The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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I’m guessing the family were excited to hear her from and recorded it for a keepsake.

And in fact, I’m happy the family kept it because the person who posted it online, only posted in response to someone claiming that she did nothing for the community and only went for show. So it’s good to see that she’s been keeping in contact and helping them.

Another person also posted in defense of her who lost family in that tragic shooting.
I’m guessing the family were excited to hear her from and recorded it for a keepsake.

And in fact, I’m happy the family kept it because the person who posted it online, only posted in response to someone claiming that she did nothing for the community and only went for show. So it’s good to see that she’s been keeping in contact and helping them.

Another person also posted in defense of her who lost family in that tragic shooting.

I don’t care about that part of the family as they didn’t respect the children’s desire to be left alone.

It’s bad PR for Meghan. She’s trying and failing, in my opinion, to establish herself as a royal of America. In UK, when a member of the RF visits the site of a tragedy, he or she does it on behalf of the people, not for theirselves, not for their foundations. It’s disrespectful.
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Archewell teamed up with Kaboom to build a playground in the area to help the children begin healing from the trauma they experienced. I am sure the people of Uvalde appreciated what was done for their children. Actions speak louder than words.
I don’t care about that part of the family as they didn’t respect the children’s desire to be left alone.

It’s bad PR for Meghan. She’s trying and failing, in my opinion, to establish herself as a royal of America. In UK, when a member of the RF visits the site of a tragedy, he or she does it on behalf of the people, not for theirselves, not for their foundations. It’s disrespectful.

The first paragraph is confusing. This is a snippet of a long phone call, and we do not have the full context of the conversation. How can you judge this family who has experienced extreme tragedy how they are grieving based on a 20 second recording?
I don’t care about that part of the family as they didn’t respect the children’s desire to be left alone.

It’s bad PR for Meghan. She’s trying and failing, in my opinion, to establish herself as a royal of America. In UK, when a member of the RF visits the site of a tragedy, he or she does it on behalf of the people, not for theirselves, not for their foundations. It’s disrespectful.

I'm confused. How would this affect HRH The Duchess of Sussex PR-wise one way or the other? She neither filmed her own phone call nor posted it online.
I don’t care about that part of the family as they didn’t respect the children’s desire to be left alone.

It’s bad PR for Meghan. She’s trying and failing, in my opinion, to establish herself as a royal of America. In UK, when a member of the RF visits the site of a tragedy, he or she does it on behalf of the people, not for theirselves, not for their foundations. It’s disrespectful.

I’m confused on how it’s bad PR for Meghan. Actually confused about your entire reply. As the family weren’t with the kids, the family was respecting the kids wish to be alone. All they said, we asked if they needed anything and let us know. They didn’t force the kids to be with them. And Meghan also wasn’t bothering the kids as she was speaking to an extended family member to check up on them. Not the actually kids.

Secondly, Meghan hasn’t done anything to try and establish herself as a royal in America. Honestly, aside from using her husbands title, and the Netflix doc, she hasn’t talked about or tried to connect herself to the royals. Even in the variety carpet thing, she was introduced as Meghan Markle. It was online media that referred to her as The Duchess of Sussex.

Also Meghan didn’t release that video call. A member of the public released the video because random people on the internet said Meghan did nothing to help. The call showed that she’s been checking in on the families way after the fact without telling the public. Another member of the public commented that Meghan had been helping them out more than their actual governor who did come with cameras in tow and didn’t do much for the community. And you’re speaking over the voices in the community who all expressed how Meghan had been there for them in their time of need. It’d been confirmed by those same loved ones who actually lost members of their families that she didn’t just bring food and drinks but paid funeral cost & etc. Something I don’t think royals do all to often for all of the talk of her ‘trying to be a royal in America’

And can we stop gatekeeping things royals do as things no one else can do. When people have long being doing the same work as royals, long before royals picked it up. As a public figure and a mother two kids, there was nothing wrong her with visiting a public memorial for several little ones and teachers who lost their lives to a gun-man. It’s not disrespectful to visit on behalf of yourself or your foundation. You can view it that way, personally but it doesn’t make it show. She visited because she felt moved. And according to the community, her visit and help made an impact that THEY are grateful for. One could say visiting a site of something like that on behalf of the ‘people’ is even more disrespectful because you’re viewing it as a job to be done, instead of being something that has moved you and was deeply impactful. I won’t say that as I’m sure the those affected appreciate those visits.

I understand that you dislike Meghan but there is no point in twisting something like this -something the families are greatful for- to bash her.

It wasn’t a PR stunt, the visit, in which know she helped for months after the fact. Or the upload by a member of the public, an upload she had nothing to do with.
I don’t care about that part of the family as they didn’t respect the children’s desire to be left alone.

It’s bad PR for Meghan. She’s trying and failing, in my opinion, to establish herself as a royal of America. In UK, when a member of the RF visits the site of a tragedy, he or she does it on behalf of the people, not for theirselves, not for their foundations. It’s disrespectful.

Yep. And most definitely not wearing jeans!!!!
I'm confused. How would this affect HRH The Duchess of Sussex PR-wise one way or the other? She neither filmed her own phone call nor posted it online.

I am sure that her permission was asked before the clip being published. Privacy and all that.
What’s wrong with jeans? Truly.

And by what the person said with the upload said, no, they didn’t get Meghans permission and more than likely, they didn’t think they’d need too as it wasn’t a conversation about personal information. Once again, let’s not try and find a way to twist something and blame on Meghan, when it was a member of the public, speaking in her defense.

Honestly, if that random person online hadn’t tried to speak over the families of the victims, we wouldn’t have gotten that video.
I am sure that her permission was asked before the clip being published. Privacy and all that.

Excellent point :flowers:

Considering H&M's history of litigation, it would indeed be madness to go public with anything like this, without prior conversation and agreement between the parties, and put in writing.
I'm confused. How would this affect HRH The Duchess of Sussex PR-wise one way or the other? She neither filmed her own phone call nor posted it online.

I thought as part of their divorce from the royal family and since they are no longer working royals they agreed not to use the HRH?
I thought as part of their divorce from the royal family and since they are no longer working royals they agreed not to use the HRH?

That's true, and neither of TRH The Sussexes have used the HRH since they left. I just refer to them as such as a personal preference.
Excellent point :flowers:

Considering H&M's history of litigation, it would indeed be madness to go public with anything like this, without prior conversation and agreement between the parties, and put in writing.

I think Prince Harry's litigation have been more against newspapers that have illegally hacked his phone and unlawfully gathered information and published it. He has every right to sue along with hundreds of others who have been illegally phone hacked. Harry decided to bring it to the courts instead of accepting a payout.As for Meghan's letter that was printed she also had the right to sue and won.
I think Prince Harry's litigation have been more against newspapers that have illegally hacked his phone and unlawfully gathered information and published it. He has every right to sue along with hundreds of others who have been illegally phone hacked. Harry decided to bring it to the courts instead of accepting a payout.As for Meghan's letter that was printed she also had the right to sue and won.

Just as I would imagine she would have the right to sue if the recording of the phone call was published without her permission, regardless of content. (Mis)use of information is a huge issue these days.

IMO it would be very risky thing to do. I only speak for myself of course; to paraphrase the wonderful, wise and much missed HLMTQ: Opinions may vary. ?
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I think Prince Harry's litigation have been more against newspapers that have illegally hacked his phone and unlawfully gathered information and published it. He has every right to sue along with hundreds of others who have been illegally phone hacked. Harry decided to bring it to the courts instead of accepting a payout.As for Meghan's letter that was printed she also had the right to sue and won.


I understand there is a desire to blame a member of the public doing something to defend Meghan, on Meghan but alas. I don't think that member of the public in the time they replied, had enough to send a quick text to Meghan asking if they could post it.

And to your hope for donations, I don't know overall but for Archie and Lili's birthdays, Sussex fans raised over $100,000 for Kaboom after Meghan's visit and Archewell's work with Kaboom. A video message was posted as thanks so they did tones of love. (The goal was $20k)

The article is in german but when I clicked the link, it translated the page to english, I don't know if it'll do that for everyone! Just a note

Meghan donated on 4,600 euros and cosmetics to the TrebeCafe, a facility she visited in Germany during the Invictus games. The girls had asked for cosmetic products when she visited.
Ashley Hansen is moving on from her role as Archewell's global press secretary.

The original article has now been removed from The Times' website, but the archived version can be read here.

The article is in german but when I clicked the link, it translated the page to english, I don't know if it'll do that for everyone! Just a note

Meghan donated on 4,600 euros and cosmetics to the TrebeCafe, a facility she visited in Germany during the Invictus games. The girls had asked for cosmetic products when she visited.

So Meghan remembered! That is a very kind and thoughtful thing to do for those girls.
What’s wrong with jeans? Truly.

And by what the person said with the upload said, no, they didn’t get Meghans permission and more than likely, they didn’t think they’d need too as it wasn’t a conversation about personal information. Once again, let’s not try and find a way to twist something and blame on Meghan, when it was a member of the public, speaking in her defense.

Honestly, if that random person online hadn’t tried to speak over the families of the victims, we wouldn’t have gotten that video.

If they didn't get her permission, I am surprised she is not suing the person who recorded a private conversation and posted the video online, as she nornally does in similar circumstances.

Likwise I am surprised she is not suing Scobie for leaking private information in Endgame which only Meghan herself would have access to.

Honestly, the modus operandi of the Sussexes to handle how information is leaked or published is hardly a state secret.
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If they didn't get her permission, I am surprised she is not suing the person who recorded a private conversation and posted the video online, as she nornally does in similar circumstances.

Which persons has Meghan ever sued for recording private conversations with her and posting videos online? Because I’m not aware of any.
Ashley Hansen is moving on from her role as Archewell's global press secretary.

The original article has now been removed from The Times' website, but the archived version can be read here.

Some interesting tidbits from the Times article.

Hansen, an American of Iranian heritage, is not leaving Archewell for another role. A source said: “Ashley has been putting the feelers out for doing some freelance work on her own. It hasn’t worked out with Harry and Meghan. She is really good and highly rated by their team — it’s just the clients don’t always listen to the advice.

In the aftermath of announcing that they were withdrawing from royal duties, in January 2020, they had said they would no longer engage with the British tabloid media. An email sent on behalf of the couple to editors, in April 2020, said there would be “no corroboration and zero engagement” from the couple and their media team, and they would no longer respond to inquiries from journalists.

However, with Hansen as their communications chief, that stance shifted towards a more collaborative approach with some publications. During the Sussexes’ attendance at this year’s Invictus Games in Dusseldorf in September, tabloid journalists were included on a media WhatsApp group with their communications team. They were regularly briefed on the couple’s activities, Meghan’s outfits and the detail that she did her own hair and make-up while in Germany.

Considering how much the Sussexes rail against the tabloids, I’m surprised they agreed to work with them.
They weren’t working directly with them, the Communications team were ( three years and more after the original statement in 2020.) The Sussexes were probably doing this because they wanted the Invictus Games (Harry’s baby) to be a success (which it was.) And considering how the British media pursued their lives practically daily (and still do) ever since they left Royal life they wanted news about the Games and their activities in connection with it to get out there.
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Some interesting tidbits from the Times article.
Considering how much the Sussexes rail against the tabloids, I’m surprised they agreed to work with them.

I think that was likely to be Ms Hansen's doing in an attempt to "normalise" press relations. The “no corroboration and zero engagement” policy was an emotive reaction by the couple, but not really helpful to them in the long run and would have made it very difficult for the communications team.
I think that was likely to be Ms Hansen's doing in an attempt to "normalise" press relations. The “no corroboration and zero engagement” policy was an emotive reaction by the couple, but not really helpful to them in the long run and would have made it very difficult for the communications team.

Yes, that is a stance that only works for people who truly intend to live entirely private lives. If the couple wanted to disengage from the public entirely, that would be a workable strategy. It’s not a workable strategy to spurn the media entirely except when you have projects you want them to cover in a positive light.

That would be quite a tough job.
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