The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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am i the only one who finds it strange that harry came from LA as quickly as possible to see charles, and only got to see the king 'briefly' before the King and Queen departed for Sandringham? coming from so far, you'd think that charles would spend some days with him in london, or harry would travel with them up north.

interesting that meghan seems to show no interest in stepping foot in the UK again.

with respect to prince william, i am not at all surprised they won't meet. who would, if they were william? (at any time, but specifically right now with so much on his plate - the least he'd want is to deal with a leak at best, or another offensive declaration)
Yes, I found the very short amount of time Harry visited his father strange. I guess we will have to see if Harry goes up to Sandringham. I hope so, even if it is for a few days.

Exactly. If I were Prince William I would be making sure PH stays well away from both him and his family. Like many people, I've had sibling issues of my own and, sadly, sometimes the only way to deal with them is no contact; to set firm boundaries and stick to them, for the sake of one's own wellbeing and peace of mind.

Looking at Sky News now (the first time I've put the TV on since last night!) it says there are no plans for William and PH to meet which, if true, is both unsurprising and reassuring IMO. There is no need - or desire on William's part I would imagine - for them to meet, and I'm sure William is more than aware of the risks of such a meeting.

Given everything that’s going on with his father and his wife, William probably doesn’t have too much extra emotional energy to devote to repairing his bond with Harry right now. I guess the brothers could see each other if they overlap when visiting the King, but that would likely amount to a quick hello on the way in or out.

And, to be fair, Harry may also recognize that this is a good time to show support for his father, but any sort of reconciliation with his brother will need to come later, if at all.
Could Harry's role as Counsellor of State be a factor? He has not been removed from the list, correct?
No. He hasn't been removed from the list, but a 2022 bill added the Princess Royal and the Duke of Edinburgh as Counsellors of State (with lifetime appointments) and restricted those who could serve as Counsellors of State to working royals. So Harry and Andrew remain on the list but are effectively barred from being called to serve in the position. The Times published an article about it a few weeks ago.
No. He hasn't been removed from the list, but a 2022 bill added the Princess Royal and the Duke of Edinburgh as Counsellors of State (with lifetime appointments) and restricted those who could serve as Counsellors of State to working royals. So Harry and Andrew remain on the list but are effectively barred from being called to serve in the position. The Times published an article about it a few weeks ago.

Beatrice cannot act as counselor either.
Officially Harry, Andrew and Beatrice can act as Counsellors of States unless they are absent from the UK. Their names are included in the LPs that the king issues, howver, in practice there are four others that will be called upon to truly take on the royal duties before any of them would be asked.
suztav, sounds just so grueling.
I'm glad in spite of the uncomfortable pain, length of treatment and inconvenience, it was a success for you.

I hope you had care and support, too.
suztav, sounds just so grueling.
I'm glad in spite of the uncomfortable pain, length of treatment and inconvenience, it was a success for you.

I hope you had care and support, too.

Grueling, yes. Painful, no.

My cancer was caught while looking for other things. I was shocked, as I am certain was KC.

However, as far as cancer treatments go -- the BCG treatment was a walk in the park.

Yes, I found the very short amount of time Harry visited his father strange. I guess we will have to see if Harry goes up to Sandringham. I hope so, even if it is for a few days.

I don’t think it’s strange. It’d be best to get a visit out of the way has he has events coming up. If he still attends those (next week I believe) it stops of the ‘he didn’t see his father’ and ‘how dare he….’ That comes from media and around what happened when it was first reported Charles would be getting treatment.

So if he spends a day or two, it’s all good. He’s been able to see him and go on with what his plans are.
I don’t think it’s strange. It’d be best to get a visit out of the way has he has events coming up. If he still attends those (next week I believe) it stops of the ‘he didn’t see his father’ and ‘how dare he….’ That comes from media and around what happened when it was first reported Charles would be getting treatment.

So if he spends a day or two, it’s all good. He’s been able to see him and go on with what his plans are.

What events does Harry have coming up? (Just curious, I may have missed a news item)
I do hope that Harry has scheduled a few days to spend with his father, and not just a 45 minute snatch. He has at least a week before Canada. I don't think he nor William need to thrash things out just yet, even though it would be lovely if they could find some common ground again. Harry made some massive mistakes in judgement (in my opinion) and a rapprochement will naturally take some time.
After reading all about this situation, I am amazed at the number of people who feel they have the right to speak for the people of the UK, the Commonwealth and, most outrageous of all, the BRF itself. On this forum I keep reading about how Harry must be kept at a distance, he can never be left alone with the King and how deeply untrustworthy he is and therefore not deserving of even seeing the King.

You will notice I say "the King" and not "his father". Tom bower was holding forth on the TV about how he must be absolutely unforgiven and in no doubt of his position, that of being excommunicated from the family. Why all this anxiety and downright hate?

King Charles is no fool, and those who seek to speak for him do him a great disservice and cover themselves an even greater disgraceful shame and arrogance. King Charles was released from hospital after a successful surgery for an enlarged prostrate. Even then, he and his lovely wife were aware there was potential for grave news depending on the tests undertaken at the time.

Upon receiving a diagnosis of 'Cancer' he did what most ordinary people do. He phoned his two sons, William and Harry, and his siblings, Anne, Andrew and Edward, to fill them in on the actual situation. I am sure he told them his first treatment was in a day or two as well. The point I am trying to make is that Harry being informed that his father has cancer, was told by is father, his Pa.

Whatever we may think about the situation, it is strictly under the immediate control by King Charles, and it was his choice to call Harry in California and his call to say yes you can come and see me. Even though I am sure the poor man was probably exhausted.

We don't know yet how the situation will play out, but one thing I am sure of is that this is strictly a family crisis, and it would be wise to accept that family rules behind the throne. They are all, including Harry, part of his support team that will keep him up and fighting with a positive attitude.

When my sister was diagnosed with cancer, we had a family meeting, and her Doctor and Medical team were emphatic that a positive attitude and supportive family is essential. There will be hard days ahead, but with his family behind him, and that includes Harry, I pray that he will come out the other side stronger and fighting fit, and, if we are really lucky, a healed family.
Another stumbling block would be that the majority of people in the UK don't want them back.
I agree, I don’t see this happening - too many bridges have been burned. Perhaps they can be forgiven in time but trust? No, trust has to be earned and I cannot see that happening.:ermm:
When the Sussexes left England and the rift with the family began, I thought it would be the passing of HMQ that would begin the thaw.

It didn't happen.

Then, I started to fear that there would be some health crisis with Charles. Things can never be as they were between Harry and William, too much hurt, misunderstanding and damage has been done.

But I desperately want Harry to heal his relationship with his father while there is time. :sad:
I think Harry's immediate flight to the UK to see KCIII might have been about more than familial love or an eagerness to mend fences.[.....]
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Yes, I found the very short amount of time Harry visited his father strange. I guess we will have to see if Harry goes up to Sandringham. I hope so, even if it is for a few days.

February 6 (1952) is the day Her Late Majesty ascended to the throne, the date of her father’s death. As I recall, she always spent that day at Sandringham. Perhaps Charles has adopted the same custom.
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February 6 (1952) is the day Her Late Majesty ascended to the throne, the date of her father’s death. As I recall, she always spent that day at Sandringham. Perhaps Charles has adopted the same custom.
I believe that is a likely possibility ladongas.
The DM is speculating about the reason Harry stayed in a hotel.
Although Frogmore is no longer available, why did no one offer him a room?

(Although perhaps he preferred a hotel for some reason).
The DM is speculating about the reason Harry stayed in a hotel.
Although Frogmore is no longer available, why did no one offer him a room?

(Although perhaps he preferred a hotel for some reason).

I read they'd offered him a room at one of the places but he said no? Maybe he had other work in town.
The DM is speculating about the reason Harry stayed in a hotel.
Although Frogmore is no longer available, why did no one offer him a room?

(Although perhaps he preferred a hotel for some reason).

I think that's the key, it's just the DM speculating. He could've been offered a room and accepted.

They just don't know what his movements are. On ITV, Chris Ship said despite their best efforts, they couldn't find any information on his whereabouts or movements after the 45 minute meeting.

He could be a room at one of the Palaces, at a hotel or with friends.
The DM is speculating about the reason Harry stayed in a hotel.
Although Frogmore is no longer available, why did no one offer him a room?

(Although perhaps he preferred a hotel for some reason).

Did he ask anyone to put him up?
Did he ask anyone to put him up?

I doubt it. Considering he already headed back to California, appears he just stayed in a hotel room. This trip clearly was never meant to be more than a short stint.
Yet another reminder that speculation is against forum rules, so let's limit the temptation to create scenarios for which there is absolutely no evidence at all.
Although Frogmore is no longer available, why did no one offer him a room?

(Although perhaps he preferred a hotel for some reason).

We obviously do not know the real reason of why Harry was not accomodated in a royal residence, but do we really want to risk seeing the inside of Clarence House, BP or Windsor showing up in the next Harry documentary?
I think that's the key, it's just the DM speculating. He could've been offered a room and accepted.

They just don't know what his movements are. On ITV, Chris Ship said despite their best efforts, they couldn't find any information on his whereabouts or movements after the 45 minute meeting.

He could be a room at one of the Palaces, at a hotel or with friends.

This part makes me chuckle. The internet always makes fun of Harry for wanting privacy. But at the same time, all the reporters are desperate to dig for any kind of tidbit on Harry's travel plans. If we ever found out where Harry stayed, it will be "leaked" by the Palace, not from Harry.

For people who read "Spare" (not just tidbits from tabloids), it is very obvious that Harry loves his Father. Not everyone has the money, flexibility and resources to drop everything and make a long flight to see a sick family member. Harry does, so he did it.
We obviously do not know the real reason of why Harry was not accomodated in a royal residence, but do we really want to risk seeing the inside of Clarence House, BP or Windsor showing up in the next Harry documentary?

Seeming as no actual footage of those places aside from what was already available to the public or photographs of mainly Harry and Meghan were featured. It’s an unfounded worry. In his Netflix Doc, there wasn’t a tour of any palaces and what was featured was footage already in the public domain.
For people who read "Spare" (not just tidbits from tabloids), it is very obvious that Harry loves his Father. Not everyone has the money, flexibility and resources to drop everything and make a long flight to see a sick family member. Harry does, so he did it.

I figured Harry went to see Charles to make sure he is "protected" and has the "right people around him." (He's done that before.)
Images of the private area of Buckingham Palace that was shown in the trailer to the Netflix programme had not been available online previously as far as I’m aware. Maybe someone knows differently?

There are of course countless images of the interior of BP, including some in the public domain of private areas, but that is entirely at the discretion of the resident monarch. And in fact many of the images of the private areas are historical rather than contemporary.

Who knows, maybe Netflix asked & was granted permission to use the image. And there again maybe they didn’t. Maybe they didn’t know it was an image inside the private quarters or maybe they did & they just didn’t care. Just like the Daily Mirror notoriously acted many years ago.

After all for the media it's all about the viewer/readership & the money isn't it?
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