done on his behalf.

I also believe the Queen would have wanted him to settle and put it behind him and get on with enjoying his life, the private one he so wanted, but he is on a mission and to be honest it will not matter how much he receives in compensation , somethings will be lost for ever.

Curryong could I just ask, as I am just adding something here.
The phone hacking was admitted, that is why the compensation was paid out.
The phone hacking was prior to his relationship with Meghan, are we now to assume from what you are saying that he is going after the press because of stories since he met her, because these are two different things, if he tries to cross over it could damage his original case.
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I think Harry simply can't fathom the complete turnaround of public opinion of him and his wife. By evoking his mother and the late Queen, he tries to remind people "who he is", which is ironic considering how he and his wife accepted an award that painted his family in the worst of light. I don't think anyone is silly enough to think the late Queen would have found the phone hacking or the nasty press meted out to ANYONE in her family was acceptable. I agree, I personally believe she would have wanted him to get on with his life and stop throwing his money into the sinkhole of the legal system.
I also believe that IF it is the case that Harry and Meghan are going after the press because of stories they do not like, they need to be very careful, as things can come back to bite you.
Meghan will not be the only one who keeps receipts, as we have seen in the UK press this week stories that are years old are popping up at inappropriate moments for well known faces.
PH trying to rewrite history again, another big fat fail ❌

He's either delusional and/or he's been overindulging in those lifestyle choices of his (I suspect both).

As has been highlighted elsewhere in response to his claims, it was his brother who brought phone hacking out into the open which led to the Leveson enquiry that led to changes in media law and the prosecutions of those responsible.

PH is actually busily trying to slay a dragon that is already dead. His "mission" is pointless and interviews like this are just a platform for him to try and justify his behaviour and blame everyone except himself for his bad behaviour, whilst only succeeding in making himself look even more foolish and deluded than he already is.

He is also IMO completely incapable of extricating himself from the past, particularly in relation to his mother. He cannot move on and I think he is being actively encouraged to behave like this.
Well, Harry himself told us that his memories don't necessarily reflect "the truth". 'Nuff said but I'll take a leaf out of the Duke and Duchess of "We'll never talk about this stuff again" after the Oprah's interview and were unable to stop themselves when their mudslinging didn't reach the desired effect. IOW, I'll say that each time things go stagnant for them (has something actually come out of Meghan's jam announcement, other than a few samples being sent to famous faces?), Harry's mother comes to the forefront. Now, his grandmother has joined her. He tried to redirect the goodwill people had for them towards himself.

Anyway, I thought the late Queen was a sweet old lady being led on by her advisors? What I get from this last bit of news is that once deprived of her advisors and on the phone alone with Harry, she might have been led on by her grandson to say things he could twist with pure conscience to soothe any doubt.

It was him who said she was incompetent before his leaving. Suddenly she has become overly competent after? Competent enough to say what HE wanted to hear?

Yeah. I've got a bridge to sell you. A horribly renovated historical bridge here, I'd like for us to get rid of it. Are you going to buy?
That is correct Shady Lady, if I remember correctly it was a nondescript story about William hurting his leg or ankle, something relatively trivial had appeared in the newspaper. There had been previous suspicions as to how the media had picked up on private events/ issues then this story came out, William knew how many people were aware of this and how he had communicated it, The genie was out of the bottle.
It must have been awful for close friends/ staff when stories came out that had been obtained illegally.
That is correct Shady Lady, if I remember correctly it was a nondescript story about William hurting his leg or ankle, something relatively trivial had appeared in the newspaper. There had been previous suspicions as to how the media had picked up on private events/ issues then this story came out, William knew how many people were aware of this and how he had communicated it, The genie was out of the bottle.
It must have been awful for close friends/ staff when stories came out that had been obtained illegally.
Yep. I do have genuine sympathy for everyone (PH included) who has been affected by this horrible illegal activity; but PH is wrong to use it as an excuse for his estrangement from the BRF. That's down to him and his spouse and their appalling behaviour, no matter how he tries to pretend otherwise.
Frankly, I don't trust a word coming out of his or his wife's mouth because it's a pattern with them - the family was awful, cruel to gentle, sweet, well-meaning, fragile Meghan but when Prince Philip died, he suddenly became so close to Meghan, having such a close bond with her! Same thing now - the late Queen was deluded, sitting in silence as big bad William screamed to defenseless baby Haz and left his poor little brother shaking, she was led on by her advisors, a toy in their hands. But now that she's dead, it turned out she was actually quite lucid and fully supportive.

It's so transparent.
William discovered the phone hacking when he asked to borrow some filming equipment from ITV's Tom Bradbury (yes him of the South Africa tour interview, he used to be quite close to William and Harry) - Bradbury left a voicemail on William's phone about it. Days later the details (which were known only to William and Bradbury) were in the newspaper. Around the same time a story appeared about William consulting a knee surgeon which again, was not widely known but which a voicemail had been left on his phone about. Bradbury and William concluded that their voicemails must be being hacked.

In regards to the News of the World, its royal editor admitted in court that William had his voicemails hacked 35 times, Catherine 155 times, Harry 9.
Getting back to Invictus Birmingham. In about 18 months or so, these residents will only have their trash picked up twice a month. Here in NYC, my garbage gets picked up twice a week. The broke city council has ordered something like 100 new garbage trucks just for food scraps. This effort is at least a year away from happening.

Birmingham has a serious deficit problem and these garbage situations are the tip of the iceberg in Brum.
Getting back to Invictus Birmingham. In about 18 months or so, these residents will only have their trash picked up twice a month. Here in NYC, my garbage gets picked up twice a week. The broke city council has ordered something like 100 new garbage trucks just for food scraps. This effort is at least a year away from happening.

Birmingham has a serious deficit problem and these garbage situations are the tip of the iceberg in Brum.
A great deal can happen in 3 years. Plus as has been said before, it can have a positive effect on an area also the funding is MOD plus sponsorship.
“But that’s a hard question to answer because anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press."

I don't know, really I don't. Isn't it possible that the things HE says, his constant attempts to cast Meghan and himself as so much purer, better and wronged, and also thrown to the wolves by his family - could any of this has something to do with the attitude of the press which lives for such stories? Also, Harry seems to conflate the press with the commenters under the articles and the public in general. As Camilla Tominey once said, he tried to hold them responsible for the comments under their articles.

So, he's all "I'll say all kinds of horrible things and if everyone doesn't believe me and dares dislike my attitude, it's the press' fault, never something that came out of my own mouth?" Charming. And so mature!
I find it interesting Harry is so worried about security in the UK - he talked in the interview about being worried about Meghan not being safe etc. Days after his own Invictus Games announced they'll be hosted in the UK. I don't mean this to offend any US citizens here but I'd genuinely think the UK as being safer than the US. Harry obviously feels safer having protection from bodyguards with guns and he can hire those in the US, he can't here in the UK. Personally I'd see it as less safe to be in a country where most people can have guns vs one where you can't.
IMO this interview just shows there are a lot of deep deep issues going on with Harry and, for now at least, his family and the UK are bearing the brunt of them.
PH trying to rewrite history again, another big fat fail ❌

He's either delusional and/or he's been overindulging in those lifestyle choices of his (I suspect both).

As has been highlighted elsewhere in response to his claims, it was his brother who brought phone hacking out into the open which led to the Leveson enquiry that led to changes in media law and the prosecutions of those responsible.

PH is actually busily trying to slay a dragon that is already dead. His "mission" is pointless and interviews like this are just a platform for him to try and justify his behaviour and blame everyone except himself for his bad behaviour, whilst only succeeding in making himself look even more foolish and deluded than he already is.

He is also IMO completely incapable of extricating himself from the past, particularly in relation to his mother. He cannot move on and I think he is being actively encouraged to behave like this.
So true but I am not really sure if he is lying on purpose or if he truly believes what he says because he lives in his own reality by now. Not sure what is worse though.
So true but I am not really sure if he is lying on purpose or if he truly believes what he says because he lives in his own reality by now. Not sure what is worse though.
That is a very good point, I do believe Meghan words things in such a way that cause ‘misunderstanding or confusion about the accuracy’ . As for Harry, I do not think he sees what he says as untrue or misleading, I am beginning to wonder if he really does believe what he is saying. As has been pointed out he is actually contradicting what he has said previously about his grandmother.
He has used the media to trash his family but he blames the media for the rift. I really do have concerns about him.
Getting back to Invictus Birmingham. In about 18 months or so, these residents will only have their trash picked up twice a month. Here in NYC, my garbage gets picked up twice a week. The broke city council has ordered something like 100 new garbage trucks just for food scraps. This effort is at least a year away from happening.

Birmingham has a serious deficit problem and these garbage situations are the tip of the iceberg in Brum.
@Leopoldine Hi, neighbor, I'm on the hills of Montgomery County and ours gets picked up on Mondays only and recycling plastics, glass bottles, cans and cardboards every other week. If Invictus Birmingham has a pick-up problem with trash being collected twice a month, like our recycling schedule here in Upstate NY, then that's one major budgeting problem to address before, during and after the games arrive to town. People will take pics and every corner will be on display on social media across the planet.

And another budgetary problem that needs to be addressed now and not later is these are war and army veterans. Many have physical disabilities that require special accommodations, transportation and housing for themselves and the families they will bring to support them or to assist them. From traffic and transportation to easy access to ramps, all these needs to be worked out in advance. The world, and the Royal Forums Community, will be watching.
I find it interesting Harry is so worried about security in the UK - he talked in the interview about being worried about Meghan not being safe etc. Days after his own Invictus Games announced they'll be hosted in the UK. I don't mean this to offend any US citizens here but I'd genuinely think the UK as being safer than the US. Harry obviously feels safer having protection from bodyguards with guns and he can hire those in the US, he can't here in the UK. Personally I'd see it as less safe to be in a country where most people can have guns vs one where you can't.
IMO this interview just shows there are a lot of deep deep issues going on with Harry and, for now at least, his family and the UK are bearing the brunt of them.
As an American I agree that there are many things, including the easy access to guns, that make the United States very dangerous. But I believe that the Duke of Sussex has always believed that the United Kingdom was particularly dangerous for his family, not generally as in the United States. Americans aren’t generally emotionally invested enough in the BRF in general or the Sussexes in particular to encourage the amount of press they receive in the UK (even if it is smaller than before).

Why that is and who’s to blame has been discussed before. If the Duke of Sussex finds that his family coming to Great Britain is dangerous and the Duchess of Sussex agrees with him and neither she nor their children step foot in the country again, who does it affect? What’s the harm?
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