"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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This was mentioned in a news segment which has since been taken private/made no longer available so it is therefore not considered a trustworthy source according to our forum rules. We’ll be refraining from discussing those allegations unless they are reported in a credible manner.

My apologies and thank you for making me aware.
The context was given, they were meeting his grandmother who is the Queen. Of course, he bows to her and Meghan would have known that if her husband had endeavored to properly tell her way before. If family members do it, why wouldn’t a future in law do so?

Because bowing and curtsying to people is anathema to Americans.

He and Fergie gave her a crash course and it seems to have gone well.
Yes. I’d be like, “Are you serious?” In any event, she appears to have shaken off the unexpected surprise and executed the curtsy correctly.

You woud know if you were dating Harry, that his grandmother is the queen? And that people curtsy or bow to her in public quite often?
I have scanned the comments on DM - I have to confess that I have read some of them with considerable glee, wicked that I am - some of the observations that are recurring are that the silence from the BRF appears to wind Harry even more up. - That is the interviews are becoming more and more outrageous and more and more inconsistent.

I do think the commentators have a point. There really is no need for the BRF to comment on anything. it would probably only result in a word-feud that would not benefit the BRF at all. Instead Harry is having a melt down in full global glare.

Another point the commenters are making is the silence from Meghan.
She's not out supporting her husband. She's not even appearing anywhere near her husband. She's out of sight.
Many of the commentators have their theories about that and that is basically outside the topic of this thread and I won't speculate about that, since I have no idea as to why Meghan is not seen about, but it is an interesting observation.
Because bowing and curtsying to people is anathema to Americans.

He and Fergie gave her a crash course and it seems to have gone well.
so if it was so much anathema to this particular American, why did she marry him?
"I love grandmas" is such a strange thing to say anyway. I wouldn't say it about meeting my boyfriend's grandmother for the first time ever. Let alone my boyfriend queen grandmother.

Utterly disrespectful. Sounds like "I love puppies, they're so sweet and they make me laugh". Meaning, "Old people are so sweet, aren't they cute?"

Earth to Meghan: each grandma is an individual and doesn't exist to make you laugh. Each grandma has a personality of her own and it's insulting to suggest that the two of you will instantly click without doing any work.
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Whether he says anything unkind or not isn't as important as breaching her privacy for money. He's not a poor man. He worked for QE2 as well as Charles & Diana. He would have had lots of opportunities post-royal service to make a fortune as a celebrity butler without resorting to exploiting a dead woman for decades. I believe Diana's sons have every right to criticise Burrell, despite what Harry is doing currently.

They may have a right to criticise him. it does not mean that Harry's betrayal is not far far worse than BUrrells. He mainly has written about Diana, and he IS comparatively poor. He was a royal servant, starting as a footman at 18. Harry is a Prince who is a millionaire, and he has not just exploited his connection to Diana but to most of his family, and has abused many in his family and dragged up all sorts of people in his past, to make fun of them and laugh about them, like his Matron..
Actually, he was resentful because he himself couldn’t cry. Listening to the memoir it seems he was in denial about his mother’s passing, and engaged in magical thinking. I don’t think this is unusual.

If I've remembered correctly, he seems to have said that until he was 23, ie 10 years after Di's death, he made himself believe that she was in hiding, that's a long time to hold onto a delusion.....
You woud know if you were dating Harry, that his grandmother is the queen? And that people curtsy or bow to her in public quite often?

In public, yes. It wouldn’t occur to me that they’d expect me to do in private. I actually wouldn’t have an expectation of meeting the queen.
Could somebody tell me why we are discussing a curtsy and dresses or even Paul Burrell when Harry is admitting he can be horrible to people , violent and takes drugs.
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Because bowing and curtsying to people is anathema to Americans.

He and Fergie gave her a crash course and it seems to have gone well.

But she wasn’t in America anymore.

She was dating a member of a royal family. Expect that things are going to be very different.
so if it was so much anathema to this particular American, why did she marry him?

It’s clear she fell in love with him. So as most in law relationships you wind up adapting.
I don't know if it's geolocked, but here's Harry on Colbert, complete with tequila.

I'm not sure he got the band playing "Born Under A Bad Sign" as his intro music. (Actually, the only interesting thing I can find about Harry's birth is that he was born at 4:20pm. Which I'm sure he figured out sometime long ago.)

Harry actually comes across as slightly saner than I'd been expecting through second-hand reports the last few days, and Stephen is pretty easy on him, but he still freely admits almost first thing that he believes his family, personally, is working against the book.

Also I'm not sure Harry is aware of what year it is. He thinks it's been two years since January 2020?

Also: I notice they had to tone done the jingling of his bracelets compared to a clip that got released earlier.

Also, you'll all be glad to know the dog-bowl necklace is fixed.
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In public, yes. It wouldn’t occur to me that they’d expect me to do in private. I actually wouldn’t have an expectation of meeting the queen.

I seriously doubt if Meghan dated Harry just for the pleasure of his company. She intended to meet the queen, and H should have advised her that a curtsey was going to be mandatory....
I have scanned the comments on DM - I have to confess that I have read some of them with considerable glee, wicked that I am - some of the observations that are recurring are that the silence from the BRF appears to wind Harry even more up. - That is the interviews are becoming more and more outrageous and more and more inconsistent.

I do think the commentators have a point. There really is no need for the BRF to comment on anything. it would probably only result in a word-feud that would not benefit the BRF at all. Instead Harry is having a melt down in full global glare.

Another point the commenters are making is the silence from Meghan.
She's not out supporting her husband. She's not even appearing anywhere near her husband. She's out of sight.
Many of the commentators have their theories about that and that is basically outside the topic of this thread and I won't speculate about that, since I have no idea as to why Meghan is not seen about, but it is an interesting observation.

I have to admit to having the same thoughts and questions as I'm scrolling through the comments and posts on social media. While many of the latest postings are outside of this forum because they are, as of yet, unconfirmed though long rumored gossip and therefore I won't post or discuss them here, there does seem to be a few consistent threads. Much of the consistency seems to revolve around the fact that the quieter the BRF remains, the more Harry appears to swerve completely off the rails. At this point the silent strategy appears to be working very, very well for them.
I have scanned the comments on DM - I have to confess that I have read some of them with considerable glee, wicked that I am - some of the observations that are recurring are that the silence from the BRF appears to wind Harry even more up. - That is the interviews are becoming more and more outrageous and more and more inconsistent.

I do think the commentators have a point. There really is no need for the BRF to comment on anything. it would probably only result in a word-feud that would not benefit the BRF at all. Instead Harry is having a melt down in full global glare.

Another point the commenters are making is the silence from Meghan.
She's not out supporting her husband. She's not even appearing anywhere near her husband. She's out of sight.
Many of the commentators have their theories about that and that is basically outside the topic of this thread and I won't speculate about that, since I have no idea as to why Meghan is not seen about, but it is an interesting observation.

Harry is telling HIS story. Why would she make appearances to promote his memoir?
Could somebody tell me why we are discussing a curtesy and dresses or even Paul Burrell when Harry is admitting he can be horrible to people , violent and takes drugs.

Im not personally surprised any more at anything that Harry does, Im a little shocked at the nastiness to his matron, but well it is pretty much what he has become or always was, not very bright, more than a little disturbed and often very nasty. Its hardly a secret that he took drugs and drank heavily for years and that he fought with anyone he could, and his bodyguards were probably kept busy holding him back from fights. I wouldn't be surprised if he is still dirnking or taking some kind of drugs. There are simply so many things that he's been doing, that he has now really shouted out in public, that are unpleasant, whether its criticising Burrell for doing much the same as he was doing himself, or dragging up arguments about wedding clothes years after they should have been forgotten. And he has shown stunning lack of knowledge about how things are done in his family, which he's now admitting too.. like he did not know that he had to get the queen's permission to marry.... its all of a piece.
She didn’t adapt imo.

I dont think she intended to. She just wnated to marry into the RF and get a HIHO arrangement as soon as she could, while ignoring as many of the rules as she coudl.
Harry is telling HIS story. Why would she make appearances to promote his memoir?
It would be a natural thing to do. Her husband is after all getting a lot of heat and he is also telling her story.
Could somebody tell me why we are discussing a curtesy and dresses or even Paul Burrell when Harry is admitting he can be horrible to people , violent and takes drugs.
I already made a post on his behavior so I don’t get your point? People have posted on his bad behavior so what’s the issue?
It would be a natural thing to do. Her husband is after all getting a lot of heat and he is also telling her story.

It would seem that offering her support, even if it's simply being pictured with him at some of these interviews, would certainly garner attention. And frankly, we all know that Meghan has never been shy about being pictured with Harry and they've told us that they do everything, absolutely everything, as a team. I have zero doubt that if she were on this promotional tour and was receiving the same kind of heat he's receiving she would expect him to be by her side and very publicly defending her. The fact that she's not doing the same and has, in fact, been completely and totally silent and out of sight speaks volumes.
Let's move on from the curtseying to the Queen thing, it's beginning to derail the thread.
I’ve been skipping around the book and I’m now listening to his army years. Very interesting. It feels like he truly found himself in the army.
It would be a natural thing to do. Her husband is after all getting a lot of heat and he is also telling her story.

I don't know (or frankly, care) why she isn't, but it's more interesting to see Harry speaking on his own for a few minutes.
They may have a right to criticise him. it does not mean that Harry's betrayal is not far far worse than BUrrells. He mainly has written about Diana, and he IS comparatively poor. He was a royal servant, starting as a footman at 18. Harry is a Prince who is a millionaire, and he has not just exploited his connection to Diana but to most of his family, and has abused many in his family and dragged up all sorts of people in his past, to make fun of them and laugh about them, like his Matron..

I didn't say Harry's betrayal wasn't far worse than Burrell's, of course it is. My point is that I find Burrell's actions over two decades sickening. It's entirely possible to believe this, while also condemning Harry for his betrayals, while also believing that Harry has the right to call Burrell out for it.

I don't think we'll come to any agreement on this so I'll leave it there.
Wowza, I wonder if this will be the moment that the fairytale meets real life.

Surely, The Sussex's have by now realized that the revelations in The Book did not cast Harry in the light he was aiming for.
Like the blowback from Veterans and Security Personnel regarding his foolish comments on "Taliban Kills" resonated with him enough, to bring it up and try to explain it away on Colbert last night.


from what I saw on the summary of the Colbart show, he is blaming the bad press on the Royal family. Not sure how he comes to that conclusion.
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So there's now an article from the Mail stating that Harry wrote that his memory is faulty and "curates as it sees fit" but that his memory has just as much truth as "so-called objective facts." Seriously? Make it make sense, folks. The mental gymnastics required here...whew. Just because your brain and memory tell you something is true or that it happened just as you believe it did does not, in and of itself, mean that it's true. In fact, some would argue that believing your own thoughts/memories but admitting that they're faulty might actually be the very definition of delusion.
After all those publications, comments and discussions, which are never ending, the question for me still remains:

WHY WHY did he do all this? To relieve himself? Did a therapist advise him? Did Meghan advise him? Or is it just revenge? Or did he do it for money? So many questions I have.

He should have known that this book would be discussed worldwide on the media (something he always hated..) and should have been aware of all the really , what I call "trash TV" details being discussed and critizied.
Maybe he is just not intelligent or sensible or educted or clever enough...

I think he wants to destroy the British monarchy and all of what it is standing for. The traditions, for example the Colbert show, where they were mocking him and he was surely told about this before, the scene where Meghan exaggerated the bowing to the Queen.

He can do all this but not expecting that the royal family will discuss it with him and change. He is delusional about that.
That answer will be in two parts.

It is totally unacceptable to behave in a way and/or make demands of your employees that makes them break down. Period. End of discussion.
In most European countries such behavior would see the employer end up in court and/or with a strike on their hands.

As for the bodyguard, unfortunately I think such behavior is more common than we may think. So bodyguards in general and that also includes royal protection officers are no doubt trained for and prepared for their charge sometimes behaving like a brawling drunkard.
I guess the officer in question if he was hurt to any extent at all, would simply report it as a work-related injury.

- Having said that, once Harry sobered up, he should if he had any decency within him apologize unreservedly not only to the officer he hit but also to the rest of the team.
Keep in mind that this was not a rare occurrence vis a vis the officer remarking that he (Harry) was handful tonight.

I would feel deeply embarrassed if I had treated people, whom I entrusted my life, in such an appalling way.
However, like I said before, it's probably way more common than we think.

I think it’s clear in the book that Harry sees various bodyguards and minders as almost parental figures. The relationship he describes between him and Charles is loving but not comfortable. I doubt Harry would have felt it was safe to act out around Charles in a way that’s normal for adolescents in many families, by openly testing boundaries because they want to separate from their parents, but also feel secure in the relationship they have with them.

The problem is that Harry was acting out with the bodyguards well past adolescence, and they were employees with no real authority over him.

Harry seems like he was the sort of kid who needed firm, consistent guidance from a parent who wasn’t afraid to lay down the law and be the bad guy. Some kids are resilient and will do ok with limited parental involvement - Harry wasn’t one of them. He needed a drill sergeant and Charles was an absent minded (and absent) poet.
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