The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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I immediately thought it was a setup, a ploy by Harrry to convince the Home Office to pay for his security.

The mayor said their account of the incident was hard to believe, and it did seem like another attempt to invoke the tragedy of Diana.

Maybe we should just label it Recollections may vary?
The cab driver stated that while the Sussexes were in his cab they were sitting very quiet and appeared anxious. I hardly think that was a set-up.
The cab driver stated that while the Sussexes were in his cab they were sitting very quiet and appeared anxious. I hardly think that was a set-up.

I agree that they genuinely felt anxious and upset but I hope they'll learn from it and use the tactics that other celebs use to deal with paps. Deciding to go from an event where everyone knew where they were to a private home they wanted to keep unknown wasn't a clever move.
No doubt that they were followed by the paps. Unfortunately, the Duke and Duchess of Montecito insist on what they have done with every story they tell ---- they exaggerate.

It's sad that they don't realize (and probably don't have anyone around them with the guts to say so) that their continued exaggeration has contributed to this situation.

They have zero credibility.

Alternate facts? Alternate reality! JMHO
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I immediately thought it was a setup, a ploy by Harrry to convince the Home Office to pay for his security.

The mayor said their account of the incident was hard to believe, and it did seem like another attempt to invoke the tragedy of Diana.

Maybe we should just label it Recollections may vary?

The UK Home Office can't pay for Harry's security in America, even if they wanted to, so, if that was the goal, it was a futile exercise.

Once Harry and Meghan decided to quit the UK and live in America, they are understandably on their own. They are not diplomatic officers of the United Kingdom and UK police has no jurisdiction in the US.

Apparently they were able to get a police escort from the NYPD, which is surprising since they have no official status in the US and are not under any known credible threat (unless there is some undisclosed intelligence about that).
The UK Home Office can't pay for Harry's security in America, even if they wanted to, so, if that was the goal, it was a futile exercise.

Once Harry and Meghan decided to quit the UK and live in America, they are understandably on their own. They are not diplomatic officers of the United Kingdom and UK police has no jurisdiction in the US.

Apparently they were able to get a police escort from the NYPD, which is surprising since they have no official status in the US and are not under any known credible threat (unless there is some undisclosed intelligence about that).
so why is it that the NYPD, who must have experience of handling security for famous people at times, seem to have hashed things up so much? Why did H and Meg not use tehir own car? why not go to an hotel if tehy were indeed chased and stay there for the night and leave next day?
Morning Joe on MSNBC began there program this morning basically mocking the incident.

The Montecito’s have lost all credibility —- their own making!

What is really sad about this incident is that the Sussexes have so damaged their credibility that the majority of members here and the mainstream media, while certainly sympathetic because of Princess Diana's tragic death, are defaulting to questioning the accuracy of their version of events. Gotta give credit to whomever at BP penned the line "recollections may vary" - it really has become the defining characteristic of Brand Sussex.

Spot on. And whoever came up with "recollections may vary" is a genius.

The cab driver stated that while the Sussexes were in his cab they were sitting very quiet and appeared anxious. I hardly think that was a set-up.

In one pic I saw earlier (I've looked for it again but can't find it right now) I think she looks quite serene and calm, almost smiling, her hands folded in her lap, while he is busy filming everything on his phone. There's no interaction between them. They could have been two strangers sitting next to each other on the bus. He may well have been anxious but she certainly didn't look it. Perhaps she is a good actress after all.

My final thoughts on this whole business (and H&M in general) IMHO:

It's very difficult to take anything they say or do at face value (nothing new there!)

it's no way to live. It's not healthy, living in the spotlight, endless media attention, but I've come to the conclusion that somehow they need it. A part of me actually pities them TBH. And I still feel sad for their children, isolated from the rest of their family with all this going on :sad:

It also reminds me how lucky I am to be living a quiet and peaceful life in my little corner of the world, needing neither security constantly at my side or photographers to validate my existence. Real freedom is priceless, more valuable than any mansion ?
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it's no way to live. It's not healthy, living in the spotlight, endless media attention, but I've come to the conclusion that somehow they need it.

What was the quite from the Africa documentary when Meghan told Bradby that to exist is now enough, one needs to thrive. I tguess this is thriving for her!
It's textbook self promotion, sorry. What better topic than a paparazzi car chase to relate to some royal drama. So boring and predictable.

I agree, really hope this isn't the case, but I think you might be right.
What is really sad about this incident is that the Sussexes have so damaged their credibility that the majority of members here and the mainstream media, while certainly sympathetic because of Princess Diana's tragic death, are defaulting to questioning the accuracy of their version of events. Gotta give credit to whomever at BP penned the line "recollections may vary" - it really has become the defining characteristic of Brand Sussex.

I have to agree. Sadly their past words and actions continue to color the public's perception of events like this one.
The Police ONLY were involved for 20 minutes, The Sussex's NEVER entered The Police Station and only changed Car to Cab, in the Driveway-Lot.
There weren't paparazzi either, "driving thru red lights, driving on the pavement and carrying out blocking moves either". OTHERWISE they would have been arrested !

Mayor Adams of NY City is a retired Police Officer. He is NOT going to let these baseless and damaging allegations against his City and "safety factor" go unchecked.

Lastly, thanks to Moby for pointing out that Diana didn't simply die in a Car crash being pursued by paparazzi. As Harry mistakenly insists.

Her Driver, Henri Paul, was DRUNK and under the effect of prescription drugs AND speeding. Grossly impaired, reckless and supposedly driving over a 100 miles, when he lost control at around 12:30 am and crashed The Car. Yes, being pursued, but impaired. I remember that tragedy like it was yesterday.

I wonder what the A list Celebrities ( Moguls, Politicians, Hollywood types) that The Sussex's crave to be make of this ? I'm guessing not much.
Not much at all.......
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None of the other drivers involved in any "multiple near collisions" appear to have come forward, suggesting that they don't exist.
I really cant see how anyone could manage a 2 hour high speed car chase in New York which is a crowded city.
As for the Diana issue a few months ago, Harry was talking about Diana's deaht and he claimed that there was no problem with driving fast and having drink taken, it was the fault of the papparazzi. Perhaps he genuinley beleives that the paps were the main factor in her death rather than the speeding, not wearing a seat belt and the driving drunk. Perhaps he genuinely was scared that there were some paps around in N York but they are a part of celebrity life in a city like NY...
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What is really sad about this incident is that the Sussexes have so damaged their credibility that the majority of members here and the mainstream media, while certainly sympathetic because of Princess Diana's tragic death, are defaulting to questioning the accuracy of their version of events. Gotta give credit to whomever at BP penned the line "recollections may vary" - it really has become the defining characteristic of Brand Sussex.

I think you really hit the nail on the head.

What this really shows is how damaged their credibility is. And they have no one to blame but themselves. Several years ago- this would not be the reaction of people here or the media.

Whoever came up with the term “recollections May vary” deserved a huge bonus.
None of the other drivers involved in any "multiple near collisions" appear to have come forward, suggesting that they don't exist.

Yes. There is a lot that makes their exact words, tone and insinuations questionable. If this incident was as bad as they made it sound, their spokesperson wouldn’t have needed to issue a statement for the world to know: there would have been video and commentary all over social media.

Something happened. But, so far, I think their words are an exaggerated account with a much more dramatic tone of what happened. They may have genuinely been upset or anxious, but I did see a photo of them in the car. Couldn’t see Harry’s face, but Meghan didn’t appear upset to me- at least in that one moment.
When I saw the news, as a former longtime New Yorker, I chuckled. As their cab driver said, “ I wasn’t scared, they didn’t grow up in New York”. Chase would be more of a crawl, and 4 of the paps have submitted their videos to refute their story with Megan even smiling out the window at one point. Don’t you think ny is filled with celebs hounded by the paps? Does Princess Caroline cry wolf every time she was hounded, her whole life? I can easily imagine they were nervous and shouting orders to their suv driver who was the one driving erratically. Do you really think the NYPD who have unfortunately seen it all would have just dismissed this otherwise? The two of them have been playing with fire, this is what happens
Yes, and whoever their security is will be blamed and should be if he was endangering pedestrians.
Maybe now would be a good time to stop the worldwide privacy tour
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I really cant see how anyone could manage a 2 hour high speed car chase in New York which is a crowded city. ….

To be fair, I don’t believe the Sussexes ever described the chase as ‘high speed.”
That adjective is courtesy of Mayor Adams, and it was used early on, when facts were still unclear.
Okay well here are the facts that hopefully we can agree on:

1. Harry, Meghan & Doria were followed & photographed by paps after the “Women of Vision “ Awards in NYC.

2. There were multiple paps traveling by car, bike, scooter. Blackgrid confirmed they had 4 freelancers following them, and there may have been more from other photo agencies. There are some videos of more many more than 4 paps following them. Blackgrid also confirmed they were covering their "trip to NYC" not just the event, which seems invasive.

3. Harry and Meghan were first in a blacked out SUV, then moved to a Taxi.

4. The paps following them made their transportation "challenging" (NYPD says this) as the couple did not want to lead them to the private residence where they were staying.

5. Harry and Meghan tried to get away from the paps and lose them. It took a while but they eventually did so apparently.

6. There were no injuries or collisions.

7. There have been no arrests.

8. The NYPD & Private Security were involved in the incident. It says something that NYPD were involved, this wasn't some innocent situation that was completely safe.

Thank you for such clear and calm recitation of facts. I would like to add:

9. Harry and Meghan did not say there was a "high speed" chase in their statement.

10. Major Adams said he was briefed that two police officers could have been hurt. This also lines up with Sussex's statement.

11. The taxi driver stated in his interview with Piers Morgan that he has driven other celebrities in his cab, but never seen that many paparazzi before. Also he was tipped well for a very short ride.
To be fair, I don’t believe the Sussexes ever described the chase as ‘high speed.”
That adjective is courtesy of Mayor Adams, and it was used early on, when facts were still unclear.

They implied it by saying they were involved in a near catastrophic paparazzi car chase through Manhattan.
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Thank you for such clear and calm recitation of facts. I would like to add:

9. Harry and Meghan did not say there was a "high speed" chase in their statement.

10. Major Adams said he was briefed that two police officers could have been hurt. This also lines up with Sussex's statement.

11. The taxi driver stated in his interview with Piers Morgan that he has driven other celebrities in his cab, but never seen that many paparazzi before. Also he was tipped well for a very short ride.
does not explain why they were taking a taxi, when they are apparnetly very frightened of being exposed to photographers. why not drive in a safe limo with bodyguards and tinted windows and a safe driver
Methinks that their version of the truth has an alternate set of facts.

Now let me think ... let me think ... where have we heard "alternate set of facts" before???

I wonder if they realize who they sound like? :)

Seeing the video I agree with the mayor that it was chaotic and annoying. Didn’t seem dangerous from the video. The back grid guys do back
Up and give space when asked and there’s plenty of room in front and cops right behind. Cops did not interact with photographers so they didn’t deem it a threat to passerbys from what we see.

It’s a scene that one expects from any A-lister leaving an official event. It’s annoying for the celebrity and their staff and probably for city cops but…I don’t see anything from these initial videos and photos that will likely make the NYPD change their usual protocol.
The Sussex's attended a very well publized Award Event in NY City. They ABSOLUTELY knew the paparazzi would be there, and instead of dealing with it as seasoned professionals, they escalated the situation by their actions. How much ? No-one knows as there are greatly conflicting "recollections" of what actually happened. "Near catastrophe" Or "challenging". Big difference.

I'm reminded what Samantha Cohen,The Queens one time Asst Private Secretary (VERY highly valued and respected) said about The Sussex's....." that dealing with them was like dealing with teenagers". That I can certainly believe. Petulant, unreasonable and flying off the handle. That poor Chauffeur that night, I can only imagine the stress he was under. Dealing with them AND the situation at hand.

Well, since we have seen clips of Harry in the car filming the paparazzi as this unfolded, I'm sure it will play a central role in their Netflix "The Sequel"
follow up of the victimized Sussex's.

Funny, how giant A-listers like The Clooney's, Oprah and Taylor Swift seem to deal with these public events appearances in a professional manner.

Looking forward as more details come forward about this. Again, The Sussex's did themselves and their "Drama Queens" reputations and antics no favors in this at all.
does not explain why they were taking a taxi, when they are apparnetly very frightened of being exposed to photographers. why not drive in a safe limo with bodyguards and tinted windows and a safe driver

It was an attempt to get away from the paps. The SUV drove off in a different direction.
Thank you for such clear and calm recitation of facts. I would like to add:

9. Harry and Meghan did not say there was a "high speed" chase in their statement.

10. Major Adams said he was briefed that two police officers could have been hurt. This also lines up with Sussex's statement.

11. The taxi driver stated in his interview with Piers Morgan that he has driven other celebrities in his cab, but never seen that many paparazzi before. Also he was tipped well for a very short ride.

Would also add that even Blackgrid admits the situation was reckless and dangerous -- they just say that it was the Sussex driver who was driving reckless and dangerous, not the paps.
MonacoRoyalFan. They were at a Police Station also. "IF" there had been any real danger, The Cops would have taken control of the situation and insisted on taking them to their destination. The Police would never have left high profile individuals, regardless of the Couple wishes, embark in danger. Never.

Its now turning into a joke and farce now. All orchestrated in an attempt by The Sussex's to gin up sympathy and support. As their popularity and respect here in the US continues its nose dive.
The Statement released by their Spokesperson certainly opened "Pandora's Box".
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