The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: April - August 2023

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Live court feed for today.

"Lawyers for the Mirror group have accused Prince Harry’s side of “wasting time” by not having him available to give evidence today.

Andrew Green said it was “absolutely extraordinary we were told just last week that he is not available for day one of his own trial"."
You can normally only request someone else's immigration records with their consent*. I don't know what the exceptions are or why Heritage claims it's entitled to one.

*The government website says that you can request "someone else’s immigration records, if you have their written permission."

As I understand it, the Heritage Foundation is claiming that it's a matter of public interest for people to know whether Harry either lied on his application or was given special treatment. I don't know what their motives are.
As I understand it, the Heritage Foundation is claiming that it's a matter of public interest for people to know whether Harry either lied on his application or was given special treatment. I don't know what their motives are.

The fact that he has received preferential treatment is a problem itself. Do you know how difficult it is to get a green card in America? Harry does not longer represents the UK diplomatically so he should not have privileges related to his previous role as senior royal.
Another breathtaking example of Harry's arrogance, that he purposely "missed" the opening day of his OWN Court case. When my daughter was a child and I was working, (as were many friends-family members and it could fall on a School day) I would have her Birthday Party 'celebration' on a Saturday.

His attorney, David Sherbourne, told The Court that The Duke would NOT attend the hearing today as He arrived in the UK late today after flying from California last night, where he had been celebrating his daughter's Birthday.

The Justice presiding over the case told the Court...."He was a little surprised ".

I'm not. Let the three ring circus begin .......
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The judge had given instructions that witnesses should be available the day before their evidence was due to be heard, but apparently Harry thought it was OK to ignore that.

Harry's barrister said that Harry was in "a different category" to the other claimants because of having to travel. At least two of them live in Northern England and will therefore have had to arrange travel to and accommodation in London, but they presumably turned up on time.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 8: Apr. 2023 -

Another breathtaking example of Harry's arrogance, that he purposely "missed" the opening day of his OWN Court case. When my daughter was a child and I was working, (as were many friends-family members and it could fall on a School day) I would have her Birthday Party 'celebration' on a Saturday.

His attorney, David Sherbourne, told The Court that The Duke would NOT attend the hearing today as He arrived in the UK late today after flying from California last night, where he had been celebrating his daughter's Birthday.

The Justice presiding over the case told the Court...."He was a little surprised ".

I'm not. Let the three ring circus begin .......

Of course, he’d think his daughter’s birthday was an acceptable excuse to be late- to his own court case. I’m not surprised either. Harry is nothing if not entitled and arrogant.

For reasons past my understanding, celebrating their kids birthdays on a different day seems to elude them. Which is what pretty much everyone else in the world does when it falls on an inconvenient day. Certainly everyone I know does.

Harry is in a different category-: his lawyer is right there- because he has to travel so far- and delays do happen- he should have left in a timely manner. Not late. This isn’t complicated.

I guess I could say this case isn’t that important to him. Because he sure didn’t make an effort to bend his schedule to show up on time. TO COURT.
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I almost feel sorry for Harry’s lawyers. It seems by the end when the judge pointed out Harry had deliberately disregarded instructions, his lawyer didn’t have much to say beyond: I hear what you’re saying. In short- I have nothing.

The judge seemed angry.
Of course, he’d think his daughter’s birthday was an acceptable excuse to be late- to his own court case. I’m not surprised either. Harry is nothing if not entitled and arrogant.

For reasons past my understanding, celebrating their kids birthdays on a different day seems to elude them. Which is what pretty much everyone else in the world does when it falls on an inconvenient day. Certainly everyone I know does.

Harry is in a different category-: his lawyer is right there- because he has to travel so far- and delays do happen- he should have left in a timely manner. Not late. This isn’t complicated.

I guess I could say this case isn’t that important to him. Because he sure didn’t make an effort to bend his schedule to show up on time. TO COURT.

Entitled and arrogant were my thoughts exactly.

I almost feel sorry for Harry’s lawyers. It seems by the end when the judge pointed out Harry had deliberately disregarded instructions, his lawyer didn’t have much to say beyond: I hear what you’re saying. In short- I have nothing.

The judge seemed angry.

Behaviour like this will do PH no favours. Whilst I am unsure whether this would come under "contempt of court" in a legal sense, it certainly presents as contempt in terms of attitude.
I almost feel sorry for Harry’s lawyers. It seems by the end when the judge pointed out Harry had deliberately disregarded instructions, his lawyer didn’t have much to say beyond: I hear what you’re saying. In short- I have nothing.

The judge seemed angry.

Judges are almost uniformly of the section of society who know nothing, and I mean nothing, of popular culture. He probably barely knows who Harry is.

Also whatever you may personally think of societal structure, a judge is a judge. And the law is one of the most important structures in any free society for regulation of that society. You can't dismiss them.

I wouldn't feel sorry for Serbourne. He amd his fabulous hair have represented more high profile clients then I have had dinners. He loves it. I think Meghan did fire him though.

And yes the rest did show up even living far away. Because that's what humans do.

How Harry does tomorrow tomorrow with barristers trying to wind him up remains to be seen.i mean he doesn't like challenging.
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Of course, he’d think his daughter’s birthday was an acceptable excuse to be late- to his own court case. I’m not surprised either. Harry is nothing if not entitled and arrogant.

For reasons past my understanding, celebrating their kids birthdays on a different day seems to elude them. Which is what pretty much everyone else in the world does when it falls on an inconvenient day. Certainly everyone I know does.

Harry is in a different category-: his lawyer is right there- because he has to travel so far- and delays do happen- he should have left in a timely manner. Not late. This isn’t complicated.

I guess I could say this case isn’t that important to him. Because he sure didn’t make an effort to bend his schedule to show up on time. TO COURT.

Perhaps they beleive that no one else can love their children as much and can't possibly be away. Even though I certainly spent many birthdays with one of my parents while the other worked. And in reality all you wanted was the presents and if there was a party that.

I do think he things he is special. But most people do I persume.
Well, this is from The Guardian.

“ Prince Harry’s no-show at the high court has caused a headache for his legal team, who were left explaining that he had chosen to stay in Los Angeles to attend his daughter’s second birthday party, writes media editor Jim Waterson from the high court.

Prince Harry had originally been scheduled to give evidence in his phone-hacking trial against Mirror Group Newspapers on Tuesday. But the judge had asked for him to be in court ready to give evidence on Monday, in case lawyers finished their opening legal arguments earlier than expected.

When the Mirror’s legal team indicated they would speed through their opening arguments, Harry’s team were forced to accept that their client would not be ready in time.

David Sherborne, Harry’s barrister, told the court that his client only left California on Sunday night after prioritising his toddler’s party. As a result Prince Harry would not be available to give evidence in London on Monday afternoon.

Dozens of photographers, television camera crews, and reporters had gathered outside the Rolls Building to capture the arrival of the prince, only to learn he was still dealing with jet lag.

The judge, Mr Justice Fancourt, was visibly irritated by the prince’s failure to be ready to give evidence – although in diplomatic legal language he simply said he was “a little surprised” by the Prince’s absence. Given the case is being heard without a jury, it is considered unwise to anger to annoy the one person who will decide the outcome of the case.”
One theory, which I think plausible, is that Prince Harry was scheduled to give testimony for 1.5 days, Monday afternoon plus Tuesday. By not being available today, he would limit his time on the stand.
Oh, and keep in mind that the Judge presiding over this Case is the ONE who will determine the outcome. Not a Jury.

Again, after yet ANOTHER in a long line of baffling actions (by either Harry, Meghan OR both) .....I ask, who IS ADVISING them, or in this case Harry ?????
Or, is it as I have suspected all along, just The Sussex's themselves. Basically making it up as they go along. AND-OR doing as they please. Regardless of the consequences.

Looks like I'm going to need lots of popcorn starting tomorrow.

Maybe its me, but if I was Harry in this unusual, and unbelievably high profile - high stakes Court case, I would want to be well rested, calm and prepared. Not "jet-lagged" as it is alleged. That's HIS PROBLEM.

Why is it now The Courts anyway ?

I would have flown out Sat night, arrive Sunday, relaxed and prepared for Monday.

Now, he has simply made a fool of himself and, as usual created controversy, where none was needed.
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One theory, which I think plausible, is that Prince Harry was scheduled to give testimony for 1.5 days, Monday afternoon plus Tuesday. By not being available today, he would limit his time on the stand.

The lawyers have complained about this, so the judge has said that he'll extend the court's hours on Tuesday and Wednesday if necessary. I'm sure everyone involved will be delighted at having to stay late because Harry couldn't manage to turn up when he was supposed to!
One theory, which I think plausible, is that Prince Harry was scheduled to give testimony for 1.5 days, Monday afternoon plus Tuesday. By not being available today, he would limit his time on the stand.

It wouldn't. There is no memorandum. Mist witness may be scheduled one day and not give evidence for days. It can depend on many issues. Just not showing up won't cut your time.

Playing questioned in court is horrendous.

You have to be a good 'witness' we wait to see if he is.
If he left LA Sunday night it means he is in London on Monday. And he stayed in instead of being in court??
When was Harry told to be available the day before? He was scheduled for Tuesday so he is complying with his scheduled time. Was he told to be there a day early from the start, if not when was he told of the modification?
Since he flew out on Sunday night, I presume he was in London this morning. so he could have come to court for the afternoon
Queen Claude, I'm guessing that Harry's Team ( at the absolute latest) would have been informed by Friday, if NOT a few days earlier. Since Courts are not in session on weekends. Told that Harry would need to be available, if needed for Court on Monday. Which the Judge reprimanded Harry's Lawyer THAT Harry wasn't there AND available. As directed.

I'm sure more information will come out.

His Lawyer made no mention about this being an "unfair or un-timely hardship", which they could have said, *IF* it had been sprung on Harry to late to make suitable changes in arriving.

His Attorney simply said that "Harry was spending Sunday celebrating his daughters birthday. He is a different category to others due to his travel arrangements and security arrangements".

Pathetic. Even his Attorney seemed embarrassed......

As The Sussexs former Private Secretary, Samantha Cohen once said....." Working with them was like dealing with Teenagers " seems to be borne out.... time and time again.
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The judge had given instructions that witnesses should be available the day before their evidence was due to be heard, but apparently Harry thought it was OK to ignore that.

Harry's barrister said that Harry was in "a different category" to the other claimants because of having to travel. At least two of them live in Northern England and will therefore have had to arrange travel to and accommodation in London, but they presumably turned up on time.

That different category argument again shows his true colors. If anything, he should have made even more of an effort to be well in time to avoid any possible delays. Not plan to arrive late as he thought his daughter's birthday party (that could indeed easily have taken place a day earlier) was more important than show up in court for his own case.
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When was Harry told to be available the day before? He was scheduled for Tuesday so he is complying with his scheduled time. Was he told to be there a day early from the start, if not when was he told of the modification?

This is not correct. He is not complying with his scheduled time, nor is anyone involved with the case- including his own legal team- trying to claim that he is.

His *testimony* was scheduled for Tuesday. By order of the court, HE was directed to be in court Monday for the case to proceed at the court’s pleasure.
When was Harry told to be available the day before? He was scheduled for Tuesday so he is complying with his scheduled time. Was he told to be there a day early from the start, if not when was he told of the modification?

He was told that he had to be available on the Monday, in case the lawyers' opening arguments didn't take up the whole day.
I don't want to sound too harsh but this is embarrassing, his entitlement is embarrassing.

I understand he wanted to celebrate his daughter's birthday but Lili is a toddler, she would not realize in which date her birthday actually is, she probably just wanted cake and toys and the party could have happened days in advance. Like it happens in every normal family in which parents have responsibilities.

The contempt that he is showing towards not only the court but everyone who does not agree and bend to his will will be Harry's downfall I'm afraid.
When was Harry told to be available the day before? He was scheduled for Tuesday so he is complying with his scheduled time. Was he told to be there a day early from the start, if not when was he told of the modification?

PBS reports:
“Harry had been scheduled to testify Tuesday, but his lawyer was told last week the duke should attend Monday’s proceedings in London’s High Court in case the opening statements concluded before the end of the day.”

I agree, it would be interesting to know when last week he was instructed to be in court on Monday.
I had assumed regarding the coronation that Harry just didn’t want to stay around. But I guess Archie’s and Lili’s actual birthdays are very important to him (although he would probably have arrived back to home by the time Archie was sleeping). Personally I have experienced children’s birthdays not actually being celebrated on the actual day (expecially not ones so young), but it feels he has some reason to feel the real date is vital.
PBS reports:
“Harry had been scheduled to testify Tuesday, but his lawyer was told last week the duke should attend Monday’s proceedings in London’s High Court in case the opening statements concluded before the end of the day.”

I agree, it would be interesting to know when last week he was instructed to be in court on Monday.

what on earth does it matter?
I would have thought he might have thought it prudent to arrive a day early anyway just to allow himself to rest and be ready to face the court refreshed. He possibly doesn’t wish to spend too much time in the uk. Or maybe thinks this is going to be a walkover and doesn’t need to be the top of his game.
Well it makes we question who is really advising them and how good are their lawyers. The legal team seem to be treating Harry like some sort of extra special person rather than how they might treaty any other person able to shell out the hundreds of thousands their fees cost. Why wasn't Harry advised to be in the UK earlier, why did his legal team think it was okay to say without irony that Harry is in a "different category"? I'm not absolving Harry of blame here at all but this, and a number of other issues raised about this case and others and how they have been conducted make me wonder whether Harry is getting rubbish advice or being arrogant and stubborn and choosing his own path?

This won't sit well with the judge I imagine, not a great thing when he is the one deciding on the outcome. I wonder if the judge will be wondering how Harry was okay to miss Archie's birthday for the coronation when it suited but not miss Lilibet's for a court case which he is bringing against the Mirror group.

I'm intrigued to see how Harry is when being questioned, he has a temper on him IMO and has a tendency to be self pitying and that might not work out well.
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