The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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From my perspective, it's not that I "don't like" people who might receive an award; it's the credibility of the award for Harry that can be questioned. Harry is no more a hero of aviation than any other person who served in the capacity as helicopter gunner in a war zone. The only reason he was given the award is because he is a celebrity, brings profile to the event, and has a hard-working agent. In my mind, that makes it less of an award and more of a gig. These events are almost all about publicity for the organization, and significantly less about the award itself.

I agree too, very well said!
Does Harry have an agent at all, ‘hardworking’ or otherwise? I don’t believe so. He didn’t sign with William Morris, though Meghan has.
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From my perspective, it's not that I "don't like" people who might receive an award; it's the credibility of the award for Harry that can be questioned. Harry is no more a hero of aviation than any other person who served in the capacity as helicopter gunner in a war zone. The only reason he was given the award is because he is a celebrity, brings profile to the event, and has a hard-working agent. In my mind, that makes it less of an award and more of a gig. These events are almost all about publicity for the organization, and significantly less about the award itself.

For you, if it's a not a "don't like" then that's great! But there a lot who putting it down because they don't like the people receiving the award. And if that's not the way you lean, that's wonderful. My statement on disliking was for those who are devaluing the award because people they don't like who received it.

The rest is a difference of opinion's as to value, deserving and the rest so I can only shrug my shoulders at that as we differ. Just small corrections, no one called him a hero of anything.

And he doesn't have an agent, he hasn't signed anywhere so it's not a gig of anything. There is a committee, he was nominated along with 3 other men, the full board of current inductees agreed and then he was inducted.
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Does Harry have an agent at all, ‘hardworking’ or otherwise? I don’t believe so. He didn’t sign with William Morris, though Meghan has.

I believe he is represented by The Harry Walker Agency, a company that arranges paid speeches for their prominent clients. I can see this invitation coming through that channel.
Both he and Meghan signed ages ago to the Harry Walker agency for their speaking engagements. I don’t believe this award show last night comes into that category. Harry’s few remarks on receiving his award don’t amount to giving a speech.
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All those Germany royal houses of Schaumburg-Lippe were abolished long time ago, so all those German princes and princesses are fake, not just Mario Max.

The fake prince, Mario-Helmut Wagner / Mario Max Schaumburg Lippe, posing with the real prince, Harry, is now all-over social media because of that photo. But not in a good way, every source I checked if you run his name is now bringing up he is no member of the German nobility, but an adult man adopted at the age of 31 by his mother's new spouse.

Harry got Mario to be back in the news, in a bad way.
TRH The Sussexes reached out to HM The King and HRH The Princess of Wales with regards to their health concerns:

I like how, rather than making a big drama about it, the article simply states that a source told them that “The King and the Princess of Wales have received support from Prince Harry and Meghan regarding their health. The Duke and Duchess contacted both parties in different ways to pass on their concern and best wishes.”
I am a bit surprised about the addition of 'in different ways'. However, it's good that they reached out in a time like this.
The fake prince, Mario-Helmut Wagner / Mario Max Schaumburg Lippe, posing with the real prince, Harry, is now all-over social media because of that photo. But not in a good way, every source I checked if you run his name is now bringing up he is no member of the German nobility, but an adult man adopted at the age of 31 by his mother's new spouse.

Harry got Mario to be back in the news, in a bad way.

Harry has now arrived in the world of doing small time stuff to somehow stay relevant, events where he is paraded around for being a real Prince and gets paid for it. D List people like the other Prince will take advantage on social media, in Germany he is from the world of Trash TV. Sad that Harry has now been lowered to this level.
While Harry is not signed with WME, the Sussexes worked with Sunshine Sachs, an outside PR agency for a while and then that relationship ended and their PR and Communications is now handled in house, reportedly by The Archwell Foundation.
While Harry is not signed with WME, the Sussexes worked with Sunshine Sachs, an outside PR agency for a while and then that relationship ended and their PR and Communications is now handled in house, reportedly by The Archwell Foundation.

Yes, exactly. As I posted before Harry does not have an agent.
An article that I consider to be an interesting read, it has quite a lot if facts put together in a clear timeline.

“ Worth noting at this point is the existence of a February 2020 letter to the Duke informing him that as he was no longer a working Royal he would not receive publicly funded police protection.

Instead it would be provided on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances.”

“ Our presses began rolling on Saturday January 15 2022, and the story first appeared on MailOnline at 10.12pm that night.

Six minutes later, the Press Association news agency, having been briefed in advance by Harry’s camp, reported that the Duke had offered ‘to pay personally for UK police protection’ and quoted his lawyer saying: ‘He remains willing to cover the cost of security.’

Stranger still was Harry’s belief that he could buy the services of the police.

Never in the recent history of this nation, which follows the rule of law, had an individual ever done so.

As a former Minister would later note, ‘The police are not a commodity to buy like a packet of biscuits’.”

“ In fact, court papers state that in April 2020, in an email to the Queen’s Private Secretary Sir Edward Young, Harry ‘made clear at the [Sandringham] meeting that he and his wife were not in a position to privately fund security arrangements until they were independently earning’.”
I have a strong feeling that his case against the DM may have been dropped incase it impacts Harry’s case against the Home Office re the security decision.
I have a strong feeling that his case against the DM may have been dropped incase it impacts Harry’s case against the Home Office re the security decision.

And I think it’s too late. The facts would have been digged anyway, the correspondence, the timeline, the offers and answers.
Yes I agree. Its interesting the DM case was withdrawn just as the deadline for Harry's team to hand over documents about the case approached, maybe they contained evidence that would have been detrimental to Harry's Home Office case. Already we've heard that Harry said in correspondence to the late Queen's private secretary that he and Meghan wouldn't be able to pay for security until they were working.
And I think it’s too late. The facts would have been digged anyway, the correspondence, the timeline, the offers and answers.

Whether the facts may have been dug or not, it is unclear if they would be admissible in the Home Office case now. Probably a new independent round of fact finding will be needed.
An article that I consider to be an interesting read, it has quite a lot if facts put together in a clear timeline.

“ Worth noting at this point is the existence of a February 2020 letter to the Duke informing him that as he was no longer a working Royal he would not receive publicly funded police protection.

Instead it would be provided on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances.”

“ Our presses began rolling on Saturday January 15 2022, and the story first appeared on MailOnline at 10.12pm that night.

Six minutes later, the Press Association news agency, having been briefed in advance by Harry’s camp, reported that the Duke had offered ‘to pay personally for UK police protection’ and quoted his lawyer saying: ‘He remains willing to cover the cost of security.’

Stranger still was Harry’s belief that he could buy the services of the police.

Never in the recent history of this nation, which follows the rule of law, had an individual ever done so.

As a former Minister would later note, ‘The police are not a commodity to buy like a packet of biscuits’.”

“ In fact, court papers state that in April 2020, in an email to the Queen’s Private Secretary Sir Edward Young, Harry ‘made clear at the [Sandringham] meeting that he and his wife were not in a position to privately fund security arrangements until they were independently earning’.”

Off on a short holiday now, but just wanted to say thanks for posting this :flowers:

IMO PH's team knew his goose was cooked the moment Nicklin J rejected the attempt to rule without trial and awarded costs against him.

It's also interesting that after he dropped the case, PH's spokesperson said as per The Guardian:

“As is the nature with legal proceedings, years have lapsed since this complaint was first filed. In the time since, the main hearing relating to the duke’s judicial review has taken place and we are awaiting the final decision as to whether Ravec [the executive committee for the protection of royalty and public figures] acted lawfully with regard to his security.

"His focus remains there, and on the safety of his family, rather than these legal proceedings that give a continued platform to the Mail’s false claims all those years ago.”

I've highlighted these parts as, the case was bought over an article the Mail published in February 2022 - less than two years ago. "Years have lapsed" and "All those years ago" IMO sounds very odd and doesn't make sense; presumably is an attempt to downplay what is actually a sizeable legal defeat. No wonder Nicklin J said the DM had a realistic prospect of proving that PH's statements were misleading.

As I said in a previous post on this thread when after the Mirror case PH talked of dragon slaying and "a great day for the truth", "the truth" applies to him also.
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The fake prince, Mario-Helmut Wagner / Mario Max Schaumburg Lippe, posing with the real prince, Harry, is now all-over social media because of that photo. But not in a good way, every source I checked if you run his name is now bringing up he is no member of the German nobility, but an adult man adopted at the age of 31 by his mother's new spouse.

Here is a reliable source on the termination of "real" German nobility in 1919: an English translation of the 1919 Constitution of Germany.


All Germans are equal before the law.

Men and women have the same fundamental civil rights and duties.

Public legal privileges or disadvantages of birth or of rank are abolished. Appellations of nobility are only part of the name and may be bestowed no longer.

Titles may only be conferred if they designate an office or a profession; academic degrees are not affected by this.

Orders and decorations shall not be conferred by the state.

No German shall accept titles or orders from a foreign government.

It is odd how "every source" criticizes the British monarchy and royal family for racism but supports German (ex-)noble families to discriminate against adopted children (but not spouses) on the basis of biology (but only in male line) even after the law and society have modernized to accord equal rights to adopted and biological children.

ETA: Perhaps we should move this discussion (if anyone wishes to debate further) to the German forum.
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I've highlighted these parts as, the case was bought over an article the Mail published in February 2022 - less than two years ago. "Years have lapsed" and "All those years ago" IMO sounds very odd and doesn't make sense; presumably is an attempt to downplay what is actually a sizeable legal defeat. No wonder Nicklin J ruled against PH and said the DM had a good prospect of proving that PH's statements were misleading.

Thank you for sharing the article! Just a minor clarification: The judge did not rule (and did not need to rule) on whether the Daily Mail's publisher had a good prospect of proving its case - only a "realistic" prospect, which is all that is needed to proceed to trial.
I don't think this is big enough to go in a fashion thread but it seems that the tux/suit he wore for this event was the one he wore during his wedding reception. Which is cool.

If it's true they sent well-wishes, then that's good.
From People Magazine:
Published on January 20, 2024, 04:46PM EST

Meghan Markle Misses Prince Harry's Awards Ceremony After One of Their Kids Became Ill

From Vanity Fair
January 20, 2024

Meghan Markle Skips Prince Harry's “Living Legend” Event

Caution: when you scroll down please don't get scared by the picture, it's just Jeff Bezos' new/current wife showing the effects of finding a cosmetic doctor that won't say no.
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I don't think this is big enough to go in a fashion thread but it seems that the tux/suit he wore for this event was the one he wore during his wedding reception. Which is cool.

If it's true they sent well-wishes, then that's good.

I too believe it is the same too. As they entered into adulthood, Charles did outfit his sons with the necessary wardrobe that they would need to participate in their duties. So they would require black tie, white tie and morning suits.

The suits could be tailored to their measurements and minor repairs made when necessary.
I was put off by the joke he said about John Travolta. I have always been a fan of him and squirm when he is the butt of jokes for his mistakes. I don't know if Harry was trying to disparage him or trying to be funny.

Re: Prince Harry - I wish he would have started the speech extending an olive branch to turn all bad press around. As in wishing his father and sister-in-law a prompt recovery on their conditions. That's it.

I must disagree. Harry shouldn't speak at all about Kate and his father least of all at a D List award show. It would definitely be seen as a negative and that he is trying to insert himself into their story compounded by the attacks he and his camp have made on Charles and Catherine.
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I think Harry was trying to demonstrate a familiarity/friendship between him and Travolta by calling him "Captain John" and the joke about his mother. They must already be acquainted on a fairly comfortable level for him to joke that way.

I agree, Harry shouldn't say anything in public about his father and sister-in-law, it should be done privately.
An event being hosted by John Travolta and attended by Morgan Freeman, let alone the others there, isn’t some d-list award show.

Edit; Because i saw this on instagram but it's not big enough for it's own post.

There were a few artist that attended the awards. One of the artist did a painting of Harry and he was able to get it signed. His instagram is @patrickkanemcgregor

I recognize the reference photo but I'm don't know it exactly, still it's pretty cool!
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I was put off by the joke he said about John Travolta. I have always been a fan of him and squirm when he is the butt of jokes for his mistakes. I don't know if Harry was trying to disparage him or trying to be funny.

I think he was trying to be funny, but it came off as disparaging.
When someone mentions dining out on something that happened, it usually means they are bragging about a fleeting instance and trying to impress. Travolta has no need to do that.
Excellent news! I hope Harry and Meghan enjoyed their date night and the Bob Marley film. Marley still has plenty of fans.

Some further information.

They posed with the Jamaican PM on the red carpet. Harry had met members of the Marley family on the previous visit he made to the island and had been seen dancing to a Marley song on that trip.
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They didn't make it to Jeff Bezos's giant LA-based 60th birthday bash, held a few days ago. Oprah, Bill Gates, Jay-Z and Bey, Katy Perry ... the press-distracting trip to Jamaica to celebrate the Bob Marley film is hilarious.

IMO, I'm surprised that Harry and Meghan were not at Jeff's party. Harry just recently posed for photos with Jeff and Lauren at the Aviation event.
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