The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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How do we know that the Sussexes were invited but couldn’t attend that party for family reasons? And I doubt that the Marley premiere was made on the spur of the moment on Tuesday to distract anyone. They probably accepted that invite to the premiere weeks ago.
How do we know that the Sussexes were invited but couldn’t attend that party for family reasons? And I doubt that the Marley premiere was made on the spur of the moment on Tuesday to distract anyone. They probably accepted that invite to the premiere weeks ago.

Yes, a pair of tickets to an indie film in Jamaica would be a super-hot ticket needing much advance notice.
Well, the Sussexes do have children and so arrangements may well have to be made for the visit there. And Bob Marley was and is very important to Jamaicans still.

Plus, Jeff Bezos and wife didn’t mind going to the Aviation event that everyone ridiculed so much in the media, or being photographed with Prince Harry while he was there, so he (Bezos) doesn’t mind being present at events others sneer at, either.
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They didn't make it to Jeff Bezos's giant LA-based 60th birthday bash, held a few days ago. Oprah, Bill Gates, Jay-Z and Bey, Katy Perry ... the press-distracting trip to Jamaica to celebrate the Bob Marley film is hilarious.

IMO, I'm surprised that Harry and Meghan were not at Jeff's party. Harry just recently posed for photos with Jeff and Lauren at the Aviation event.

Well yeah, surely they would have gone to that if invited, isn't that the sort of thing they want to be part of? :whistling:

I suspect JB's missus didn't want MM there trying to grab the limelight, ditto at the award ceremony.

Also I thought one of the children was supposed to be poorly...they do seem to spend an awful lot of time apart from those little kids :sad:

At this event in Jamaica MM was guaranteed to be the centre of attention without any A-list people to compete with who might get more attention.

They also posed for photos with the CEO of Paramount.

All just my opinion ?

Edit: Here's an article from the Telegraph about their appearance at the Bob Marley premiere. For some reason it is not behind a paywall (for once!) so the comments can also be read, but just in case anyone can't access it and wants to read the article I've attached an archive link ?
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Well yeah, surely they would have gone to that if invited, isn't that the sort of thing they want to be part of? :whistling:

I suspect JB's missus didn't want MM there trying to grab the limelight, ditto at the award ceremony.

Also I thought one of the children was supposed to be poorly...they do seem to spend an awful lot of time apart from those little kids :sad:

At this event in Jamaica MM was guaranteed to be the centre of attention without any A-list people to compete with who might get more attention.

They also posed for photos with the CEO of Paramount.

All just my opinion ?

Edit: Here's an article from the Telegraph about their appearance at the Bob Marley premiere. For some reason it is not behind a paywall (for once!) so the comments can also be read, but just in case anyone can't access it and wants to read the article I've attached an archive link ?

Isn’t that the PM who was almost rude to Prince William?
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Harry and the then Jamaican PM Portia Miller, hugged on the 2012 Jubilee tour. They got on like a house on fire, Harry danced to Bob Marley music, met his widow and had an absolute ball! And he and Meghan are getting on very well with the present PM who seems to have enjoyed interacting with the couple.

Portia Miller is a staunch republican and her successor, Andrew Holness, who is the PM who "almost insulted Prince William", wants to ditch the monarchy in Jamaica as early as 2025. It is hardly surprising that they would get along with Harry and Meghan, who have become useful tools of the republican movement in all Commonwealth realms.
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Portia Miller is a staunch republican and her successor, Andrew Holness, who is the PM who "almost insulted Prince William", wants to ditch the monarchy in Jamaica as early as 2025. It is hardly surprising that they would get along with Harry and Meghan, who have become useful tools of the republican movement in all Commonwealth realms.

Harry did not speak one word about Jamaica becoming a republic when he got on so well with Miss Miller on the Jubilee tour of 2012. Nor do I believe he spoke about it to the present PM at the film premiere.

Jamaicans will choose their own destiny. If they decide to ditch being a realm in a few years (and I believe they will) it will have nothing whatsoever to do with the Sussexes.
Harry did not speak one word about Jamaica becoming a republic when he got on so well with Miss Miller on the Jubilee tour of 2012. Nor do I believe he spoke about it to the present PM at the film premiere.

Jamaicans will choose their own destiny. If they decide to ditch being a realm in a few years (and I believe they will) it will have nothing whatsoever to do with the Sussexes.

Yeah, but that referendum has never come. Is the PM going to do a Barbados move and skip the referendum?
Yeah, but that referendum has never come. Is the PM going to do a Barbados move and skip the referendum?

Well, they might and they might not. Did Barbadians riot in the streets about the lack of a referendum? I believe not, and the change-over went smoothly. More countries in the Caribbean and elsewhere will probably do the same sooner rather than later. And it still will have nothing to do with the Sussexes and everything to do with having their own Head of State.
Well, they might and they might not. Did Barbadians riot in the streets about the lack of a referendum? I believe not, and the change-over went smoothly. More countries in the Caribbean and elsewhere will probably do the same sooner rather than later. And it still will have nothing to do with the Sussexes and everything to do with having their own Head of State.

We are veering into the off topic territory, I am going to add only that China likes this.
Yeah, but that referendum has never come. Is the PM going to do a Barbados move and skip the referendum?

One factor in the delay towards becoming a republic may be that it not only requires an amendment to the Constitution to be approved by Parliament, but also by a two-thirds of voters in a referendum.

I'm guessing that at this point those behind the movement to become are republic do not believe that they're guaranteed that two-thirds of voters will vote for a republic.

Anyhow back to the movie premiere, I'm guessing that the child who was ill last weekend has recovered from his or her illness. Hope that the Sussexes enjoyed the film premiere during their trip to Jamaica.
It was great to see them out, it's always great to see them out and looking happy.

From some things I read. Jeff Bezo's hosting a party has nothing to do with the Sussex's. I don't see the point in trying to link them to his party, as if them being there is a snub. In my view, it's fairly petty and pointless. And I don't see how this most likely planned trip, is some press distracting snub. But if it wasn't, how would we put the Sussex's down somehow?

As another member pointed out, Prince Harry and Meghan already had connections with the Marley Family. And can we not dismiss this as some random film about some random obscure thing. It's a film about Bob Marley, one of the most influential black and Caribbean artist. Some are just excited to get a picture with his statue. So yes, it does seem like it would be super hot, needing to get the tickets in advance. And while I could be wrong, given the amount of people there and the figures there, I doubt this was something found out just two days before.

And once again, hits at Meghan for no reason but that's par the course. I'm sure the little ones are fine and I'm sure why spend more than enough time with their children. There are 365 days in the year, how many did we see them last year? Meghan alone couldn't get you more than maybe two months totaled in the public eye.

All in all, this was a fun event to see them at and the best part was that it was a total surprise.
I'm not surprised. This Event is right up The Sussex's Alley.
Personally, I see it as just a subtle dig. Nothing much more. They knew they would be warmly welcomed. And They were. So it was an opportunity to good to pass.
These were the type of things that Harry and Meghan excelled at. Again, not surprised they went. And in the scheme of things, it is of zero consequence anyway.
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Several off topic posts have been removed. Stick to discussion about the Sussexes and the current topic.
The Sussexes are living their life, separately

[…]The visit to Jamaica is not a spontaneous visit. There are VIPs such as President of Paramount, the Prime Minister of Jamaica who are busy people with real jobs. This movie premiere must have required weeks, if not months, of coordination between the movie studio and Jamaica government. We are not sure who invited Sussex to attend. Did Paramount invite them? Did Bob Marley's family invite them?

It is worth noting that this was a complete surprise, with no leaks from the movie studio or the Jamaica government. […]
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Both the CEO of Paramount and Jeff Bezos ( who also controls Amazon Studios, Prime Video and MGM) are people Harry and Meghan would have a professional interest in being close to. I would say Bezos is a heavier weight ( with all due respect to Paramount, which is rumored to be up for sale, with Amazon incidentally as one of the potential bidders). I agree, however, that their presence at the movie premiere in Jamaica must have been decided several months ago and, at the time, the Sussexes probably didn’t have any other bigger event to attend on the same date.
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Harry and Meghan are apparently good friends with the CEO and wife of Paramount. You could tell in the videos they all knew each other well. Anyways they attended as their guests per reports.
Forgive my ignorance, but WHY are the duke and duchess attending this premiere in Jamaica? Were they involved with the production?”
:previous: The Sussexes... attending a movie premiere they were most likely invited to should be reason for "Charles and England" to cut ties with them?

They posed for a photograph with a Prime Minister who has said that he wants Jamaica to become a republic. Jamaica is obviously quite entitled to become a republic if that's what it wants, and Andrew Holness has spoken of his respect for the late Queen and other members of the Royal Family, but it was insensitive for Harry and Meghan to pose for a photograph with him at a time when this is undecided.
:previous: They posed for a picture with the Jamaican PM because they were in Jamaica for the premiere and, whether people like it or not, they're royals. Harry is quite literally the son of the King of Jamaica (although the BRF's engagement with many of the Commonwealth countries for which they too serve as a royal family leaves a lot to be desired). It's not exactly unusual for royals to meet heads of government – even at blasé occasions such as these.

What would've been inappropriate was if they'd refused to be pictured with him. That would've been a slap in the face to, unfortunately, a majority of Jamaicans who want Jamaica to become a republic. The PM merely conveys the popular opinion. Do you think republicanism dwindles if you simply refuse to acknowledge it? Do you think the BRF makes a good case for themselves among republicans in Jamaica by snubbing the Jamaican PM?
Just more proof Charles and England need to cut ties.

"England" has no ties to H&M. Harry does not represent the UK government or the British Royal Family in any way. So as far as I am concerned, Harry can go and do what as he pleases. What his actions over the last few years have demonstrated is that he can be his own worst enemy.

Harry is the son of the King, try as you may, that can't be changed. It is well known that the relationship between Harry and his father has broken down, and communication is limited, at best.
They posed for a photograph with a Prime Minister who has said that he wants Jamaica to become a republic. Jamaica is obviously quite entitled to become a republic if that's what it wants, and Andrew Holness has spoken of his respect for the late Queen and other members of the Royal Family, but it was insensitive for Harry and Meghan to pose for a photograph with him at a time when this is undecided.

Whilst I couldn't argue with your point, maturity and good judgement are not attributes that can always be applied to the actions of H&M.
Whilst I couldn't argue with your point, maturity and good judgement are not attributes that can always be applied to the actions of H&M.

And that sums up all the game. Either they had no clue what they were doing or they understood and continued. Unfortunately, both possibilities are viable seeing their history.
Harry and Meghan probably didn’t even know that the Jamaican PM and his wife were going to be at this premiere. If they had refused to have photographs taken with the PM couple that would have almost certainly caused great offence to both the PM and to the Jamaican people. For heavens sake the four of them were making small talk and smiling for photographs at a film premiere not proposing talks for constitutional change the next day!
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