"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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For the life of me, in the last three years I haven’t understood what do Charles and William have to apologize for. What wrong did they do to H&M?
I’m wondering the same question you’re asking because it makes no sense at all! The two of them over exaggerate and put out a lot of imagined slights.

I agree; I'm sure the interview was vetted, or Harry wouldn't agree to it in the first place. He has yet to be asked to substantiate any of his allegations.

It's somewhat ironic the Cooper's ancestress, Consuelo Vanderbilt, was the first to use the term Spare.
Consuelo is not an ancestress, but a distant relative. Anderson’s closer ties in aristocracy is to the Earls of Winchelsea and Counts von und zu Eltz families. But yes Consuelo was the one who made the term and funny enough, Diana herself I think used the terms too.
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"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

For the life of me, in the last three years I haven’t understood what do Charles and William have to apologize for. What wrong did they do to H&M?

They didn’t do what Harry and Meghan wanted. It’s that simple imo.

So, it’s been one long public temper tantrum ever since. Probably made worse by the BRF not publicly apologizing to them and agreeing how terribly horribly wronged they were in every single way.

They’re still pretty bitter over not getting HIHO. They’ve made that pretty clear in recent interviews.

I don’t think the BRF is perfect, but they do mostly know how to keep private matters private. And they do their jobs.

Anyway- it’ll be interesting to see if these interviews add anything or if it’s just basically the same thing again. Same goes for the book.
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What would interest me most in 'Spare' and the promotion interviews is a detailed breakdown of specific grievances. For example, "this lie about me/Meghan was printed in this newspaper on this date saying this. The truth, however, is this but BP/KP refused to comment or permit me to deny it. Meanwhile, this falsehood about William/Kate/Charles was printed and BP/KP refuted it." I want to see multiple examples of this alleged different treatment rather than the vague generalisations that have been given so far. Unless Harry divulges specific, relevant information with names and dates, his interviews and book will just be an extension of his endless, over-privileged whinge.

I think this is an important point. Stop being vague and give details. Which offenses, who, when. Otherwise given your less than impressive track record since leaving I don't really believe that everyone else held you back.

Anderson Cooper is a real journalist, but he would not have been picked to do this interview if he was going to be anything other than a soft touch with entire pre approved questions.
I dont think that it will be all that hard hitting. Im sure that Harry would never agree to questions that made him look bad.

We are speculating, but while Anderson Cooper can be a serious journalist, he is capable of producing fluff, so if that's what happens, no surprise to me. Harry isn't a political figure, and in my view he appears quite vulnerable emotionally, so any interviewer would have to be careful about being too hard-hitting lest Harry become angry and shut down.

The trailer for the interview says that Harry "wants a family, not an institution" or something like that. He suggests that he wants his brother and father "back." Why on earth would his family ever trust him again? They may establish superficial connections, but if he were my brother I would never trust him with my own experiences, thoughts, or feelings.

He is quoted as saying that negative stories were "planted" about him and Meghan and blames his family. Well, if it were true that the communication staff "planted" stories (although for what it is worth, I have heard at least three British journalists assert that they were never given stories, and that they always had to go searching for them), then Harry should have known what to do about it. He keeps saying that he knows how things work. Harry was a senior royal--he could have exerted some control in the situation. I'm afraid his version of events is very curious; he casts himself in a powerless position, victimized by his family and their communication staff. I have no doubt that the paid courtiers and staff of the BRF have particular loyalties; that likely shows up in formal communications. To suggest that there was an all out campaign against Harry and Meghan does not ring true to me. There would be no gain for anyone in the BRF to embark on or tolerate such a campaign. No, I think Harry has it wrong. I can only speculate as to what his mental state might be that would create such persistent suspiciousness.
Harry becoming angry and shutting down would also be excellent television. Does it matter?

Many, many people have made mention of Harry's paranoid tendencies, which he may have inherited through his mother and from what he remembers of her, and where the former drinking and drug use surely didn't help. At this point, they may be more than tendencies.
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We are speculating, but while Anderson Cooper can be a serious journalist, he is capable of producing fluff, so if that's what happens, no surprise to me. Harry isn't a political figure, and in my view he appears quite vulnerable emotionally, so any interviewer would have to be careful about being too hard-hitting lest Harry become angry and shut down.

The trailer for the interview says that Harry "wants a family, not an institution" or something like that. He suggests that he wants his brother and father "back." Why on earth would his family ever trust him again? They may establish superficial connections, but if he were my brother I would never trust him with my own experiences, thoughts, or feelings.

He is quoted as saying that negative stories were "planted" about him and Meghan and blames his family. Well, if it were true that the communication staff "planted" stories (although for what it is worth, I have heard at least three British journalists assert that they were never given stories, and that they always had to go searching for them), then Harry should have known what to do about it. He keeps saying that he knows how things work. Harry was a senior royal--he could have exerted some control in the situation. I'm afraid his version of events is very curious; he casts himself in a powerless position, victimized by his family and their communication staff. I have no doubt that the paid courtiers and staff of the BRF have particular loyalties; that likely shows up in formal communications. To suggest that there was an all out campaign against Harry and Meghan does not ring true to me. There would be no gain for anyone in the BRF to embark on or tolerate such a campaign. No, I think Harry has it wrong. I can only speculate as to what his mental state might be that would create such persistent suspiciousness.

I think some journalists would say that some stories about the Cambridges (that were) and the Sussexes did come from the others teams. I don’t honk planted was the word but they definitely found out when they went digging. Harry was involved in that and more than that we have evidence of them trying to control the narrative.

Harry becoming angry and shutting down would also be excellent television. Does it matter?

Many, many people have made mention of Harry's paranoid tendencies, which he may have inherited through his mother and from what he remembers of her, and where the former drinking and drug use surely didn't help. At this point, they may be more than tendencies.

Many of them have tantrums. Andrew and Edward literally walked off from various interviews. Well one each I can remember.

I think he was always like this. The team just controlled him well.

You have to make money. There isn’t long left in the 15 minutes. At the moment it is al sunshine and light with Zara and her family. You only command attention for so long. And people are tired, and the health service is on it’s knees, people are ill, broke, there is war. Interest in Harry and his rich boy antics won’t last too much longer. Because honestly I do think he is worthy of empathy and consideration but not form the reasons he says.
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Who was Harry referring to when he said that the HIHO was allowed before? Is he talking about Edward and Sophie? Because that short lived arrangement was hardly a resounding success, and as far as working royals go, they were much further down the line than Harry would have been.

I'm sure he would have been allowed some sort of military posting, but that would not have earned him the big bucks he seemed to have his eyes on.
Who was Harry referring to when he said that the HIHO was allowed before? Is he talking about Edward and Sophie? Because that short lived arrangement was hardly a resounding success, and as far as working royals go, they were much further down the line than Harry would have been.

I'm sure he would have been allowed some sort of military posting, but that would not have earned him the big bucks he seemed to have his eyes on.

did he not say before that he only signed up with netflix and spotify because his father cut him off financially. So I assume the intention was to live in America with his father financing them, and they did not intend to earn money in their own right.
Who was Harry referring to when he said that the HIHO was allowed before? Is he talking about Edward and Sophie? Because that short lived arrangement was hardly a resounding success, and as far as working royals go, they were much further down the line than Harry would have been.

I'm sure he would have been allowed some sort of military posting, but that would not have earned him the big bucks he seemed to have his eyes on.

They have been vaguely insinuating loads of people were allowed to this. First amount them I think B and E…but that isn’t true. They apparently name loads of people. Prince Michael too. To be fair there is always a bit of hedging around providing homes for people who don’t necessarily work for the family. But what they have is nothing on the scale of what Harry and Meghan wanted.

did he not say before that he only signed up with netflix and spotify because his father cut him off financially. So I assume the intention was to live in America with his father financing them, and they did not intend to earn money in their own right.

I thought that was the points of half in and half out. They could earn their own money? How were they going to make money then? To be honest they don’t seem to know what they want. Ever. And now all their advisors have gone too.
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"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

did he not say before that he only signed up with netflix and spotify because his father cut him off financially. So I assume the intention was to live in America with his father financing them, and they did not intend to earn money in their own right.

They said they wanted to be “financially independent” in their little manifesto.

I think in reality they still wanted paid security, money from daddy, the ability to do the royal duties they liked, AND the freedom to do whatever they wanted when they were “half out.” Which included whatever money making opportunities they could come up with- but clearly included selling their royal status.
Who was Harry referring to when he said that the HIHO was allowed before? Is he talking about Edward and Sophie? Because that short lived arrangement was hardly a resounding success, and as far as working royals go, they were much further down the line than Harry would have been.

I'm sure he would have been allowed some sort of military posting, but that would not have earned him the big bucks he seemed to have his eyes on.

Perhaps The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence? Gatcombe Park is an ongoing business concern for PA and her husband didn't retire from the Navy until 2011.

Anyway, it is my belief that heartfelt reconciliation is less important to Harry than full restoration of the visible status indicators afforded to the senior working Royals. Things like full-time armed taxpayer-funded police protection, balcony appearances, more prominent seating at Royal ceremonies, etc. seem to be very important to the Sussexes. He claims to want a family, not an institution. He can start by hotfooting it down to Rosarita to meet his father-in-law.

Anderson Cooper is a good choice for Harry's interview. Personally, I've always liked him.
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Perhaps The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence? Gatcombe Park is an ongoing business concern for PA and her husband didn't retire from the Navy until 2011.

Anyway, it is my belief that heartfelt reconciliation is less important to Harry than full restoration of the visible status indicators afforded to the senior working Royals. Things like full-time armed taxpayer-funded police protection, balcony appearances, more prominent seating at Royal ceremonies, etc. seem to be very important to the Sussexes. He claims to want a family, not an institution. He can start by hotfooting it down to Rosarita to meet his father-in-law.

Anderson Cooper is a good choice for Harry's interview. Personally, I've always liked him.

Gatcombe Park is I think now run by Peter. At least that festival they have. The husband was never a working royal…which is really the way all spouses not married to the heir should be.

Who knows what they are mad about. I don’t think I actually have ever found out. Saying No. Not defending them…they don’t even defend themselves.
Gatcombe Park is I think now run by Peter. At least that festival they have. The husband was never a working royal…which is really the way all spouses not married to the heir should be.

Who knows what they are mad about. I don’t think I actually have ever found out. Saying No. Not defending them…they don’t even defend themselves.

I suspect they meant Mike and Zara, given that their friendly media made that comparison several times. The problem with the comparison, of course, is that Zara is untitled and has never been a working royal, and that Mike was famous and known in his own right for his career in rugby. Plus, her own Olympic eventing career. Their commercial deals have never been in conflict with the royal family in a way that just wasn’t possible for Harry as the son of the King.
They have been vaguely insinuating loads of people were allowed to this. First amount them I think B and E…but that isn’t true. They apparently name loads of people. Prince Michael too. To be fair there is always a bit of hedging around providing homes for people who don’t necessarily work for the family. But what they have is nothing on the scale of what Harry and Meghan wanted.

That's not quite the same thing as Harry and his wife. Beatrice and Eugenie were told early on that they needed to get proper jobs (or at least the illusion of them) because they were never going to be full time working royals with funding and perks that go with the job.

It's one thing to be a working royal that dabbles in low key paid enterprises (the Queen herself had a stable of racing horses that won monetary prizes and Charles' Duchy is a for profit business), but quite another to be a celebrity for hire living in another country than the one you are theoretically representing.
That's not quite the same thing as Harry and his wife. Beatrice and Eugenie were told early on that they needed to get proper jobs (or at least the illusion of them) because they were never going to be full time working royals with funding and perks that go with the job.

It's one thing to be a working royal that dabbles in low key paid enterprises (the Queen herself had a stable of racing horses that won monetary prizes and Charles' Duchy is a for profit business), but quite another to be a celebrity for hire living in another country than the one you are theoretically representing.

I know. I was answering who they are talking about. There is no one.
did he not say before that he only signed up with netflix and spotify because his father cut him off financially. So I assume the intention was to live in America with his father financing them, and they did not intend to earn money in their own right.
They said they wanted to be “financially independent” in their little manifesto.

I think in reality they still wanted paid security, money from daddy, the ability to do the royal duties they liked, AND the freedom to do whatever they wanted when they were “half out.” Which included whatever money making opportunities they could come up with- but clearly included selling their royal status.

They did mention about being "financially independent" in their manifesto by giving up Sovereign Grant, but didn't they also mention about still getting money from Duchy of Cornwall and retaining their RPO? (Who know whether it means they expect his father, his brother, and maybe later his nephew to finance him indefinitely)
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The thing I'm excited to see is where TRH The Duke and Duchess go next after Spare.

As others have said, discussing their experiences within the British Royal Family has diminishing returns the more they do it and the longer they're out of the institution. So where do they go from here?

I think that HRH The Duchess of Sussex will get a job on a fluff news show, either the third hours of NBC's Today or ABC's Good Morning America, or a soft panel show like The Talk, before getting her own talk show (probably named something cheeky like "Just Meghan") where she highlights organizations align with her interests in women's rights.

HRH The Duke of Sussex will probably focus on the philanthropic side of the Archewell Foundation, especially the Invictus Games, while mainly being a stay-at-home dad. He will be eligible to get U.S. citizenship this year, so that might be something he strives for as well (although I've heard that he's not interested in doing so, but I'm not sure).

I don't believe that TRH The Sussexes will take up royal duties again, but I do believe that they will be at big events like HM The King's coronation and first Trooping the Colour as king.
HRH The Duke of Sussex will probably focus on the philanthropic side of the Archewell Foundation, especially the Invictus Games, while mainly being a stay-at-home dad. He will be eligible to get U.S. citizenship this year, so that might be something he strives for as well (although I've heard that he's not interested in doing so, but I'm not sure).

I am not aware of Prince Harry even having permanent resident status in the United States. The rumors were that he was still on an A1 (i.e., diplomatic) visa. I don't see how he would be eligible to "get U.S. citizenship this year". Maybe you would like to elaborate.

In any case, if Harry became a naturalized citizen of the United States, he would be required by law to renounce all his foreign titles as well as his allegiance to any foreign monarch (in this case, his father) prior to naturalization. I don't see him doing that. After all, how would his brand be affected if he were no longer HRH The Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex?
I strongly disagree with Harry's point of view but I think he truly believes that William allowed his staff to plant negative stories about Meghan - the first being the row over bridesmaids dresses. They feel that William and Catherine were jealous of Meghan and were trying to make her unpopular. I think they believe that William and Catherine should apologize for that.

Some people on this board will agree with Meghan and Harry, but I doubt that anyone besides William knows. There would have been other witnesses at fitting, including staff and the mothers of the other girls. Regardless, they have blown that one story out of proportion. It only got "legs" when other allegations that Meghan was difficult surfaced. Again, I don't think William and/or Catherine were behind these stories, we know that Valentine Low actually witnesses Meghan snapping at her staff.

I'm sure that William and Catherine did not handle everything perfectly but Harry and Meghan have smeared them, along with most of the rest of the family as racist. That more than balances out any perceived wrongs that William and Catherine committed. Also, we now know that at the same time, Meghan was feeding negative information about Catherine to Omid Scobie, so they really don't have any room to criticize.

I don't understand why Harry thinks that the family should have been more proactive in caring for Meghan's mental health. Harry admitted that he didn't ask his family for help and I still don't understand why two people in their mid-thirties, with their own doctors and staff, needed his family's help to arrange counselling.

Harry's anger with Charles is probably more complicated. Obviously, Harry is still struggling with Diana's death and blames Charles for her unhappiness. At the same time, Harry loves his father. Harry is just going to have to accept that Charles can't change the past and learn to let go. Until Harry does, he will never be truly happy.

It's also obvious that Harry resents Charles lack of support for the HIHO and the refusal to pay for their security. In my opinion, the HIHO would have consisted of Harry keeping his military patronages and appearing whenever they wanted. It might have worked if Harry and Meghan had made money with a few acting jobs and sitting on uncontroversial corporate boards but that type of income would probably not maintain their current lifestyle.

I'm going back and forth about whether they will show up at the coronation. I am sure Charles will issue the invitation and I think the way Andrew was treated at Christmas will be the blueprint. If they attend, they will not have an official role but as Charles' son and daughter-in-law, they will have good seats. I tend to think William and Catherine will be polite but if the book is too nasty, all bets are off.
The thing I'm excited to see is where TRH The Duke and Duchess go next after Spare.

As others have said, discussing their experiences within the British Royal Family has diminishing returns the more they do it and the longer they're out of the institution. So where do they go from here?

I think that HRH The Duchess of Sussex will get a job on a fluff news show, either the third hours of NBC's Today or ABC's Good Morning America, or a soft panel show like The Talk, before getting her own talk show (probably named something cheeky like "Just Meghan") where she highlights organizations align with her interests in women's rights.

HRH The Duke of Sussex will probably focus on the philanthropic side of the Archewell Foundation, especially the Invictus Games, [... ]

I thought that Meghan would be a natural on a morning show or even her own show, but recent and current Sussex activity may very well drive away mainstream newsmakers whom networks count on to keep their talk shows relevant. You can have all of the well-diggers and soup kitchen founders in the world, but at the end of the day, you need a Tom Cruise or Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn Beckham during sweeps week. Top tier celebs tend to favor the Monarchy.
I strongly disagree with Harry's point of view but I think he truly believes that William allowed his staff to plant negative stories about Meghan - the first being the row over bridesmaids dresses. They feel that William and Catherine were jealous of Meghan and were trying to make her unpopular. I think they believe that William and Catherine should apologize for that.

Some people on this board will agree with Meghan and Harry, but I doubt that anyone besides William knows. There would have been other witnesses at fitting, including staff and the mothers of the other girls. Regardless, they have blown that one story out of proportion. It only got "legs" when other allegations that Meghan was difficult surfaced. Again, I don't think William and/or Catherine were behind these stories, we know that Valentine Low actually witnesses Meghan snapping at her staff.

I'm sure that William and Catherine did not handle everything perfectly but Harry and Meghan have smeared them, along with most of the rest of the family as racist. That more than balances out any perceived wrongs that William and Catherine committed. Also, we now know that at the same time, Meghan was feeding negative information about Catherine to Omid Scobie, so they really don't have any room to criticize.

I don't understand why Harry thinks that the family should have been more proactive in caring for Meghan's mental health. Harry admitted that he didn't ask his family for help and I still don't understand why two people in their mid-thirties, with their own doctors and staff, needed his family's help to arrange counselling.

Harry's anger with Charles is probably more complicated. Obviously, Harry is still struggling with Diana's death and blames Charles for her unhappiness. At the same time, Harry loves his father. Harry is just going to have to accept that Charles can't change the past and learn to let go. Until Harry does, he will never be truly happy.

It's also obvious that Harry resents Charles lack of support for the HIHO and the refusal to pay for their security. In my opinion, the HIHO would have consisted of Harry keeping his military patronages and appearing whenever they wanted. It might have worked if Harry and Meghan had made money with a few acting jobs and sitting on uncontroversial corporate boards but that type of income would probably not maintain their current lifestyle.

I'm going back and forth about whether they will show up at the coronation. I am sure Charles will issue the invitation and I think the way Andrew was treated at Christmas will be the blueprint. If they attend, they will not have an official role but as Charles' son and daughter-in-law, they will have good seats. I tend to think William and Catherine will be polite but if the book is too nasty, all bets are off.
This idea that William and Kate were jealous is absolute nonsense and that they were putting out bad stories about the Sussexes is stupid. Anyone who has attempted to do that, will equally get negative stories coming back their way too, so I don’t get the logic of that. There were those nonsense stories of William and Rose et al. amongst other things so the negative press of the Sussexes wouldn’t help the Cambridge’s or anyone else. The Sussexes aren’t owed a thing.
The thing I'm excited to see is where TRH The Duke and Duchess go next after Spare.

As others have said, discussing their experiences within the British Royal Family has diminishing returns the more they do it and the longer they're out of the institution. So where do they go from here?

I think that HRH The Duchess of Sussex will get a job on a fluff news show, either the third hours of NBC's Today or ABC's Good Morning America, or a soft panel show like The Talk, before getting her own talk show (probably named something cheeky like "Just Meghan") where she highlights organizations align with her interests in women's rights.

HRH The Duke of Sussex will probably focus on the philanthropic side of the Archewell Foundation, especially the Invictus Games, while mainly being a stay-at-home dad. He will be eligible to get U.S. citizenship this year, so that might be something he strives for as well (although I've heard that he's not interested in doing so, but I'm not sure).

I don't believe that TRH The Sussexes will take up royal duties again, but I do believe that they will be at big events like HM The King's coronation and first Trooping the Colour as king.
It would be funny if Harry actually got American citizenship and Invictus Games is already something he started a while ago before marriage so nothing new there.
I thought that Meghan would be a natural on a morning show or even her own show, but recent and current Sussex activity may very well drive away mainstream newsmakers whom networks count on to keep their talk shows relevant. You can have all of the well-diggers and soup kitchen founders in the world, but at the end of the day, you need a Tom Cruise or Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn Beckham during sweeps week. Top tier celebs tend to favor the Monarchy.

A listers also value privacy and discretion. The Sussexes have shown they don’t respect other people’s privacy.

Though post podcast and Netflix, I’m not so sure Meghan has what it takes to carry anything. I’m starting to see just why she was at the level she was when she met Harry. A lot of people also just don’t like her at this point. Netflix really did her no favors. Neither did the podcast imo, but Netflix was far worse.

To circle back to the book- I’d be interested in just what exactly Anderson Cooper really thinks of Harry now having gotten to spend time with him. I doubt we’ll ever really know. Both came from well known families, both men knew family tragedy and trauma. However- they differ in their responses. Anderson made a career for himself as a journalist. He’s respected in his field. He was very close to his living parent- his mother Gloria. I certainly don’t recall Anderson bashing his family. He’s made his own fortune now- telling other people’s stories interestingly enough.
I am not aware of Prince Harry even having permanent resident status in the United States. The rumors were that he was still on an A1 (i.e., diplomatic) visa. I don't see how he would be eligible to "get U.S. citizenship this year". Maybe you would like to elaborate.

In any case, if Harry became a naturalized citizen of the United States, he would be required by law to renounce all his foreign titles as well as his allegiance to any foreign monarch (in this case, his father) prior to naturalization. I don't see him doing that. After all, how would his brand be affected if he were no longer HRH The Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex?


Unless I'm reading this wrong, HRH The Duke of Sussex would be able to apply for citizenship because he's married to an American and he's spent the majority of the last three years in the United States (as of March/April 2023). You are correct about him having to relinquish his titles though.
I do like Anderson Cooper, but I think the Harry interview will indeed be the "soft" segment of 60 Minutes. They always have a colorful celeb piece - Barbra Streisand, Conan O'Brien, even Larry the Cable Guy.

Unless I'm reading this wrong, HRH The Duke of Sussex would be able to apply for citizenship because he's married to an American and he's spent the majority of the last three years in the United States (as of March/April 2023). You are correct about him having to relinquish his titles though.

He also has to be a permanent resident/green card holder for 3 years. We don't know if he has a green card.

Unless I'm reading this wrong, HRH The Duke of Sussex would be able to apply for citizenship because he's married to an American and he's spent the majority of the last three years in the United States (as of March/April 2023). You are correct about him having to relinquish his titles though.

He could 'stop using' his titles but under British law he can't 'relinquish' his titles. The time for him to do that ended on the 18th May 2019 - one year after he gained that title. Until 1963 it wasn't even possible for a British peer to relinquish a title. After that date it could be done within one year of inheriting the title (and he didn't even inherit the title) but even so the person still holds the title and just stops using it but their heir can then use it when the person renouncing dies.

He could ask parliament to pass the necessary legislation to remove the peerage titles but parliament wouldn't necessarily want to waste the time to pass such legislation. Even if parliament passed the necessary legislation to remove the peerage title he would still need Charles to formally strip him of his HRH.

US law and UK law would be in conflict on this issue. Harry can't just renounce his titles under British law.
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He could ask parliament to pass the necessary legislation to remove the peerage titles but parliament wouldn't necessarily want to waste the time to pass such legislation. Even if parliament passed the necessary legislation to remove the peerage title he would still need Charles to formally strip him of his HRH.

US law and UK law would be in conflict on this issue. Harry can't just renounce his titles under British law.

Has the issue not come up before? Has there never been a British peer who has gained American citizenship through naturalisation?

I know of several peers who were/are American citizens - Christopher Guest, for one - but I believe their American citizenship was from birth, which is a different situation.
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