The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 10: August 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I wonder if the treatment of staff members (from what they are saying) is due to the fact that she was under a tremendous amount of pressure where every move she made was scrutinized and picked apart that she expected her team to go above and beyond what was expected of them. Even now every single project, event, outings are big news where everything is judged more so than anyone else IMO and that could lead to high expectations of staff.
I wonder if the treatment of staff members (from what they are saying) is due to the fact that she was under a tremendous amount of pressure where every move she made was scrutinized and picked apart that she expected her team to go above and beyond what was expected of them. Even now every single project, event, outings are big news where everything is judged more so than anyone else IMO and that could lead to high expectations of staff.
I cannot comment on the American staff, but there were top names involved at the UK side, very experienced people. people in these top jobs bring a great deal of experience to the table so you would expect them to be able to cope with the expectations.
Everyone knows the rules against rehashing old events. Please move on from discussion of past events and focus on current events.
I feel sympathy towards Harry in this situation. He is obviously in love with a wife who is determined to have her way with everything in her commercial and business life. There dont appear to be the same complaints about rudeness and bullying from staff about him, but it appears to be a no win situation for Harry.
I find it difficult to feel much sympathy for Harry. We have no way of knowing if he ever stands up to his wife, but surely if you see someone mistreating someone else wouldn't you say something? The article says he enables her so he is allowing the mistreatment of staff to continue.
I am trying to understand the argument that the Sussexes have obligations to different British institutions and should take that into account in their private endeavors, but said institutions have implicitly or explicitly shown that they have no such obligations towards the Sussexes.
The problem is that Harry left but still behaves as if he hasn't. Imaginge if he was a doctor at hospital A and he has left that employment over a disagreement about alternative medicine but still wants the clout of being a doctor at hospital A and so he's handing out herbs and vitamines and tries to admit patients to hospital A.
What Harry is doing with his "official tours" is using the language/actions of being a representative of a government without being a representative of a government.
The problem is that Harry left but still behaves as if he hasn't. Imaginge if he was a doctor at hospital A and he has left that employment over a disagreement about alternative medicine but still wants the clout of being a doctor at hospital A and so he's handing out herbs and vitamines and tries to admit patients to hospital A.
What Harry is doing with his "official tours" is using the language/actions of being a representative of a government without being a representative of a government.
I think he has something similar to what happens to us when we retire from a job but our mindset is still at work months after leaving. My first year retired both co-workers and I were in touch, and as months went by the need to communicate was fading away. People just move on.

With Harry's situation, he was on that train all his life, with all the basic routines of every royal or adjacent to royalty person. Now, his head seems to be stuck in a need to be a sort of role model type through Archwell instead of enjoying his new freedom and becoming a full-time businessman.

Hope for his birthday 🍰 wish he wants to find what makes him happy from here on without the need to be in the spotlight made to share emotions and memories as his business card. He could just focus on the business part of his company Archwell productions and brainstorm new ideas. But that lead us to think, can he do that if Archwell Non-Profit and Archwell Productions are his to make decisions on?

Is the stirring wheel on the Sussex car on the left side of the right side? :unsure:
At least there was a message. For the sake of the children, if nothing else, it would be nice if some sort of relationship could be restored.
We have no idea. This was just their comm team, syncronized with the BP team.
It seems to me that the Sussex couple are frustrated that, while there is so much attention focused on them, they cannot effectively harness that interest into their money-making projects and goals.
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It doesn't matter how many people follow your Instagram account if you haven't actually produced any of the goods the account is supposed to advertise. Attention only takes you so far. At some point, you need to start actually doing something as well. And I think that's where Harry and Meghan have trouble - converting ideas (and the attention they bring) into specific, measurable, achievable results.
It seems to me that the Sussex couple are frustrated that, while there is so much attention focused on them, they cannot effectively harness that interest into their money-making projects and goals.
I am sure this is of the many things they should have thought through before walking out of their royal lives. That said, even now, if they actually came up with a good business idea and executed on them, they could be a commercial success.

Instead, all we get is the online launch of the ARO brand, no visibility on what the business might be, with no CEO or executive management team, without the IP being secured. Businesses do not build themselves and fortunes are not created without a degree of hard graft and grit. We haven't really seen any evidence of that from either H or M. Instead, we have seen 4.5 years of negativity and viciousness. And a very strong desire to attempt to hog the news cycle every time a member of the BRF does anything substantial. None of these are additive to their commercial ventures or "brand"!
It doesn't matter how many people follow your Instagram account if you haven't actually produced any of the goods the account is supposed to advertise. Attention only takes you so far. At some point, you need to start actually doing something as well. And I think that's where Harry and Meghan have trouble - converting ideas (and the attention they bring) into specific, measurable, achievable results.
Well said!
I'm wondering if their new series about Polo will be similar to series like the 'Million dollar listing' or 'Below Deck' franchises which are also about 'rich people stuff' but seem to do pretty well if i judge it by how many variations there are of both...
People seem to like watching the rich people world, so polo might be one aspect that was long overdue for it'sown series..
I think it might do reasonably well if they manage to work in some ridiculous rich people drama, yes. People love watching that :) But if they present it as a strictly facts-only documentary, BBC2 or PBS style, probably not so much.
I've read that the polo series is filmed primarily in Wellington, Florida. That's the polo capital of the US. It's an extremely wealthy equestrian-based community. I don't think that the wealthier folks who spend time there want to be on film going about their "rich people" activities.

I have not read anything about Harry being in Wellington for filming. Maybe he's just a producer or narrator, hence why he's not in the promotional teasers.

Meghan and Harry attended a birthday party for friend Tyler Perry on the evening BEFORE Harry’s own birthday. Oprah and Gayle King also attended, together with other friends of the couple.
This was commented on a lot a few pages back. The Queen Mother did indeed set up a trust Fund for her great grandchildren (and some grandchildren) in 1994. Apparently they receive a lump sum of their 21st birthday and another on their 40th birthday.
So, Bunte online, the German tabloid reports, that Prince Harry have been receiving to his 40th birthday 8.3 million Dollar out of a fund, Queen Mum has founded 1994, to avoid the inheritance tax.
Geldregen zum 40. Geburtstag "hinterlässt bitteren Beigeschmack"

8.3 million bucks... I thought, it would be more, but still is it quite a sum!
I am sure the monies will be put to good use: building a future next egg for their children, charitable endeavours etc. And none of it, IMO, will go towards PR, Backgrid, buying awards and funding unnecessary security!
Meghan and Harry attended a birthday party for friend Tyler Perry on the evening BEFORE Harry’s own birthday. Oprah and Gayle King also attended, together with other friends of the couple.
I was wondering why with 5 people seated in the car only Meghan is seen smiling? No, she was beaming with joy that being seated in the center of the car it will be SHE who will be seen... She and her tooth....
This was commented on a lot a few pages back. The Queen Mother did indeed set up a trust Fund for her great grandchildren (and some grandchildren) in 1994. Apparently they receive a lump sum of their 21st birthday and another on their 40th birthday.
I always thought it was strange that the late Queen Mother was able to make such provision for her great grandchildren , etc , when she was reported to have left debts of several million upon her death . Which our late Queen honoured . Ah well HMQM obviously had great accountants .
I was wondering why with 5 people seated in the car only Meghan is seen smiling? No, she was beaming with joy that being seated in the center of the car it will be SHE who will be seen... She and her tooth....
She may have been starting to joke to the others about something completely different than what was going on outside. A few seconds later they all may have been grinning. A photograph is only a moment in time after all.
She may have been starting to joke to the others about something completely different than what was going on outside. A few seconds later they all may have been grinning. A photograph is only a moment in time after all.
Entirely possible. Or she may have positioned herself in the middle of the car, smiling, so she is visible to the photographers, she may have tipped off. speculate as much as we may want, but we are unlikely to actually know what happened.
I always thought it was strange that the late Queen Mother was able to make such provision for her great grandchildren , etc , when she was reported to have left debts of several million upon her death . Which our late Queen honoured . Ah well HMQM obviously had great accountants .
It is precisely because QEQM had tied up vast amounts of her capital in trust for her grand children and great grandchildren that she was sometimes short on liquidity, and would end up with overdrafts. QE2 understood this and was happy to cover the bills.
Entirely possible. Or she may have positioned herself in the middle of the car, smiling, so she is visible to the photographers, she may have tipped off. speculate as much as we may want, but we are unlikely to actually know what happened.
And, if you scroll down the DM article to other photos Meghan is seen smiling side on, and talking to another woman next to her in the back seat who is saying something with her hand over her mouth.
As well, there are photos of other partygoers in other cars who are smiling, jolly, laughing as people usually are when leaving an enjoyable function.
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I never trust pictures. Publishers have agenda's and post some pictures and not others to promote that.
Eg. "Hey, XX looked grumpy all evening" Yes, that is because the publisher only posted the pictures in which he/she didn't smile. Ignoring all the pictures in which that person DID smile. Doesn't matter who the target is: H&M, W&C, even the King and Queen. They have all been the victim of it.
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