"Spare" memoir by the Duke of Sussex (2023)

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I'm not that shocked he talked about his outdoor rumpy-pumpy with a horsey lady or that he had a frostbitten todger. The shocking bit to me is what he said about the Taliban, which is supremely irresponsible.
what is the chance of someone pulling our leg and having faked all these 'leaked quotes'... because they sound just so far off...i can hardly believe ths s real...

Somehow this, in combination with several of the revelations before it (primarily about his own sexual experiences, and frostbite), is what's pushed me over the edge to hoping this is all just a big joke with excerpts/headlines being made up to see how outrageous they can be before people stop believing that they're really advance quotes from the book.

Prince Harry says he needs “electric-shock therapy” to get Meghan Markle’s sex scenes from “Suits” out of his head. “I’d witnessed her and a castmate mauling each other in some sort of office or conference room,” the 36-year-old writes.
Sky News is reporting that Twitter in Afghanistan and Pakistan is going wild with people calling Harry a "murderer" and a "crusader". For someone who claims to be so concerned about security, the pieces on a chessboard comment was very ill-judged.

The pure cynic in me wonders if this was a deliberate ploy, so he can use the inevitable backlash to bolster his claim that he needs government funded security.
Dear me, he is really earning his publisher’s money. Literally complaining about tabloid stories and then he’s provided months of material in which he and his family will be ridiculed. Somebody at the Sun will be trying to track the horse loving lady down. Image the stuff being shouted at future walkabouts…especially to Willy!
In case hearing about him loosing his virginity wasn't enough...

https://pagesix.com/2023/01/05/prin...medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

Elsewhere in his tome, Harry speaks candidly about his penis and even shuts down longstanding rumors that he and his brother Prince William were uncircumcised.

“My penis was a matter of public record, and indeed some public curiosity,” Harry writes. “The press had written about it extensively. There were countless stories in books, and papers (even The New York Times) about Willy and me not being circumcised.”

He adds, “Mummy had forbidden it, they all said, and while it’s absolutely true that the chance of getting penile frostbite is much greater if you’re not circumcised, all the stories were false. I was snipped as a baby.”

Harry had been discussing how his penis was “frostnipped” during his trip to Antarctica prior to William’s wedding to Kate Middleton.

“The pre-wedding dinner was pleasant, jolly, despite Willy visibly suffering from standard groom jitters,” he says. “I regaled the company with tales of the [South] Pole. Pa was very interested and sympathetic about the discomfort of my frostnipped ears and cheeks, and it was an effort not to overshare and tell him also about my equally tender penis.

“Upon arriving home I’d been horrified to discover that my nether regions were frostnipped as well, and while the ears and cheeks were already healing, the todger wasn’t.”

Way to breach your own (and your brother's too) privacy. Enough, really, just enough.

Oh. My. God. Well. That's certainly an effort that he was no longer willing or able to make, obviously.
The pure cynic in me wonders if this was a deliberate ploy, so he can use the inevitable backlash to bolster his claim that he needs government funded security.

It did cross my mind, but I am a cynic,
In case hearing about him loosing his virginity wasn't enough...

https://pagesix.com/2023/01/05/prin...medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

Elsewhere in his tome, Harry speaks candidly about his penis and even shuts down longstanding rumors that he and his brother Prince William were uncircumcised.

“My penis was a matter of public record, and indeed some public curiosity,” Harry writes. “The press had written about it extensively. There were countless stories in books, and papers (even The New York Times) about Willy and me not being circumcised.”

He adds, “Mummy had forbidden it, they all said, and while it’s absolutely true that the chance of getting penile frostbite is much greater if you’re not circumcised, all the stories were false. I was snipped as a baby.”

Harry had been discussing how his penis was “frostnipped” during his trip to Antarctica prior to William’s wedding to Kate Middleton.

“The pre-wedding dinner was pleasant, jolly, despite Willy visibly suffering from standard groom jitters,” he says. “I regaled the company with tales of the [South] Pole. Pa was very interested and sympathetic about the discomfort of my frostnipped ears and cheeks, and it was an effort not to overshare and tell him also about my equally tender penis.

“Upon arriving home I’d been horrified to discover that my nether regions were frostnipped as well, and while the ears and cheeks were already healing, the todger wasn’t.”

Way to breach your own (and your brother's too) privacy. Enough, really, just enough.

He is describing his brothers genitals?!?

That's something you'd hesitate talking about when drunk and only being in company with "the lads."
It's deeply disrespectful. If he had a sister, would he tell a story about her t*ts?!?
What's next? Dick-pics?

What the H is going on in Harry's head?
Right now, if someone uploaded a video with William beating the crap out of Harry, it would get several million likes. Including one from me.

In my world you try your best not to embarrass people, even those you can't stand. But doing it to family, especially someone you ostensibly wish to have a good relationship with, is a huge no, no!

Personally I would never blame William if he decided to sever all ties with Harry permanently. Sometimes you just have to cut people off, some people also among relatives are poison.
Because Harry won't stop. I don't even think he can stop. He is some sort of self-destructive path, where he is goading his family on to punish him. And he will keep on provoking, probably to the very end whenever and in whatever form that may take.

- This is actually very unpleasant for me to read. I don't like watching people going down in flames and Harry is in a spin downwards right now.
The pure cynic in me wonders if this was a deliberate ploy, so he can use the inevitable backlash to bolster his claim that he needs government funded security.

But of course it somehow would not be his fault that he’d riled people up.
He is describing his brothers genitals?!?

That's something you'd hesitate talking about when drunk and only being in company with "the lads."
It's deeply disrespectful. If he had a sister, would he tell a story about her t*ts?!?
What's next? Dick-pics?

What the H is going on in Harry's head?
Right now, if someone uploaded a video with William beating the crap out of Harry, it would get several million likes. Including one from me.

In my world you try your best not to embarrass people, even those you can't stand. But doing it to family, especially someone you ostensibly wish to have a good relationship with, is a huge no, no!

Personally I would never blame William if he decided to sever all ties with Harry permanently. Sometimes you just have to cut people off, some people also among relatives are poison.
Because Harry won't stop. I don't even think he can stop. He is some sort of self-destructive path, where he is goading his family on to punish him. And he will keep on provoking, probably to the very end whenever and in whatever form that may take.

- This is actually very unpleasant for me to read. I don't like watching people going down in flames and Harry is in a spin downwards right now.

He is goading them, then when something is said or done he will then play the victim.
I'm not that shocked he talked about his outdoor rumpy-pumpy with a horsey lady or that he had a frostbitten todger. The shocking bit to me is what he said about the Taliban, which is supremely irresponsible.

I am wondering if he will use this as the "see this is why i need security". His comment about the taliban just seems so irresponsible does he even understand what he is writing or saying? OR does he even care/
It appears that is all - SKY is now having a panel - while other speed readers are going over it again.
Where is the stuff on Megxit - was it benel that they didn't even report it? We will have to see on Tuesday.
Does he actually say in one of the interviews that he wants a relationship with his father and brother again.
Here is Harry’s account of the moment he learned about the Queen’s death.

In the epilogue of the book, already published in Spain, Harry writes that he received a phone call from an unknown number on September 8, 2022.

“It was my father. The health of my grandmother had deteriorated,” he writes, adding that Charles was already in Balmoral. “Straight away I wrote to Willy to ask if he and Kate were going to fly there and, if so, when and on what terms. “He did not reply. Meg and I looked up flights. The press started calling. We could not keep on putting off the decision.”

He adds that he and his wife cancelled a scheduled appearance at a charity awards in anticipation of both rushing to Scotland but adds: “Then my father called again. He told me that I was welcome in Balmoral, but... without her. He started to explain his reasons, but they made no sense, and it was disrespectful.” Harry says he told Charles: ‘Don’t even think of talking like that about my wife.’ before realising that there had been a misunderstanding. “Apologetically, he stuttered that he simply didn’t want it to get crowded. No-one’s wife was going to go, not even Kate, he told me, so Meg shouldn’t either. Harry adds that he told his father: “You should have said that at the start.”

Having boarded a chartered plane, he said he “spent almost the whole flight looking at the clouds, reliving the last time I had spoken with my grandmother. We had been chatting long and hard about four days ago. We touched on many themes: her health, of course; the chaos in Downing Street; the Braemar Games, which she felt she could not attend because she was not feeling well”.
The Duke adds: “When the plane started to descend I saw that my phone lit up. It was a message from Meg: “Call me when you get this.”
“I looked at the BBC website. My grandmother had died. My father was king.


So while Charles was trying to come to terms with the death of his mother, he had to deal with the temper tantrum from his son.
At this point, my only hope is that Harry will not say anything negative or harmful on George, Charlotte or Louis. ?
From what have been released by now, he has no limits and couldn't care less hurting his family.
Here is Harry’s account of the moment he learned about the Queen’s death.

So while Charles was trying to come to terms with the death of his mother, he had to deal with the temper tantrum from his son.

So no one's wife came but Harry threw a tantrum because Meghan was included...Doesn't make any sense!
I'm not that shocked he talked about his outdoor rumpy-pumpy with a horsey lady or that he had a frostbitten todger. The shocking bit to me is what he said about the Taliban, which is supremely irresponsible.

Especially when he said that the men he killed were like chess pieces on a board to him and that he didn't really think of them as real persons. A Tory MP who used to be a colonel in the Army said to the Mail that "real soldiers" would not make a comment like that and that it was disgraceful.

I don't dare to assume that I know what goes on a soldier's mind in a real combat situation and I understand different people have conflicting emotions about enemy combatants, but boasting about your number of kills in that way, especially for an officer (he was a Captain at the time) and a person in his social position as a member of the Royal Family with all that they represent, it just feels off.
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Dear God...this is a disaster of epic proportions and I don't mean for the RF. This is 100% a disaster for Harry and, by extension, Meghan. He has singlehandedly made them and especially himself a laughingstock. If there was any doubt whatsoever that Harry was on a serious downward spiral this book has put paid to that in full. I'm both shocked and appalled that Meghan allowed this to go to press. There's nothing anyone could ever say to convince me that she didn't read and re-read every word of this multiple times before it was signed off on and I can't for the life of me figure how or why she would allow this. It went from comically cringey to dangerous fast. There's already rumors floating around the not so pro-Sussex side of social media that she's planning to use it against Harry later on and while I don't wish to speculate about any of that, it does seem very, very unwise to allow this to go out in the world. While this is Harry's book, not hers, and some will say she can't be held responsible for its content, I still fully believe that she had a say and influence and the fact that his comments about his military service risk putting their family at great harm seems both stupid and reckless.

I'd say his relationship with his family is dead and gone, never to be revived. But protecting the family he has created in California certainly doesn't appear to have been foremost in his mind when he released this to the world.
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Yes. It’s very cringe.

I can’t believe he “went there” with the Taliban. That literally should be about the last thing he talks about imo. And his tone….

I’m not sure “wise” and Harry go together. About much of anything.

Is he allowed to say these kind of allegations ? I would think that there is confidentiality in the actions done while in the army
What was the point of over sharing his past sexual “ex escapades” when he was under 18? I wonder if Meghan has read the book herself because I don’t know what married man with two toddlers finds it comfortable to talk or write a book like this. This bit along with talking about his “bits and pieces” is just TMI and unneeded. Didn’t he think of what his kids will think when they are older and able to read books at that level. Ewwww! Maybe he was drunk when he was speaking to the ghostwriter? What’s next? That he didn’t use a condom. Please. :ermm:

This all reflects badly on him, not the BRF

Dear God...this is a disaster of epic proportions and I don't mean for the RF. This is 100% a disaster for Harry and, by extension, Meghan. He has singlehandedly made them and especially himself a laughingstock. If there was any doubt whatsoever that Harry was on a serious downward spiral this book has put paid to that in full. I'm both shocked and appalled that Meghan allowed this to go to press. There's nothing anyone could ever say to convince me that she didn't read and re-read every word of this multiple times before it was signed off on and I can't for the life of me figure how or why she would allow this. It went from comically cringey to dangerous fast. There's already rumors floating around the not so pro-Sussex side of social media that she's planning to use it against Harry later on and while I don't wish to speculate about any of that, it does seem very, very unwise to allow this to go out in the world. While this is Harry's book, not hers, and some will say she can't be held responsible for its content, I still fully believe that she had a say and influence and the fact that his comments about his military service risk putting their family at great harm seems both stupid and reckless.

I'd say his relationship with his family is dead and gone, never to be revived. But protecting the family he has created in California certainly doesn't appear to have been foremost in his mind when he released this to the world.

He had to make his many millions for his Cali celeb lifestyle (sarcasm) so I mean putting out these vulgar details were the key to getting the pot at the rainbow (see what I mean). It’s not a disaster, it’s going perfect because reality hasn’t hit him yet. It’s Jeremy Kyle (The Crown edition). It’s embarrassment at his expense even though he’s receiving millions
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Question - why does Page 6 and People appear to have a different book?
Page 6 headlines are about how the Prince of Wales and DOE dont talk with respect and love to their spouses and children - which is what Harry had to unlearn to be with Meghan and rise their children?

Page 6 also has Charles joking about whether Harry is his son and whether he is Philip's son - joking who actually knows?

Besides royals I follow Taylor Swift a bit. Page 6 can be horror to her. First of all, I'm pretty sure Page 6 is part of TMZ and TMZ is kinda a tabloid for men. Secondly, they don't care about truth, they just look at the money they generate. You can pay them (in money or otherwise, for example they will bury your sex tape if you sell them stories about other celebs or whatever) to write positive articles about you, even if it doesn't make sense.

People is slightly more dignified, they get feed by publicists but they will try to print the truth because otherwise it harms their reputation.
There seems to be a bit of stuff about 9/11 that doesnt really fit in to the book. And had he demanded that it be included into the tour of the US when he visited there later.

There is also more odd references about seeing Diana in a leopard in Botswana and that he feels she is watching over him. Later he tell that for a while he believed that Diana had staged her death.
Especially when he said that the men he killed were like chess pieces on a board to him and that he didn't really think of them as real persons. A Tory MP who used to be a colonel in the Army said to the Mail that "real soldiers" would not make a comment like that and that it was disgraceful.

I don't dare to assume that I know what goes on a soldier's mind in a real combat situation and I understand different people have conflicting emotions about enemy combatants, but boasting about your number of kills in that way, especially for an officer (he was a Captain at the time) and a person in his social position as a member of the Royal Family with all that they represent, it just feels off.

I was in a relationship with a Vietnam vet who was in combat, he absolutely would NOT talk about what happened. It was in the past and he wasn't proud of it, but it was kill or be killed. Apparently, Harry is proud of killing other human beings, or chess pieces in his mind. That is so revolting to me.

This talking to mediums reminds me of the final months of his mother's life, she was toying with mediums, astrologers, and the media as well. Hasn't he learned anything from the terrible way things ended for her? With the interviews and books he is going down the same path. Is he really so conceited that he thinks it won't happen to him or is he on a self-destructive downward spiral?

I wouldn't buy the book and honestly, I'm having a hard time reading some of the excerpts. I'm getting a horrible feeling of deja vu.
The Mail now has a longer and more in depth article about the "baby brain" comment. It appears that this was part of a larger conversation held after Meghan and Harry returned from their honeymoon. It seems it's William who reprimanded Meghan and told her that she was being rude while it's pretty clear that Catherine had certainly stood up for herself and made it clear that while they were hosting Meghan and Harry in their home for tea, they were certainly not close enough for Meghan to speak to her like that. It also says in black and white that there had long been simmering tensions between the two couples and that Meghan and Harry were jealous of William and Catherine's home, decor, furnishings, etc.

Another article there also states that he accuses Camilla of plotting to take the Crown. He adds that he believes it was with the blessing of his father and notes that articles came out with small details about her conversations with William and he believes that those details came from her and not from William. It'll be interesting to see what Charles chooses to do now given what we've been hearing about Camilla being the red line for him.
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What was the point of over sharing his past sexual “ex escapades” when he was under 18? I wonder if Meghan has read the book herself because I don’t know what married man with two toddlers finds it comfortable to talk or write a book like this. This bit along with talking about his “bits and pieces” is just TMI and unneeded. Didn’t he think of what his kids will think when they are older and able to read books at that level. Ewwww! Maybe he was drunk when he was speaking to the ghostwriter? What’s next? That he didn’t use a condom. Please. :ermm:

This all reflects badly on him, not the BRF

Talking about his sex life, his drug and boozing habits, and things of that sort can have two possible explanations in my opinion. Either it is part of a broader narrative in the book that Harry was close to reaching rock bottom when he was rescued and saved by Meghan, or it is just Harry going the Kardashians route. If the former, it is problematic because, at the time he met Meghan, Harry was already a working member of the Royal Family and had been previously in active service in the Army. It would be reasonable for serious journalists to ask if he had been for example drugging and boozing all along throughout that period. If the latter, on the other hand, it would be symptomatic of the Holywood reality TV/celebrity culture Harry has now been dragged into. Either way, it is a PR embarassment for him.
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Reading the excerpts, I honestly feel as if someone's having me on. Is this really what's in Harry's book? It's not a red herring, or some kind of fake distraction, to keep us all talking until the actual book comes out?

I have so much second-hand embarrassment, I could open an embarrassment consignment store and sell it on to other people.
For those thinking Harry can never return, I would like to remind you of a Dutch royal scandal, the Margarita-affair. She and her husband really harmed the Dutch Royal family around 2004, but right now she is once again part of the family. For those who don't remember article 1 and article 2.
Interesting discussion about the book in the US - this one partically.

Kinsey Schofield, an American royal journalist and podcast host who had championed Harry's book before knowing its contents, walked back her support of it.

In an article for The Express, she said: 'Since July of 2021, I have defended Prince Harry's "raw, unflinching, self-examination" now known as "Spare". This did not go without criticism from my peers...what an idiot I was.

'The victimhood narrative has become a lucrative part of the Sussex brand but can you imagine being completely content with it being your legacy? For three years Harry and Meghan have moaned and groaned about their treatment within the institution that literally gave them their platform,' she said.

There is a word that the 4 interviews - might change now that the book is read - there might be an afterwards attached them by the channels.
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