The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 6: Aug. 2021- Oct. 2022

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[…]She could have sent some much needed supplies and avoid this.

She shouldn't have to "avoid this". People shouldn't use tragedies like this one to attack someone else. People shouldn't make stuff up to attack someone else. Like everyone else she is free to donate food and lay flowers and plenty of other people did just that.
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She shouldn't have to "avoid this". People shouldn't use tragedies like this one to attack someone else. People shouldn't make stuff up to attack someone else. Like everyone else she is free to donate food and lay flowers and plenty of other people did just that.

I am absolutely not attacking her but I do feel she shouldn't have gone. She isn't like other people. Being mindful of that, I feel there wasn't much, apart from more criticism to herself, she brought here.

I am not criticising the gesture. I am questioning the wisdom of the decision.
She shouldn't have to "avoid this". People shouldn't use tragedies like this one to attack someone else. People shouldn't make stuff up to attack someone else. Like everyone else she is free to donate food and lay flowers and plenty of other people did just that.

I doubt other people are travelling over 1000 miles to lay flowers. Only she knows what her motives were for this but people shouldn’t use tragedies like this for self promotion either. Which regardless of any other motives this ultimately was. To travel that far, to a place swarming with the worlds media and walk into a community that has suffered in a way (thankfully) most of us will never understand, a community you are not a member of, holding no office or official role, knowing that the worlds media will talk about you being there is a very strange thing to do.

Her going there also opens her up to questions about why this tragedy. Ok she went as a mother according to her spokespersons statement. She felt the connect to this as a mother but not a few weeks ago to the tragedy in Buffalo as a black woman. No desire to show up there, a racist attack when she herself claims to have experienced racist attacks.

It was a very strange decision, she could have sent the food, even released a statement but stayed physically away.
JMHO, but she had no business being there when even the President isn’t going until Sunday so that he isn’t an intrusion. This is totally opportunistic in her part. She could have issued a statement that the Archwell Foundation would be developing an anti violence program or funding a program to help the families with therapy and counseling.

She brought flowers only so that her photo could be taken.

She is just too much!
I think it is different for the people there than it is for us Royal watchers who have seen her appear on the Royal stage and then been informed about her background.For the people there they either know her and love a Royal Highness' sharing of their grief or they don't know her and then she is just one of those who felt with them. IMHO Meghan was touched by the grief and wanted to give something to these people. I have read how often she comes out of her house to do something for people who touched her without anyone knowing it. Anonymously, just one person to the next. Now here her pic was taken. Why is this different? And yes, celebrities have to do something to get their pics in the papers ocassionally. Maybe she does open her diary now and marks this as a plus. But I doubt this is all this is about. But then I like her.
I took flowers into Manchester city centre after the bombing at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017. Obviously flowers aren't any real consolation to the bereaved family and friends, but it's a way of showing solidarity and support. That attack happened three miles from my house, in my home city where I've lived all my life, but I know that people from further afield also came to bring flowers, teddy bears, balloons etc. I also know that people travelled to London from all over the country to take flowers when Diana died. So sometimes people do genuinely feel a need to go somewhere in person, to show solidarity.

The Daily Mail article says that it's unclear whether or not cameras were following Meghan on her visit, so we can't really judge whether it was a publicity stunt or not.
Not impressed. The suffering and pain of those Families there is simply unimaginable. The town is simply reeling. And Megan is there inserting herself into this ? Wow, maybe days later, but the day after ?
Why ? I am a Mother also. That simply doesn't cut it here.
She has never suffered a comparable tragic loss. She never worked as a first responder on site of an terror event or a mass casualties crime. So yes, I am going to say that it was not her place to be there. The day after it happened, no less.In the midst of a media frenzy.

She isn't the First Lady or a CHOSEN Political Representative there in a official capacity. Or like actor Matthew McConaughey, who is from there, its his hometown.
This to me is pure opportunism. Keeping herself front and center.
Kind of ironic that her Father suffered a stroke and is in the hospital. Her own Father. This would have been an opportunity to perhaps mend fences, but no, that didn't happen. True "compassion in action" to quote a Sussex catch phrase.
She went to a town that she has zero connection to, that is experiencing suffering and pain that we simply cannot fathom. True trauma.
But Megan went anyway, using her "Celebrity" as a key to enter.
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I doubt other people are travelling over 1000 miles to lay flowers. Only she knows what her motives were for this but people shouldn’t use tragedies like this for self promotion either. Which regardless of any other motives this ultimately was. To travel that far, to a place swarming with the worlds media and walk into a community that has suffered in a way (thankfully) most of us will never understand, a community you are not a member of, holding no office or official role, knowing that the worlds media will talk about you being there is a very strange thing to do.

Her going there also opens her up to questions about why this tragedy. Ok she went as a mother according to her spokespersons statement. She felt the connect to this as a mother but not a few weeks ago to the tragedy in Buffalo as a black woman. No desire to show up there, a racist attack when she herself claims to have experienced racist attacks.

It was a very strange decision, she could have sent the food, even released a statement but stayed physically away.

TBF, with the frequency of mass shooting happening in US, if she lays flowers in every occasion, she'd have nothing else to do other than travelling accross the country to lay flowers. Btw, from quick google, there's one happened in April where 6 ppl died and dozen injured in Sacramento (so closer to home than Texas). What makes Texas different other than that there's more casualties is that most of it are children so it might hit differently for her.
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I took flowers into Manchester city centre after the bombing at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017. Obviously flowers aren't any real consolation to the bereaved family and friends, but it's a way of showing solidarity and support. That attack happened three miles from my house, in my home city where I've lived all my life, but I know that people from further afield also came to bring flowers, teddy bears, balloons etc. I also know that people travelled to London from all over the country to take flowers when Diana died. So sometimes people do genuinely feel a need to go somewhere in person, to show solidarity.

The Daily Mail article says that it's unclear whether or not cameras were following Meghan on her visit, so we can't really judge whether it was a publicity stunt or not.

Alison, it looks as if you are from Manchester and didn't have to travel 1,000 miles to place flowers at the memorial. That is the difference. JMHO
[…]ALL the images that have been released have come from media who were already on the scene. They are all credited with agency's and names. Most are local media.

Meghan went. The people there from the comments made were thankful for the support. That ultimately is all that matters. Why she went is her personal choice. My feelings is that she likely did it for her own spirt as she is about to travel for a major celebration while this horrific tragedy has just occurred in her home country.

I know I would feel some kind of way too.
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A lot to address, for one, seeing as Meghan didn't turn up anyone's home, eyes gleaming as she begged us to be proud of her, she her goal wasn't to impress anyone. It's not anyone's place to say where she should or shouldn't be. Especially, if you're not from Texas yourself. She doesn't have to be first lady or an actor who's home town it is. All she has to do is be an American who cares about gun violence.

Meghan would've been high school at the time of Columbine, she would've grown up doing lock-down drills, she doesn't need ANY reason to be there, other than caring about being there. What doesn't impress me is using a tragedy like this as stick to beat Meghan with when there are bigger what actually happened. And we have no idea what kind of 'true tragedy' Meghan faced but she has lost a child, it might have been in the same manner but she is a MOTHER who knows about loss and can be of comfort.

I don't want to waste too much of my time on him so I'll say, stop trying to make Thomas Markle happen, as Meghan said, she's already mourned that relationship.

@kadiagoba (buzzfeed reporter, who was at the community center to cover Beto O'rourke) She heard people say Meghan Markle had just been there. She talked to volunteers who met Meghan, got donations from her, and took a picture w/ her. They said she was nice and didn’t bring cameras.

This is what the local community had to say about Meghan's visit.

Quote from the article....""It's funny, we didn't even know it was her until after she left and now we're so sad. I mean, to be honest, we thought she was our neighbor."

And her going, HAS actually brought more international coverage, with articles focusing on what was done to this community. So, yes, she's using her celebrity insert and it's working out fine as more people should know about this, it shouldn't be forgotten and that's something that happens all too easily in America. […]

She did a good thing and it's something you can take away by claiming it was PR stunt and pointing fingers at Netflix camera's that weren't there.
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Well I guess we will find out the truth about this, *IF* this appearance at The Uvalde School Massacre shows up in any way, shape or form in a Sussex Netflix Production. That would just be beyond the pale of good judgment by her. And yes, it would certainly validate criticism that Meghan was capitalising on this senseless horror to insert herself unasked into this for publicity.
I also think that going there with bodyguards was just absolutely tone deaf. Good grief, in light of what just happened there ! Bodyguards, why not slip in unaccompanied? If you had to go at all anyway that is. The day after too.
Sorry, that just terrible optics to me.
Horrific as this (and many similar) event was, and moving the debate on from Meghan's possible motives for the trip to Texas, perhaps something good can come out of it. Might Meghan (and Archewell?) want to start an anti-gun campaign in the US? I think there will be a lot of support for the cause, and the benefits could be lasting. Also, she may end up with support from that most unlikely of sources, Piers Morgan.
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I'm glad they're made it safely.

I can't wait to play the game of spot them with myself.
Very sweet pictures with the girls. I think it goes to show that we have no idea how much they all still interact. They all seem quite comfortable with Meghan despite it all.
Not very many photos of the Sussexes today, but here's another one of Meghan.

Photo and article
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I hope we get to see some pictures of Archie and Lili at some point. It'd be lovely to see pictures of the Queen meeting Lili.
It's looking like it was a fun time.

I agree with ACO as well, it seems like they're getting along well.

I wish we could've seen a full shot but I did see a video on twitter of Harry & Meghan driving by in a car.

Sienna Monet-This might be photo you're thinking of in this article. The window is rolled down and you can see Meghan and then Harry behind her. Looks like they are either arriving or returning from the event.

Meghan Markle rolled down her car window and flashed a smile at the watching crowds as she and Prince Harry were reunited with the royal family during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations today.
The Duchess of Sussex, 40, was in high spirits as she gazed out of the window, with a more reserved Harry, 37, peeking over her shoulder while they travelled through throngs of royal fans near Buckingham Palace. It is unclear when the photo was taken.
I thought it looked a bit attention-seeking for Meghan to position herself right by the window at Horse Guards and also to lower her car window. It reminds me of Sarah Ferguson's behaviour and I don't think that's particularly attractive.
I thought it looked a bit attention-seeking for Meghan to position herself right by the window at Horse Guards and also to lower her car window. It reminds me of Sarah Ferguson's behaviour and I don't think that's particularly attractive.

I thought they were really sensitive about security but then she rolls her window down next to a crowd. She also went over to those kids at the Major General's office knowing there were photographers trained on the windows looking for a picture of her so she knew what she doing.
It is very nice to see Harry and Megan as well as all the other Royals. We really have no idea what rules are in place except for the media reporting on UNconfirmed information. I saw no official document from the Palace on what Harry and Megan or any Royals can do. No matter what Harry and Megan do in the past, current or in the future, they will never do things right in people eyes. That is the way the public of the World is today. Sad state. MOO
So now Meghan can't do what the other were doing and look out the window? Lol
Yes, I can't imagine that there was much interaction between the Sussex's and The Cambridge's, Wessex's or Princess Anne's Family. Why would they ? Once bitten, twice shy. Plus, Harry's memoir is out in a few months. Why engage in a conversation that can be misconstrued or worse, and end up in his tell all book ?
The kids were a truly safe bet, with the added bonus of being in camera range. I'm sure Charles chatted with Harry, as did The York Girls. The picture of Harry with The Duke of Kent did make me chuckle though. A thorough old-school gentleman is Edward Kent.

And as Lilyflo and Sophie25 mentions, rolling down the car window while traveling ? Yikes, after they have been wailing non stop about Security issues and threats in the UK ?
But then optics aren't their strong suit. Megan was photographed with her Bodyguards actually in tow on her photo op visit to the horrific Uvalde School Massacre. A town, devastated by grief, suffering and carnage. Defenseless 10 years old murdered and Megan showed up uninvited walking around with a burly bodyguard and a female aide at her side.
I thought that was terrible. Tone deaf doesn't even begin to describe it.
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