"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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Do anti-Sussex supporters admit any tiny bit of wrongdoing on behalf of Charles, Camilla, William or Kate? I don’t believe so. Instead there has been a huge pile on of everything Harry and Meghan have said and done with the worst possible imputations put on it, always, from the time Harry was a child.

Nobody in the Palace or the family was ever to blame for anything but Harry, and (after she appeared) Meghan as well. Every member of the Royal Family was angelic, sweet and kind always, no coldness, no working against each other by different households, and the media were always so wonderfully adoring that Harry and Meghan never had anything to worry about ever! No digging away trying to find dirt there!

I can't speak for anyone else but I don't see myself as a particular supporter of any side because it's all more nuanced than that. There's plenty of evidence that Charles' team practised the dark PR arts after Diana's death in order to rehabilitate his reputation and build Camilla up as an acceptable partner. Indeed there were some sacrifices of other royals along the way because the crown will always win and Charles was next in line.

The press that Meghan endured was vicious, toxic and overwhelming. I said so at the time and continue to do so. I think the palace was wrong to expect her to live with the avalanche of sewage and lies the press poured on her and they should have condemned it. I know others have received bad press but nobody suffered it to the extent and frequency that Meghan did. It was so bad that even a large group of MPs stood up for her.

It's also true that Harry was broken, naive and angry before she met him so he was the worst kind of mentor she could have had. She'd have had a better chance of succeeding if Harry had been content with his subsidiary role, less impulsive and willing to take their relationship and introduction to royal life more slowly and strategically.

So in addition to all the criticisms I have of both Harry and Meghan for various actions, I have also acknowledged that others aren't always squeaky clean in their dealings with the press or each other. I have seen plenty of others on this forum do the same too. Not everyone has a 'side' and it's perfectly possible to be scathing about Harry's actions at the moment while still feeling empathy for his grief over his mother and his anger at his wife's treatment by the press.
Someone on the internet said that the palace PR was the reason why Harry was the second most popular royal after QE2 for many years and that the Harry we currently see is the REAL Harry, and I'm inclined to believe them.

I have an uneasy feeling that that is correct. I was never keen on H OR Will as young lads, but thought that H was the more difficult and bratty of the 2. THen, he wnet into the army and I felt that he had outgrown his brattiness and was in a good frame of mind now that he had a suitable job.. and I did believe the Jolly Jack the Lad Harry, was for real and i quite liked him for a bit. But after he left the army, I began to get a vibe that he was over acting, that he was always jumping around in public, trying to get a warm reaction from the press and the public, and it began to irritate nad make me uneasy about him. I dont know if by that stage he was seeing Meghan, but sadly, I think the truth is that Jolly Harry, always wanting to be liked but willing to put in the hours then to win affection, was only a tiny tiny part of him.. and the real Harry, 90% of him, was overemotional, not very bright and angry underneath the facade. And everything that has come out since he got married seems to back up this theory. He began with being increasingly emotional and weepy, then there were the surges of anger, and the lying about his family and so on, that kept on and on coming out, and each interview or podcast or talk in public seemed to show him as worse and more unlovable than before. I never thought he would attack his family, before the Orpah interivew. I thought he would attack the men in Grey etc..but he went all out and attacked his family, mostly with outright lies. and this latest outburst, shows a long standing hostility to his brother that again, seemed impossible to believe in some years ago but was clearly there and is geting worse.
"But, Ms Teacher, do you know what other kids do? Why do you focus on my wrongdoing?" Is the vibe I'm getting here. As someone who was so shocked by the puppy accident that I can't keep bringing it up, repeatedly claiming that Charles and Diana were being stupidly permissive parents, I find this funny. I repeated this a few times in this very thread. I, myself, also expressed strong judgment that the Palace would possibly let a drug-taking Harry be in the army because Charles wanted to indulge his baby but I suppose this went over Sussex lovers' heads because it was still their favourite royal doing the drug thing himself. So yeah, here this theory goes. And I've seen others, including Charles' sympathizers, criticizing him strongly on various accounts. Something that, I have to say, I've never seen with Sussex lovers and Harry.

I, however, saw the claim that we shouldn't pay any comment to Meghan's insulting baby brain comment because we don't know what Meghan was told when she was pregnant. I was agog. So we shouldn't pay attention to something that Harry admitted came out of Meghan's own mouth because of something we don't even know was ever said to Meghan months afterwards? That's the logic Sussex supporters always employ. And for the sake of fair play, the horrible comments poor sweet dear Meghan, the brave bride in tears, should have received the comment from someone in the immediate family. Did she? I guess she didn't because then her white knight of a husband would have ridden in on his high horse to tell us so in all his righteous indignation. So no, it never happened. Meghan's insulting comment to a mother regarding something she had no way to understand at the time still stands.

Apart from Andrew, the Sussexes are the only royals who revealed what they are with their own words, from Harry's own mouth, but this should get just ignored because they got bad press? Not as far as I'm concerned.

In my book, Harry keeps confirming that the most damaging claims about them are mostly true. If we shouldn't discuss what tabloids say and we shouldn't discuss what Harry said because it was damaging, what are we supposed to discuss? Their victimhood again?

Also, let's not forget that they are proven liars. Something their fans prefer to overlook too. They are the only BRF liars proven to be liars at court. And that's their own fault.
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Someone on the internet said that the palace PR was the reason why Harry was the second most popular royal after QE2 for many years and that the Harry we currently see is the REAL Harry, and I'm inclined to believe them.

You might have a point there,so do I.
The Times has some excerpts from the book regarding the private secretaries.


They reveal mean little nicknames Harry has assigned these three senior secretaries. Sir Edward Young is The Bee, Simon Case is The Fly and Sir Clive Alderton is The Wasp. There are some odious explanations for the names. I'm assuming these men had to sign NDAs.

Harry's derision for the great unwashed is stunning. Nothing more indicative that the man he's become is the prince he was born to, only whining more openly and with increased volume, than his attitude to men who, unlike him, earned their living without lying in dramatic moans how their fathers cut them off financially.

Bold Machiavellian manoeuvers, eh, Harry? Unlike someone who consolidated power by being born to the future King?
Harry has apparently criticised Paul Burrell for revealing private information about Diana in his book. Is he for real?! Can he honestly not see any irony in that?
Harry has apparently criticised Paul Burrell for revealing private information about Diana in his book. Is he for real?! Can he honestly not see any irony in that?
I doubt it very much. Harry seems to think he has the right to do it to others because it's been done to him.

I will say, however, that I find it sickening how much Burrell has exploited Diana for over two decades now, setting himself up as the expert on what she would think, what she would say and dropping snippets about her to anyone who'll pay him. If he'd done that about my mother, I'd be furious so I think William and Harry have every right to be (despite Harry breaching other people's privacy).
i think H has now hit rock bottom with this 'memoire'. aside from his crass revealings of how he lost his virginity (really?!), to compromising his own security revealing how many he killed when in the military, the thing that strikes me the most is how he pleads for privacy yet reveals all sorts of private details himself. he reveals all the private conversations and moments (what charles said when his mother died, what he asked his dad before marrying camilla, the conversation at his cottage with william on meghan, what happened when the queen died, the details on the birth of his kids, what william said when his father died, etc), yet has the courage in the interview to say 'what i would tell them is private' when asked what he will say to charles and william. he wants privacy but has given interviews by the bucket load lately on all sorts of personal things and filmed a 6 part netflix series. he and meghan refuse to share who their kids godparents are, yet now release all sorts of pictures of them. i guess privacy and dignity goes out of the window when he is proposed millions of dollars!

he makes absolutely no sense and, frankly, looks stupid. he is full of incongruence. i am not sure what is behind all this foolish behaviour, but i am pretty sure he will regret this in the future. oprah, the memoire, netflix... all of it.

then claims that they never accused the family of racism, but of 'unconscious bias' - 2 years after the oprah interview aired... why not refute the comments on racism back in the day?
I have no plan to buy this book, but found someone share its e-pub version online, so I thought, "well, why not, let's see what he say (it's free anyway)"

For now, all of leak excerpts I knew of are here. Put in context, some are indeed not as bad as the way it being blown up in social media. The best man issue for example. Here's that part (page 278, part 2 ch 42). I still think mentioning his kills and calling them chess pieces to show his internal conflict in Afghanistan is unnecessary, it can still be conveyed without specifying the exact numbers and calling them chess pieces.

(btw, in the next few pages, he recounts that his speech includes an ermine thong for his new SIL which he held aloft in his hand. Or in his words: Soft, furry, a few silken strings attached to a V-shaped ermine pouch no larger than the ring pouch inside my tunic. Everyone laughed btw, so it should be okay)

And that story is recounted between the frostnipped penis saga. Its ending is quite "spectacular" btw (page 286, part 2 ch 43)

Sure, Harold. And instead you choose to write a book where you broadcast it to the world in great details.

I have to stop reading here because my forehead is too hurt by how many times I banged it against my desk.

PS: Other posters who own this book legally, please tell me the copy I currently have is fake and actually someone has pranked me with some cheap fanfiction.

He really does share too much information, doesn't he? Something that unlikely be known by anyone outside his close circle, and if it ends up being leaked by some unnamed sources, it wouldn't be as detailed as that. And now everybody knows because of him, not leaks by "sources".
I agree with all of the TMI but I’m now confused about this “Best Man” thing. In one breath Harry says that William explained he didn’t want Harry to have an open mic and the brothers laughed and agreed that William’s two friends should do the speech. In the next breath Harry is writing about holding up a fur thong as a gift for his new SIL in his “speech.” Huh?? :ermm:
It must be an incredibly sad and difficult time for HM, to be having to deal with this on top of everything else. Who knows whether Harry will ever truly come to recognise the damage he has done to his reputation and that of his wife.

Hi everyone, long time reader, first time poster! I have a question that I hope doesn't seem too silly/obvious. Is there any possibility that J.R. Moehringer might have the opportunity to discuss his own involvement with Spare?

Welcome to the Forum! :flowers:

Re Spare and the USA media:
We just came back from the veterinarian's office, dropping off our 9-year-old cat for a minor tooth extraction and pick him up in 4 hours. While on the car, listening to the upstate NY local radio 103.3, the crazy morning show was discussing Spare! One of them commented how tragic was that Harry stated that as a child he believed his mother was still alive and hiding and the car crash was all planned as her way to escape and pretend she was dead.

The other two radio DJs stated how tragic was that a child would believe this and how that trauma could have affected him to this day.
That won't justify his recent actions as an adult but says a lot about his resentment towards anything involving his mother's life and the people around her.
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"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

Thanks. This was a good read. The sum up- that the palace would have stopped him from doing this book- and that would have been good for him is right on.

I liked that the author noted almost nothing is ever Harry’s fault. It’s always someone else. Even his choice in costumes.

There was some good humor in it.
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1. Nobody here thinks that the BRF are saints, but there are Sussex supporters that think that H&M can do no wrong.

2. The problem is we have heard from Harry's side only and considering H&M are proven liars, recollections may vary.

3. Harry is the one who revealed that he killed 25 Taliban soldiers, physically abusive towards his protection officer, bullied a matron in his school, losing his virginity to an older woman and various private matters that no tabloids in the UK could ever hope to reveal without a phone hacking scandal, so if there's any "worst possible imputations", it's on him and no one else.

4. Many Sussex supporters are unable to defend H&M without dragging other members of the BRF or whataboutism. They are too focused on William shoving Harry and Kate made a fuss on H&M wedding while conveniently staying silent on Harry's horrible actions which he revealed HIMSELF.

Someone on the internet said that the palace PR was the reason why Harry was the second most popular royal after QE2 for many years and that the Harry we currently see is the REAL Harry, and I'm inclined to believe them.

Well said.

I’ve been thinking something similar- Harry can thank his popularity on palace PR. They obviously worked wonders with a difficult subject. He certainly hasn’t done a good job maintaining a positive image on his own.
I watched Harry's Colbert appearance. He was on for almost the entire show, as opposed to a short segment or two.

Colbert kept it moving along, alternating between serious and humorous things from the book. Harry steered just about every topic the back to his archenemy the British Press. He also reacted a lot to the studio audience -- if someone sighed, or said something aloud, Harry commented or pointed. It made him seem a bit nervous, which he probably was.

It was in parts quite cringeworthy, which I figured it might be, as there's no way the host of a late night comedy show would ignore that frostbite anecdote.
Was Colbert sympathetic to Harry or did he question him at all about throwing his family under the bus?
Is anyone going to ask him what the difference between poor Meghan crying because Catherine criticized the bridesmaids' dresses (oh the horrorz!) and turned out to be right and the people he and his dear Meg brought to tears with their "constructive criticism" is? And just how well did he take constructive criticism when William offered it? And why was Meghan so defenseless, poor sweet dear, while those other people were weak, weak, weak?

I was never a huge Harry fan before, and I thoroughly dislike and disrespect him at this point.

He is a weak, damaged narcissist...sort of a GenX Duke of Windsor minus the charm and good manners.

But as I have stated many times, the infamous bridesmaid dress fiasco is something that makes me see red...in their favor. It's all well and good that Kate apologized.

But no...that was not the end of it because the narrative that reached the public was a very anti-Meghan one. It grew "legs" and became an early cornerstone of the Meghan Is a Mean B-tch canon.

Why should she have been satisfied to let a false unflattering story be one of the defining narratives of her early public persona with NO pushback from Kensington Palace?

Given the quickness with which the Palace shut down the equally unflattering and minor Tatler story about Kate, why couldn't they have done the same with DressGate?

Kate's apology, gracious as it was, was a private thing. The resulting damage to Meghan's reputation was very public and permanent. Meghan has described it as a turning point in her attitude towards "the Institution" and the British press.
That is probably why Harry devotes so much time to it in his book.

I give this point to Meghan.:ermm:
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Thanks. This was a good read. The sum up- that the palace would have stopped
him from doing this book- and that would have been good for him is right on.

I liked that the author noted almost nothing is ever Harry’s fault. It’s always someone else. Even his choice in costumes.
There was some good humor in it.

I have to say I love that image https://archive.vn/baOB2 of the person with an umbrella leaning over to see the book! It's almost like a painting that reminds me the mood of the famous 1940's painting Nighthawks.
Ps. Thew book is now at half price after less than a week out? :ohmy:

That aside, I do agree Harry loves to project his conduct as an adult toward other people to reduce the judgement on his own decisions. It's always someone else's fault for him indeed. Blaming the Nazi uniform on Will and Kate is as repugnant as the uniform itself. Harry put that thing on to match his uppity friends' racist theme outfits for that party.
We all have choices in life, and that was his and his alone to make.
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Something I’m wondering about: in this book, ghostwritten by an American author, HLM is referred to by Harry as “Granny.” And I remember that in whatever Harry (or Meghan) wrote when she died she was also referred to as “Granny.” G-r-a-n-n-y is how we spell this affectionate term for one’s grandmother in the US.

However, William, Beatrice, and Eugenie all paid tribute to Grannie spelled G-r-a-n-n-i-e which must be how it is spelled in the UK. Did Harry not know how to spell the name he called his own grandmother??? Did he not read any of this book before it was published?

I remember this specifically because of the spelling difference.:whistling:

I'm American and we use the Grannie spelling. However, we do it because my grandmother's name is JoAnn, my grandfather always called her Annie, and as children we called her Grannie Annie. So...alliteration, "ie" on both, etc. If her name were Elizabeth we'd likely have just used Granny but I'm not sure we can read too much into that particular spelling anomaly.
I'm American and we use the Grannie spelling. However, we do it because my grandmother's name is JoAnn, my grandfather always called her Annie, and as children we called her Grannie Annie. So...alliteration, "ie" on both, etc. If her name were Elizabeth we'd likely have just used Granny but I'm not sure we can read too much into that particular spelling anomaly.

Must be a regional thing. When we lived in Connecticut (USA), for decades, people would refer to the grandmothers as 'Nana' followed by the first name. https://grammarhow.com/nana-grandma/
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I'd rather know how people feel about Harold slapping his body guard multiple times, and not giving a **** that he and Megan made their staff cry, than that unimportant tireseome bridesmaid dresses story.

I for one am very disappointed that after denying that they bullied their staff it seems clear from Prince Harry's memoir that their staff had to work in a hostile environment. Their carefully selected staff were initially very eager to work for the couple. However, Harry's description of aides slumping over desks and crying is a clear sign that something is very wrong. The couple seem to have no self-reflection. Harry appears to also have very little knowledge of how the monarchy functioned and that the work that occurred behind the scenes to prepare him for domestic and foreign engagements was there to ensure that everything went smoothly.

As to the bodyguard story, I have to wonder if these types of incidents happened more than once when you consider how angry and hurt that Prince Harry was during those years. He's made reference to it in the past when he spoke about his mental health. Speaking from personal experience, I truly sympathize and completely understand his desire to travel to the place where his mother died. However going out and getting drunk to the point that he was thrown out of the pub certainly fed into a cycle of behavior that is very sad and disturbing. Based upon what I am reading Prince Harry appears to have an issue with alcohol and drugs.
Harry's derision for the great unwashed is stunning. Nothing more indicative that the man he's become is the prince he was born to, only whining more openly and with increased volume, than his attitude to men who, unlike him, earned their living without lying in dramatic moans how their fathers cut them off financially.

Bold Machiavellian manoeuvers, eh, Harry? Unlike someone who consolidated power by being born to the future King?
If someone can link the Times article, I’d really appreciate it - it’s behind a paywall. Thanks!:flowers:
At this rate Charlotte will be getting a fitting for her own wedding dress before we stop talking about her bridesmaid dress.
Points have been made.

I think there are other things that Harry revealed about himself that is more worthy of discussion.
"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

I for one am very disappointed that after denying that they bullied their staff it seems clear from Prince Harry's memoir that their staff had to work in a hostile environment. Their carefully selected staff were initially very eager to work for the couple. However, Harry's description of aides slumping over desks and crying is a clear sign that something is very wrong. The couple seem to have no self-reflection. Harry appears to also have very little knowledge of how the monarchy functioned and that the work that occurred behind the scenes to prepare him for domestic and foreign engagements was there to ensure that everything went smoothly.

As to the bodyguard story, I have to wonder if these types of incidents happened more than once when you consider how angry and hurt that Prince Harry was during those years. He's made reference to it in the past when he spoke about his mental health. Speaking from personal experience, I truly sympathize and completely understand his desire to travel to the place where his mother died. However going out and getting drunk to the point that he was thrown out of the pub certainly fed into a cycle of behavior that is very sad and disturbing. Based upon what I am reading Prince Harry appears to have an issue with alcohol and drugs.

Well said.

I don’t see much self reflection either. I thought that was part of the point of memoirs in general- and this one was specifically marketed that way imo.

He seems very quick to complain or criticize others for their shortcomings though.

His description of the work environment was appalling. And he seems to take zero ownership for it. I’m going to guess some of the staff’s problems was the so called “constructive criticism”, Harry and Meghan’s obsession with press stories, and them wanting everything their way.

Harry does present himself as woefully ignorant on how the monarchy worked. We know Meghan was. Recipe for a disaster.

I’m wondering the same. I completely understand his desire to see where his mother died. I certainly understand him being devastated afterwards.

But- I’m left wondering if this was really ALL of the worst of Harry’s behavior. I doubt it. He seemed very angry and sad then. Clearly had some substance abuse issues. And- given the nasty tone of this book and his interviews- I wonder about him now.
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I have to say I love that image https://archive.vn/baOB2 of the person with an umbrella leaning over to see the book! It's almost like a painting that reminds me the mood of the famous 1940's painting Nighthawks.
Ps. Thew book is now at half price after less than a week out? :ohmy:

That aside, I do agree Harry loves to project his conduct as an adult toward other people to reduce the judgement on his own decisions. It's always someone else's fault for him indeed. Blaming the Nazi uniform on Will and Kate is as repugnant as the uniform itself. Harry put that thing on to match his uppity friends' racist theme outfits for that party.
We all have choices in life, and that was his and his alone to make.

He does say he was ashamed of his actions and did what he could to atone. I’m kind of stunned that they would all attend such a racist gathering. The moment I saw the offensive “costumes” I would figure I’d stumbled into the white supremacy cocktail hour and would have found the door and exited the premises.

Will and Kate may have laughed at the costume. Haha white supremacy! KKK hoods and Nazi uniforms. I can only imagine Harry was hungover when they taught WWII history. I took this as a go along to get along moment. Just because someone laughs at some inappropriate thing you’re doing doesn’t mean it’s okay.
Well, thanks to everyone for all the insights and information. Loved reading all points of view.
Just my two cents on a few things that bother me.....

First, and Curryong I'd like your opinion on this. You posted that "especially when one brother grabs another and pushes him to the ground...and lunging at Harry after Prince Phillips Funeral".
In light of the fact that Harry ADMITTED to attacking his protection officer AND getting thrown out of Clubs do you think that physical fighting ,"fisticuffs", was simply a part of William and Harry's relationship ? I find it curious that all the pushing, lunging and grabbing is supposedly done by JUST William. Never Harry.

I had to laugh to at the thought of Prince Harry being thrown out of a Club. Just HOW BAD was he ?
Regarding the Girls Bridesmaids dresses, I was glad the Tailor stepped up and provided info that ALL had to be fixed. Still can't figure out why these were left to the literal last moment too.

Another gem I find baffling is this. Harry says he told Meghan to curtsy to Prince Charles, but dismissively She didn't need to for Camilla, fine OK. Whatever.
THEN WHY did Meghan seem to find it preposterous that She would have to cursty to The Queen ?
I'm assuming She met Charles before The Queen anyway, Just makes that stunt of mocking and reenacting The Cursty in the Netflix Docu-series seem even more ridiculous.

One last point, I do believe that Story now that the Sussex's have been instructed that any further communication (No Family -No Aides) is to be directed to The Firms Legal Office, after Harry went after Senior Private Secretary's and questioned his own Edward Lane Fox's "smarts" too.

I find the inconsistencies amazing. Especially the bit about private conversations being kept "private".
I can't imagine anyone in the Family now even speaking to him about anything.
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I liked that the author noted almost nothing is ever Harry’s fault. It’s always someone else. Even his choice in costumes.

Apparently its the press who have put his family in danger for spinning his words re killing the taliban. Not him for including it or liken them to chess pieces, no siree, not Harry. Apparently he made this claim on the colbert show.
The Times has some excerpts from the book regarding the private secretaries.


They reveal mean little nicknames Harry has assigned these three senior secretaries. Sir Edward Young is The Bee, Simon Case is The Fly and Sir Clive Alderton is The Wasp. There are some odious explanations for the names. I'm assuming these men had to sign NDAs.

If I were His Majesty I would enforce compulsory NDA even for the working royals once they start their ''careers'' in the Firm. The royal aides can't defend themselves while Harry can spread lies and hate all over the world about them, literally.
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Something I’m wondering about: in this book, ghostwritten by an American author, HLM is referred to by Harry as “Granny.” And I remember that in whatever Harry (or Meghan) wrote when she died she was also referred to as “Granny.” G-r-a-n-n-y is how we spell this affectionate term for one’s grandmother in the US.

However, William, Beatrice, and Eugenie all paid tribute to Grannie spelled G-r-a-n-n-i-e which must be how it is spelled in the UK. Did Harry not know how to spell the name he called his own grandmother??? Did he not read any of this book before it was published?

I remember this specifically because of the spelling difference.:whistling:

Hi, I am British and I think most British people would spell it Granny..maybe the alternative is a posh southern English way? If its from statements made, maybe the same person typed it?
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I have not read the book and, to be honest, I'm not sure if I really want to or not. I likely will at some point but it won't be this week. So, please tell me that the excerpt I've just read discussing the fact that he ordered his father's car to be essentially "buzzed" and then a barn was blown up was misquoted or taken out of context. This can't possibly be a real passage in the book. Can it? And if by some chance it is real, how on earth will the the Armed Forces be able to avoid either action or comment? This really isn't something that they can ignore. If it's true then it shouldn't have been ignored at the time or really even allowed to happen in the first place. And that's to say nothing of the potential danger to the life of the then heir to the throne.
However going out and getting drunk to the point that he was thrown out of the pub certainly fed into a cycle of behavior that is very sad and disturbing. Based upon what I am reading Prince Harry appears to have an issue with alcohol and drugs.

Here's an extract from the book where he's talking to a therapist who he rated well. This was at the beginning of 2017.

She asked if I'd used drugs.
I told her some wild stories.
Well, I'm rather surprised you're not a drug addict.

If there was one thing to which I did seem undeniably addicted, however, it was the press.

Reading it, raging at it, she said, these were obvious compulsions.
Well, thanks to everyone for all the insights and information. Loved reading all points of view.
Just my two cents on a few things that bother me.....

First, and Curryong I'd like your opinion on this. You posted that "especially when one brother grabs another and pushes him to the ground...and lunging at Harry after Prince Phillips Funeral".
In light of the fact that Harry ADMITTED to attacking his protection officer AND getting thrown out of Clubs do you think that physical fighting ," fisticuffs" was simply a part of William and Harry's relationship ? I find it curious that all the pushing, lunging and grabbing is supposedly done by JUST William. Never Harry.

I had to laugh to at the thought of Prince Harry being thrown out of a Club. Just HOW BAD was he ?
Regarding the Girls Bridesmaids dresses, I was glad the Tailor stepped up and provided info that ALL had to be fixed. Still can't figure out why these were left to the literal last moment too.

Another gem I find baffling is this. Harry says he told Meghan to curtsy to Prince Charles, but dismissively She didn't need to for Camilla, fine OK. Whatever.
THEN WHY did Meghan seem to find it preposterous that She would have to cursty to The Queen ?
I'm assuming She met Charles before The Queen anyway, Just makes that stunt of mocking and reenacting The Cursty in the Netflix Docu-series seem even more ridiculous.

One last point, I do believe that Story now that the Sussex's have been instructed that any further communication (No Family -No Aides) is to be directed to The Firms Legal Office, after Harry went after Senior Private Secretary's and questioned his own Edward Lane Fox's "smarts" too.

I find the inconsistencies amazing. Especially the bit about private conversations being kept "private".
I can't imagine anyone in the Family now even speaking to him about anything.

Meghan met the queen first.

If my new boyfriend told me that I needed to curtsy to his grandma in a private gathering, I would think it was a joke. I’ve always thought the curtsy was something done in public.
At this rate Charlotte will be getting a fitting for her own wedding dress before we stop talking about her bridesmaid dress.
Points have been made.

I think there are other things that Harry revealed about himself that is more worthy of discussion.

I agree 100%. I only brought it up because it is one of the few points I concede to the Sussexes and it kind of sticks in my craw that some people still can't understand why Meghan was so hurt by it.

But yes. The damn bridesmaids dresses are the least noteworthy thing to come out of Harry's ill-advised screed.
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