The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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This is how the police describe it

From a local law enforcement source: “…the couple were followed by a ‘swarm’ of paparazzi in cars, motorcycles, scooters after they left the event…A protective team from the NYPD followed Harry and Meghan in another car, and was forced to make some avoiding maneuvers to get away from the paparazzi, the source said.

Paparazzi on scooters and bikes zoomed down the sidewalk to keep up, the source said. There were many close calls, including short stops between front
and backs of cars, but none resulted in a crash, the source said.

The couple’s convoy was escorted to a police precinct, where they were able to regroup, the source added.”

So, this is what the police said happened. I can see why the ‘close calls’ frightened the passengers, especially those who may have been in a crash, or…known someone who died in a crash.

Who mentioned ‘high speed’? I think chaotic was the word used.
OMG! Even People Magazine are questioning their story!! I think american press is about to have their own recollections may very situation.

A photographer on the scene tells PEOPLE that it is "sensational" to describe the pursuit as "near catastrophic." "Nobody got a ticket or arrested...I don't see how it was near catastrophic other than crazy hyperbole," they say. A second source adds, "At any point, they could have gone to a police station or pulled into a garage."

PEOPLE has viewed video footage of part of the incident, showing an NYPD cop talking to the driver of an SUV, which is stationary in the middle of the street. It is not possible to see who is in the vehicle, but the source alleges that, before the footage was taken, "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's driver gets pulled over after he was observed by NYPD swerving and almost hitting pedestrians while trying to evade the paparazzi." In addition to those allegations, the source says the driver was wearing a suit and driving an SUV and the Sussexes were not in a yellow taxi cab at this point.
yes i'm sorry to say but does anyone really think if the police provided a car to tail them and they stopped at two police stations but were allowed to leave on their own in a taxi that the NYPD really felt there was an extreme risk? If half of what is suggested took place people would have been arrested and at least held for a short time while it was looked into.

Yes they got chased by paparazzi, yes that isn't pleasant, yes it probably isn't safe and yes, given Harry's mother's death it probably was uncomfortable for him 'emotionally' but was it half as bad as they made out? Doesn't seem it. I'm sure NY is likely full of paps chasing cars with celebs in, I've certainly seen enough videos of it happening.

TBH I feel quite uncomfortable with the way it was handled by their team, if they did drive at high speed to try to avoid the paps, why? That is hugely dangerous, just to get away? The stories all seem to suggest H&M didn't want the paparazzi to know where they were staying so led them on a 2 hour drive around to try and ditch them. The paparazzi are annoying but taunting them, putting yourself in a dangerous situation to avoid them or outrun them seems crazy to me. Better to get out the car and walk than drive at high speeds (if indeed it happened) in a busy city. I know I'd rather have my pic taken walking away then something much much worse at the end of a high speed chase. Or I'd just have got into the house as quick as a possible closed the curtains and called the cops and if that meant appearing outside on the steps for a quick photo to be left in peace, so be it.

That doesn't excuse the paparazzi at all, but I'd think most people would rather give them a picture (it was leaving a public event after all not a private shopping trip etc) than be involved in something dangerous.

Thank you. I agree with every word of your post :flowers: (and many other posts too!)

As the ever-dependable Oscar Wilde said: "There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." Never was a quotation more appropriate. I am now convinced that H&M will soon be telling us the earth is flat, anything to try and get people's continued attention...

...and on that note I'm off back in time to read about real Royals from years gone by, which is what I joined this forum for in the first place :D
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Drove around for a little over an hour

This is what police said occurred

“…and in order to keep the press from finding out where they were staying, were driven around the city for a little over an hour with a police escort….eventually driven to a police precinct, changed cars, and left without being followed….but of a chaotic scene.”

So, between this police story, and this one:

Their story is confirmed. Don’t know where the ‘high speed’ bit came from. There were a number of paps, on a variety of vehicles, driving recklessly, for over an hour, and they finally went to their apartment in an anonymous taxi. They were frightened.
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Well, surely, now that this has happened to them twice, they'll avoid future visits to NYC. They don't live there and there's no reason for them to ever be there, especially if the paparazzi is a threat to their privacy and security. They should accept all their future NYC-based awards by video uplink.

Anyway, I'm just glad no one was injured during this incident. In addition to Harry, Meghan, Doria, and the paps, there were a lot of innocent bystanders who could have been seriously hurt, had the incident been as near-catastrophic as H&M's spokesperson claimed.

Apparently the biggest threat to the pedestrians was actually H&M's driver rather than the paparazzi. I think the couple and their security team should review how they handle situations like that.
From the BBC only a little while ago.

The NYPD confirmed an incident took place involving Harry and Meghan and said numerous photographers "made their transport challenging".
No injuries or arrests were reported, the police said. Buckingham Palace has not yet commented.
There are claims the chase involved half a dozen cars, with reckless driving including going through red lights, driving on the pavement, carrying out blocking moves, and reversing down a one-way street - as well as taking photographs while driving.
BBC News understands Harry and Meghan were staying at a friend's home, and did not return directly to avoid compromising their security.
The couple and Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, tried to take shelter from the paparazzi by going to a Manhattan police station.
There was then a plan to use a New York taxi, with a yellow cab flagged down and Harry, Meghan, Ms Ragland and a security officer getting inside.
OMG! Even People Magazine are questioning their story!! I think american press is about to have their own recollections may very situation.

A photographer on the scene tells PEOPLE that it is "sensational" to describe the pursuit as "near catastrophic." "Nobody got a ticket or arrested...I don't see how it was near catastrophic other than crazy hyperbole," they say. A second source adds, "At any point, they could have gone to a police station or pulled into a garage."

PEOPLE has viewed video footage of part of the incident, showing an NYPD cop talking to the driver of an SUV, which is stationary in the middle of the street. It is not possible to see who is in the vehicle, but the source alleges that, before the footage was taken, "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's driver gets pulled over after he was observed by NYPD swerving and almost hitting pedestrians while trying to evade the paparazzi." In addition to those allegations, the source says the driver was wearing a suit and driving an SUV and the Sussexes were not in a yellow taxi cab at this point.

So Harry and Meghan’s driver was the one driving erratically and endangering pedestrians?
This is what police said occurred

“…and in order to keep the press from finding out where they were staying, were driven around the city for a little over an hour with a police escort….eventually driven to a police precinct, changed cars, and left without being followed….but of a chaotic scene.”

So, between this police story, and this one:

Their story is confirmed. Don’t know where the ‘high speed’ bit came from. There were a number of paps, on a variety of vehicles, driving recklessly, for over an hour, and they finally went to their apartment in an anonymous taxi. They were frightened.

Easy to see how they would be frightened. The car chase with paparazzi would've been very triggering for Prince Harry.

If their driver had lost control of the car, it would indeed be "near-catastrophic".
There are so many conflicting stories surrounding what happened last night. It’s obvious paparazzi were following them, but to what degree seems to be in dispute. I think Meghan and Harry’s spokesperson did them a disservice with that statement and I agree with this tweet from a NY Mag reporter.

Which PR person allowed a poorly worded statement to go out that has now taken the focus off the incident.

I believe the two hours includes stops at one or more locations.

That could have been easily explained in the statement.


That doesn't excuse the paparazzi at all, but I'd think most people would rather give them a picture (it was leaving a public event after all not a private shopping trip etc) than be involved in something dangerous.
Especially when you have small children at home. Can you imagine how awful it would be if Archie and Lili lost the three people most important to them over something as stupid as avoiding a few pictures? This is what I just can't wrap my mind around. It's terrible that they were followed by the paps, but the efforts to avoid them simply weren't worth it, in the face of what could've happened. Thank God nothing did.
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Piers Morgan's interview with the taxi driver. Very much confirms what they said:
- Harry & Meghan were both scared and very nervous.
- Paparazzi acted more aggressive than with other celebs and normally. He mentioned he has driven other celebs, and it was never this bad.
- They were chased before they got into the cab.

There are so many conflicting stories surrounding what happened last night. It’s obvious paparazzi were following them, but to what degree seems to be in dispute. I think Meghan and Harry’s spokesperson did them a disservice with that statement and I agree with this tweet from a NY Mag reporter.

Good point
Especially when you have small children at home. Can you imagine how awful it would be if Archie and Lily lost the three people most important to them over something as stupid as avoiding a few pictures? This is what I just can't wrap my mind around. It's terrible that they were followed by the paps, but the efforts to avoid them simply weren't worth it, in the face of what could've happened. Thank God nothing did.

My first thought when all this started this afternoon was for those two little children :sad:

I had stopped posting for the night but you've summed up my exact thoughts beautifully, so thank you :flowers:
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

There are so many conflicting stories surrounding what happened last night. It’s obvious paparazzi were following them, but to what degree seems to be in dispute. I think Meghan and Harry’s spokesperson did them a disservice with that statement and I agree with this tweet from a NY Mag reporter.

IA. What exactly happened seems to be in dispute. But something did.

I think it’s highly likely the Sussexes spokesperson said exactly what the Sussexes wanted said. It was indeed a poorly worded statement though.

Thanks for the article.

“Two New York Police Department detectives were present at the Ziegfeld when Harry and Meghan emerged from the event and drove alongside the couple's private vehicle to get them home. Harry and Meghan were home no more than 20 minutes after their departure from the event, according to police sources.

Along the way, police sources said photographers on bicycles are visible on security cameras but not the kind of caravan described by sources close to Harry and Meghan.”

So according to police sources, it wasn’t a 2 hour chase and they’re also disputing the amount of paparazzi. What a mess.
IA. What exactly happened seems to be in dispute. But something did.

I think it’s highly likely the Sussexes spokesperson said exactly what the Sussexes wanted said. It was indeed a poorly worded statement though.

Well, i’m sure his PR people crafted a sensible statement but Harry wasn’t satisfied. HE NEEDS HELP. Like he can’t seem to stop. He lives in constant delusion. It’s not healthy and i feel sorry for Meghan that she has to deal with this man-child.
Well, i’m sure his PR people crafted a sensible statement but Harry wasn’t satisfied. HE NEEDS HELP. Like he can’t seem to stop. He lives in constant delusion. It’s not healthy and i feel sorry for Meghan that she has to deal with this man-child.

But the paps DID chase them last evening.
The only aspect in dispute from their statement is the term "near-catastrophic" which the NYPD have not disputed FYI, they just dont use that term. And if you felt your life was in danger, that would be the accurate term you would use.
The Backgrid statement sounds a lot more level-headed than the Sussexes’.

Regarding the high-speed chase confusion, you know exactly what you’re doing as a PR person if you say “near catastrophic car chase” in relation to Prince Harry and paparazzi, and that’s evoke images of Princess Diana in Paris. That’s not an accident, as far as word choices go, that’s 100% intentional.
The Backgrid statement sounds a lot more level-headed than the Sussexes’.

Regarding the high-speed chase confusion, you know exactly what you’re doing as a PR person if you say “near catastrophic car chase” in relation to Prince Harry and paparazzi, and that’s evoke images of Princess Diana in Paris. That’s not an accident, as far as word choices go, that’s 100% intentional.

Intentional and also possibly accurate. No need to sugarcoat what happened when it could have ended fatally and you want it to stop. So you go with near-catastrophic. The taxi driver said it was chaotic, he had never seen anything like it, and they were nervous and scared.
Make no mistake... the NYC paparazzi and press will absolutely sniff out the full details and timeline of what exactly transpired.
Intentional and also possibly accurate. No need to sugarcoat what happened when it could have ended fatally and you want it to stop. So you go with near-catastrophic. The taxi driver said it was chaotic, he had never seen anything like it, and they were nervous and scared.

The taxi driver also said he didn’t feel they were in danger and when asked if the paps were being aggressive, he said no.
The Backgrid statement sounds a lot more level-headed than the Sussexes’.

Regarding the high-speed chase confusion, you know exactly what you’re doing as a PR person if you say “near catastrophic car chase” in relation to Prince Harry and paparazzi, and that’s evoke images of Princess Diana in Paris. That’s not an accident, as far as word choices go, that’s 100% intentional.

This exactly.
Except that, according to CNN the Mayor of NY evoked Diana and her death. Not Harry, not his spokesman. The Mayor.

The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams said the incident was “reckless” and “irresponsible.”

“You shouldn’t be speeding anywhere, but this is a densely populated city, and I think all of us, I don’t think there’s many of us who don’t recall how his mom died,” Adams told reporters when asked about the incident at an unrelated briefing.

“It’s clear that the paparazzi want to get the right shot, they want to get the right story, but public safety must always be at the forefront,” Adams said.
The taxi driver also said he didn’t feel they were in danger and when asked if the paps were being aggressive, he said no.

He did. I also think there’s a huge difference between being chased versus followed. The former implies excessive speed the entire time. Which was 2 hours, in their words.
He did. I also think there’s a huge difference between being chased versus followed. The former implies excessive speed the entire time. Which was 2 hours, in their words.

The paps certainly weren't walking. They were chasing them. Chased is chased. They literally had to go from one car to a taxi. They didn't say high-speed chase. They said chase. They used accurate words -- I think it's the public that isn't taking their words for what they are but adding other meaning and context behind it.

They used strong, accurate words because they wanted to be intentional about what happened, why it wasn't okay and why they would hope for it not to happen again.

I guess so many of us are use to the statements from BP that tip-toe around everything, give little detail, use vague wording -- and apparently require no independent verification the way we require from Harry and Meghan.
If you didn’t think of Diana immediately- indeed, if your head was not filled with images of that night- when you saw the Sussex statement, I venture to say you are in the vanishing to non existent minority. You don’t need to say someone’s name to invoke them.

I can hardly think anyone at all would possibly argue that statement did not invoke Diana.

On an unrelated note, yesterday was the first time I have seen a mainstream news source- and it was from the UK- say in black and white print “we are about to see Prince Harry lose in court in a big way for the first time.” While he has apparently, to hear him tell it, been a victim of these incidents for years, he has never been moved to release a statement about a particular event before.

And nothing at all adds up- not that it didn’t happen, but that it shouldn’t have. He would knew this behavior would occur, but…. Staying at a friends house, where he *could not* go straight back because that person’s privacy would be compromised? Terrified for his own safety, but haling a yellow cab to put that drivers life at risk- when his mother’s driver lost his life? Going to a police station, but then pulling back into traffic?

Harry’s behavior here is more than just concerning, it needs intervention at this point.
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