"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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The Times has some excerpts from the book regarding the private secretaries.


They reveal mean little nicknames Harry has assigned these three senior secretaries. Sir Edward Young is The Bee, Simon Case is The Fly and Sir Clive Alderton is The Wasp. There are some odious explanations for the names. I'm assuming these men had to sign NDAs.

Even if they haven't signed NDAs Sir Clive Alderton and Sir Edward Young are the King's Private Secretaries and so very unlikely to comment given the Boss has decided there will be no response. Simon Case is the current Cabinet Secretary and so, again, very unlikely to make any comment as that will drag the government into this mess.
This was Meghan’s wedding, and she was the bride. The world’s attention would be on her not primarily on any of the bridesmaids. My view is that 95% of brides would agree that what their bridesmaids wore was their choice not the bridesmaids’ mothers.

Isn't it just the least bit possible that all of the wedding stress got to Meghan and distorted her recollection of events to something where she thinks she was victimized by Kate's legitimate concern? We've heard directly from the tailor himself now that the dresses were a disaster, so it's not just a rumor anymore.

As the bride who chose the dresses, isn't it fair to say that Meghan should have taken more interest in them, knowing how the photos were going to be splashed around all the papers for days, weeks after? I know that most brides pay very careful attention to every single detail of the weddings they plan, not just to themselves. Surely Meghan wanted everything perfect?

That text message exchange that Harry himself stated took place in some form is just part of a larger conversation since it doesn't make sense on its own. For instance, Harry never says what was said between Meghan and Kate about the dresses prior to what he wrote, because at some point they must have an original exchange about a tailor waiting at KP, since Meghan supposedly said "I told you the tailor has been standing by since 8am".

The thing is, Kate has access to her own tailors and designers who could have either done the alterations necessary for Charlotte or remade the dress entirely if necessary. We know that she did in fact talk to her own dress designer who agreed that the dresses were poorly made.

It makes me think that maybe the real argument between the two women was over Kate's desire to have her trusted designer fix the problem and Meghan got upset over that, even though it would have made it easier on everyone, including the tailor who worked until 4am three nights in a row to get the job done in time. But that version of the story doesn't make Kate the villain, which is what I think was the goal of Harry telling it like he did.
Isn't it just the least bit possible that all of the wedding stress got to Meghan and distorted her recollection of events to something where she thinks she was victimized by Kate's legitimate concern? We've heard directly from the tailor himself now that the dresses were a disaster, so it's not just a rumor anymore.

As the bride who chose the dresses, isn't it fair to say that Meghan should have taken more interest in them, knowing how the photos were going to be splashed around all the papers for days, weeks after? I know that most brides pay very careful attention to every single detail of the weddings they plan, not just to themselves. Surely Meghan wanted everything perfect?

That text message exchange that Harry himself stated took place in some form is just part of a larger conversation since it doesn't make sense on its own. For instance, Harry never says what was said between Meghan and Kate about the dresses prior to what he wrote, because at some point they must have an original exchange about a tailor waiting at KP, since Meghan supposedly said "I told you the tailor has been standing by since 8am".

The thing is, Kate has access to her own tailors and designers who could have either done the alterations necessary for Charlotte or remade the dress entirely if necessary. We know that she did in fact talk to her own dress designer who agreed that the dresses were poorly made.

It makes me think that maybe the real argument between the two women was over Kate's desire to have her trusted designer fix the problem and Meghan got upset over that, even though it would have made it easier on everyone, including the tailor who worked until 4am three nights in a row to get the job done in time. But that version of the story doesn't make Kate the villain, which is what I think was the goal of Harry telling it like he did.

I feel like Meghan was probably paying attention to the bridesmaids dresses. They found a tailor to fix the dresses, and that tailor stepped in at the last moment and saved the day. She had a solution to the dress issue that the other parents presumably were on board with.

I don’t think Kate was a villain. The run up to a big wedding is of course going to be fraught with last-minute disasters and “make do” solutions. My question is when a reasonable solution is presented, why not take the win and move on?
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I’ve come across another thing I think is notable enough for its own post. Harry has just described his first meeting with Cressida, saying “I walked her up the steps. She didn’t invite me in; I didn’t expect her to, didn’t want her to. Take it slow, I thought.”

This is perfectly polite and gentlemanly, if a bit of an invasion of her privacy. The notable part is its contrast with his earlier description of Florence Brudenell Bruce, who he claims invited him in right away, and he describes asking his protection officers to drive around the block “a few hundred times.”

It feels like when he was learning about misogyny, someone should have mentioned that it’s not considered a feminist act to tell the public exactly when your ex girlfriends chose to first sleep with you.
From what I can see of Meghan, she is a perfectionist and someone who needs to be in control. This isn't necessarily a character flaw per say, but, it does have its pro's and con's. For some one like Meghan, to have their carefully planned wedding start to derail, from negative media coverage, an extremely difficult, distressing, and embarrassing situation with her father/family, a rumoured difficult head designer at Givenchy, and then an ill-fitted wedding and bridesmaids dress's.....it must have been incredibly difficult for someone of Meghan's nature. In fact, except for the most laid back of us, it would be difficult for most.

I can also see Catherine's point of view. She is post-partum, acutely aware of the media's focus on her children and how savage the media can be, and having a hard time connecting with a future SiL that she is fundamentally incompatible with.

All of this should have remained in the family as a personal, and rather small, family squabble. Both parties made errors, and according to Meghan, Catherine apologized and that should have been the end of it. Yet somehow the story became public. Do I think the palace should have intervened and said the prevailing story wasn't entirely true? Absolutely not. Family squabbles should remain as private as possible. Do I think the Sussex's should keep harping on about it? Absolutely not. Unfortunately this story hasn't disappeared yet because it keeps getting brought up... by the Sussex's.

Whilst I find many things that Harry and Meghan have gone through to be interesting and relevant i.e. the tragic and public loss of a parent at a young age and what that kind of grief does to someone and how racism can affect a persons media coverage and public perception...the Sussex's do themselves no favours and continue to undermine what is actually their most valuable and important contributions to the public forums.
It makes me think that maybe the real argument between the two women was over Kate's desire to have her trusted designer fix the problem and Meghan got upset over that, even though it would have made it easier on everyone, including the tailor who worked until 4am three nights in a row to get the job done in time. But that version of the story doesn't make Kate the villain, which is what I think was the goal of Harry telling it like he did.

I think this was evidence of nothing more than frayed nerves in the run up to the wedding. When you’re the bride and it feels like someone who isn’t even in the wedding chooses a trivial hill to die on, it has to be crazy-making, no matter the intentions of the other party.
There's an interesting piece about planting/leaking stories. At the end of April 2019, William rang Harry, furious about some negative stories on the Cambridges that he said were "planted by Pa and Camilla's people" and he (William) wasn't going to take it anymore. "They've done this to me for the last time."

Apparently, this was a woman "the most gung-ho member of Pa's comms team" who had launched a campaign at getting good press for Charles and Camilla at the expense of William and Harry. There's also an accusation that she gave the press stories about them in exchange for suppressing stories about Camilla's son "who'd been gadding around London, generating tawdry rumours".

William, in Harry's presence, had already confronted Charles about this woman, "How could you be letting a stranger do this to your sons?" Charles became angry and told them they were paranoid and the fact he was getting better press than them didn't mean his staff were behind it. Harry says they had proof because newsroom reporters were telling him and William that this woman was selling them out.

"Pa refused to listen. His response was churlish. Granny has her person, why can't I have mine?. By Granny's person he meant Angela. Among the many services she performed for Granny, she was said to be skilled at planting and leaking stories."

Harry says he was glad that William had come to him about Pa and so he tried to connect "what Pa and Camilla had done to him, with what the press had done to Meg. Willy snapped: I've got different issues with you two! In a blink he shifted all his rage onto me."

What follows are several paragraphs about William shouting down the phone at Harry but no recollection of what he actually said because Harry says he was so "beyond tired" he lost the thread.

This story actually makes me very sad, for both William AND Harry.

Charles was their sole surviving parent after August 1997. The bond of trust and respect between those three should have been unbreakable.

Instead, here we have Charles dismissing his very angry oldest son as paranoid, and defending his right to have some outside person planting stories against his own children because "why can't I have my person" like Granny has?

I felt, long before Harry went off the rails, that Diana's sons were effectively completely orphaned by her loss. I don't doubt that he loves his sons, but his traumatized children were not Charles' priority after the events of August 1997.

Shoe-horning his "non negotiable" mistress into Royal life and public acceptance was.

William lucked out. He got Kate Middleton and her family to provide the soft place he needed to land.

Harry had an ever increasing void of loneliness, anger, resentment and grief that was just waiting to be filled by someone like the woman he married.

And now there is Hell to pay.:ermm:
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I think they're going to have to tread very lightly when it comes to any efforts to get Harry committed, otherwise Meghan is going to gain full custody of Archie & Lili. It might make more sense to invite the entire family to the coronation and take action while they're in the UK, but who knows?


Although I think Harry needs help, I think this not a possibility at all. For involuntary commitment, the bar is very high in most jurisdictions - the person has to have a *severe* mental illness pose an immediate threat (of violence) either against themselves and/or others. Then it is usually only for 48 hours and it has to be renewed by a doctor.

Even for a voluntary commitment (which isn't easy to get either), I don't think Harry currently meets the criteria.

(I have been through this process of involuntary commitment with a family member with bipolar disorder. They spent 8 weeks hospitalized but never had another crisis.)
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I feel like Meghan was probably paying attention to the bridesmaids dresses. They found a tailor to fix the dresses, and that tailor stepped in at the last moment and saved the day. She had a solution to the dress issue that the other parents presumably were on board with.

I don’t think Kate was a villain. The run up to a big wedding is of course going to be fraught with last-minute disasters and “make do” solutions. My question is when a reasonable solution is presented, why not take the win and move on?

They did. They moved on within just a few texts. The dresses were altered. The show went on. There is no reason for Harry to retell a huge saga about the dresses.
Harry admits that his staff was sometimes reduced to tears, but claims it’s because they couldn’t deal with “constructive criticism.”

Being reduced to tears at work is not not normal. It’s a sign of a very dysfunctional workplace and it’s a shame that Harry just dismisses it. I wonder if this opens the door for his former staff to come out and tell their stories?

1. Which press stories were these that were influencing William because when he was confronting Harry, this was not really public knowledge.

2. Ironic that Harry says the staff couldnt handle constructive criticism when if we were to simplify things, the reason they left the family was because they couldnt handle criticism. Heck, when William told Harry they were mistreating staff, he got angry.
3. So in conclusion, Harry admits they made staff cry & they were unhappy.
4. I am confused, Harry complains that they were not allowed to comment of press stories, but in the above, he says they could only deal with 10% because they didnt have enough people (also explains the overworked staff). So they could respond, just could respond to everything. So what they wanted more staff?

Again, this book was a bad, bad, bad idea. All its done is confirm all those stories & not in a good way. Thats saying something when its written by Harry himself:sad:
I have no plan to buy this book, but found someone share its e-pub version online, so I thought, "well, why not, let's see what he say (it's free anyway)"

For now, all of leak excerpts I knew of are here. Put in context, some are indeed not as bad as the way it being blown up in social media. The best man issue for example. Here's that part (page 278, part 2 ch 42). I still think mentioning his kills and calling them chess pieces to show his internal conflict in Afghanistan is unnecessary, it can still be conveyed without specifying the exact numbers and calling them chess pieces.

The public had been told that I was to be best man, but that was a bare-faced lie. The public expected me to be best man, thus the Palace saw no choice but to say that I was. In truth, Willy didn't want me giving q best-man speech. He didn't think it safe to hand me a live mic and put me in a position to go off script. I might say something wildly inappropriate.

He wasn't wrong.
(btw, in the next few pages, he recounts that his speech includes an ermine thong for his new SIL which he held aloft in his hand. Or in his words: Soft, furry, a few silken strings attached to a V-shaped ermine pouch no larger than the ring pouch inside my tunic. Everyone laughed btw, so it should be okay)

Also, the lie gave cover to James and Thomas, two civilians, two innocents. Had they been outed as Willy's best-men, the rabid press would've chased them, tracked then, hacked them, investigated them, ruined their families' lives. Both chaps were shy, quite. They couldn't handle such an onslaught, and shouldn't be expected to.

Willy explained all this to me and I didn't blink. I understood. We even had a laugh about it, speculating about the inappropriate things I might've said in my speech. (...)

And that story is recounted between the frostnipped penis saga. Its ending is quite "spectacular" btw (page 286, part 2 ch 43)

Upon reaching the top of the world, the four wounded soldiers uncorked a bottle of champagne and drank to Granny. They were kind enough to phone me and let me list to their joy.

They'd set a world record, raised a truckload of cash for wounded veterans, and reached the bloody North Pole. What a coup. I congratulated them, told them I missed them, wished I could've been there.

A white lie. My penis was oscillating between extremely sensitive and borderline traumatized. The last place I wanted to be wa Frostnipistan.

I'd been trying some home remedies, including one recommended by a friend. She'd urged me to apply Elizabeth Arden cream.

My mum used that on her lips. You want me to put that on my toddler?

It works, Harry. Trust me.

I found a tube, and the minute I opened it the smell transported me through time.I felt as if my mother was right there in the room.

Then I took a smidge and applied it ... down there.

"Weird" doesn't really do the feeling justice.

I needed to see a doctor, ASAP. But I couldn't ask the Palace to find me one. some courtier would get wind of my condition and leak it to the press and the next thing I knew my Rodger would be all over the front pages. (...)

Sure, Harold. And instead you choose to write a book where you broadcast it to the world in great details.

I have to stop reading here because my forehead is too hurt by how many times I banged it against my desk.

PS: Other posters who own this book legally, please tell me the copy I currently have is fake and actually someone has pranked me with some cheap fanfiction.

I’ve come across another thing I think is notable enough for its own post. Harry has just described his first meeting with Cressida, saying “I walked her up the steps. She didn’t invite me in; I didn’t expect her to, didn’t want her to. Take it slow, I thought.”

This is perfectly polite and gentlemanly, if a bit of an invasion of her privacy. The notable part is its contrast with his earlier description of Florence Brudenell Bruce, who he claims invited him in right away, and he describes asking his protection officers to drive around the block “a few hundred times.”

It feels like when he was learning about misogyny, someone should have mentioned that it’s not considered a feminist act to tell the public exactly when your ex girlfriends chose to first sleep with you.

He really does share too much information, doesn't he? Something that unlikely be known by anyone outside his close circle, and if it ends up being leaked by some unnamed sources, it wouldn't be as detailed as that. And now everybody knows because of him, not leaks by "sources".
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Unfortunately, the whole Elizabeth Arden scene is entirely accurate and utterly embarrassing to read. I had the same part highlighted.
I am wondering why there was not a wedding planner or staffer who would have been in charge / tasked to handle the bridesmaids dresses.
Do anti-Sussex supporters admit any tiny bit of wrongdoing on behalf of Charles, Camilla, William or Kate? I don’t believe so. Instead there has been a huge pile on of everything Harry and Meghan have said and done with the worst possible imputations put on it, always, from the time Harry was a child.

Nobody in the Palace or the family was ever to blame for anything but Harry, and (after she appeared) Meghan as well. Every member of the Royal Family was angelic, sweet and kind always, no coldness, no working against each other by different households, and the media were always so wonderfully adoring that Harry and Meghan never had anything to worry about ever! No digging away trying to find dirt there!

I am sure they all did things or said things that were out of line, hurtful, mean, or rude. I am sure they have all said things in the heat of an argument that maybe wish not to say. It happens in the best of families. All families have drama, skeletons, and fights.

There are things though that have been said/written that are questionable (and also some been proven wrong to be about), also there have been things written that would seem believable.

On this basis, I think Harry is right when he talks about generational trauma. The British Royal Family definitely suffers from it. I think the trauma goes back to (or stems at least) at least Queen Victoria and her upbringing under the Kensington System. But one could argue it goes back much longer to at least The War of the Roses. The family is a good case study for it.
I read through most of the book this evening. A couple of thoughts off the top of my head:

- Harry doesn’t do reflection or nuance. I’m not sure if a decision was made to keep things simple in order to appeal to as big an audience as possible or if he truly just doesn’t do reflection or nuance.

- I thought it was interesting that, for all he talks about his brother in the book, I didn’t come away with any sense of what William is like as a person. He’s pretty much there to play the generic Angry Brother character. Harry says william wasn’t comfortable when Meghan hugged him the first time they met. Is that because he was taught to uphold a certain level of formality? Is he a naturally reserved person who’s slow to warm up? No idea, and I got the impression Harry doesn’t much care. And that continues through the entire book - William’s state of mind only comes up when he’s portrayed as angry or supposedly jealous of Harry, and Harry makes no effort to come to a deeper understanding.

Charles is actually presented as a much more complete character. Harry talks about his personality, likes and dislikes, hobbies, what he’s like as a father, his relationship with his own parents - a deeper portrayal than what we get for William. This surprised me since I think in many families it would be the opposite, with siblings seeing each other more clearly than they do their parents.

Lastly, it’s behind a paywall, but The Economist reviewed the book and it was both spot on and very funny. By far my favourite review and worth a read if you can access it!
I watched Harry's Colbert appearance. He was on for almost the entire show, as opposed to a short segment or two.

Colbert kept it moving along, alternating between serious and humorous things from the book. Harry steered just about every topic the back to his archenemy the British Press. He also reacted a lot to the studio audience -- if someone sighed, or said something aloud, Harry commented or pointed. It made him seem a bit nervous, which he probably was.

It was in parts quite cringeworthy, which I figured it might be, as there's no way the host of a late night comedy show would ignore that frostbite anecdote.
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I am wondering why there was not a wedding planner or staffer who would have been in charge / tasked to handle the bridesmaids dresses.

And maybe there’s much more about those famous bridesmaid dresses in that. I remember that for both Catherine’s and Eugenie’s weddings, the children’s dresses were made by companies who specialize in children’s wear, not by the bride’s gown designer. I wonder if at some moment Catherine suggested that to Meghan. And I cannot fathom how Meghan didn’t delegate tasks: flowers - this person, menu - this person, bridesmaids and pageboys - this person. How did she imagine that she was going to manage alone a wedding that was “a spectacle for the world”?
This story actually makes me very sad, for both William AND Harry.

Charles was their sole surviving parent after August 1997. The bond of trust and respect between those three should have been unbreakable.

Instead, here we have Charles dismissing his very angry oldest son as paranoid, and defending his right to have some outside person planting stories against his own children because "why can't I have my person" like Granny has?

I felt, long before Harry went off the rails, that Diana's sons were effectively completely orphaned by her loss. I don't doubt that he loves his sons, but his traumatized children were not Charles' priority after the events of August 1997.

Shoe-horning his "non negotiable" mistress into Royal life and public acceptance was.

William lucked out. He got Kate Middleton and her family to provide the soft place he needed to land.

Harry had an ever increasing void of loneliness, anger, resentment and grief that was just waiting to be filled by someone like the woman he married.

And now there is Hell to pay.:ermm:

You have summed up exactly my thoughts in such a way that I could not articulate. These two boys were left to defend themselves against the world. Instead of having someone mentor them during, what I believe, are the quienssential time for any person, they had to find their own feet. There were two possibilities - turn out like William, who has seemingly made peace with the events, learned from mistakes of the past and moved on. He gravitated towards stability - you cannot get more stability with Catherine if you tried, and although he broke up with Catherine twice (I do wonder how much was driven by the palace here), he still went back to her, became formidable with what he wanted and now has a stable, loving and mature marriage, family, life and outlook.

Or become like Harry, who is angry, resentful and is looking for anyone or anything to give him permission to continue to be like this and not grow as a person. Why? because changing and facing your short-comings is challenging, uncomfortable and hard. Worse, he now has someone that gives him that very permission to stay like this
How about the blame lying with HARRY, a 38-year-old married man and father of two who had every advantage possible in life, including a loving and supportive family. The big tragedy of course was the loss of his mother when he was 12, nearly 13 but I'm sure Charles did his best, perhaps he even over-compensated in some ways, as a parent left in these circumstances sometimes does. I've never been a particular fan of Charles but how he can be believed responsible for this mess is beyond my understanding.
A former lover of Prince Harry's spoke about the book and her relationship with the Prince yesterday on Good Morning Britain.
They met in 2006 and Catherine was 13 years his junior and had a short relationship.

I'd rather know how people feel about Harold slapping his body guard multiple times, and not giving a **** that he and Megan made their staff cry, than that unimportant tireseome bridesmaid dresses story.
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The section recounting the convo with ELF is extremely strange. Harry makes it sound as if ELF wasn't sure of various things, which I find very hard to believe, given what position ELF held.

Harry comes across as being completely unaware of how rules and procedures in the royal family work.

It didn’t make sense. A grown man asking his grandmother for permission to marry? I couldn’t recall Willy asking before he proposed to Kate. Or my cousin Peter asking before he proposed to his wife, Autumn. But come to think of it I did remember Pa asking permission when he wanted to marry Camilla.

Honestly if Harry REALLY felt like this, he must be as thick as its possible to be. He'd never heard that his family had to get permission from the monarch to marry? If ELF did say to him that he needed to do some digging, I suspect that he felt he had to make it clear to this silly young man that he could not just dash off and marry just as he pleased, and he wanted to be clear that it came from the queen and the law that he could not do so, by saying tat he had to consult with other people and then that Harry would have to consult with the queen.
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How about the blame lying with HARRY, a 38-year-old married man and father of two who had every advantage possible in life, including a loving and supportive family. The big tragedy of course was the loss of his mother when he was 12, nearly 13 but I'm sure Charles did his best, perhaps he even over-compensated in some ways, as a parent left in these circumstances sometimes does. I've never been a particular fan of Charles but how he can be believed responsible for this mess is beyond my understanding.

I coudlnt follow all htat rambling stuff about Charles, frankly, but my general feeling is that Harry and Meg have told so many lies and half truths, and H clearly sees things in a very distorted way, that its hard to believe anything he now says
Page 104 here on lies and misfits!Ugghh..
… I think she was making a joke about the Duke of Windsor and Harry didn’t get the reference

certainly what it sounded like.. obviosuly noone would give Harry any job of that sort.
I am not sure King Willem-Alexander and King Harald appreciating that Harry dragged them into this as examples of a "modern monarchy". My guess: the last thing they want is to be used as sort of examples "against" King Charles.

In terms of "modern" monarchy I feel the British monarchy is not "old-fashioned" at all. It is sad that Harry mows the grass away for his father's en brother's feet. Pffff.
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Do anti-Sussex supporters admit any tiny bit of wrongdoing on behalf of Charles, Camilla, William or Kate? I don’t believe so. Instead there has been a huge pile on of everything Harry and Meghan have said and done with the worst possible imputations put on it, always, from the time Harry was a child.

Nobody in the Palace or the family was ever to blame for anything but Harry, and (after she appeared) Meghan as well. Every member of the Royal Family was angelic, sweet and kind always, no coldness, no working against each other by different households, and the media were always so wonderfully adoring that Harry and Meghan never had anything to worry about ever! No digging away trying to find dirt there!

1. Nobody here thinks that the BRF are saints, but there are Sussex supporters that think that H&M can do no wrong.

2. The problem is we have heard from Harry's side only and considering H&M are proven liars, recollections may vary.

3. Harry is the one who revealed that he killed 25 Taliban soldiers, physically abusive towards his protection officer, bullied a matron in his school, losing his virginity to an older woman and various private matters that no tabloids in the UK could ever hope to reveal without a phone hacking scandal, so if there's any "worst possible imputations", it's on him and no one else.

4. Many Sussex supporters are unable to defend H&M without dragging other members of the BRF or whataboutism. They are too focused on William shoving Harry and Kate made a fuss on H&M wedding while conveniently staying silent on Harry's horrible actions which he revealed HIMSELF.

Someone on the internet said that the palace PR was the reason why Harry was the second most popular royal after QE2 for many years and that the Harry we currently see is the REAL Harry, and I'm inclined to believe them.
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I'd rather know how people feel about Harold slapping his body guard multiple times, and not giving a **** that he and Megan made their staff cry, than that unimportant tireseome bridesmaid dresses story.

Same here. It’s horrendous and very disturbing.

As a recovering addict I’m also very interested to know whether or not Harry continues to use even if cannabis is legal where he lives now and how much of an impact it may have had on his fragile mental health and, let’s face it, his questionable judgement and justification for his behaviour. Speaking from personal experience extreme paranoia is heightened by drug use. Add to that the traumatic experience like losing your beloved mother as a young person and you have a very combustible package indeed.

He’s hurt and betrayed the people who love him most and have tried to protect him for so many years. I think he will live to regret it but only if his issues are addressed in a healthy and positive way.

As my sobriety app said yesterday: No man heals himself by hurting others.
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