The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 - July 2024

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Do you mind giving an example of “the work archewell has been doing behind the scenes”? Genuine question, because I never understood WHAT it’s doing.

Well this event was about the harms of social media, especially algorithms. What we learned was that Archewell had been working for over a year with different cyber organizations. They also have been working with families who have lost their children due cyberbullying and all those avenues.

We heard personal testimonies from some parents about how their lives benefitted from the support and services they received. Archewell has been very hands on with the families. .

I personally spoke to a few people from different organizations who have been working with Archewell. Some newer relationships, others more established. And personally I don't blame them for a lot of this work not being public because we know exactly how people react to them.

I heard nothing but respect and praise. No one mentioned the royal drama. No one brought up any of that crap. No one cared. It was just a reminder while we see both worlds.... majority overall don't give a damn.

And for me -- I am a supporter. But no one there would have known that. I was there due to my professional connection to certain organizations. It was a fascinating afternoon. I also attended the Earthshot/Bloomberg Philanthropies Summit. So this little NYer has had quite a royal fill the last few weeks.
Well this event was about the harms of social media, especially algorithms. What we learned was that Archewell had been working for over a year with different cyber organizations. They also have been working with families who have lost their children due cyberbullying and all those avenues.

We heard personal testimonies from some parents about how their lives benefitted from the support and services they received. Archewell has been very hands on with the families. .

I personally spoke to a few people from different organizations who have been working with Archewell. Some newer relationships, others more established. And personally I don't blame them for a lot of this work not being public because we know exactly how people react to them.

I heard nothing but respect and praise. No one mentioned the royal drama. No one brought up any of that crap. No one cared. It was just a reminder while we see both worlds.... majority overall don't give a damn.

And for me -- I am a supporter. But no one there would have known that. I was there due to my professional connection to certain organizations. It was a fascinating afternoon. I also attended the Earthshot/Bloomberg Philanthropies Summit. So this little NYer has had quite a royal fill the last few weeks.

Ok, but what support services is Archewell offering to these parents? Are they, for example, paying for grief counseling for parents who can’t afford the fees or are they running support groups? Or are they supporting these parents by working to understand where social media companies are failing to protect users and working for either legislation or industry change?

I think a lot of the skepticism people have about Archewell is the lack of anything specific that points to what they are trying to accomplish and how they are going about it. I think that’s what other users are asking your opinion on, since you were at the event.
I am readying about majorities and minorities. I don't think those attending an Archewell event in any way are representative of what 'the majority' thinks. They are clearly a very specific subgroup of people.
ACO, I guess we will see. Could you please give us a first hand account of some of the Corporations interested in partnerships with The Sussex's.

I am absolutely not revealing what is 100% not my place to do. And you are very correct -- we will see. I am personally looking forward to it.

Ok, but what support services is Archewell offering to these parents? Are they, for example, paying for grief counseling for parents who can’t afford the fees or are they running support groups? Or are they supporting these parents by working to understand where social media companies are failing to protect users and working for either legislation or industry change?

Yes to all the above. The main thing I got from those who participated and had the strength to actually speak, it a strong community they have created. They are all working hard to do what they can, and yes that includes working at policy.

I am readying about majorities and minorities. I don't think those attending an Archewell event in any way are representative of what 'the majority' thinks. They are clearly a very specific subgroup of people.

I don't think majority of people give one iota about the royals, one way or another. That was my point. We are the subgroup. We project our feelings on people more than we care to admit.
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Do you mind giving an example of “the work archewell has been doing behind the scenes”? Genuine question, because I never understood WHAT it’s doing.

I am interested in that information as well!
They held the room. People from all backgrounds were in attendance. Many from the corporate world looking to collaborate with them.

Now this is what I find peculiar. In Britain everyone understands really clearly that relatives of the monarch are just ordinary people (much like the rest of us so no embarrassment there!) who happen to have been born into extraordinary positions. There is the odd genuine personal achievement like HM’s sister & Olympic equestrianism & good on her. But, & this is very important, even members of the rf know this, or at least the wise ones do. At the end of Alice of Gloucester’s memoirs there is a thank you to anyone who had ever turned out to greet her but she makes it very clear that she understands they did so because of what she represented (the monarchy) not because she herself was special in any way. Insightful, humble & genuine.

Harry Windsor of course is very typical of his class & (great) public school education. Upper class (great) public school boys are trained to radiate confidence & to sound far more intelligent, informed & competent than they may actually be. Boris J, cough cough, might be a good example of the species. Such people used to run half the world after all! And this is not to belittle such types but they are a very distinct subset in British (really English) society.

But the idea that anyone, even a tiny minority, in a meritocratic republic like the USA would see this sort of individual as accomplished or of interest other than because of the accident of their birth is genuinely baffling. It is an interesting social phenomenon but leaves a lot of people on this side of the pond genuinely scratching their heads.

Vive le difference!
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Thank you for answering, ACO. I still don’t get it, but I am not that interested. I presume that the US has quite a lot of charities and organizations that do that thing - support for people who need it in various situations.

I feel that bringing the subject of support for parents who lost a child to suicide is difficult to be discussed, all I can do is have compassion for them and respect their grief.
:previous: It appears that this was a couple's trip and that their children did not join them for this get away. With Archie most likely in Kindgergarten now, it would be challenging to take a family trip.
Forgive my ignorance about people in California with serious money - but do such beings send their children to kindergartens? Or are the children in some way home-schooled until school? Or do they send their children to some sort of (no doubt expensive) daycare?

- Reminds me of a cartoon in the magazine Mad:
If you just scrape by, you are placed at the back of the queue at your doctor's office.
If you do well, you are placed in the front of the queue at your doctor's office.
But if you are on top, your doctors queue outside your bedroom door.
Forgive my ignorance about people in California with serious money - but do such beings send their children to kindergartens? Or are the children in some way home-schooled until school? Or do they send their children to some sort of (no doubt expensive) daycare?

- Reminds me of a cartoon in the magazine Mad:
If you just scrape by, you are placed at the back of the queue at your doctor's office.
If you do well, you are placed in the front of the queue at your doctor's office.
But if you are on top, your doctors queue outside your bedroom door.

Hi Muhler. Yes, most Americans send their children to Kindergarten starting at age 5. Kindergarten is not compulsory in California but most parents choose either private or public schools.
It gives the kids opportunities to socialize, starting some early learning and get used to the school routine. I would be very surprised if Archie was not enrolled because he did go to pre-school.
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I would imagine he is. Like most people on the planet. That photo is set up.

And I'm sorry but I am sceptical about that work of Archewell. They certainly talk the talk but there is no word on things like providing therapy. Harry doesn't do that with Invictus. And if they are paying fir such things, They are just a money bank. Give a fish and all that. Why not base their charity of psychological support for trauma? They certainly talk but so far no concrete evidence has come forward to say any of that.
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Exactly Fig Tree. Staged. Not a doubt. Seven Car "Convoy" in NYC, but not a Security Officer in sight here ? Sure !

Meghan's S.O. is ALWAYS by her side, in Montecito. Here, a Foreign Country .....ZIP.. When most VIP''s World Wide are playing it VERY SAFE, due to instability and uncertainty over Israel. Nice too, not ONE other Person is strolling around in the picture.

LOL " where billionaires go to escape millionaires"..... What are The Sussex's doing there then ?

I will be very interested to see how the first six months of 2024 pans out. Will Harry be kept on with a big salary as "Chief Impact Officer" at BetterUp ?
They had significant layoffs In August, with many disgruntled Employees speaking out about dysfunction and dissatisfaction.

But of course the big question mark is Netflix..... The Jewel in The Sussex's Crown. Lots to watch, as LOTS is on the line, for Harry and Meghan.

As for Archewell ? It has never made one bit of sense to me. As to what its Business Model actually is. How it operates or HOW it is funded either.
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Ok, but what support services is Archewell offering to these parents? Are they, for example, paying for grief counseling for parents who can’t afford the fees or are they running support groups? Or are they supporting these parents by working to understand where social media companies are failing to protect users and working for either legislation or industry change?

I think a lot of the skepticism people have about Archewell is the lack of anything specific that points to what they are trying to accomplish and how they are going about it. I think that’s what other users are asking your opinion on, since you were at the event.

The Archewell website ( indicates that Archewell does not provide direct services, like support groups for bereaved parents. There is a list of organizations that received grants from Archewell, and none of them specialize in safe online practices or bereavement support. The only mention I found was a media release about the summit.

Archewell is one of many foundations run by celebrities that provide grants rather than services. Personally, I don't think that donating to such foundations is an efficient or effective way to support charities. These foundations have their own operating costs and the charities that actually provide direct services have to devote resources to writing grant applications.
The Archewell website ( indicates that Archewell does not provide direct services, like support groups for bereaved parents. There is a list of organizations that received grants from Archewell, and none of them specialize in safe online practices or bereavement support. The only mention I found was a media release about the summit.

Archewell is one of many foundations run by celebrities that provide grants rather than services. Personally, I don't think that donating to such foundations is an efficient or effective way to support charities. These foundations have their own operating costs and the charities that actually provide direct services have to devote resources to writing grant applications.

I tend to agree. Their “impact” report also does not mention any direct service offerings. I asked in case there was more information available at the event, because based on what’s available on the foundation’s website, it’s hard to tell what value they add or what support they have provided to these parents.
The Archewell website ( indicates that Archewell does not provide direct services, like support groups for bereaved parents. There is a list of organizations that received grants from Archewell, and none of them specialize in safe online practices or bereavement support. The only mention I found was a media release about the summit.

Archewell is one of many foundations run by celebrities that provide grants rather than services. Personally, I don't think that donating to such foundations is an efficient or effective way to support charities. These foundations have their own operating costs and the charities that actually provide direct services have to devote resources to writing grant applications.

That is exactly what I thought. They the,selves do not provide services to others. They basically give grants with probably other peoples money which is ridiculous. What the royals do I guess but they are public servants and role completely different. If they were independently wealthy they’d be philanthropists but ai don’t think you could even call them that.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were photographed during their holidays on the island of Canouan:

** Pic ** dailymail article **

Where is everybody else, are they the only visitors to this holiday resort for the rich and famous.
Why would you want photographs of the back of your heads when you are on holiday, what happened to privacy.

Has this been taken in front of a green screen, there isn't another soul to be seen.

We have been at an event for people who lost their children but now we are going to boast about our holiday.
Just read it is a Soho house complex, that answers everything. That is a funny photograph as they are not actually holding hands.
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Where in this article does it say that the Sussexes are ‘boasting about their holiday’? If they want to take a few days off together to relax and spend their own money on it surely it’s nobody’s business but their own. [.....]
And Soho House, where Meghan is a member, is as good a place as anywhere else to enjoy holiday accommodation and each others’ company. As for the photo, in midday heat a lot of people would be inside, which was where they were probably heading. The photo is one split second in time. A second later they were almost certainly holding hands and were seen doing so by others. Does absolutely everything the couple do have to be criticised?
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Curryong, it IS just that they give us, some of us, so much to shake our heads for, or wonder about. What ARE they thinking ?

And yes, I find much to criticize them about. Mostly about two platforms, which they perplexing enough, like to talk up as signature "causes" . Environmental 'green' issues and bullying, as part of The Sussex's Mental Health Advocacy.

I find them hypocrites of the first order on both. On Eco Issues, a definite "do as I say, not as I do" attitude.

Lets look at The Travalyst-Sustainable Tourism Website ... "Join the movement, LED by Prince Harry, is a global initiative with the ambition to change the impact of travel for good".
And just this week in NYC, The Sussex's had a ridiculous Convoy of SEVEN SUV's to herald their 'arrival' at an Event a mile from their Hotel ?

I suppose its a good thing no one was really paying attention to them this week, because that screamed over the top entitlement. " Look at US ".

And as for bullying, I will let the incessant attacks and allegations thrown at The Royal Family by The Sussex's for years speak for themselves.
Knowing, they can't respond.

That IS why I feel the way I do, and justified, when I call out their disingenuous behavior.
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Where in this article does it say that the Sussexes are ‘boasting about their holiday’? If they want to take a few days off together to relax and spend their own money on it surely it’s nobody’s business but their own. [.....]
And Soho House, where Meghan is a member, is as good a place as anywhere else to enjoy holiday accommodation and each others’ company. As for the photo, in midday heat a lot of people would be inside, which was where they were probably heading. The photo is one split second in time. A second later they were almost certainly holding hands and were seen doing so by others. Does absolutely everything the couple do have to be criticised?

I do not have a problem with them spending their own money on a holiday, I find the hypocrisy of arguing for privacy but allowing photographs of their holiday to be published rather strange.
I am sorry Curryong but I still think it is a rather odd photograph, I don’t know if it is mid day , maybe you are right , but not another soul outside, sorry it smacks of an influencer post. Privacy……when it suits. Maybe they will sue the photographer
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Several posts have been edited or removed. Let's keep discussion on the topic.
The Archewell website ( indicates that Archewell does not provide direct services, like support groups for bereaved parents. There is a list of organizations that received grants from Archewell, and none of them specialize in safe online practices or bereavement support. The only mention I found was a media release about the summit.

Archewell is one of many foundations run by celebrities that provide grants rather than services. Personally, I don't think that donating to such foundations is an efficient or effective way to support charities. These foundations have their own operating costs and the charities that actually provide direct services have to devote resources to writing grant applications.

And yet these parents told a room full of people, including multiple members of the media, that they very much provided direct services. So unless you calling them liars, not sure what you are implying here.
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Also, what private citizens do with their money is of no concern to me. And frankly no one has to change their life because you don’t like how they are living it. You can want privacy and still go outside. Shocking, I know:
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What the heck drivel was Harry blathering on about Farmers being uneducated, out of touch, unsophisticated, internet unsavvy rubes.
"Brian, the chicken farmer in a rural area (in OSTRICH boots ??? no less...huh ???? ) , isn't going to know how to navigate around social media".

Talk about painting a large segment of MANY Countries population with an insulting brush.

How damn arrogant and condescending. I find that comment just appalling. Infuriating.
Watching the Video Clip of him spouting that ignorance, REALLY bothers me. I know cattle farmers. They, in order to succeed in today's world ARE very Internet savvy. They have to be to, these days. Every aspect.

From monitoring Weather, Feed, Stock breeding, Diseases, Market prices and fluctuations, ect...

What does Harry think ? Its Downton Abbey " farming days"...... Sure sounds like it.

It is hearing wild comments like this whopper, when I truly believe that The Firm NOW realize that Harry's liabilities, going off script about things he neither understands or bothers to, far outweigh whatever his perceived strengths in engaging with the public were.
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Harry wasnt insulting anyone. Brian was a member of one of the panels who is a farmer (who was wearing very stylish ostrich boots!) spoke about how he was clueless about technology. He was literally referencing his comments, which everyone understood.

Granted only the Sussexes clips were seen but this is what happens when you pull things out of context and twist them to suit your own agenda.
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ACO, he might have been "referencing" Brian, but his words stand on their own. He said it, he owns it. He was most certainly "generalizing". Big mistake.

Much like other ridiculous statements, that have proved over the past few years Harry is not to bright, savvy or with much common sense, when he goes "off script". Without facts or preparation.

I will say though, that after watching that unbelievable clip a few times, EVEN Harry seemed very ill at ease and uncomfortable. I guess even he knew he was "treading in dangerous waters".

I guess we will have to disagree on this one.
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What the heck drivel was Harry blathering on about Farmers being uneducated, out of touch, unsophisticated, internet unsavvy rubes.
"Brian, the chicken farmer in a rural area (in OSTRICH boots ??? no less...huh ???? ) , isn't going to know how to navigate around social media".

Talk about painting a large segment of MANY Countries population with an insulting brush.

How damn arrogant and condescending. I find that comment just appalling. Infuriating.
Watching the Video Clip of him spouting that ignorance, REALLY bothers me. I know cattle farmers. They, in order to succeed in today's world ARE very Internet savvy. They have to be to, these days. Every aspect.

From monitoring Weather, Feed, Stock breeding, Diseases, Market prices and fluctuations, ect...

What does Harry think ? Its Downton Abbey " farming days"...... Sure sounds like it.

It is hearing wild comments like this whopper, when I truly believe that The Firm NOW realize that Harry's liabilities, going off script about things he neither understands or bothers to, far outweigh whatever his perceived strengths in engaging with the public were.

Considering that Prince Harry resides in the state that provides much of the United States with its fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, I'm disappointed that he'd make this type of remark.
Harry wasnt insulting anyone. Brian was a member of one of the panels who is a farmer (who was wearing very stylish ostrich boots!) spoke about how he was clueless about technology. He was literally referencing his comments, which everyone understood.

Granted only the Sussexes clips were seen but this is what happens when you pull things out of context and twist them to suit your own agenda.

You really have to watch an entire segment yourself or read an entire statement and not just bits and pieces. When you are not getting the whole picture things can be taken out of context.
You really have to watch an entire segment yourself or read an entire statement and not just bits and pieces. When you are not getting the whole picture things can be taken out of context.

Well that is part of being a public figure. You have to learn what you can say without it being misquoted. You need to learn ways of co existing with a public role and a private one. Those comments out of context, or not, make him sound bad. He would have been better off vaguely discussing how some people have trouble with technology and how in todays world, esp after Covid, this is a form of indeed poverty.

As for archewell, no direct claims or evidence they provide direct services. Money for it maybe.
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